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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1790171 No.1790171 [Reply] [Original]

Agreed, philosophy can go suck a bag of dicks.

>> No.1790245

i lol'd

>> No.1790266
File: 104 KB, 554x1004, 1279145341049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineers can go suck a bag of dicks
(somthing they enjoy)

>> No.1790269

Ha, I've had this same discussion in almost this exact same manner before.

What comic is this?

>> No.1790273

>any cock i want
>8 inches starting

>> No.1790277



>> No.1790286

I don't understand the point the philosophy person is trying to make.

The engineer makes perfect sense.

>> No.1790300
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>> No.1790301

Hehehehe. It's so true. I love giving simple scientific answers to philosophical conundrums.

>> No.1790305

Eventually that one person forcing the "Engineers are gay" joke has to go outside.

>> No.1790348
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>mfw you think it's only one person and not the majority of the board including engineers.

>> No.1790353

>Says the 12 year old girl

>> No.1790357


the philosopher is trying to make a point about that your duplicate has the same rights to be you because he thinks and reacts the same way you do and the engineer is taking every question literally and so they don't get into the discussion.
It's like if a girl is flirting with you but you just give answers in an objective manner, because flirting isn't working on a boolean function level.

>> No.1790366

This man is correct. Engineer here, I think the mad is funny. Some people are so insecure about their sexual identity.

>> No.1790389


Then the philosopher should of asked "Which is the real you" or "Which one has rights to be you" not "Which one came first".

Say what you mean.

>> No.1790422

Physicist:So you see according to our most recent theory subatomic particles are actually vibrating strings
Engineer:Question how will this help me build a bridge?
Physicist:Well it will not directly but
Physicist:Now wait just a minute, just because our work doesn't provide real world applications right away it doesn't mean it never will. Marxwell provided the equations necessary for electricity and Einstein helped provide nuclear energy. These findings could help open a wide door of opportunity.
Engineer:Yeah question
Physicist:What is it...?
Engineer:When was the last time you helped construct a bridge?
Engineer: I thought so

>> No.1790423


It's called comedic license. The author read or heard about some philosophical question regarding cloning, which was probably phrased differently, or had a different hypothetical. The author then sets up a strawman for the purpose of comedy (lol science rules, philosophy is pointlesss).

>> No.1790491

Physics is full of philosophy.
The search for a unified theory is induced by a philosophical worldview, a sense for the whole and a fuckload of esthetics. The last point goes for theoretical physics in general

>> No.1790511


What a homo that engineer is.

>> No.1791158

Philosophy: speculation without any possibility of resolution. Popper was the last decent philosopher, and he recognized philosophy had to be replaced by science and mathematics. Now philosophy is for dicks who simply like to argue.

>> No.1791171

this but science still have its limitations..

but i have been in arguments with graduate students from the philosophy department and its frustrating/ annoying as hell.

>> No.1791179
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>> No.1791188

philosophy is for pretentious fucks

>> No.1791196

▲ ▲

>> No.1791199


>> No.1792218


>> No.1792239

Come to think of it, my philosophy professor's existence alone should be enough to make/sci/ rage.

His undergraduate degree is in Mathematics but he went to grad school for philosophy.

>> No.1792243

the most interesting philosophers had a math or engineering background

>> No.1792251


He is of the intellectual master race.

>> No.1792254
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definitively a job for Allan.

still, if there was no philosophy, science would make no sense and we shall just stick with old christian beliefs.

>> No.1792286
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No, I believe the question the philosopher asks is very clear in the first section of the comic. And that flirting comparison is just dumb.

>> No.1792332

Philosophy haters come in two flavours:
Simpletons unable to grasp even the most basic concepts of philosophy
Enlightened individuals who are so wise they are way past philosophy. Probably created reality too.

>> No.1792366

If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody's around to hear it, is this question of any practical use whatsoever to anyone?

>> No.1792383

>implying metaphysics is the only branch of philosophy

>> No.1792398
File: 749 KB, 1290x900, daniel_dennett_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daniel Dennett is the only worthwile philosopher

Ironically, he concluded that all the shit philosophers are whining about is imaginary and that we are just thinking biological machines

>> No.1792473

>Popper was the last decent philosopher, and he recognized philosophy had to be replaced by science and mathematics.


Every single Philosopher claimed that he had ended Philosophy ever since 1600 or so.

>> No.1792479

where are these coming from? moar

>> No.1792506

> I've never read Wittgenstein

>> No.1792517


What is your point?

>> No.1792519


Wittgenstein claimed exactly the same thing. and he probably designed better houses than Dennett too.

>> No.1792526


Oh, ok. I'm not well versed in philosophy, I only know about Dennett because he's in the forefront right now.

He's still the coolest one alive.

>> No.1792531


This in this particular order.

Much like games that sell out to try to appease people who don't like those games in the first place. Every philosopher who either claims that philosophy cannot use specialized language without descending/ascending into the airy nether or that philosophy can make no claims that are not already made (or made better ) by science are just haters.

Here engineer, if philosophy is so easy, solve the colour exclusion problem, create a just legal code , and suggest a way in which all men may act morally all the time.

Problems Engineer?

>> No.1792538


Define just
Define acting morally

You are just throwing impressive sounding words together. (Like most philosophers)

>> No.1792544


>> No.1792549

phi·los·o·phy (f-ls-f)
n. pl. phi·los·o·phies
A set of ideas or beliefs relating to a particular field or activity; an underlying theory

Saying philosophy is useless is like saying every branch of mathematics and science is completely useless.

>> No.1792564

>implying the question hasn't been answered with the advent of recording machines

>> No.1792573


I'm pretty certain people here have already claimed that nobody needs math now that they've got physics.

>> No.1792577

>colour exclusion problem
Ok, I had to google this but...

Looks like an ill-defined question in the context of neuroscience and biochemistry (in the eye cells and the optic nerve).

So many philosophers bullshit so much because they don't realize we're biochemical factories.

>> No.1792592

Just; pertaining to or containing justice. In general the application of an arbitrary set of rules in such a way as to affect all participants equally.

Moral; pertaining to and containing all acts which can be good or bad. Some morality states that good and bad are merely sociological constructs and cannot be expanded past their base society. Other morality states that good and bad are parts of a larger or more basic human or existential condition, and are premised on several things, such as seemingly common human emotions (repulsion, happiness, etc) theoritically common human rights (right to life , liberty , happiness, etc), seemingly common universal conditions (god created morality and told us what it is).

The rest of the definitions can be gotten using a dictionary you bright brought, engineer, get to work (ps even if morality is socially bound, you don't get to make up shit, as your not a society. ).

Have fun!@

>> No.1792674


>> No.1792721
File: 196 KB, 604x453, DO_NOT_WANT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My head is full of fuck with this guys. Can you all just chill the fuck out with the separation. Its all the same shit. I thought /sci would be a cool community because people would have respect for knowledge. But you guys are all a bunch of insecure fucking scumbags even in the comfort of anonymity. Its all the same shit get over it.

>> No.1792735


Welcome to 4chan. There are good reasons as to why we call each other "faggots".

>> No.1792749

Author fails hard, engineer is asked to define which is the original in a meaningful sense and offers criteria which cannot be determined as his definition.

>> No.1792853

I don't think it fails at all. It does present 2 different modes of thinking and questions the value of thinking too much about things.

>> No.1792863

Whoever is present during the activity of cloning could distinguish the two by the engineer's criterion, if we make some assumptions about the cloning procedure.

>> No.1792896

Funny you say that, religion is the basis for almost everything the human race has accomplished. religion invented fire. just look at the story of Prometheus. Where do you think Roman law came from hmm? Socrates was not executed because of religious reasons. It was political, do you know your history? The Academy ran for over 800 years, there must have been something done right in Plato's school or it wouldn't have had such a long run. It was bound to be shut down. Schools are shut down in decades nowadays. religion caused Agriculture. Prehistoric art shows around 9000 BCE humans started to settle down due to the end of ice age, but they didn't come up with Agriculture out of their ass. Their "Mother Goddess" since at the time the idea of a vengeful male god hadn't come into play, was their greatest asset. But when they were running out of food, they believed they must themselves sow the earth so as to "replenish" the earth. Why? Because they viewed caves as wombs because they would see animals and plants coming out of the ground and believe the Earth gave birth to them. So they got the idea that they must fertilize the earth. Now that's OBVIOUSLY speculation but as far as cave paintings and prehistoric art goes that's what we have inferred about their culture. Status driven social evolution came AFTER agriculture, before that it was just tribes led by the alpha male. After agriculture these tribes would fight for each others food the winner kills the other alpha male, takes his tribe as slaves gives them food etc etc. See where it came from? Graduating high school doesn't mean you're an adult either. Now that's a pretty childish thing to do, I've only seen such egocentrism in children which is justified but at your age you guys should know better. All you proved is that you have a long ways to go before knowing what being an adult actually is. Now don't bother replying if your next comment is going to be filled with the same fallacies as everyone else.

>> No.1792906
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>> No.1792917

see? can't prove me wrong at all.


>> No.1792926
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>> No.1792932

>religion invented fire
LOL what?? No, fire is naturally occurring. Someone picked up a burning stick and freaked the fuck out. People were using fire for a tremendously long time before any civilized faith. I actually didn't even read the rest of your post, I stopped after "religion invented fire because the story of Prometheus says so." Well, according to the Norse, the world is made from a frost giant's corpse, so that must also be true.

>> No.1792931

typical atheist religion basher can't even formulate a fucking decent argument against me, instead you hide behind your shitty macros.

>> No.1792934

both terms are subjective

>> No.1792937
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>> No.1792941

>I stopped after "religion invented fire because the story of Prometheus says so."

Same here. Fucking kids.

>> No.1792945

>I stopped after "religion invented fire because the story of Prometheus says so."

so you stopped reading because you realized you couldn't prove the rest of my argument wrong?

>> No.1792947

I think you're mistaking the political USE of religion as a means to convince people to follow them. Humans politicians (be it tribe leaders or presidents) have consistently exploited people's religious beliefs to garner support for their worldly agendas. It's an open ended subject where you can make completely outrageous promises (eternal paradise, ect.) and not have to answer for any of them whatsoever. Humans working together made all those accomplishments, to uneducated masses religion is used as a form of control.

>> No.1792956

There you have it, you pretentious bastard.

>> No.1792959


Religion is, at best, an obsolete version of science, ethics and history. This would not be a problem, except that at some point someone decided to put a divine seal on their teachings, and so make the argument about faith and not the actual tenets of their position.

Imagine if Newtonian's had refused to accept Einsteinian physics because they believed Newton was divinely inspired, and so never wrong. A war had to be fought to assure the dominance of Einsteinian's over the others, but even now significant portions of Newtonian's still exist. They raise their children as Newtonian, insist Newtonian physics is taught alongside Einsteinian. It is a bit harder to see the direct equivalent in religions teachings on morality and ethics, but the general principle remains the same.

>> No.1792960
File: 35 KB, 517x373, 1284904382461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Either you're really fucking stupid or a troll, two kinds of people I don't argue with. So, fuck your shit NIGGER.

>> No.1792969

>>1792959 here

inb4 Newtonian physics IS still taught.

We also teach black and white morality to kids, honesty is the best policy, sharing is caring, everyone is special, and so on, despite the adult world being a lot more nuanced.

>> No.1792973

You literally acknowledge the base of your argument for religion having caused agriculture as "OBVIOUSLY speculation" and your justification of fire is also that at the height of Greek civilization they finally got fire because Prometheus stole it and gave it to us. Then, you continue on to throw several ad-hominems at the greater audience of /sci/. I'm still not convinced that you aren't just a bad troll.

>> No.1792974

Well, you couldn't call him a troll, when you yourself troll too.

Let he who never trolled cast the first stone.

>> No.1792981

How do you get a philosophy major off your front porch?

Pay for the pizza

>> No.1792983


>Let he who never trolled cast the first stone.

Get that religious shit off my /sci/.

>> No.1792986

>implying a murderer can't call a murderer a murderer.

>> No.1792990
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>No, fire is naturally occurring.

>> No.1792991

Actually I just wanted you guys to formulate an argument for me against this one religious fag that keeps bothering me.

I'm feeling lazy and I don't really want to put the effort into arguing this guy.

If you thought that was long you should have seen his full rebuttal, it's so fucking long it didn't even fit in here, he was so incredibly butthurt at the fact that most of his claims are ass pants retarded.

>> No.1793001

I feel used. Also, it's not like people had to sit here and come up with their responses, you should be able to refute that sort of thing upfront and decisively.

>> No.1793007

There's no goddamn point, this guy is insane, no matter how much I refute his argument he just pulls another "WELL, YOU'RE WRONG BECAUSE THIS ONE GUY DID THIS ONE THING A LONG TIME AGO TOTALLY UNRELATED TO MY ARGUMENT".

Put my feelings fucking PERFECTLY, I'll use that thank you.

>> No.1793038


if i see one more person use >should of one more time, i'm going to have to resort to newfaggotry measures.