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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1791197 No.1791197 [Reply] [Original]

hey atheists, I have a question for you.

Let's say that I've broken into your house, defeated your security systems, and have you at gunpoint. no one is coming to save you, you are disarmed, the law will never catch me, and I can shoot you if you try any martial arts bullshit. you may or may not be asking for your life (overwhelmingly likely you will, despite what you proudly assert now). point is, why should I spare you? if there is no God and I have no soul to be judged eternally, what absolute moral grounds do you have to assert it is wrong for me to kill you and your family? if God's image isn't in us, how is ending a human life any different from squashing a mosquito or slaughtering a pig?

>> No.1791206

What is your point? That theists are moral because some deity tells them to while atheists are just moral people as they are?

>> No.1791208
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>> No.1791210

Our brains our programmed to think it's wrong. If they weren't, the human race would have never survived this long.

>> No.1791217


In fact, this is what religious morals are based upon.

Human instinct. Of course they were a tad different due to a large cultural difference, but all human populations generally have the same fundamental morals.

>> No.1791219


Oh wait.

>> No.1791307

This is a good summary of why religious people scare me.

I'm an Athiest. Im good because I WANT to be. I dont need any absolute moral grounds. Maybe YOU do, but I dont. Many of us dont.

Many religious people are only good to others because they fear punishment after death/Want epic rewards.
Can you honestly tell me, That the more moral thing? If you say yes, then again, thats why religious people scare me.

>> No.1791310
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how i feel about this kind of thread

>> No.1791330
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>absolute moral grounds
now there's your problem.

>> No.1791337


copy pasta troll

>> No.1791339

I was going to type out a full response to this but then I realized 1) troll thread and 2) I'd get laughed at for using philosophy on /sci/, so I'm just gonna go back to watching tv.

>> No.1791341

>Claim moral superiority.
>Deeply and in graphic detail fantasize about killing athiests in their own homes.

. . .you need to see a shrink. Seriously.

>> No.1791344

I act morally because I think it is the right way to behave.

If the faithfolk aet with morals and compassion you do it because you want to avoid hell or score yourself some heaven points.

Conclusion: Atheists are the only people with morals of their own.

>> No.1791354

Morality is not defined by religion.

>> No.1791356

>if God's image isn't in us, how is ending a human life any different from squashing a mosquito or slaughtering a pig?

It isn't, dipshit. WE attribute value to ourselves as we desire self-preservation.

The morals from God versus lawless atheists garbage is so fucking trite.

Here's the answer. LAWS ARE PRAGMATIC. This is why we're "good." It makes sense. Pick up a fucking book from Marx, Smith, Hobbes or any of the other proponents for Liberal-Democratic IR theory....fuck.

>> No.1791370

copypasta from >>>/x/5736150

>> No.1791374

>absolute moral grounds

They don't exist, anywhere. They are just a fantasy.

What would keep you from committing that act is your inherent genetic and developmental morality, and the fear of being caught and punished.

>> No.1791430

>They don't exist, anywhere. They are just a fantasy.
What would keep you from committing that act is your inherent genetic and developmental morality, and the fear of being caught and punished.

Ehh what? I was with you on the first part until "inherent genetic..."

1. Morality is made up.
2. An intangible set of social rules can't be genetic...don't give the OP retard any room to syllogize Microbiology with religion.

>> No.1791442
File: 86 KB, 688x414, sciencerevenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for fucks sake this guy has been trolling /sci/ for the past few days.

We've already refuted his rigidly authoritarian moral commandments and if it wont stop bleating then stop fucking feeding it.

>> No.1791457

its actually common to see some of the most heartless sons of bitches ploping their asses on a pew each weekend and sometimes mid week as well in an overt effort to compensate

>> No.1791465
File: 23 KB, 468x351, dog strawberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you sound like a mad guy. Quit trollin, mad guy.

>> No.1791488

We are now one step closer to defeating the atheist army. God smiles upon this day.

Face it. Without god you atheist and your monkies are no different from pigs and lab rats. Good luck trying to define your safeguard string of DNA.


>> No.1791494
File: 158 KB, 400x473, epicfail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The total energy of the universe is zero. Nothing came from nothing.

Where is your god now?

>> No.1791505

My only answer (since we're assuming every other possible option has been removed) would be to tell you that since there is no cosmic plan, then it's up to us to decide the difference between right and wrong.

Besides, what's to stop you from killing me if you believed in magic? You can make up whatever religious bullshit you want to justify it. People have been doing it for millenia and shitting all over each other, dodging the question of their own morals.

>> No.1791511
File: 11 KB, 188x300, albert-pike-signature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bible thumpers dont get to what extent you have been played
take a moment to read the letter written by this guy..
Albert Pike
civil war general and a mason
wrote a letter describing all three world wars
your religion and that of the muslims have both been used as pawns
in a game where both will be erased
take the time to read for yourself how accurate he was about the two wars that have already come to pass and how fit his descriptions of the third are for modern events

>> No.1791516


OP go away, you asked this same question yesterday

>> No.1791517

>The total energy of the universe is zero
Because Kirchoff

>> No.1791535

The point is to define a 'no killing humans mandate' in a system to justify law based on "morals". Further more, you'll need to define when pressed the human mandating the moral/law, the method in which they mandate and lastly what exactly define human and/or sentience.

>> No.1791543


Well, you can't prove your own sentience to psychopaths. You can only appeal to your contribution to the species, of which your aggressor is an equal part. Killing you is symbolically and literally the horrific stunting of humanity's chance to survive in the cosmos.

Granted, when you tell OP that, he'll probably get a hard-on and do it anyways, because his brain is defective.

>> No.1791602

While some of your choice words are indicative of some belief structure I would disagree with and challenge I'll submit to say that was pretty dam good answer. All I could say which isn't worthy or worth forming an argument over is sometimes there are moral grounds to kill a healthy potentially capable human being and ultimately especially with regards to atheism the cosmos will formulate bloody unfortunate circumstances.

>> No.1791620

>how is ending a human life any different from squashing a mosquito or slaughtering a pig?
organisms are designed to not want to kill another of their species. That is why it different.

>> No.1791622
File: 19 KB, 305x315, 1278283529964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're holding a water gun.

>> No.1791629

>if God's image isn't in us, how is ending a human life any different from squashing a mosquito or slaughtering a pig?

Exactly, Go Vegan!

>> No.1791633

Psychopath and atheist here. It's a simple matter of cost/benefit analysis. You have nothing to gain from murder, and there is a fairly significant risk.

>> No.1791640

I have this theory that psychopaths only end up in prison if they have poor impulse control. A rational psychopath that thinks things through might actually be a very moral person in action.

>> No.1791648

>what absolute moral grounds do you have to assert it is wrong for me to kill you and your family?
None. Everyone has differnet levels of what is right and wrong. If you're a sociopath you wouldnt blink doing the same to your own family, normal people simply know that taking life is not moral

>> No.1791649

>organisms aren't designed to[...]
oh boy..
you just implied so hard.

>> No.1791651

I think it's strange to think that there exists some sort of being outside of the boundaries of human understanding, that "cares" about us. It doesn't make sense at all for me.

when things die, they get recycled, that's it. everything gets recycled in nature. But that doesn't mean that you can walk around and kill people. I believe that if humans are to evolve intellectually we have to move away from religion. However, anyone is free to believe in some sort of god, but if it means that your god allows you to walk around and kill people your just being insane and needs to be locked in.

>> No.1791664

>I believe that if humans are to evolve intellectually we have to move away from religion. However, anyone is free to believe in some sort of god...

I was trying to say that I think religion and beliving in a god is different. But then I thought, if people are to move away from religion and believe only in science. Then science will become the only religion, the one truth...

>> No.1791669

morals are determined by history. thousands of years ago if you murdered a man you killed a skilled individual and you would be putting your entire tribe in jeopardy because of it.

Women and children dont count because they are useless.

>> No.1791674


Dr. Andy Thomson explains why OP is retarded, introduces by Richard Dawkins

>> No.1791686
File: 38 KB, 268x265, meow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morality isn't something that exists outside of a society. People don't like being killed, so we agree that it should be discouraged and punishable.

In this situation, you have no reason to spare me, unless it might make you feel bad after you do it.

One thing that makes ending a human life different is that humans have societies and laws that makes it riskier and more difficult to kill humans. Also, some of us are conditioned to feel bad about doing these things.

I honestly don't see what god has to do with any of this.

>> No.1791695

Does this thread break rule number three of /sci/ ??

/sci/ - Science & Math

1. All science and math related topics welcome.
2. Homework threads will be deleted, and the poster banned.
3. No "religion vs. science" threads.

>> No.1791749

nah its got something pretty scientific in its basis
social sciences anyway
china can harvest organs on an industrial scale because of the precept OP is on about
they tend to harvest organs of relgious 'detainees' (falun) but its hardly a fair setup as they outlawed the religion so that they could sell the organs..
happened in 2003
much cleaner than criminal parts
chinas morality is affecting the world just as ours once did
how will you react when you first see it happening in your area?
if you are not the uppercrust you will lack the means to move away from the population that is being drawn from
how will people be selected?
medical assesments in china occure after the arest
with a national healthcare system in place these kinds of ethical considerations could make the arrest based on the sale of the organ after the fact
sorta like when the cop knocks out your headlight and gives you a ticket for it being out
so rock on op
was meant to be in this thread but im fuk all tired an i dun goofd

>> No.1793071

How are you still alive if godless people don't have moral?