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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1792131 No.1792131 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Only people that have taken a real, supervised and professional IQ test, post your age and IQ results.
Just doing it for the stats.

If it helps, 22 & 142 (SD 15).
WAIS test @ age 16.

>> No.1792133

Is that legitimate? 145+ puts you in .1 percentile?

>> No.1792134


It is more like 147, but the percentiles get rather odd and unbalanced after about 135 or 140.

>> No.1792137

16 years old

>> No.1792140

I have my results from when I took a test around age ten, but I doubt they're valid anymore.

>> No.1792141
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>> No.1792146

20, 128.
I was barred from entering special education for not having a 130.
Feels batman.

>> No.1792147

18, 135
WAIS test, late last year.

>> No.1792148

Some high IQ's in this thread. You guys ever get annoyed that people always ask an intelligent person their IQ and then insist they're lying?

>> No.1792152

I don't share my IQ IRL. What's the point of that? And I don't really care on 4chan either, I don't even know you guys.

>> No.1792156

age: 12
IQ: over 9000

>> No.1792165

this is troll thread now

inb4 samefag

>> No.1792166

Oh come on.
We're all brothers here.
I'd take a bullet for you anon.

>> No.1792173

134 at ~10 years old

>> No.1792178


>> No.1792181


>> No.1792190

28, result was 130 about 12 years ago.

don't imagine it's a good thing to be labelled like this. especially in highschool/college.

>> No.1792195

ITT: Only people that are fundamentally insecure enough about their intelligence to take a real, supervised and professional IQ test, post your age and IQ results.
Just doing it to boast.

If it helps, 19 and I don't give a shit, I'm at Oxford. People will judge me by success not my stats.

>> No.1792212

192 at age 9. Probably way lower now.

>> No.1792231

age: 17
WAIS-IV: 1 & 54 (SD 15)

>> No.1792258

What did your application look like?

>> No.1792265

Very high and normal in different areas

averages out to like 110 or something

like Richard Feynman

>> No.1792271

I was around seven, and the result was 150-ish. (No, that's not an intentional round-up to sound impressive, I honestly do not know the detailed number anymore.)

>> No.1792276

Not insecure, was sent to take it by my parents in order to get into the gifted program.
But hey, let's project.

>> No.1792278

I think IQs are age-independent, actually.

>> No.1792279

Insisting that other people are lying is common on all of 4chan, so not really.

>> No.1792281

Pretty much the same as an application to most other Univerisites, except you have to talk less about how great of a person you are in your personal statement and more about examples of how much you love the subject you are applying for. That and the entry exam is what they use to judge if you are worthy for interview. Then all you have to do is nail the interview. Easypants.

>> No.1792287
File: 46 KB, 376x401, xkcd_sheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Over 140 - Genius or near genius

Almost everybody in every IQ thread I saw (not just here) claimed to have at least >130 IQ.
Seriously, it is like 95% percent of internet population is genius or near genius level and other 5% is very high, superior or ABOVE AVERAGE intelligent.

Seriously people WTF is wrong with you. I'm just amazed and in awe at how much people like to delude themselves.

Pic very fucking related

>> No.1792288

19, 144
Special Ed through my home school system, moved to SD and skipped 11th grade. Entered college at 16. Currently getting a BS in applied mathematics at the best school in the region. Going for a MS mebbe phd in statistics after that.

>> No.1792296

That could of course be simply because only the people with high IQs post in such threads, because the other 95% of people don't have anything to show off here. In other words, bitches don't know 'bout my sampling bias.

Now I'm sure there's also a shitload of people just lying for greater e-peen, but that needn't be all of it.

>> No.1792299

and it has to be wrong, considering 98% of americans have internet access, are we claiming that only 2 % of USA is less than 130?

>> No.1792301
File: 24 KB, 470x445, rough414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your SAT score
No lying.
I scored 2400

>> No.1792303

for a lot of clever people, your parents are all dumbasses for paying so much for professional IQ tests. Intelligence is definitely not genetic by the looks of it.

>> No.1792308

>implying it is expensive
>implying your insurance doesn't cover it even if it is expensive
>implying there cannot be a very good reason to test someone

>> No.1792309
File: 13 KB, 251x251, 1266264914944s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I'm not sure.
I know that I scored 130+, otherwise I wouldn't have qualified for the gifted program.
Just how much beyond 130?
Can't really know. I do know that I have an incredible processing speed.

As for your claim, I suppose that the Dunning-Kruger effect has a say on the matter.
Beyond that, don't be surprised that there are geniuses on /sci/.
Intelligent people like 4chan for its innate satirical tendencies and anonymity, so they can debate all that they think about without consequences.
And this isn't /b/, so you'd exclude those who would only show up to see what all the hype is about.

>> No.1792314

18, 153

>> No.1792312


>1)That could of course be simply because only the people with high IQs post in such threads
>2)Now I'm sure there's also a shitload of people just lying for greater e-peen

I wouldn't be surprised at to see scores like 115, 120, 125 but almost everyone claims that they have near genius or genius IQ, which is completely absurd.

I would pretty much go for option #2 when it comes to explaining this genius phenomenon.

>> No.1792311
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>> No.1792315
File: 15 KB, 614x604, 1266179323290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not /b/
You must be new here.

>> No.1792319


>> No.1792321

>I wouldn't be surprised at to see scores like 115, 120, 125 but almost everyone claims that they have near genius or genius IQ, which is completely absurd.
From a statistical point of view, given the reasoning I posted, it isn't absurd at all. If the first two posts claim an IQ of, say, 140 - true or not - than it stands to reason that people among the 99% with lesser IQs would simply refrain from posting in the thread to avoid having the lowest number in the thread, causing ridiculous sampling biases. It becomes even more reasonable if we assume the average IQ in /sci/ to be higher than average to start with.

>> No.1792327


>> No.1792330

age 15

>> No.1792331

Basically, the stats remain the same, and either people lie or retards don't post theirs.

>> No.1792334

142 tested a few years ago when I was around 13 or 14

i guess it's around 150 now, not sure tho

>> No.1792343

I was tested recently and got 187, I'm not sure what to make of it considering I work full time at McDonalds.

>> No.1792344
File: 84 KB, 1031x700, RobotCarnivalY20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As of this post >>1792314

Iavg=145 +/- 18

>> No.1792347


There ARE people out there who do not give a fuck about this concept which you other people overestimate because of insecure and or arrogant personality

Those people generally prove they are worthy by actually being succesful in life.

>> No.1792348

I havent done a proffesional test, but I'm pretty sure I'd get somewhere in the 130+ range considering how smart I am.

>> No.1792349

142 @ age 10

No kidding

>> No.1792354

Fuck IQs. Learn some shit, make a difference. Save mankind.

>> No.1792361

I scored 570 I took the test three times and that was my accumulative score so my average is 190. I was aged 4 btw, in case you were wondering. My question is, are you mad?

>> No.1792364


You know.. I hate to say this but..

You mad?

You seem pretty angry about IQ testing, and it doesn't really seem like it has anything to do with the people being tested.

>> No.1792365

To tell you the truth I don't care how smart I am.

Most people enjoy being smart only to elevate them above their peers purely for an instinctual urge to be competitive.

a true wise man would feel sad for the lesser minded, not able to truly understand the marvel of the universe not cast them down to elevate yourself.

a persons worth is measured by what he contributes to the the world. Potential is meaningless unless used to better oneself and/or others.

A perfect example is Jonas Salk, he cured one of the worst plagues of his time (polio) and asked for nothing in return saying"could you patent the sun?"
oh and i am smart enough to predict the response"lol u mad because you're not smart"

>> No.1792373

I agree, but how is that relevant to this thread?

>> No.1792389

It prompts others to reply without sage. The word for today is TROLL, T-R-O-L-L.

>> No.1792390

Despite the fact that I agree with your argument,

>> No.1792391


Honestly. I don't see anyone in here equating themselves to Einstein because they have a high IQ. Potential is always fun to measure, because inherently people are dreamers. At least that's the way I see it.

>> No.1792413


Why... why do you always have to come up with the thought that those who don't care about "IQ" have a low IQ. Always the same with you kids.

I guess you're just a troll, but as I know that there is a chance that you're not, I still reply. I can't live with someone being retarded without someone telling him he is.

>> No.1792422


Didn't insinuate in any fashion that you had a low IQ.
Projecting, much?

>> No.1792431


Oh you

>> No.1792436


because if you don't have a high IQ why would you post in a thread like this?

also I don't know what test I took but I scored 128 at age 16 which was supposedly close to the gifted barrier

>> No.1792452

Age 14
Score ≥140

Test I took wasn't precise enough to give an overall score above 140 since it was being done for diagnostic purposes (basically to make sure I wasn't being disruptive just because I was thick) rather than pure IQ measurement. No idea what my score in individual components was, but I'm told it was particularly strong in VCI and POI.

Still, top 2% or better. Can't complain.

>> No.1792456

16 years old

>> No.1792459

Lots of IQ mental wanking in this thread

>> No.1792462

What standard deviation were used in these tests?

Scored 118 when I was 12, but I can't remember what standard deviation it had.

>> No.1792467

ITT: Socially inept delay the onset of suicide, aka removal from gene pool, by posting pretend IQ scores.

>> No.1792475

age: 12
IQ: over9000

>> No.1792481


People won't post unless it's high, although I agree at least some of the posts here will be fake.

>> No.1792494


IQ tests are scaled to accommodate age, brainiac.

In actual fact they tend to be a little overcompensated unless they're a proper full-on multiple day test procedure, meaning your IQ now is probably somewhat lower.

>> No.1792537

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.1792551 [DELETED] 

When I was eight i wouldent do bullshit schoolwork so they thought i was retarded and tested me i scored a 128


>> No.1792553

Hello, My name is listopher Chrangan, my IQ is approximately 195.

>> No.1792572

When I was eight i wouldent do bullshit schoolwork so they thought i was retarded and tested me i scored a 128


They kept testing me every two years until we moved. My score dropped to 105 after six years. Feels bad man. Early childhood scores =/= what you are now.

Your score can fluctuate wildly based on shit like how well your sleeping and what you had fore breakfast. You can also learn to score better with practice, this dose not mean your significantly smarter than others just more skilled at the limited things they test for.

>> No.1792590
File: 50 KB, 489x400, retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I first visited 4chan, I was tested and had an IQ of about 141.
Now after consuming >10 hours of 4chan per day, my IQ decreased to 120.
And the worst thing is: I don't even care.

>> No.1792591


older brother also scored 145 on WAIS III @ 16

>> No.1794023

138 @7

>> No.1794039

105, yep I'm a dumbass.

>> No.1794063
File: 39 KB, 948x247, Screen shot 2010-09-23 at 7.05.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took the GRE supervised.

According to this website my IQ is 146.

Pic related, my GRE scores.


Do I think my IQ is 146? Probably not; but it's above 125.

>> No.1794070

I hate IQ tests. Its such a shitty way to measure intelligence. When i was 9 they thought i was a slow kid and called in a professional to give me an IQ test. It ended up i had an IQ of 133. I told them straight up i was just lazy. If i took an IQ test for my age group im sure it would be much lower since i skimmed through school.

>> No.1794075

128 @ 8

>> No.1794081


The thing is though they test you on knowledge you are supposed to have acquired. If you are lazy and didnt learn the knowledge how are you supposed to know it? IQ tests should be about solving things like puzzles or logic questions, not about things taught.

>> No.1794092

13 years old
WISC test.
Scored 134

It's probably much lower now that I'm a alcoholic. Whatever

>> No.1794101


I hate when people say they're "just too lazy."

Worst excuse, ever. You're not lazy. You crumble under pressure.

Admit it, you fools!

>> No.1794106

I was 18 and I got a 115. Fucking 115.

This career in molecular biology is going to be one hell of an uphill battle.

>> No.1794130

17 & 143
-Took the test when I was 13, since then I've taken a number of online ones to test their validity, and most of them actually get pretty close (+/- 3)

>> No.1794163

131 when I was 10.

>> No.1794167

WISC when I was 17

Scored 111

low, but lol i am engineer

>> No.1794172
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>> No.1794198

Bro, I think I have the lowest IQ here which is 110. That's like what? Only slightly better than average? I'm taking accounting which in /sci/ is pretty much hated if it's not science related.

>> No.1794215

21 and 141.
I was entered in all kinds of programs as a child for kids that were good at taking IQ tests. For some reason they excluded smart people that were bad at taking IQ tests. I never quite got that one.

>> No.1794229

I got my IQ tested by a professional homosexual who massaged my prostate to show me how he liked it. I then did the same thing to him. He gave me 150 IQ.

I am gifted and can also sexually stimulate any man without touching his penis. Success is hard to cope for those who jelly.

>> No.1794231

>9th grade honors History class
>Teacher discussing what IQ you need to have to get into the Gifted program(over 130)
> Two douches give high five's to each other in
front of me
>Have never had an IQ test nor plan on getting one
> One of the Top students in school, laziest student, miss an enormous amount of school cause I went to work instead of school
> Two tools that were in front of me got liberal art degrees, I however went into mechanical engineering
>Get 2x what they get combined
>IQ tests are for the weak and arrogant