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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1774996 No.1774996 [Reply] [Original]

hey atheists

how come you claim to know what happened 14 billions years ago, even though we can't even predict what the weather will be like tomorrow?

>> No.1775000

Chaos theory


>> No.1774999


>> No.1775003

hi troll.

we can predict the weather several weeks into the future. that's some pretty awesome shit. as for looking in the past? that's like connecting the dots. it's a lot harder when the dot's aren't there yet.

>> No.1775004

because the earth does not share one climate.
global weather patterns are hard to predict PERIOD.

fuck off hoser...because its going to snow somewhere in canada..and it'll be where i am

>> No.1775006

nope, weather reports are wrong all the time. why should I trust science to tell me how the universe began?

>> No.1775009

you may be right, but weather is always changing.

>> No.1775012


Better than people saying a magical space pixie god waited around for an infinity bajillion kajillion years and was bored and made the universe.

>> No.1775013

because it happened. there is no way around the truth..what happened, happened. no god can save you from the truth. no god will ever show you jesus christ or muhammed or jahovha or whoever the fuck because man is god.

>> No.1775017
File: 54 KB, 375x500, fail-owned-god-love-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Christians,
If you talk to god why don't you find out what the weather's like tomorrow?

>> No.1775025

>man is god

and the truth comes out. you know who else likes to think they're God? LUCIFER. and look what happened to him.

>> No.1775020

not as often as the church....
world still flat?
stars holes in the sky?
earth two thousand years old?
written words infallible?

>> No.1775028

you obviously don't know about the wealth of scientific foreknowledge to be found in the bible.

>> No.1775031

Chaos Theory came from Edward Lorenz who was studying weather patterns he also famously said "can the flap of a butterfly's wing in brazil set off a tornado in texas?" which should be indicative of the roll of chaos theory in weather patterns. Chaos theory is only a component sometimes in it's prediction. Chaos theory, which indicates a chaotic system, is not the catch-all term for seeming randomness.

Besides you best not be implying the theory of evolution or cosmology is more accurate than chaos theory. I will slap your shit.

>> No.1775034

sorry, I meant
>chaos theory came from the work of Edward Lorenz.

>> No.1775035

Ever done the Telephone experiment? 1 person whispers something into the ear of another, then that person whispers into another person's ear, and you do that to a bunch of people. Eventually the original message becomes so distorted its not even funny. Well that's like religion. Science is based upon facts. Do we absoultely know what happened 14 billion years ago? Of course not. We hope to build more technologies to find out more definite facts which will help us find the truth. If that leads us to God then so be it. As long as we find out the truth. You believe in God cuz ur papa will beat you with his belt if you say otherwise.

>> No.1775036
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prove he exists first.

>> No.1775040

and you don't understand the "magic" behind numerology

>> No.1775041

i never fell for god and the bible when i was a child being forced to go to sunday school.
untill i asked the sunday school teacher if a person made a time machine and went back into time and wrote that book about god, because that was the only way it would be true. (i was around 9 at the time) and she answered with the stupidest answer ever...she said YES!

i called bullshit on her at that time. growning up on the school yard i knew how to swear at people who lied like that..after that i was never welcomed back to that church.

protestant, salvation army church

>> No.1775078


Not true you dumbass.

Lucifer thought he was ABOVE God.

Man is certainly not above God, because saying man is above God is exactly like saying man is above nothing, and man certainly is greater than many things. (Though "greater" is relative to your perspective.)

>> No.1775091

> I was a little shit as a child, and swore at elders.

Fuck you man. You are the kind of kid that all elders hate to supervise, because you are just a little asshole. And I'm an atheist, so it isn't even about that teacher's ideas, you just suck as a person (And I say "suck" instead of "sucked" because you say this with an attitude (at least the way I read your post you did) of pride. You glorify your response, but just because a teacher is "wrong" doesn't mean you get to be an asshole towards them.