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1775113 No.1775113 [Reply] [Original]

yo /sci/, I live like a pig and I waste too much time on stupid shit

how can I become more disciplined? is it possible?

>> No.1775151
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>> No.1775175

Join the military. You will be turned into a disciplined mofo. Not the Marines, in your case.

If you want to be extra badass, join the French Foreign Legion and get some cultural experience.

>> No.1775196


that would be more time wasted on really stupid shit

>> No.1775214

take anti-sleep meds, I spend lots of time on stupid shit, but I have more time than everyone else as I only sleep 2 hrs a night.

>> No.1775228

Set realistic goals which can be monitored.
Then make a deal with your friend or someone that if you fail to meet the goals you'll have to donate a significant sum of money to a cause you absolutely abhor.

>> No.1775235

To put it in a simple perspective, if you have work to do, just do your damn work and do not listen to ANYONE, including yourself and how you feel, until your work is complete.

>> No.1775241

keep a journal, and endeavor to improve

>> No.1775247


I like your attitude.

>> No.1775298

thanks guise

>> No.1775312


>> No.1775419

how's that relephant?

>> No.1775423

I was a conscript. Discipline fades out quickly and at least in the case of my country it made me way more tolerant to dirt and lack of personal hygiene.

>> No.1775430

um,first say what the stupid shit is,you cant replace it unless you know its productive counterpart

for example,i replaced 90% of my tv watching with lectures from MIT and Berkeley

started to type at about 120 WPM,so at that point turned my keyboard upside down,

brush your teeth with your other hand,

all this sort of stuff works wonders,plus notes to yourself everywhere works well i find

>> No.1775447


>> No.1775456

This may help.

>> No.1775502


Not OP.

>> No.1775503


>> No.1775515

I don't understand how turning your keyboard upside down helps anything, please explain.

Also I'm same as OP, in fact I'm doing it now. There's never anything of any value on 4chan yet I still waste many hours here.

>> No.1775518


He meant that he typed so fast he turned the keyboard.

Anyway...I am thinking of blocking 4chan.
It may help.

>> No.1775523

Why though?
Surely that's counter-productive.

>> No.1775525

I guess he means to challenge yourself in new ways. For example, brushing your teeth with your other hand might be challenging for some people.

>> No.1775534

>for example,i replaced 90% of my tv watching with lectures from MIT and Berkeley

How did you do it? Did you do it cold turkey? Did you gradually watch less TV over a certain period of time?

>> No.1775552

I'd also be interested to know this, TV is entertainment. Whereas lectures are generally considered dull, no?
I imagine watching lectures requires as much focus as reading a technical book.

>> No.1775599

Yes, but with a lecture you keep more engaged. With a book you might just slow down, but a lecturer keeps up your speed. It's why we have lectures in the first place, someone doing something to keep your attention. It can also be good for passively absorbing information.

>> No.1775611

I find it easier to read books than follow lectures. However, if I read before the class, it is much easier to just sit back and passively take in the information.

While I admire the poster who prefers MIT lectures over TV, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that because after work, I'm so fucking tired and my brain just wants to shut off and relax; the best I can do is watch easy-to-understand science documentaries about stuff I already know. I wish I wasn't that way... or that I worked less, or just had a lot more time. I don't know.

>> No.1775615


this just challegnes you in things you thought you had mastered, changing something from what seemed as easy as pie on its head and making it hard again. Repition of this helps in all areas and gives you a deeper knowledge of the subject, admittedly this is a rather trivial example, but I am sure you can see how it applies ot other things! (doing this in maths helps alot,learning something,then trying to take the same thing from a different angle)




they started off so boring, I found myself paying much less attention at first, but it ends up like a good series on TV, you get sucked in by the lecturer,they make the subject exciting. The trick is to mix it up a little,it gets much more boring if you stick to the same subject 8 physics series in a row makes you loose interest somewhat, due to oversaturation, but switching between topics keeps your mind ticking over and linking different areas of study.


Went from 100% TV to 50/50, then slowly phased out TV programs that i liked less and less,and one series on tv ended for the season, i would suddenly have a gap in my view calendar, and instead of finding new entertainment, i replaced it with lectures.

it gets easier the longer you do it.

appologies for bad writing, could not be bothered correnting it all.

>> No.1775617

I should add I do watch TTC lectures on the weekends though, and I read an hour before bed most nights.

>> No.1775634

So you consider entertainment a waste of time.

How "scientific".

>> No.1775645

>they started off so boring, I found myself paying much less attention at first, but it ends up like a good series on TV, you get sucked in by the lecturer,they make the subject exciting. The trick is to mix it up a little,it gets much more boring if you stick to the same subject 8 physics series in a row makes you loose interest somewhat, due to oversaturation, but switching between topics keeps your mind ticking over and linking different areas of study.
>Went from 100% TV to 50/50, then slowly phased out TV programs that i liked less and less,and one series on tv ended for the season, i would suddenly have a gap in my view calendar, and instead of finding new entertainment, i replaced it with lectures.
>it gets easier the longer you do it.

Good advice, and very inspiring. Thanks.

I can't imagine completely replacing quick and easy stimulation with very challenging material that requires a lot of focus and concentration. It really is admirable what you're doing. I'm relieved to read you also found the courses boring at first. I mean... I do enjoy watching lectures... but only in very small doses. I really need to stop wasting so much of my time watching dumb shit on TV and yes, browsing 4chan, and watch as much lectures as I can stand. I literally depress myself with how much time I'm wasting not learning anything.

>> No.1775651

Not the person you're probably responding to but I'll answer: I personally don't like the idea of spending 90% of my time watching TV. I like a healthy balance of both entertainment and learning (preferably both at the same time!).

>How "scientific".

>> No.1775654

Also, they may consider it a waste of THEIR time.

>> No.1775656
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I dont consider entertainment a waste of time, it wouldn't be called entertainment if that was the case, I like a laugh as much as the next man. I just find that a lot of what I used to watch doesn't entertain me any more, and I get much more gratification and am entertained more by
entertaining hard/fun/abstract ideas. Stand up comedians still make me laugh, I am not going to sift through 50 live shows to find one that is funny anymore though, good entertainment will make its way around to you in time. just stopped sifting through the crap for the gems.


good luck with it,just dont forget to get back on the horse if you fall off,nothing wrong with taking a week out to watch shitty movies and bad tv with your mates, just remember to pick it back up again after.

list of my current view material in pic.

>> No.1775664

I hate that I lost all my old TTC stuff. I can't find Dark Matter, Dark Energy on Demonoid and there's no way in hell I'm downloading it on PB. I can only find the first half and barely anyone is seeding. :(

>> No.1775669

I just found the TTC course Shape of Nature on Demonoid. Have you watched it yet?

>> No.1775680

Damn, i have alot of material aswell(though nothing near this).
However, my problem is that i keep downloading but never consuming :/

>> No.1775692

Next time you turn on your TV, think about the game. The game is contagious, it'll get your attention. Then think about watching something educational instead.

>> No.1775695


If thats the one with the indian guy then yeah I have, its a good watch, more of a 101 than an in depth series, still entertaining though.


Start consuming then, you've layed the table nicely, now sit down and feast!

>> No.1775922


>> No.1776623

is interesting

>> No.1776996


>> No.1777469

bumpty bump