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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1780710 No.1780710 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ I just got my first physics test back, 30.5 out of 100

Due to the curve I'm getting a D, just on the verge of C-range

The fuck, /sci/. Why am I not getting physics? It's physics 101 and it's kicking my ass, meanwhile Chemistry and Calculus come easily enough.

What do I have to do to not be bad? I can drop 1 test, so as long as I do better from on out here it would work out, but this shit can't stand.

>> No.1780711

What parts of the test did you have trouble on?

>> No.1780719

if you are doing poorly at physics it is because you are using the textbook and listening to a professor that is incapable of teaching

much of physics is subtext, and everything
and not explicitly stated

once you see the subtext, physics is just application of simple mathematics

>> No.1780724

A problem on uniform circular motion and slope-pulley problem.

I honestly thought I would have at least gotten some partial credit from the uniform circular motion problem, but the only thing I got right was the frequency.

I can list the problems if you want.

>> No.1780729

If it makes you feel better, Newtonian Mechanics is for faggots.

>> No.1780731

>you are using the textbook and listening to a professor that is incapable of teaching

I am only going off of the professor and textbook to solve the homework problems.

Usually I end up needing to look at an example problem in the textbook to solve the online homework.

The professor mostly teaches by giving example problems, but they're all symbolical. I didn't learn derivatives or integration through just symbols, we had lots of sample problems to work through until we got it.

Shit is bad, I need good grades for me to transfer to a different school, I would rather not need to drop out of the class 2/3rds of the way because I can't learn shit.

>> No.1780732 [DELETED] 

>you are using the textbook and listening to a professor that is incapable of teaching

I am only going off of the professor and textbook to solve the homework problems.

Usually I end up needing to look at an example problem in the textbook to solve the online homework.

The professor mostly teaches by giving example problems, but they're all symbolical. I didn't learn derivatives or integration through just symbols, we had lots of sample problems to work through until we got it. Is that how it's meant to be taught?

Shit is bad, I need good grades for me to transfer to a different school, I would rather not need to drop out of the class 2/3rds of the way because I can't learn shit.

>> No.1780739

>Newtonian Mechanics is for faggots.

The kinematic stuff?

Anyways, how do I get to a point in physics where I can look at a problem, and know how to solve it?

Kind of like how in calc you can look at a trigonometric identity problem and know immediately which rules to use and which not to?

>> No.1780741


get used to it, is all I can say. If you cant write out the processes for integration and derivatives, you need to review your calculus.

>> No.1780745

No, I get calculus.

It is physics that I do not get.

>> No.1780750

your backup text is the entire Internet
learn how to use it

>> No.1780765

Spoken like someone who failed it.

>> No.1780764

Alright, do you have any good physics resources you wouldn't mind sharing?

>> No.1780771

I'm a Mathematics major. I made A+'s in honors mathematics courses, and still did poorly in physics.
I hated web assigns and my professor wasn't a very effective teacher. He was a fresh out of Harvard Physics PhD, and I felt as if he would be more suited in the industry than a classroom. He eventually quit teaching and went to work for NASA. I hated that class, but he left an impression on me.

By the way, it was the physical concepts that got me. The math was easy.

>> No.1780781

Physics is just applied math. xD

>> No.1780787

Never took physics in highschool. Really wish I did now.

What's the best kind of supplemental information you can get on the web? Videos of physics problems or what? That's pretty much what I use for calculus.

>> No.1780799

Check your school's site. There may be publicly available lectures from your school posted on the web (least my school does). Check for physics tutoring either for one-on-one tutoring or tutoring sessions. My school offers sessions where people can walk in and ask physics questions. Find someone in the class that "gets it" and work with them. Also, be sure to go to your professors office hours or e-mail them questions and show them you care.

>> No.1780817



and btw, physics applies math, but is nothing near being applied math, in other words, learn to syncopate

>> No.1780829

Not the same person, but what do you guys think of khan academys physics section?

>> No.1780846

Bit of a thread jack, but Ive heard rumors that it is difficult to take physics and calc 2 at the same time.
Is it?

>> No.1780869

just study the textbook

I was able to take a girl who bombed her first physics test and turned her into an A student in it, but it required me to physically be there to yell and throw shit across the room to make my point

let me see if I can dig something up for you

>> No.1780878


found it

here, this guy was a terrible professor, but you could figure out how stuff worked by studying old tests and solved examples


>> No.1781471

Clearly depends on what physics you are taking.

>> No.1781485

OP you're very unlucky. 90% of our course was book and rote work.

OF course I got a 40 at the end of the year, cause I'm an ADHD kid, but I still was the goto person, cause I had the concepts down, it was just the semantics that crippled me, and of course the teacher that would hand out -20s if a lab wasn't done to his standard.