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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1785670 No.1785670 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetically you've created a perpetual motion device defying the thermodynamic laws.
How would you cash in on it without getting killed and/or have someone else taking your credit?

>> No.1785689

op on purposely samefagged all over this board

>> No.1785688

Be rational, a discovery of this scale cannot simply be copyrighted.

>> No.1785690

run my own desalination plant and sell the water

>> No.1785691

Make a less efficient version available for everyone, keep true schematics in your head, release better more complete version when challenged

>> No.1785693

start own power company keep it quiet, have differently named franchises around third world countries with no regulations on safety etc, that way no one has to go to the power company and check it and your helping third world countries

>> No.1785702
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>> No.1785710


What is the point of a less efficient device?

>> No.1785742

your a fkn moron to not realize there lots of people out there looking to find some method of this.. and no shortage of them posting here.
be specific when you accuse and maybe you wont come off as such an idiot.

>> No.1785751


>> No.1785758

its all about business. if you give them something they wont ever need one again you wont make enough profit. however if you give them a reasonably good device and keep improving it over the years, you will keep them buying it and will profit

>> No.1785789
File: 49 KB, 480x342, BuzzSaw_Gravity_Wheel_-_Back_Weights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would guess that several inventors are quietly killed each year
simple fact is there are methods that are not too hard to conceive of that are quietly being supressed
pic very related
its the 1909 model of a method that actually worked fine
anyone wanna guess why they dissapeared?
fkn ilimunati probably.. or their superiors; the ownership class.
tesla would have provided us with free electricity and his shop burned to the ground a few weeks after his financeer relalized this
the device pictured had a coil spring and a few weights going down and one going up
ratio for movement was about 8 to 1
about.. because a small number of extra gear teeth insured that an addidional pressure was gradual building as it ran
stand almost ballanced to begin with a spring offset it so that it could not stop
you study and discern the rest for yourself
this thing produced an amazing amount of power
all from the power of a spring

>> No.1785806

>pic very related
>its the 1909 model of a method that actually worked fine


>> No.1785824

fucken ilJEWminati man

>> No.1785842
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you laugh.. and its ironic, that you yourself are the joke.. or at least, its a joke that you cant see
that this peice of equipment is worn from wear for a reason
i know its hard to belive
but its a simple fact
this is real
if you knew more old people, you might be able to find someone who actually saw one running
i know of one that was in use for 60 years till the main coil spring became destinded till the thing kept sticking
in use producing much power
im kind of weary of dumping too much about it here
somethings can get more negative attention than pedobear in the blink of an eye

>> No.1785862


but the guys dont even seem to have all the parts

and though they claim to not have any other models one of their mockups looks a bit more like the later models
but i bet you could not find any immage of the later models if your life depended on it.
how comforting that must be.. seeing as you dont belive in the first place.. see the function of belife? and you wonder why they have religion...

>> No.1785883

man.. seek help

you're a creep, only weirdos talk like this

get some friends, get a job find a girl

just do it youll be happy, not telling you off trying to help I guess

>> No.1785886
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>> No.1785893



>> No.1785914

meh.. im old bro
already been there done that..
just though you young pukes might like to see what's been swept under the rug

>> No.1785944

never to old brah


go, live well

>> No.1785984

if your into psych.. look into adler
there was a branch of the military that got a bit crazy about his theories in the first world war
but they quitely got their asses out of public view
lot has happened since then..
for some people... congress has their own very special version of psychologist to explain away the occasional extraordinairy action of cia assets hard to comprehend from the vantage of a more mundane morality
so yea, i prolly do talk a bit in a manner unpleseant to the mindless cattle at times
i would not have it any other way

>> No.1786066
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>> No.1786081

Start up a "hydroelectric" power plant, but don't actually run the plant on water, using my free energy from the device to cash sell on the market. Maybe build it up over the years from a run of river project to a small dam. Then claim I have solar panels, too, and some fake wind turbines. Also, sell carbon offset credits and cash in on government subsidies.

>> No.1786083
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Write a paper, publish it in a scientific journal.
It isnt that fucking hard.
Are you retarded?

>> No.1786086


Look. I'm not saying that cover-ups and shit don't happen pretty much all the time. But for something like a "free energy" device, lots of that kind of shit has been made, tested, and nobody gives a fuck about them because they never work as intended. Some things are far too common to provide a decent cover-up. Besides, we have plenty of paranoid schizophrenics like yourself to whistleblow anything that looks even remotely suspect.
It's not that nobody cares, its just that you aren't convincing enough. A "free energy" device would contradict everything I have learned, observed, and tested myself regarding the subject, which is why I don't believe you.
A final word: I'm not kidding about the paranoid schizophrenia. You might want to talk to your doctor about some antidepressants. Before you go "OMG NO MIND CONTROL" on me, I will say to be fair that taking antidepressants can and will change how you think - they will make you feel different, but they will not alter what you know. Whether that difference is a good thing or a bad thing is unknown to you until tested, and you have the inherent ability to choose to stop if you so desire... or do you really believe your conviction is so weak that you can't control what you do at all under chemical dependence? Your choice. I can't say anything else.

>> No.1786095

I think me and you are on a similar brain wave right now

>> No.1786426

Stan Meyer died the day after he signed a deal with the military to build a facility to research this technology
food poisioning..had taken effect moments after he signed away the rights
i think you failed to understand ther real direction of OPs question

>> No.1786431

Blue background, safe for work board, it isn't that fucking hard. Are you retarded?

>> No.1786432


Stan Meyer R.I.P.

>> No.1786807
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It's like I'm really on /b/

>> No.1786824

Never tell anyone and take my secret with me to my death.

Troll the world.

>> No.1786962

/sci/ is retared