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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1774345 No.1774345 [Reply] [Original]

Can pharemones really make chicks want to fuck you and stuff? If so, where do I get some of that shit?

>> No.1774351

If I knew where to buy that shit, I'd be crawling in pussy

>> No.1774364

PROTIP OP: Considering that you are a man, your body actually produces pharemones of of it's own, and they are typically excreted with sweat through your armpits. They can make a woman more easily aroused -considering that they're on their period-.

An "artificial" sort can be found in stores such as Walmart, Target, etc., and they often come in the form of certain scented sprays. Not necessarily effective though.

>> No.1774376

I want super powerful, laboratory grade, high purity extract pheremones though. Shit that will basically make a chick want to fuck you right then and there, no matter if she is on her period or not.
I'd also like some pheremones that I could use to communicate to ants.

>> No.1774381

protip: its much cheaper and easier to simply talk to women than to do this shit

>> No.1774383

But if you are persistent...

If such things were easily available, then why wouldn't every man be "crawling with pussy"? Just search around the internet a bit for your supposed "super pharemones", and get back to us on the effectiveness of them. I'm questionable at best.

>> No.1774393


so far i've only been able to find bullshit sex ads and ads for Axe body spray
feels bad, man

>> No.1774402

My point exactly.

And as >>1774381 suggested, really, just try talking to them first. It'd be a lot less hassle than trying to find some "super secret pharemone".

As for the ant thing...what good would it do for you to communicate to ants?

>> No.1774403

I want to have an army of pet ants. Not really an army, but keep a bunch of ants in a cage, and whenever I want, give them a pheremone that puts them into apeshit crazy kill everything mode.

Also, how do talked to girls?

>> No.1774405


talking to women is easier than using a chemical that will make them want to have sex with you instantaneously?

>> No.1774410


i want control over ants so i can make them do this

>> No.1774416
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you obviously haven't seen me trying to talk to a pretty girl

>> No.1774417

Perhaps not, but the problem therin is that there is no [accessible] chemical [that (probably) any of us know of] that can do such a thing. As such, you're left with little choice.

>> No.1774425

1) Born straight
2) Enroll in elementary school
3) Graduate from elementary school
4) Enroll in high-school
5) Graduate from high-school
6) Go to University
7) Get a Bachelors in Chemical Engineering
8) Get a Masters in Chemical Engineering
9) Get a PhD in Chemical Engineering
10) Get a fucking job
11) Work for 10 years
12) Become a multi-millionaire
13) Buy a mansion
14) Design an underground lab
15) Buy a shitload of scientific materials for said lab
16) Design supermegaultra deluxe hardcore pussy-dripping ultra pheromones XXX
17) Roll around with hot virgin model bitches in your pool (that can fill itself with your choice of salted water or pure water) of money

>> No.1774427

Oh. Well that sucks. Now back to the ant thing, where can I get some ant pheremones? Maybe I could impress women if I brought an army of ants with me on our first date, and have them make symbols and shit, like hearts. then for a finale, I'd have them get in formation and do like a dance or something

>> No.1774433

I'm not sure that would wow her as much as you think it would.
Tell me, the last time that you came close to almost having a girlfriend, how did it end?

>> No.1774435

There was actually some "controversy" about certain "illegal" products like what OP describes presented by sensational media in my country.

Everybody panicked that certain experimental sprayed pheromones could instantly turn their daughters into sluts with no self-control.

Shit was ridiculous.

>> No.1774436

orrrrrrr you could just buy hookers.

>> No.1774439

I tried explaining love to her, then showed her a shark fetus I had preserved in a jar next to my collection of other dead preserved animals.

>> No.1774444

>Section: communication

This is the Internet! Isn't it grand?

Now, if you could chemically engineer those specific pheremones, then you might have a goal that could be actualized. On the subject of if anyone's actually done so yet, I can't say.

>> No.1774445

That. Don't do that. Girls don't like dead fetuses.

>> No.1774449

I broke up with her because she was fat. Used "distant relationship" bs-rhetorics as an excuse. I felt like crap for being a jerk.

>> No.1774451

Well, she told me she liked animals, so I thought she'd like my collection.

>> No.1774455

Typically, people mean live animals when they say such things.

>> No.1774456

You might be shocked but most of them are really into abortion.

>> No.1774461

Liking animals generally implies liking being around ALIVE animals, like dogs and cats and stuff.
I'm guessing her reaction to seeing dead insects, mice, etc. on display in some creepy hall you have dedicated to this shit wasn't too fun for her.

>> No.1774463

I do like live animals too but meseum-like collection are awesome too if not more.

>> No.1774466

Does that mean I have to get rid of my collection?

>> No.1774467

I guess the altar with the candles and her photos was not a good idea either....

>> No.1774468

Perhaps, but not the best thing to show off to someone that you're interested in having a relationship right off the bat.

Anyway OP, how 'bout dem ant pheremones? gonna' get yer'self an insectoid lover?

>> No.1774471

Yes. Sell it to me. I'm an engineer, I don't need cunts.

>> No.1774474

OP, OP, I have..

I have

I have your answer:

The pheromone is usually held in Banks but you may have some of them in your pockets. These are usually paper based and have a number written on them: this is the dosis. Now, the deal is this: depending on how
"hot" you want the girl to be, the dosis has to be increased proportionally. That is, the hotter you want it the more of that pheromone you have to put together.

Now, where to get more of this pheromone you ask? Simple: you work. When you have saved enough, you can pretty much get any girl you want, just keep in mind some have a very very large dosis requirement.

Hope this helps.

>> No.1774477

I'm working on finding out what pheremones do what.
But I love my collection. I've grown rather fond of some of the specimens. I have a pig fetus I'm quite fond to. Also, I've got this dead dog's head.

>> No.1774482

Questions: how do you go about buying preserved dead animals?

I want to get a shark fetus and maybe a dead baby panda.

I've got a shit-ton of insects in my "wine closet". It sure is fucking roomy in there, I need to fill it up with shit.

>> No.1774483

i would also like to breed a race of massive insectoids that i can control with a combination of control pheromones and psychic impulses.

>> No.1774488

>I've got this dead dog's head
Stop buying shit like that. Women don't like it.
Also, she won't appreciate you trying to train an ant army either.

>> No.1774491

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.1774494

By the way, I just went back to my closet to check.

I've got a few dead mice/rats I've poisoned and killed, and also a few dead raccoons/squirrels I've found.

I'll try to get a crow next if I can and bomb it with formaldehyde before maggots start eating its corpse from the inside out.

>> No.1774496

>A crushed ant emits an alarm pheromone that sends nearby ants into an attack frenzy and attracts more ants from further away. Several ant species even use "propaganda pheromones" to confuse enemy ants and make them fight among themselves.[61] Pheromones are produced by a wide range of structures including Dufour's glands, poison glands and glands on the hindgut, pygidium, rectum, sternum and hind tibia.[57] Pheromones are also exchanged mixed with food and passed by trophallaxis, transferring information within the colony.[62] This allows other ants to detect what task group (e.g., foraging or nest maintenance) other colony members belong to.[63] In ant species with queen castes, workers begin to raise new queens in the colony when the dominant queen stops producing a specific pheromone.[64]

From the very article I directed you too. Wasn't that hard to find.

>> No.1774499
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I named him sparky.

>> No.1774507

Shit OP, you weren't tro-joking.

>> No.1774508

No. Just fucking no. As long as you are a weird ass fuck like this, you will never get any pussy. Why the fuck do you even have a severed dog head? WHAT THE FUCK MAN


please tell me this isnt what scared away that chick

>> No.1774513
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>> No.1774514

Kerrigan Wants YOU

to Join the Swarm

>> No.1774516

Aw, how cute.
You should take him to play with children in the park more often though, he looks a bit lonely.

>> No.1774519

Please OP.

I want to be as cool as you.

I want some preserved pig heads / dog heads / shark fetuses and whatnot.

Dead insects are gay.

Dead animals I've found on my front porch are gay.


>> No.1774520
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There goes all of your chances of getting any pussy.

>> No.1774524

you are over-reacting guys

it's ot like the OP killed the dog

>> No.1774525

I've collected all of my specimens in a variety of ways. I picked up some from reputable science education dealers, some from assorted shops, and some I acquired myself. Sparky, for example, was my neighbor's dead dog that he thinks has lied undisturbed by their oak tree for 3 years. In actuality, I dug it up and chopped off it's head about 20 minutes after they buried it.

>> No.1774530

you assume

>> No.1774531


>> No.1774532

Then you should tell OP that girls won't be terrified at the sight of a severed dog's head in a preservative jar. Go on.

>> No.1774533
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           disregard females

acquire preserved animal remains

>> No.1774535
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>mfw OP

>> No.1774537

OP, you are seeming more and more to be the typical socially and emotionally inept serial killer. Quite disturbing, no doubt.

>> No.1774542

>Sparky, for example, was my neighbor's dead dog that he thinks has lied undisturbed by their oak tree for 3 years. In actuality, I dug it up and chopped off it's head about 20 minutes after they buried it.


>> No.1774546

OP, you are so cool.

Fuck, I don't even know how you know connections to people who have dead animals they're BEGGING to give away.

I would pay so much money for a dead baby panda or a dead baby tiger.


OP is so damn cool.

>> No.1774548
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thread has been derail towards an AWESOME DIRECTION!>>1774525

>> No.1774552

I acquired about 30% of my collection while on a trip to Jamaca. Some old guy there had a large collection of preserved sharks, pig fetuses, reptiles, and a bird he wanted to get rid of. I payed him $5 for it all :D

>> No.1774553


Chicks dig serial killers!

You are just jelly of OP!

>> No.1774554


Nice one troll, but without time stamp that shit means nothing except 5 minutes of google images searching.

>> No.1774555

>Sparky, for example, was my neighbor's dead dog that he thinks has lied undisturbed by their oak tree for 3 years. In actuality, I dug it up and chopped off it's head about 20 minutes after they buried it.

Back the fuck up...

>> No.1774556

Haters gonna hate

>> No.1774558

Just stop bathing, you'll produce your own pheromones.
Oh, sorry, I forgot: You don't bathe regularly anyway. Guess your personality is so hideous that no chicks want to let you fuck them.

>> No.1774565
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linking this shit to /b/ and /adv/


>> No.1774572

What kind of sociopathic serial killer in training would dig up their neighbor's dead dog, only minutes after they buried it, and chop its head off?

>> No.1774573

why so butthurt?

>> No.1774576

OP here
It's not like they were using it.
I thought about going back for the organs, but they came back from wherever they went before I could.

>> No.1774577

Erm, not quite. Any form of physical activity (or remaining in a slightly-too-warm room) will cause one to sweat, and thus produce pheremones (fuck, how the hell do you spell that anyway?). Of course, being intimate with someone else is also likely to produce them as well, but in OP's case, it is moot point.

>> No.1774583


And, /sci/ confirmed for gullible retard: guess where I got this from?

Here's tha linkr.


>> No.1774584

he did not induce emotional stress for his own benefit

your description of sociopath is innacurate


>> No.1774587

>mfw I've posted the picture online before
>mfw a lot of people have probably passed it around

You seem rather butthurt, btw.

>> No.1774590

backing up the need for a time stamp

>> No.1774591

It's not about the dog itself, it's about the emotional connection that the owner(s) had with the dog, and by not only digging it up, but beheading it, you utterly defile that [former] relationship.

That's what's wrong with it.

Oh, and OP confirmed for troll.

>> No.1774593


also still trying to figure out why so many ad hominems against someone having a preserved animal collection?

>> No.1774594

How do I time stamp?

>> No.1774599

I could care less about their emotional connection with their dog. What they don't know won't hurt them.
Of course, if they ever have to dig it up...

>> No.1774600

>It's not about the dog itself, it's about the emotional connection that the owner(s) had with the dog, and by not only digging it up, but beheading it, you utterly defile that [former] relationship.

yes but his neighbours DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE, moralfag!

>OP confirmed for troll.
we are now discussing a hypothetical scenario and its ethical implications

>> No.1774602

The reason for the anti-animal collection was that it is detrimental for OP's love interests, since he claimed to have taken pride in it in displaying it for his, ah, "guests". Least, that was one subject that he seemed to be on for a bit.

>> No.1774608

SUPER OOOL STORY BRO. Then surely you won't mind a timestamp would you now?

And butthurt you say? Nah, just pointing out your failing ways at trolling. Seriously, I'd give you a 2/10 at best and that's because you are doing just the typical newbie trolling mistakes that give it away.

Maybe next time although /sci/ is one of the easiest boards to troll.

>> No.1774609

OP here.
We're still on topic, aren't we?

>> No.1774612

well fuck guys...

now I'm paranoid about demonstrating my lepidoptera collection...

/sci/ out of all boards... I'm dissapoint

>> No.1774614

I don't understand how you can have an emotional attachment to a BODY. If the animal is dead, then it's pretty much agreed by all beliefs except ancient Egyptians that it no longer needs it's body.

>> No.1774615

>speak of ethical implications and toss around the term "moralfag"
Sure, I suppose that (so long as they never know of it,) there's little harm in it. But if they ever DID have a reason to, you can be sure that they would be mollified.

>> No.1774617

The closest we got to it was the ants thing, but "you" seem to've forgotten it.

>> No.1774620

But girls like butterflies.

>> No.1774622


Yes OP: it's called money get the whores. Fucking miracles amirite?

>> No.1774623

Have you ever had a pet? Of any kind? Did you ever in the slightest become attached to that pet? When it died, were you not saddened by it?

It's not of the physical, but of the mental (memories of the pet). It's not that hard to get around.

>> No.1774626

I had some pet snakes once and when they died I preserved them and added them to my collection.

>> No.1774627

Serial killer in training

I wonder how much longer before OP becomes so infuriated that women won't spend any longer than 3 seconds in his house that he'll just begin abducting them, raping them, killing them, then chopping them up and adding them to his "collection"

>> No.1774630


>mfw are still falling for failing troll.


Jesus, /sci/ i am dissapoint.

>> No.1774631

"moralfag" implies commonfolk morals which is only a subject to ethics

also I was reffering to your missuse of the term sociopath and I'm not the person you replied to

your assumptions for samefagging clearly shows your moral angst

>> No.1774637


Get out a piece of paper/sticky note.

Write down today's date along with "sci" on it.

Put it next to the preserved dog head.

Then, we will know that you actually collect preserved dead animals.

You'll probably become a member of the Order Of /sci/, or even King of /sci/, too.

You are very cool, but we must verify this.

>> No.1774638

if only...

>> No.1774639

>mfw I already explained that I have posted it on the internet a lot
>mfw you think that if you post something on the internet it belongs to you and you alone and people cant right click+save it

>> No.1774643

Fuck. Let me find my camera. Gimme a second

>> No.1774644

I always have at least one pet, and yes, I am fond of them. But when they die, they die. Death is a fact of life and if you can't deal with it, then why are you on /sci/?

>> No.1774647

Bitches dont know bout our nonfunctional vomeronasal organ

>> No.1774651


1. Get paper
2. Write date, hour and board (/sci/) on said paper.
3. Put paper next to jar
4. Take picture
5. Post here
6. Everyone, myself including, will believe you.


>> No.1774653


I personally don't have the gut to keep my dead pets around but it is perfectly sensible to do so if you wish, especially if you have an interest in taxidermy or something similar.

What's next? Claiming that people that keep urns with their loved ones' ashes in their home are psychopathic sickfucks?

>> No.1774675

I think they are more mentally ill than OP. Preserved parts at least have some value, whereas bone dust is....dust...

>> No.1774689

And OP never came back with a timestamp. Confirmed troll.


Let it die guys.

>> No.1774705

And I thought that OP was genuinely cool.

Damn trolls.

I think I'm the only one that collects preserved animals.

But they're normal stuff like insects, rodents (mice/rats/squirrels/raccoons), etc.

>> No.1774706

What about a person who preserves there loved ones heads in jars and displays them?

>> No.1774747

In some parts of African/Amazonian jungle it is perfectly socially acceptable to have your grandfather's shrunken head dangling on a string around your neck, so there you go..

>tricks trensy