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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1778328 No.1778328 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, random check.
How many here:

1. got told by teachers when they were younger something to the effect of "you're a smart kid, much brighter than most"
2. believed them

1, check
2, no fucking way.

>> No.1778334

1. Partly. Mainly that I have an amazing mind but anon is underachiever, doesn't pay much attention in class
2. I just have to go to /new/ or /b/ to know that I'm substantially smarter than many people.

>> No.1778347

1, yep, but like
I am underachiever
2. didn't believe shit they said, assumed they said it to everyone to up their output in class and shit.
fuck if i knew, i was just a kid.

>> No.1778349

yes on both counts
then i went to college

>> No.1778358


>> No.1778361

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. When to university
4. Got shat on by nearly everyone else's intellect

>> No.1778366

Oh goodness, here comes the circle jerk of LULZ WE R SOOOOO SMART

>> No.1778370

3.Went to university
4.Serious lack of motivation. Watch people much dumber than you soldier on, while you fail.

>> No.1778374
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Dumb people live much happier lives than we. So I'll take solace in every pathetic little thing i can find.

>> No.1778377

I was told / believe this.

Turns out, it takes until you're well into your 30's before you realize how stupid you really are.

Three pounds of wetware isn't really all that much.

>> No.1778380

I meant to say, believed.

Stupidity confirmed.

>> No.1778384

I believe them. Never believe them. Being smart but believing you aren't so smart is God-tier.

>> No.1778389
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Yes, constantly told by people that I'm a smart kid.

I believed them at first. Life experiences however have taught me I'm pretty much completely average.

Semi-related - There's been evidence that when a child grows up constantly being told he's smart, and then he actually fails at something, he gives up on it instead of trying again. [I'm not smart enough!]

Whereas if you tell them they've put in a good effort, or a lot of effort, when they fail at something they try again, and again, and again. [I'm not putting in enough effort!]

Interesting psychology stuff. Anyways, I've always been more of the opinion that while intelligence is a bonus, sort of like starting 10 meters ahead of the start line of a race, what really gets people to achieve great things is inspiration and effort.

And unlike the great Sherlock Holmes, I don't mind cluttering my mind up with "useless" facts about various things. I think this is actually beneficial as far as inspiration/insight/intuition is concerned. Who knows when that little tidbit of info could lead you down the right train of thought to solving your problem.

>> No.1778387

yes and yes
Doing great
Work at University - earn good money

>> No.1778391

teachers say that when they realise you are smarter than them meaning you are somewhere above shit tier intelligence.
the smartest people i know (state toppers etc) both have natural ability and work extremely hard to improve their abilities. without work raw intel means nada fool

>> No.1778393

I got told I was. I didn't believe them for ages. Parents sent me to a psychologist after I tried to kill myself when I was 8. Turns out I'm real fucking smart, but kinda fucked in the head. I did OK in school, never put any effort in. If I had I could've done something, perhaps even Ivy League. So that's why I'm here.

>> No.1778400

man the fuck up pussy
do the hard yards and resit SATs or some shit
lazy mofuka thinks his smart but wont put the hard yards in
SHIIIIT your no better than a nigga

>> No.1778410

Same here. I scored 139 on an IQ test, then got placed in gifted courses and wondered why I failed. Then the symptoms of schizophrenia started to set in. No amount of smarts will dispel the hallucination that ants the size of your thumb are crawling out of the sidewalk or that spies are reading your minds.

>> No.1778416

It's not that my grades were bad, it was the fact that I didn't do any ECs or volunteering. I was your typical shy, socially awkward future chantard, so I didn't like doing drama. I did one season of rowing but I quit because our crew fucking sucked. I was in the worst team our club had for soccer for two seasons, we lost every game by at least 7 points. I tried a few times to fix things, but I really suck at dealing with people. I was quiet most of the time, but around once a year I'd pick a fight with someone, smash their head, and when I heard them crying think it was them laughing at me, making me angrier and wanting to prove to them that I was strong.

tl;dr I suck at people.

>> No.1778427

Not even gonna read the thread, just gonna put out my thoughts.
They told everyone that they were special, bright, little snowflakes in order to make them do better in class.
Same goes for the IQ tests that gave everyone ~130 in IQ
This of course backfired because children don't work that way.

Yes, I happened to believe them, but I was a gullible kid and believed whatever teachers said because fuck, they were teachers.

Seriously, ask yourselves
Do you know ANYONE except the retarded kid in the back who didn't get ~130 on those tests\got told they were special snowflakes?

>> No.1778441

1. Eventually yes. One or two teachers did say this to me when I finally stopped being so depressed and self-defeating and actually got interested in things. I notice the less curious/intelligent someone is, the more likely they are to say I'm intelligent, and I always take that with a grain of salt.
2. No, I did not believe them. My abusive uneducated parents went out of their way to insult my intelligence and appearance and I, of course, believed them.
3. I'm finally starting to accept the possibility I'm average. That's fine. My curiosity more than makes up for it. It's also better than thinking I'm a retard all the time.

>> No.1778442

1. Yes. People used to love to hear about my opinions on various things because I had the ability to be witty and honest while also being able to articulate myself really well.

2. Sort of. I know I'm intelligent, but I am a complete failure in every respect. Graduated in the bottom 40 of a 460-kid class and never took my SATs. Although, I wouldn't go to any college even if I did have the motivation to.

>> No.1778447

Many people I know have never taken an IQ test. I always assumed students only took IQ tests if they were obviously gifted or struggling with their school work.

>> No.1778449

sure is dunning kruger in here

>> No.1778450

We were given them once a year at my school
I guess it might have to do with Norway, but I just assumed it was a global thing.

>> No.1778553

well my kindergarten teacher pulled me out of class near the end of the year and had me take an IQ test which resulted in me being placed in the school districs top 2% gifted program. if that counts.

i trust the results because theres no way my parents could have afforded a bribe