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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1789430 No.1789430 [Reply] [Original]

Sup fags, I'm a 20 year old who gets paid 16 dollars an hour. By the way, my highest level of math is geometry

>> No.1789435

thats nowhere near mildly impressive

>> No.1789439

Where do you work?

>> No.1789444

The FBI pays me $35/hr. to browse places like /b/ in case there's some illegal activity going on. I don't know how to multiply or even divide btw.

>> No.1789441

pffft whatever

Should I put things into perspective by saying that this is my first job I've ever had?

Yeah, you jelly now

>> No.1789449


You are the reason that I wouldn't mind if the world catches on fire.

>> No.1789454

>he thinks $16 an hour is good

Yeah, compared to a nigger cleaning toilets at the YMCA.

Or maybe not, janitors get paid well enough.

Fun Fact: If you're getting paid by the hour, its probably not a good job.

>> No.1789459
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>> No.1789467

Oh right, and I missed this >>1789441

You didn't get a job until you were 20?????

Jesus christ. Have you gotten a drivers license yet?

>> No.1789468

I make bombs for the military, among other things.

It's pretty alright.

what's an ideal amount for a 20 year old in the united states?

>> No.1789472

nope, no reason to drive. Everything is around me and I don't have a life. Though sometimes I'll get a hankering for taco bell while playing vidya at night, and I'll just go "Fuck, I wish I had a car"

>> No.1789474

I am a senior in high school and already recieved my early decision letter from M.I.T.

I have no current steady employment, but between blog revenues, "Tech support", and MMORPG economy [making gold off of buy/sell ingame, sell gold for RL cash] i usually make 3-4000 dollars in a week.

I am 16 years old and was skipped from 3rd to 4th grade mid year because i was finishing all my teachers sentences.

Since my college expenses are more than 100% covered already i plan to get my Bachelors degree, get to work on my doctorate in computer science, so that i can get the same job i can do now, but get paid three times as much for doing it, making my taxable income about 180,000 dollars when i am 23 years old.

I pity the masses but i cannot associate with their plebian troubles.

>> No.1789479

samefag here:

Alright, fine. I'm associated in the process of constructing a bomb, and other things that are associated with the military. I don't actually MAKE bombs.

oh, and the only experience i needed was some entry level metal shop classes in high school.

>> No.1789483


>> No.1789485

your yearly income with 52 weeks worked at 40 hours a week=33280

average garbage collector salary=43,000

>> No.1789487
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I pity the masses but i cannot associate with their plebian troubles.

>but i cannot associate with their plebian troubles

>with their plebian troubles

>their plebian troubles

>plebian troubles


>> No.1789489

>he thinks he can survive of blogs and MMORPG cashflow

>> No.1789493


>MMORPG economy
>i was finishing all my teachers sentences
>i cannot associate with their plebian troubles
So you're autistic then?

>> No.1789494
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>> No.1789498



>ignores spell check

>> No.1789499

Samefag of original bragging post.

Worst part is, that wasn't even made up. that is my life as it Awaits me and i still cant figure out why the fuck i decided not to kill myself when i became highly depressed four years ago. i have no interest in sex or reproduction, i don't really care much for a big house or a car. pretty much im going to fall into my own dreaded stereotype of a drone human, living for the sake of living.

>> No.1789504 [DELETED] 

Damn. Well...Eh, not bad I guess. Certainly nothing I should bragged about...Just...A little above entry level work (decent)

Oh well, at least I got this guy's reaction image out of this thread: >>1789487

>> No.1789514

Listen to Radiohead's Ok Computer, bro.

that album is essentially about mundane life

>> No.1789512
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>i was finishing all my teachers sentences

>> No.1789517

Damn. Well...Eh, not bad I guess. Certainly nothing I should have bragged about...Just...A little above entry level work (decent)

Oh well, at least I got this guy's reaction image out of this thread: >>1789487

>> No.1789525

feel better, bro. you're a snowflake.

>> No.1789529

I have an idea...
Become a villain!

>> No.1789537

samefag of this and other psot.

I am ADHD, though i think it would certainly be interesting to have distorted perceptions caused by mild autism.

>I CAN survive off of blogging and MMORpgs as long as companies shell out money to advertise and people play MMORPGs. worst case scenario I can stoop to stealing people's game accounts and make an easy 6 grand a week, and with some clever gifting avoid paying taxes on it.

On a more serious note i intend to live my adult life as a computer programmer and indie game designer.

>> No.1789546

if I become a villain one of two things will happen
a) I will take over the world and get fucked having to micromanage billions of people while dodging assassination
b) I will be executed for treason and crimes against humanity.

Neither of these really appeals to me.

>> No.1789547

if vidya doesn't work out, become a computer engineer.

That's my backup plan. Well...My backup plan will be either a computer or civil engineer

>> No.1789561

if vidya doesn't work out I will probably go into either computer engineering or scamming. both will be able to entertain me while providing the means to stay alive.

>> No.1789580

to the aspie:

Become a musician. You'll earn more than an engineer and you'll life a more entertaining life. If you want to challenge your intellect you can always enroll in school during downtime. That's what Rivers Cuomo did. He went to Harvard while still in Weezer and graduated with all A's

>> No.1789573
File: 58 KB, 329x475, dianetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You know what they say, learn from the best.

>> No.1789612

Hmmm certainly great place to get some pointers though i dont really dig the idea of starting a religion

>> No.1789619

>implying i should be impressed with 16 dollars an hour

>> No.1789628


Lol, no religion needed. DIanetics merely covers "spirituality" and wild pseudoscience.

>make up crazy ideas about AI and its application to human civilization
>write a book

>> No.1789641

thought you were talking about what Dianetics became the foundation of, the church of Scientology, which is in my opinion a far more effective scam

>> No.1789648


I didn't know that Dianetics is the basis of what Scientology became.

>> No.1789657



>> No.1789669

yeah, alot of their recruiting stations use "procedures" and "auditing" based on dianetics crossed with a fair degree of bullshit to persuade people that they need dianetics and scientology to fix their problems.

they then proceed to milk the person of every penny and dime they had, making the jews of solomon's temple look like philanthropists.

>> No.1789691


That is what I extrapolated from your response.

That's interesting. I'll have to look into their rituals.

>> No.1789711

if im not wrong somebody a few years back leaked most of their paid "lessons" and "seminars" which to someone who hasn't been thoroughly brainwashed sound like hogwash