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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 200 KB, 1600x1200, 2010-09-19-015302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1773094 No.1773094 [Reply] [Original]

>girls don't give a flying piece of shit that you're intelligent
>science will never get you any pussy

>> No.1773103

mfw ive come to terms with this
mfw you should too

>> No.1773125

Forced integration created a
new race of human - a light
black race bridge from the black-black to the white-white.
Doom descends upon Whites
as with all past civilizations.

>Dolan it's aether

I was just reading this bit of timecube, and I thought about the rapper 'nas'. In lots of his lyrics he talks about putting the bridge over, etc etc. uthinkheknows.jpg?

>> No.1773141

I've wondered this too
Why do girls seem unimpressed by intelligence but impressed by trivial stuff such as sports?
Any women here?

>> No.1773154

you're a loser.
you shouldn't care about such trivial things

>> No.1773157
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<== The agony of /sci.

Which did you see first?

>> No.1773170
File: 9 KB, 344x341, 1284663774942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, aether
why do you come to /sci/? what did we do to you?

>> No.1773172

the fine ass bitch

>> No.1773177

The more attracted they are to you the easier they are to impress.
That's why a hot guy could impress a girl by burping the alphabet, where as an ugly guy showing off his flying motorcycle powered by pure awesomeness is more likely to make her yawn.
Sports players are generally more attractive than nerds.

>> No.1773184

I saw the sequence first.
What does this picture suppose to imply?

>> No.1773201

I made a thread on the appropriate board

>> No.1773222

>trying to use interest in science to get pussy

>> No.1773232

>trying to troll

>> No.1773240

I'm trying to help you. I know you don't want help, but that's for a very specific reason. You cannot compute timecube, because it's past the norm, but you NEED to, for yourself, your future and for humanity. If you teach yourself to understand 'timecube' and understand 'oneism/god/nogod evil', you will understand a lot more and you will see what troubles are ahead if you just STOP BEING SO FUCKING IGNORANT AND SUPPRESSIVE. You're killing yourself, your friends, children and you will proceed to pass the stigma onto others as you grow older.

What is wisdom?

>> No.1773245

I can get pussy with my math



>> No.1773311

I mean, dolan, come on.
Surely you can agree that an 'adult' is an ego image,
and 'adults' worship themselves and an 'adult' god.
'adult' is evolution of the human mind, in the same way 'one' is evolution of the human mind - so you worship 'one' and 'adults' when they are evolved forms of our own mind, which are LIES.

>> No.1773315

That's not true. Ugly jocks are better off than handsome nerds.

Women don't guage attractiveness purely on looks like men tend to. Women are attracted to men based on whether or not their skills are actually useful in the world, and incidentally (what your science teacher DOESN'T want you to know) a football player has a greater chance of actually contributing something to society than the bookworm computer programmer or whatever.

>> No.1773485 [DELETED] 

an "adult" mind is the image of an evolved mind which has evolved around the idea of a personal god. the mind is personal ("someone" instead of "them") and a source of resources of the soul, which is a projection of a fraction of the "adult" mind into a soul world which itself evolves around "them" (god) (a perfect balance, the key of the evolution of the minds). the soul to an "adult" is like an axe to a very small but resistant (an evolved mind) tree

>> No.1773504

an "adult" mind is the image of an evolved mind which has evolved with personal experience (ego is just a fuel to the mind). the mind is personal ("someone" instead of "them") and a source of resources of the soul, which is a projection of a fraction of the "adult"
mind into a soul world which itself evolves around "them" (god and other "adults") (a perfect balance, the key of the evolution of the minds). the soul to an "adult" is like an axe to a very small but resistant (an evolved mind) tree

>> No.1773526

>a football player has a greater chance of actually contributing something to society than the bookworm
wow, just wow

>> No.1773527

The spiral, obviously.

>> No.1773539

And how does one become an adult exactly? through what experiences? Society?

>> No.1773546

You are what is wrong with humanity. You seriously think a dumb ass football player is more likely to cure a disease or take us to mars than a nerd? Get fucking real, those jocks probably think bacteria and viruses are the same thing.

>> No.1773548

I think it's historically speaking. The guy who spends his time pretty much fighting, which is all most sport really is, is going to be better off in the tribe than the other losers.

>> No.1773551


If you aren't trolling, then kill yourself.

>> No.1773558

not if the losers help advance the shitty tribe full of inbred primates

>> No.1773569

OP I share your pain. But don't fret, what these dumb bitches that we wanna fuck because of our neural wiring don't realize is that we can clone them or chemically suppress our urges. And the only way we will achieve either of these solutions is by studying and developing our scientific understanding.

>> No.1773578

Yeah its not like the smart ones in the tribe actually made everyone's lives easier by inventing mills and other shit
We should all worship the cavemen

>> No.1773583
File: 55 KB, 1024x768, 1209355012890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls don't give a flying piece of shit that you're intelligent
>science will never get you any pussy, while you're working your ass off in school
>once im done with phd, ill have more money and fulfilling work that pussy will follow me

>> No.1773584

directly, no
indirectly, yes

>> No.1773590

So Starcraft players are the most attractive mates?
Got it.

>> No.1773591
File: 207 KB, 1600x1200, 2010-09-19-031412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i hate every single one of you

>> No.1773592

>once im done with phd, ill have more money and fulfilling work that pussy will follow me
Once you're done with your Phd you should start thinking about getting married or dating the pool of desperate women that want to get married

>> No.1773608

ill be 30. you?

>> No.1773610
File: 33 KB, 400x267, android-sex-doll-091709-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 10~20 years we should have some good sex androids. The ones we have now are still "do not want" for me.

>A German company is now manufacturing Android sex dolls that come equipped with a “heavy breathing” feature, a g-spot and – most importantly – a pulse.

>The doll, named Andy, is referred to as a “synthetic human” by its manufacturer, First Androids

>> No.1773616

just, um... how intelligent are you sir? -_-

>> No.1773623

1. Most scientists don't make that much
2. You'll be ludicrous debt getting that Ph. D
3. If you're one of the lucky few who finally makes mad bank from your education, you'll only attract gold diggers and nobody who is actually attracted to you and not your money.

You would get a lot more bang for your buck and immediate gratification if you just went and got a prostitute instead of going into ludicrous debt and spending years of your life studying shit you're not actually interested in for some gold-digger miles down the road.

>> No.1773624

shut the fuck up
If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing.

>> No.1773634

>So Starcraft players are the most attractive mates?
In Korea, they are. Seriously.

>> No.1773640

M$soft has more millionaires than the NFL I bet.

Also, http://www.amazon.com/Hot-Algebra-Exposed-Danica-McKellar/dp/1594630704/

>> No.1773644
File: 17 KB, 444x299, woman laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. depends on how much it takes to make you happy
2. no debt, phd is payed for already.
3. obtuse generalization

rage moar with your minimal education

see pic, leave 4chan

>> No.1773650

people pursue science not to get women, but because it's interesting

>> No.1773653


>> No.1773659

Obvious newfag.

>> No.1773666

Oh fuck, just remembered, Europeans are sleeping now.

>> No.1773667

>rage moar with your minimal education
Wasn't raging, I'm in higher ed too. I didn't get into it for pussy, there are so many more realistic ways to do that than high test scores or research.

>> No.1773671


So fucking what?

Can you be more childish than that?

Pussy is nowhere near my top priorities.

And frankly the too are completely independent.

If you are a pussy you won't get any pussy. Deal with it.

>> No.1773682

The sad thing is, guys don't really care that you're intelligent either. They just want someone pretty to look at.

>> No.1773692

I wasn't even trying, seems like our friends from the other side of the Atlantic get trolled even with the slightest. Oh well, I guess Americans will always be labeled as the stupid fucks. Never change Americans, never change.

>> No.1773695

pessimism =/= realism
Take some happy pills

>> No.1773701


Jesus. If you can't get pussy than there isn't much hope for the rest of us. I'm a straight male and as such you appear to me as an attractive young man.

>> No.1773710

In what world did academic prowess ever translate into sex appeal? And not in that indirect way where more money = can afford higher-class escorts

>> No.1773713

i'm a straight female and i agree with you!

>> No.1773736
File: 24 KB, 319x443, wtf seuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got laid tutoring more than once

>> No.1773745

Do you smart bros even enjoy social interaction with women? It all seems really pointless to me. Every convo I hear from a girl to a guy she likes is "hurr durr giggle giggle." Really, when you factor in time spent, a quality whore is cheaper.

and the loyal Filipino waifus from the other thread sounded good

>> No.1773746
File: 101 KB, 488x488, 1281174419082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chew on that, aether.

>> No.1773805

I'd fuck the shit out of you.

>> No.1773806

Was that for volunteer hours or what?

>> No.1773831
File: 26 KB, 418x270, img_girl_pointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1773838


>Do you smart bros even enjoy social interaction with women? It all seems really pointless to me.

Well for a change it's not that bad but I get bored very easily.

And the girl must be really dorky/geeky/nerdy or personally interesting in some other way.

>> No.1773864

Same here, why are most women so boring? Why can't they have interests aside from romance novels and shitty music?

>> No.1773866

>Phd in Mathematics
>any girl I want
>cereer models starting

>> No.1773874

Femanon here;
I won't date a stupid guy.

OP is an idiot.
As long as the girl is in science, and the girl is smart, she's gonna want a smart guy, too.

>> No.1773880

>implying society and girls care about that

>> No.1773887
File: 7 KB, 250x277, ‮exe.jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

‮slrig em steg yrdraziW

>> No.1773898

protip: he wasn't alpha and kept reproducing less than the hunters

seriously... the fact that our brain-mass haven't seriously increased since middle pleistocene doesn't mean anything to you?

>> No.1773900


Or they like something ridiculous like the paranormal or astrology or some other bullshit that I just can't get over. It's because I'm in political science though, I'm reaping what I've sown. I'm considering going back and doing a math / physics major because I grew up and realized I was an idiot for not understanding just how brilliant science is and because if my math TA from the first year math course I took over the summer is any indicator girls in math / physics majors are absolutely lovely compared to the girls I see. I would rather date a girl who might be considered a 3/10 in a math / physics program than I would a 7-10/10 girl in my program.

>> No.1773906

If they care more about touch downs than cures to diseases, I want nothing to do with these fucking retards.

>> No.1773909

I hate you but you speak the truth.

/sci/ needs some reality check from time to time

>> No.1773913


Would you ever date a guy who enjoys science but doesn't study it formally, or is that a rather difficult situation if you'd have to explain certain concepts when talking about a research paper or something of the sort?

>> No.1773917

Walk into any university science course other than maybe entry level Biology.

Note the male to female ratio.

...Yeah, that's the problem.

>> No.1773931

well if you find someone that cares more about your intellectual conquest than alpha-behaviour then be warned about your options:
1) She is really ugly, thus desperate and PRETENDS to like your intellectuality. (double loss)
2) She's a gold digger, and also pretends to like you for your brain while she actually likes you for your money or your potential for money. (you could care less though)
3) Things went better than expected, she is decent-looking and she likes you for your intellectual status. (statistically unlikely since Feynman got most of them).

>> No.1773938

>I won't date a stupid guy.

I kinda struggle in my academic course, but I probably have good genes. Would you consider it in that case? ;_;

>> No.1773941


You forgot no four.

She's seems like a perfectly fine hardworking young lady with a great body and personality. Everything is perfect about her.

BUT than as you get to know her everything changes. The actually a paranoid, bipolar maniac.

>> No.1773942

confirmed for hideous

>> No.1773943

Do intellectual, good-looking women exist? It seems like everything in society would push a good-looking woman the other way.

anyway I've absorbed lots of broscience that women are controlled by their emotions to be impregnated by an alpha male

>> No.1773947

STFU bitch and make me those citations!

Don't make me repeat myself.

>> No.1773949
File: 26 KB, 384x439, no-shit-sherlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems like everything in society would push a good-looking woman the other way.

>> No.1773955


>confirmed for hideous

So what if true. It's not like you are going to be having intercourse 24/7.

And if you hand can do, a female can either.

Actually I'll go as far as saying that probably every female of the appropriate age will be capable of stimulating you to climax even the most hideous of all.

Look are really overrated by much!

>> No.1773956

>The actually a paranoid, bipolar maniac.
 . . . . . . . . . . .


>> No.1773957

I don't know man, I have a pretty good lookin' hand.

>> No.1773962


Dude I experience it personally. The irrationality is so unbelievably frustrating that even sex became a tedious job.

>> No.1773963
File: 46 KB, 640x480, Xanatos_schemes.sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW it won't repel it, either.
>MFW confidence, intelligence, and money together make you irresistible to women.

>> No.1773964

sort of true but seriously is less for sex and more for emotional fullfillment

aesthetics are a bitch

>> No.1773969

so we should seriously date ugly science types and fuck stupid bitches on the side?

>> No.1773971

I mean in the sense of you have to be smart in SOMETHING. I could not date a guy who smokes pot, lazy as fuck, can't speak, can't read. If I have to explain the concept of... say, general physics, cool, whatever. But it'd be disappointing when I couldn't have a conversation on what my particular study is.

Yeah, I know dude. I walked into my biology course, and I think there were like 3 girls who were actually pursuing it, but they were doing more of a nursing program. there wasn't a single chick in my class going for actual Biology.

Sociobiologists say that's what I look for. Good genes, and someone to support a family that I don't want to have.

Uh, thanks. I'm flattered.

>> No.1773972

>science will never get you any pussy
Until we get Android Sex Dolls!!!
(They will be Japanese, amirite?)
YAY, science!

>> No.1773974

i occasionally smoke pot, and am phd student. qualify?

>> No.1773977

this man is thinking with SCIENCE

>> No.1773984

The only two standards I really have with dating is 1; be somewhat intelligent. Right now it's hard to come by guys who are actually SMART.
and 2; they aren't allowed to smoke pot unless it's doctor prescribed. And even then they better not do it around me because it makes me as nauseous as fuck.

>> No.1773985


>emotional fullfillment

Which is all about hormones and shit, but I know what you mean. Society fucks people up by all this conditioning.

>> No.1773987


>> No.1773991

yeah, as long as you aren't too fat as a girl, things should work out fine
>in programming class
>morbidly obese girl sitting near me
>I want to play with her giant boobs

>> No.1773998

This is the same kind of shit lesbians say about guys. This is just bullshit gay propaganda. You can't say anything about an entire gender. Is everyone on 4chan a faggot?

>> No.1774002

>they aren't allowed to smoke pot unless it's doctor prescribed. And even then they better not do it around me because it makes me as nauseous as fuck.
I don't smoke pote but I'm really repulsed by anally retentive girls [spoiler] unless they are HAWT [:spoiler]

>> No.1774006

How most women prioritize traits when selecting a male mate:
PhD (Pretty huge Dick) > confidence > money > humor (any faggotry will do) > looks > ... > intelligence

>> No.1774007

>>I want to play with her giant boobs
get help

(preferably not from her)

>> No.1774016

Difference being we wanna fuck them wimmins but they won't put out because they are getting nailed by a retard with a huge dick.

>> No.1774017

is 7' considered average or large average? (by "large average" I mean big enough not to have an excuse cheating you)

>> No.1774025


About average

>> No.1774027


This is such bullshit that it's not even funny. Lurk some more and you'll see 90% of guys complain of how woman are so bland and intellectually dull.I think any anon here would cream himself fora smart woman that shows it.

>> No.1774029

I can respect that.

Or at least I respect it more than I do with the case they date some alpha jerk that treats them as an object.

CAPTCHA: sycculent object

>> No.1774032


>> No.1774040

There is a procedure that can fix that for you, if you really find it such a big deal.

>> No.1774043

>a football player has a greater chance of actually contributing something to society than the bookworm computer programmer or whatever.


>> No.1774051

Lost virginity to girl who needed help with calculus.

>> No.1774052

5.5" is median dick

7" is above average and pretty nice size from what I hear

girth matters as much or more though

>> No.1774055

Even the south isn't that retarded.

>> No.1774056
File: 8 KB, 194x259, Bill Gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a Marine and get a different pussy every night

>> No.1774059

also South America

name ONE beaner that is widely known other for being a football player or a rebel / dictator

>> No.1774060

name a price

>> No.1774068


Is it the TV that you let convince you everyone in the south is retarded? Because that's retarded.

>> No.1774071


That doesn't change the fact that looks > intelligence for the majority of anons.

>> No.1774076

I jelly

>> No.1774094

If you want to attract a quality female, it's things like character and kindness that count for more than either intelligence or good looks. Good looks are best for attracting sluts though.

>> No.1774099


Marry me? I never thought a girl would actually share this perspective.

>> No.1774123


Only decent post in this entire, pathetic fucking thread.

>> No.1774124


Women are starting to like us intellectuals more and more apparently.

>> No.1774125

>implying a girl posted that

anyway, I think these girls that talk about liking smart guys are deluding themselves. They probably fuck the first guy with "nerdy" bold frame glasses they see.

>> No.1774138
File: 41 KB, 300x306, clemens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I see those hipster fags

>> No.1774144

Ew ew ew.
You have to add that girls who are SLUTS would fuck the first nerdy guy with thick glasses.

I, on the other hand, am one of those douchebag chicks who is all like, "Oh, well, only if he's worth my time."

>> No.1774158

>Is it the TV that you let convince you everyone in the south is retarded?

My brain just twitched a little.

>> No.1774183
File: 93 KB, 1000x984, 1284770674568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when I realized ICP and retards alike got more pussy than me.

>> No.1774325

angry femtard

that post is delusional

>> No.1774333

>Oh, well, only if he's worth my time.
protip: you don't worth their

>> No.1774334

So hot bitches aren't attracted to badassery?

>> No.1774336

They aren't attracted to real nerds. They're attracted to this glorified, homogenized, hollywood conception of a nerd.

>> No.1774338

which as it turns out is actually a geek and not really a nerd at all.

>> No.1774363

pumb for bitches and whores!

>> No.1774431

I prefer to date internationally, but not some creepy mail order bride shit. Date somewhere where women can be seen as your peers and equals.

because--face it--American women are repugnant.

>> No.1774460

actually they do

the problem is you probably all have shitty personalities and you only display your intelligence in a way that is awkward, forces, and aggressive

being intelligent is very attractive but you actually need to be interesting to be around (protip: no one gives a fuck about engineering or math get another hobby)

>> No.1774501

stop idealizing your gender

and stop confusing hipsterism and social skill with intelligence

cools & party-wit =/= intelligence

>> No.1774510
File: 164 KB, 300x289, 1269796989037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Date somewhere where women can be seen as your peers and equals

>> No.1776578


>> No.1776735 [DELETED] 


But, I do give a shit about science and engineering! :(

I wish I could find guys who did too.Too bad I live down South.

The South: OH SHIIT we live near a nuclear plant??? all our baybees gon' be mutants! i'm an uneducated faggot hump my rump.

I really do live near a plant and this is the kind of shit I hear.

>> No.1776746

But, I do give a shit about math and engineering! :(

I wish I could find guys who did too.Too bad I live down South.

The South: OH SHIIT we live near a nuclear plant??? all our baybees gon' be mutants! i'm an uneducated faggot hump my rump.

I really do live near a plant and this is the kind of shit I hear.