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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1757749 No.1757749 [Reply] [Original]

1 ÷ 0 = 1

why? because if you take one full pizza and you divide it by nothing, you get the same unaltered pizza. It's fucking logic.


>> No.1757760

>you divide it by nothing
You can't do that. "Dividing by nothing" doesn't make sense. It's not a form of division, it's simply nonsense.

"Divide by zero" is just like "multiply by red".

>> No.1757757

I thought like that at times. But in essence you're saying the pizza isn't being shared and thus there is no equation so there'd be nothing to write.

I guess.

>> No.1757770

So... instead of returning an error, we should write our math libraries to simply return the equation up to that point.

>> No.1757779
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5 pies divided between 2 people = 2 and a half pies each

5 pies divided between 0 people = 5 unaltered pies

>now, was that hard?

>> No.1757783

OP uncorrect! An pizza divided by nothing has thus been factored into units of nothing. It will not taste the same again. Ever.

>> No.1757789

No, you're asking how many no-pizza-at-alls would it take to make a whole pizza.

Can't be done, thus division by zero is not defined.

>> No.1757791

You don't DIVIDE between 0 people. Is it really that hard? It's like multiplying colors: Doesn't make sense.

>> No.1757798

I think you got off at the wrong stop. This is /sci/, not /b/.

>> No.1757818
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i know you're right, but why do i still feel like my way was correct.

>fucking maths, thats why i hate you.

>> No.1757841

OP's claim looks legit, guys. But just for the heck of it, let's turn it on its head...

1 * 0 = 0

Whoops! Guess it's bullshit then.

>> No.1757843


Your units are all bad.

5 cookies divided among 5 people means each gets 1.
5 cookies divided among 3 people means each gets 1 and 2/3
5 cookies divided among 0 people means each person gets ???? cookies.

Remember, division just straight doesn't work with 0. The whole "divide by zero" meme suggests that shit gets fucked up at zero. It doesn't. Mathematicians are cool people who just don't give a fuck and say "pfft, doesn't fucking work, don't even try it chucklefuck".

So it is EXACTLY like multiplying by red, because the only things you can divide by are "numbers that aren't zero". Just like how in multiplication you can multiply by "numbers". Red is not a number, just like zero is not a "number that isn't zero".

>> No.1757855

If I have 1 pizza, and I would divide it by half a person, I would now have 2 pizzas!
Why didn't anyone think of this before? you could make a huge profit!

>> No.1757859

cool religion bro

>> No.1757872

Why is this a religion? You think you can just shuffle together words and expect all of it to make sense?

I divide by 0.
I multiply by red.
I take the square root of gold.

>> No.1757877

OP just disproved millenia of mathematics.

>> No.1757876
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cool troll, sis

>> No.1757878

someone divided by zero (seriously, he actually did it (no, seriously (fo real))) in this thread >>1756223

>> No.1757879

People on this board have demonstrated again and again that the semantics of division can allow for division by zero if the axiomatic system allows it. There is nothing magical about the number 0. It is not a god which forbids itself to be placed in the denominator of a rational. Stop worshiping it.

>> No.1757891
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this is just like that time Galileo said the world wasn't flat and everyone laughed at

fuck off religious faggot

>> No.1757894

no it's easy. How many times can 0 go into 1? Infinite! We now have infinite pizza! Let the party begin.

>> No.1757896

I'm saying "dividing by zero" doesn't make sense. Obviously, this is going to depend on what "dividing" and "zero" means.

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.1757904

ITT: people (minus the trolls) thinking they're smarter than every mathematician that existed in the history of mankind

Good luck with that.

>> No.1757913
File: 40 KB, 798x500, 1278180471810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot with inferiority complex detected

>> No.1757915

Yeah it's exactly like that

>> No.1757916

>faggot thinking he's smarter than Leibniz
That asshole, like, invented integrals and shit. I think he knew how to divide by 0

>> No.1757924

Stole the idea from Newton? That's right he did.

>> No.1757934

How could he? He was German and Newton was English. In those days they didn't hafve television or the internet to learn other languages.

>> No.1757973

> I kill people for the crown, god wills is
> I pursue math, science, and philosophy without killing people

tough choice

>> No.1757992

Newton: never got laid
Leibniz: bitches everywhere

>> No.1758001
File: 48 KB, 571x570, cool_story_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]