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File: 43 KB, 1005x857, NASA_Logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1784485 No.1784485 [Reply] [Original]

Within the next week or two, the House of Representatives will debate two versions of the NASA Authorization Bill:

The Senate version – S. 3729:
- $2.6 billion for developing an American commercial spaceflight industry
- Restarts NIAC and funds new technological development programs
- Scraps the over-budget, behind schedule Constellation program in favor of a new launch vehicle
- The Senate voted UNANIMOUSLY in favor of this bill.

The House version – H.R. 5781
- Cuts funding for commercial development to just $164 million, shutting down COTS
- Cuts technological development and scientific research to continue funding Ares
- Continues Constellation's plan to return to the Moon... but doesn't fund development of a lunar outpost or even a lander.

If the House passes its version there will be no commercial replacement for the shuttle, no NASA LV for another seven or eight years at best, and NASA's scientific research, unmanned missions, and technological development will continue being cut, delayed, and stalled.

If you think the House bill is complete and utter bullshit, I recommend the following:

1. Look up your Representative.
2. Call your Representative, tell them to vote against H.R. 5781 in favor of the bill already passed by the Senate.
3. Convince at least one other person to do the same.

>> No.1784494

We stopped caring about space after 69.

>> No.1784519

So much for Mars I guess

Leave it to the Chinese


>> No.1784595

The Chinese space program is really primitive
they have only put men in orbit a couple times

Russia is far more advanced then the Chinese

But the truth is that the only ones with a chance of getting out of earth orbit in the next 20 years is NASA+private industry

and Britain might get a cheap ride to orbit

>> No.1784648

>But the truth is that the only ones with a chance of getting out of earth orbit in the next 20 years is NASA+private industry

All the more reason to back the Senate bill.

>> No.1784651

>The Chinese space program is really primitive they have only put men in orbit a couple times
> Russia is far more advanced then the Chinese
No shit. Gagarin was orbiting the earth before most of us were born.

But Russia is a shadow of the former USSR, while China is on the rise. China may be behind now, but eventually most of the US space program will have "Made in China" stickers on it.

>> No.1784939

China's doing one launch every couple of years and is making little effort to accelerate that.
Given their history with space exploration (they scraped two entire space programs before this one) I wouldn't be surprised is Shezhou get's scrapped before the end of the decade.

>> No.1784946

Fuck mars. We need to focus on the moon. I mean the chinese and russians need to focus on the moon.

>> No.1785096

Stop focusing on where we'll be in twenty or thirty years, and start focusing on whether we'll be going anywhere at all.

If the House bill passes, space exploration will be grounded for the next 10+ years and stuck in LEO for a decade or more afterwards.

>> No.1785105

When is the vote anyway?

>> No.1785113

agreed I back the senate bill

>> No.1785119

I remember hearing something that its at the end of the week

>> No.1785133

Well, Congress is supposed to have a finished budget by the end of the month... though with all the squabbling and filibustering it could get pushed back... which would be very bad.

If Congress doesn't pass a NASA budget, they use the existing plan for funding, which means NASA won't just be stuck working on Constellation another year, they'll be stuck doing it on the same insufficient budget as before. NASA will essentially lose a whole fucking year.

Called my congressman today, sounds like he's going to back the senate bill. Keep it up guys!

>> No.1785149

would putting up those flyers explaining the situation at my college still be worth doing

>> No.1785160

Do anything you can you help the cause

The best thing to do would be to call your representative

>> No.1785169

I would, but I myself don't know much about the situation and I don't talk about things or try to convince others about things unless I'm 100% sure I know what I'm talking about

>> No.1785204

>Implying calling your representative will change anything

They don't give a fuck. They really don't. I'm sorry.

>> No.1785209

then read up on the issue

also are you an american?

>> No.1785217

Yeah I'm in NC, about to read through the article now

>> No.1785218

if enough of us call they start to

>> No.1785233

you know what thanks a lot for that man! I'm gonna print it out and highlight some key points. You're awesome man, I assumed you were gonna give me like 225 pages worth of info on the bill and expect me to read through all of that to find the benefits (which is what alot of people have given me and I can't be hassled to read all that)

>> No.1785249

Your welcome man
if you care to read it here are both bills in there entirety


>> No.1785277
File: 314 KB, 1280x960, 1282681267439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your welcome man
just fucking with ya man

>here are both bills in there entirety
see pic

>> No.1785300

sent an email to kucinich
knowing the way he feels about NASA he'll vote with the senate

>> No.1785341

I did not mean to offend just wanted to make it available

>> No.1785357

you didn't offend man, it just that in >>1785233 I said
>I assumed you were gonna give me like 225 pages worth of info on the bill and expect me to read through all of that to find the benefits (which is what alot of people have given me and I can't be hassled to read all that)
and you posted it anyway (which isn't a bad thing). It just made me laugh and I decided to use a funny reaction image... This whole thing has just been funny to me, sorry if I have confused you I'm currently nodding right now and am in a weird but good mood.

>> No.1785421

happy to hear it

im tired and my brain is a bit week

>> No.1785442

you're a cool guy nerva, thanks again for the shortened version :)

>> No.1785461

No problem mate

anyways i have to go to bed

>> No.1785897
File: 87 KB, 720x405, Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been posting a couple fliers around my campus, certainly got people talking.

If you make your own, just keep it simple and to the point. Even an outline like the OP's post would work if you add in a few clever phrases.

>> No.1786438


>> No.1786660
File: 67 KB, 473x600, Lear35A_403avi_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does John Lear have to say about NASA?
pic releated.. John Lear - as in Lear Jet

>> No.1787539
File: 83 KB, 960x720, farns1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ugh... so it looks like Gordon plans on holding up the debate as long as possible. The stubborn asshole is refusing to even compromise on the House bill.

>>1785133 's "lost year" scenario is starting to look pretty likely... fuck

>> No.1788513
File: 85 KB, 720x405, Suprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's true than we need more TN and FL anons calling Gordon and Nelson... try to convince them to come to SOME kind of compromise. And at the very least the rest of us can keep calling our reps and convince them to put pressure on Gordon and Nelson

If something isn't passed, it'll be disastrous for NASA and for private space.

>> No.1789708


>> No.1790151
