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1755408 No.1755408 [Reply] [Original]

How did life develop from inanimate objects?

>> No.1755425

How did my erection develop from your mom?

>> No.1755424

1. watch cosmos
2. educate yourself
3. ???
4. profit

>> No.1755431


Granny Complex?

>> No.1755433


>> No.1755436
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How did inanimate objects develop from life?

"Life" is just some ARBRITARY title we give to certain collections of pbjects, the exibit certain properties. There is nothing inhertly special about it. STOP FUCKING ASSUME THERE IS.

>> No.1755445

the earth is radioactive. This radioactivity powered the first life forms

>> No.1755452

You're special.

>> No.1755453

THere were like, chemicals man. In early earth, you got dat CO2, dat N2, dat CN, ect.

Well so you also gets like lightning n shit. Energy like this or like, from the sun, can cause these molecules to combine into Amino Acids and other shit. Get enough of these molecules and you can make a cell dawg. They had like 2 billion years to do it

>> No.1755465

i knew a spider once he had a bad temper i sent him to the navyy

>> No.1755470

That fucking spider is at the Ottawa Art Gallery. I see that million dollar hunk of metal every time I drive to work.

>> No.1755474


If you try, really hard, to precisely define "inanimate" and "life", what you'll find is that the more you refine your definitions, the closer they will become.

The problem lies in the question. Why do you distinguish between the two?

>> No.1755493

Would you consider the earth an inanimate object?

>> No.1755494

>Implying a distinction DOES exist between "inanimate" and "life" then failing to address where in the grey area postulated to exist between the two terms poster would say a thing stops being "inanimate" and becomes "life"

learn2english instead of trying to be clever.

>> No.1755501


Sorry, I don't mean to respond to a question with a question. The thing is, I'm not exactly sure how to respond because I don't feel that life came from inanimate objects but from an animate being. I can't explain my ideas scientifically, and I don't claim to have the answers regarding the evolution of species. However, your question is an interesting one. :)

>> No.1755515
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very carefully

>> No.1755523

Damn, I was going to say the Bilbao Guggenheim. Well, shit

>> No.1755560

I'm implying that there ISN'T a distinction between the two. So there is no gray area to address. Anyone who suggests a distinction, other than superficial, must then be charged with the task of explaining how one develops from the other, since the difference exist only in his mind.

It's like if I ask you, "how does hearing come from sound" then you say, "well, hearing IS sound. Since YOU have separated the two in your mind, only YOU can describe the bridge between them".

>> No.1755566

Two words:

>High-Energy Photons

>> No.1755571

you gotta drop the semantics and go back to english class seriously, you're in danger of hurting yourself

>> No.1755586

giant freaking spiders pretending to be sculpture
>Ottawa Art Gallery
>Bilbao Guggenheim
there was one at Tate Modern and a few in Liverpool last year


>> No.1755591

Life has properties that inanimate objects do not have. These are called the seven properties of life.

It is easy to make a distinction between the two; you cannot communicate with a rock, but you can with another lifeform. You also do things that lifeless matter does not do.

The question is, how did inanimate matter come to cunningly absorb information and generate self-replication? Are our distant ancestors really just rocks?

Also, it must be added that life is so successful that it has the energy to fight itself, and eats itself. Life isn't primarily a test for survival.

Of course, the whole question is nonsensical and cannot be answered.

>> No.1755594
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>I don't feel that ____insert bullshit here___

It doenst matter how the fuck you "feel", it matters what the truth is. You could feel howver the fuck you want, and "feel" like all life must have orginated from your boyfriends anus. You just "feel" that way, right?

"feeling" is equivalent to just making bullshit up.
Take your "Feeling" the fuck outta my /sci/!

>> No.1755605
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>> No.1755603




>> No.1755608
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>> No.1755616

Care to explain that, Mr English? I don't think you actually understand what I'm saying and resort to attacking my, apparently poor, English as if that is somehow a counter argument.

>> No.1755627
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Ohh yeah

>> No.1755659

>How did life develop from inanimate objects?

Life is just a name for self-replicating inanimate objects.

>> No.1755671

you think measurable quantifiable objective differences between classes of objects don't exist because words are human inventions

you are a crack addict nigger drooling for hope in retard alley

>> No.1755682


>> No.1755683

>Life has properties that inanimate objects do not have. These are called the seven properties of life.

Perhaps these seven properties are superfical.
this guy would aggree:

>It is easy to make a distinction between the two; you cannot communicate with a rock, but you can with another lifeform. You also do things that lifeless matter does not do.
I kick a rock, it rolls down the hill. COMMUNICATION! the rock has responded to your kick with a roll. Or is your definition of communication restricted to just words?
The rock is alive, it made you kick it. "but, I wanted to kick the rock; it didn't make me", why did you want to kick it? "because it was in my way". So the rock got in your way and made you kick it. Either perspective is valid, so what distinction are you making between life and not-life.

>The question is, how did inanimate matter come to cunningly absorb information and generate self-replication? Are our distant ancestors really just rocks?
Complex patterns can arise from simple rules. look at fractals as an example. Perhaps this answers OPs question: Life evolved from rocks.
If our ancestors aren't rocks, then what are the ancestors of our ancestors?

>Also, it must be added that life is so successful that it has the energy to fight itself, and eats itself. Life isn't primarily a test for survival.
Sure, why not.

>Of course, the whole question is nonsensical and cannot be answered.

>> No.1755706

>you think measurable quantifiable objective differences between classes of objects don't exist because words are human inventions

not quite. I think that classes of objects exist because humans invent measurable quantifiable objective differences between them.
Thanks for actually making an argument this time.

where does your fist go when you open your hand?

>> No.1755712

>I think that classes of objects exist because humans invent measurable quantifiable objective differences
see? you're a creationist

>> No.1755717

Same place the mind goes after the brain dies.

>> No.1755728

Ya'll retarded. Vitalism has been disproved.

Cells are the smallest functioning units of life. Cells are alive, reproduce, acquire nutrients, etc etc.

You are retarded. Life did not 'evolve' from rocks. Life was the spontaneous creation of Simple Cells from the polymerization of simple molecules when applied to heat or sunlight. Example: Small chains of carbon form into phospholipids. Enough Phospholipds together are known to form a cell membrane.

>> No.1755740

I'm definitely NOT a creationist. how do you come to this conclusion and what is your point?

>> No.1755745

what you call "spontaneous creation" I call "evolution"

>> No.1755750

>how do you come to this conclusion
things were only different from each other when a human noticed = creationist
> and what is your point?

>> No.1755758

But non-living particles don't evolve because they have no genes and are not alive.

>> No.1755755

But abiogenesis is not evolution

>> No.1755754

You are not accepting that lifeforms are different from non-lifeforms, and would prefer to blur the line between them. Of course communication is a two-way process in life, but this is not the same when it is applied to matter that is not alive.

>If our ancestors aren't rocks, then what are the ancestors of our ancestors?
What if they are? One argument at a time please.

>> No.1755756
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>> No.1755772


I'm not saying that because rocks cannot evolve because they are not living. Like someone else mentioned, this is more chemical evolution of molecules and the abiogenesis.

>> No.1755775


What of that are you not getting?

>> No.1755784

i get the impression you're with this post:
>"Life" is just some ARBRITARY title we give to certain collections of pbjects, the exibit certain properties
if we give the collection of objects a name for a reason
>they "exhibit certain properties"
then it ISN'T an arbitrary title. (protip: Arbitrary means "without reason".)

Getting upset because everything is made up from inanimate building blocks, whether it's dust or microbes, is to miss the entire fucking point.

>> No.1755791

Monomers (CO2, COm H2, N2, H2O, S, HCl, HCN) +UV, Lightning, > Polymers and Amino Acids.

Amino Acids - H2O > Proteinoids (primative Proteins)

Polymers + Proteinoids > Protobionts (precursors of cells)

Protobionts > Heterotrophic Prokaryotes

Prokaryotes may start releasing O2 and O3.

H. Prokaryotes > Autotrophic Prokaryotes

Prokaryotes + Larger Prokaryotes = Eukaryotes


>> No.1755794

Because life.

>> No.1755804


>> No.1755805
File: 19 KB, 273x185, Clipboard01sefcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But these
are made of these
>Monomers (CO2, COm H2, N2, H2O, S, HCl, HCN)

>> No.1755815

You clearly do not know what creationism is:

Your paraphrasing of my points is not accurate. Better to say that differences between things are only noticed; intellectual distinctions are only metaphoric abstractions of perceived reality. Such as life and non-life. You separate the two with arbitrary intellectual classifications then ask what the connection is.

>> No.1755821


Yes, and a car is made entirely of screws, right?

Organisms are more than the sum of their parts, lrn2 emergence.

Read up, kid

>> No.1755834

Strands of RNA got formed chemically and bonded with amino acids and then went in gelatinous bubbles
This led to microorganisms

>> No.1755839

atoms are mostly empty space

you now realize everything is nothing

just vibrating energy, man

>> No.1755843

>You are not accepting that lifeforms are different from non-lifeforms, and would prefer to blur the line between them.
Of course, this is my point. Your distinction is arbitrary. You're clinging to the notion that life, however you define it, is somehow separate from the universe, when it's quite clear that it's one integrated whole. we grew from this earth; I could say that the earth is alive and that humans are just a like fungal infection of the planet. Is the earth an inanimate object then? It grew a whole civilization on it!

>Of course communication is a two-way process in life, but this is not the same when it is applied to matter that is not alive.
This is circular reasoning. weather matter is alive or not is the topic of debate.

>> No.1755851
File: 22 KB, 300x441, Clipboard10sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, did you even look at the pic i put with it?

how about this one?

>> No.1755859

nothing special at all, bro

>> No.1755871

>You separate the two with arbitrary intellectual classifications
different meanings of "animate" and "inanimate" NOT ARBITRARY

You gotta be a troll, you GOTTA be a troll. Man, only a troll could be this bad a prostategazingretard

>> No.1755876
File: 4 KB, 210x168, Itrollu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you sure about that?

>> No.1755885

So life is anything with genes? Then OPs question becomes:
"how did genetics develop from things with no genes?"
This is not how I interpreted the question.

>> No.1755899
File: 33 KB, 600x379, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your distinction is arbitrary. You're clinging to the notion that life, however you define it, is somehow separate from the universe, when it's quite clear that it's one integrated whole.

According to this then there's no difference between "Hydrogen" and "Helium", the difference is arbitrary. There's no difference between "air" and "water" the difference is arbittrary. There's no difference between "human" and "amoeba" the difference is arbitrary. There's no difference between "red" and "squareroot" the difference is arbitrary.


>> No.1755901

lol i got the pic i first! i troll UUUUU

>> No.1755913



Monomers + UV and Lightning > Polymers

So CO2, N2, etc become Nucleic Acids when exposed to UV energy. Nucleic Acids polymerize into RNA or DNA.

>> No.1755998

arbitrary = subject to preference without basis.

Sure, you can pick and choose what objects are alive and which aren't based on whatever definition and then make a logical, scientific deduction about how one comes from the other, and I suppose that is what OP is doing. but it's specious to say that one thing is alive when it's whole existence is entirely integrated with the universe as a whole and completely inseparable from it. You can't say that one thing is alive and another not, because it's all one living thing. people can't survive without their heads, nor can they survive without air and soil, but these are not considered part of the organism. where do you draw the line? it's ARBITRARY!

You guys seem more interested in this:
So I'll rest my case and leave you to it.

>> No.1756022

No. because "air" and "water" are specific objects, where as "life" is more abstract than that; and idea, not a thing. I can touch the air. can you touch life? no more than you can eat your mouth.

>> No.1756036

>arbitrary = subject to preference without basis.
so when there IS a basis for distinguishing between animate and inanimate then it isn't arbitrary

In your universe all the chemicals are the same chemical because the difference between them is "arbitrary".

>So I'll rest my case and leave you to it.
You have no case to rest apart from insisting that just because everything is part of the universe, trying to distinguish between different things is pointless.

However, your desire to leave it there is probably for the best. Your head will explode if you try thinking any harder.

>> No.1756046

>No. because "air" and "water" are specific objects, where as "life" is more abstract than that; and idea, not a thing. I can touch the air. can you touch life? no more than you can eat your mouth.
No, not different "objects" this is where you imperfect understanding of concepts is letting you down.

Different properties are what define different things. That is why water and ice are different. The same chemical, different properties.

Things we say have life have different properties to things we say do NOT have life

I just know you a troll but god damn

>> No.1756068

You consistently miss interpret my point the argue against the misinterpretation.

never mind. Just keep trying to figure out life comes from that which is not alive and have fun with that.

>> No.1756087

the only person misinterpreting what you're saying is you

>> No.1756094

how did you get misinterpret wrong the first time but right the second time?

>> No.1756209


Hydrogen and helium are pretty much the same thing, just arranged in a way that gives them differing properties.

You could say that organic life forms are just complex arrangements of inanimate materials that only formed due to the self-replicating nature of those compositions.

>> No.1756212

formed randomly/inevitably from colliding particles grouping together. makes protiens, etc (note do not take this literally, this is a bastardisation of what really happens) eventually we get humans who define life as certain things

>> No.1757287


>> No.1757292

Élan vital. Once some inanimate stuff gets some Élan vital on it, it'll just spring to life.

>> No.1757325

God did it.

>> No.1757327

Sage this aids thread..

>> No.1757331

Probably some asteroid landed on our planet that contained some simple life.

I don't believe in any god or creator and I'm most certainly not a Christian, but something must have triggered the deployment of very simple DNA that evolved to more and more complex structures over time.

tl;dr asteroid with simple life lands on planet hundreds of millions years ago and triggers evolution.

>> No.1757337 [DELETED] 

>Hydrogen and helium are pretty much the same thing, just arranged in a way that gives them differing properties.
yes, and that's why you failed your chemistry you fucking retard.
>You could say that organic life forms are just complex arrangements of inanimate materials that only formed due to the self-replicating nature of those compositions.
yes, you could say that if you're a FUCKING RETARD.

To be fair the second bit is less retarded taken on its own, out of context, than the first bit which is full fucking downs syndrome style. But your problem is that you somehow think that the definitions that have been agreed by everyone else are wrong. Just because YOU want words to mean different things it doesn't ACTUALLY mean fuck all to anyone else.

You need to stop outwitting yourself with wordgames. Wordgames are for /phil/fags (and particularly stupid phil/fags at that). When you get to big school you'll realise what an immature intellect you once had.

>> No.1757370

20 posts in until Abiogenesis

>> No.1757416

>Hydrogen and helium are pretty much the same thing, just arranged in a way that gives them differing properties.
but different properties has got nothing to do with it going off what you say about animate and inanimate you fucking retard.
>You could say that organic life forms are just complex arrangements of inanimate materials that only formed due to the self-replicating nature of those compositions.
yes, you could say that and then if you said there was no difference between inanimate and animate you're still a FUCKING RETARD.

your problem is that you somehow think that the definitions that have been agreed by everyone else are wrong. Just because YOU want words to mean different things it doesn't ACTUALLY mean fuck all to anyone else.

You need to stop outwitting yourself with wordgames. Wordgames are for /phil/fags (and particularly stupid phil/fags at that). When you get to big school you'll realise what an immature intellect you once had.