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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1777499 No.1777499 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /Sci/,
I have found a way to prove if the god of the abrahamic religions exists!

We kill everything on earth, and leave a message and a picture of a human male and female.

The message will say:
"If you can read this, look similar to one of the lifeforms on the picture and have a religion about a god who created everything, including mankind, in his own image. Then congratulations, you are correct."

If this doesn't re-occur (it should re-occur because he made mankind for a reason) then we, the atheists, have won!

Please tell me your opinions about this master-plan.

>> No.1777509

I say "kill everything" because that, if we all take responsibility for it, in the name of this experiment, will deny everyone heaven, and thus create an incentive for the abrahamic god to re-create us.

>> No.1777526
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Fuck that, only a theist would be dumb enough to try that. We atheists prefer to live and continue to observe the universe behaving according to the laws of physics.

>> No.1777539

>Dear /Sci/,
>I have found a way to prove if the god

Dear retard,

>> No.1777552

But it would solve one question for sure, if god exists, or not.

If he does, all that is needed afterwards is which religion following that god is the right one.

(But actually I have made this thread because of a picture I saw on sci earlier, about a circle of evolution, where man came from shrew, then nuked himself back to shrew levels)

I wonder if that would actually happen.
I doubt it, but if we managed to reset earth, would it unfold again as it did?

And I mean only reset earth, not the other planets, or the universe.

>> No.1777556

I see you are doing an experiment of your own, trying to prove if mods exist.

Good man.

>> No.1777567

So if proven mod does not exist, who wins, atheist or theists?

>> No.1777573

lol, nice.

dunno! but that discussion belongs on another board!

>> No.1777575

It's probably a lose-lose situations for everyone.