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File: 213 KB, 785x507, SpaceChrist1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1754536 No.1754536 [Reply] [Original]

What neckbeard, fat fuck trekkies actually believe:
>We'll go into space and expand the human race in the future to escape the eventual destruction of the Earth.

>It would cost QUADRILLIONS of dollars and surely will fail.
>Earth will last about another 4 billion years. You actually think the human race, with its shallow gene pool and weak physical structure, self-destructive habits, and pickiness for nutrition and habitat will survive anything close to 1 billion years?
>Space is very big, too big to get to any place exciting for millions or billions of years, even at light speed.
>Space is full of fucking RADIATION!
>You need a constant supply of fuel to travel a vast expanse such as space (remember, energy cannot be created not destroyed so good luck with that). You need it not only to move forward, but to keep from freezing so hard you'd actually shrink to a fraction of your current size (lol cell/molecule damage, near absolute zero).
>You'd need a self contained/self sustained environment in the space craft. fucking lol, build one nigger.
>After all of that shit you have human error and psychological pressure over (millions? billions?) of years.
>You'd have to build a spaceship that can survive billions of years.

etc. etc. etc.


>> No.1754541

I am not sure what you are arguing.

>> No.1754545

>After all of that shit you have human error and psychological pressure over (millions? billions?) of years.

In alternate universe where computers don't exist maybe.

>> No.1754567

I saw Sagan speak once. When the time came for questions from the audience, someone asked, " What about terraforming other planets?" He replied, "We should terraform Earth first!"

>> No.1754568

He is right, but he didn't say only.

>> No.1754570

How many times do the computers have to make other computers to escape the curse of human error?

>> No.1754584


>> No.1754592

1. develop fusion power *or* exponential molecular manufacturing
2. develop mind uploading

that's all you need.

>> No.1754603

Mars is right next door and has everything it needs to be habitable except an atmosphere.

Build a few factories there and there will be enough greenhouse gases to melt the ice and bam, Mars 2.0

>> No.1754621
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Gas will escape

Mars needs ionosphere and magnetosphere

I realized next world didn't explain that, i was sad panda...

pic related when Next World didn't explain mars need more than just atmosphere

>> No.1754626


>> No.1754632

I'm sure there's a way to create those things.

>> No.1754633

>Space is very big, too big to get to any place exciting for millions or billions of years, even at light speed.
You can actually go 2 million light years in 28 years. At less than light speed. See:
>Space is full of fucking RADIATION!
Good thing, because...
>You need a constant supply of fuel to travel a vast expanse such as space (remember, energy cannot be created not destroyed so good luck with that).
Good thing space is full of fucking ENERGY! Not to mention hydrogen. Once your speed is high, these things are coming at you as fast as you could possibly use them.
>You need it not only to move forward, but to keep from freezing so hard you'd actually shrink
You just went full retard. No who's the sci/fi retard. That's right, you are.
>After all of that shit you have human error and psychological pressure over (millions? billions?) of years.
28 or less
>You'd have to build a spaceship that can survive billions of years.
28 or less

>> No.1754640
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out lawed by the united states government

>> No.1754643


Giving up before you even start is a sure way never to get anywhere.

>> No.1754649
File: 280 KB, 560x784, 1283449154515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2000 billion billion tons of molten lava core is hard to come by

but i am willing to hear ideas

>> No.1754652


You're going to die one day, might as well stop breathing now.

>> No.1754657

Meaning it's going to be remained banned forever? The government is sure to get desperate once they realize that the oil will run out.

>> No.1754658

Quadrillions of dollars wouldn't be that much by the time it's made, anyway.

>> No.1754664

Right. You and I can work on moving mankind into the Cosmos. OP can continue to collect his anime figures and dream about getting a girlfriend.

>> No.1754665


>> No.1754669

All problems can be solved with a perfect vacuum.

>> No.1754674
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I personally hope to challenge that

But no nothing is ever definite.

However it is certain that hundreds of millions of dollars on a viable reactor/propulsion project was suddenly stopped (05-06), the rest is to pay off the contractors.

>> No.1754687


That is pretty righteous.

>> No.1754725

Our robot children will fly among the stars long after we are all dead.

>> No.1754739

You fuckers actually believed OP and replied to him? It's an obvious troll or some idiot who can't tell outer space from his rectum.

>> No.1754791


28 or less

not sure if i believe that.

>> No.1754811

If you had told someone 1000 years ago that humans would be flying in planes across the planet in 24 hours they would not have believed you.

If you had told them that a few lucky people would actually make it to the moon and back, you would have been laughed at immensely.

Basically, there's always gonna be cynics; it's up to the smart people with imagination to prove them wrong.

>> No.1754813

yes, travel 2 million light years (that's the distance traveled at the speed of light in 2 million years) at less than light speed and do it in 28 years. it makes SOO much fucking sense.

>> No.1754821

Relativity is true whether or not it makes sense to you.

>> No.1754825

>It would cost QUADRILLIONS of dollars and surely will fail.

in today's money, maybe, but due to inflation it would probably gost MILLIONS of times more. That means even if everyone on the entire planet got together and pooled their money in, AND all the nations even printed more money, it would be impossible

>> No.1754834

>AND all the nations even printed more money

>> No.1754835
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>He thinks printing huge numbers on paper makes people rich.
>He cannot explain how even though I own a 100 000 000 000 000 dollar bill I am still a poorfag.

>> No.1754847


yeah still trying to figure out the science of it.

>> No.1755000

Um didn't Einstein say that regardless of any idea in relativity, faster than the speed of light was impossible? But what does he know.

>> No.1755016

That's not faster than light speed. An observer from earth would see it as slower than light. But traveling near the speed of light, you can make it millions of light years in a few years because of time dilation and length contraction. Read the article for the math.

>> No.1755033

OP, you have the right answer, but for all the wrong reasons. It really doesn't, in the end, have to do with money. It has to do with a general lack of vision. The average person doesn't look very far past the end of their own noses. If it's not happening within a few miles of where they live and work, they say "Huh, that's interesting" (at best) and move on to something else. If something doesn't serve the needs of their stomachs or their genitals, they question why it's necessary at all. As a race, we're just a hair's-bredth beyond the rest of the animals on this planet; we're just slightly smarter than they are. Intelligence is, on the grand scale of time, a very new trick for us, and judging by the way most people squander their new-found intelligence, just a passing fad. I see people disregard it and throw it away every single day. No, lack of money invested in space exploration and development isn't the reason why it isn't going to happen, it's just a symptom of why: We're too young a race, too short-sighted on average to see and plan ahead for something that won't benefit the human race for perhaps hundreds of years.

IF we survive as a race for a few thousand more years, and IF we don't extinguish our civilization (which is thin at best, yet again just a newfangled idea), then we MIGHT learn to see past the end of our own noses. Maybe.

>> No.1755042

I fail to see where it says they are "out lawed"(sic)

>> No.1755049


That article is fucking bull shit gtfo -> faggot.

>> No.1755057

1. Accelerate a spaceship to speeds close to lightspeed.
2. Hit small dust particle on the way.
4. ?????
5. Death.

>> No.1755063

Warp drives will be affordable and feasible in like 800 years so It's gonna happen eventually, hopefully warp drives will happen quicker but I'm being conservative.

>> No.1755066

>article disagrees with my opinion
I hate Bud light, but I'll be damned if people out there don't enjoy it. I'm just not the shit head yelling at people with baseless, content-less opinions of their wrong doings.

>> No.1755076

Goddammit, the only way we're going to escape Earth is if a credible threat to the planet develops at a slow enough rate to allow for the development of fleeing-to-space technologies. That's why I'm doing my best to fuck up the environment. What are you bastards doing?

>> No.1755083

Could function like a ram-jet, it would be irresponsible to design a ship that creates fusion on it's hull. Magnetic fields could be developed to push the particles into the ramjet to fuel the ship. Obivously testing would have to be performed to see if the particles could move out of the way fast enough to avoid the hull of the ship, being that they are low mass and would take terribly much energy to gain momentum I figure it might be possible.

>> No.1755089

Is space travel between stars were possible some ancient civilization would have colonized most of the solar systems and we would see them on Mars, and maybe even here! It's just like time travel, if it were possible there would be a lot of tourists from future.

>> No.1755100


>> No.1755109


>time dilation and length contraction

You still travel 20 million years worth of time.

>> No.1755111


Oh God, you really think FTL is actually a prerequisite for interstellar travel?

I thought I had already explain to everyone that -- bleh

>> No.1755182

Where do I say anything about FTL in my post?

>> No.1755246


>Is space travel between stars were possible

You are implying that interstellar travel is impossible.

Fucking hell, even with the worst of our current-day technology, you could bring a generational ship up to 5% of lightspeed using fission-fragment rocketry.

>> No.1755267

Enjoy your 19th century science.

>> No.1755287

Lengths are relative. From the reference of your ship when it is at maximum speed, you have transversed less than 28 light years worth of space. From the reference of the earth, or from your ship once it slows down when you're at your destination, you've transversed 2 million light years worth of space. Length of other things along your axis of motion contracts relative to you as you accelerate close to the speed of light. This is the necessary consequence of the fact that maxwell's equations work the same way at any speed means that light travels the same speed from every reference frame, which in turn makes this length contraction necessary, which causes all the other effects of special relativity. Special relativity actually makes it easier to travel great distances than it would have been if Newtonian mechanics held true.

>> No.1755303
File: 29 KB, 300x293, 1281505378813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1755329
File: 43 KB, 640x480, Niggas&oats1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay niggers and oatmeal.

>> No.1755334

>It would cost QUADRILLIONS of dollars and surely will fail.
20th century idea of what productivity will be "worth" in the future.

>stop reading

>> No.1755335
File: 26 KB, 400x447, 1267390748781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space is very big, too big to get to any place exciting for millions or billions of years, even at light speed.

So you never heard of physics?
Even going sublight speeds it only takes about 28 years to reach the edge of the galaxy (relative to the traveler).


It is very possible for humanity to seed other planets.

>> No.1755338

Ugh, OP is completely retarded. Clearly a troll, anyway.

But, you do realize we've only been driving cars for a little over 100 years.

And that we've only been flying for about a little less than that.

And that we've only been dabbling in space flight for even less than that.

Just imagine what we'll be able to accomplish in 1 million years, hell, gives another century and we'll be doing just fine in space and everywhere else, in fact.

Go fuck a duck, buttplug.

>> No.1755342


>Calls others stupid, yet is wrong.

MM irony.

>> No.1755353
File: 62 KB, 574x400, KakuMichioD2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1755478

I'm saying that if it were possible many older alien civilizations would have done it millions of years ago and would be here already. Since there aren't any or there is no advanced civilization or interstelar travel is not that simple

>> No.1755502

Fucking facepalm... Op doesn't know shit about shit.

>> No.1755511

give up now before your momma finds out

>> No.1755519

herp derp.

>> No.1755736

For a civilization to be discovered, it must first be not-discovered. Perhaps an alien civilization will discover us in the future. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.1755744

>>You need a constant supply of fuel to travel a vast expanse such as space (remember, energy cannot be created not destroyed so good luck with that).
Bitches don't know about my Casimir drives.

>You need it not only to move forward, but to keep from freezing so hard you'd actually shrink to a fraction of your current size (lol cell/molecule damage, near absolute zero).
Actually, it's not cold in space. No air to carry heat away.

>> No.1755940

Don't get technical, asswipe. If I dropped your ass in the space between two galaxies your ass would freeze to a hard little ball.

>> No.1755956

no dumbass. you would explode due to pressure difference (aka vacuum)
if you had a suit to protect you from that- then your own body heat would keep you alive( because you would heat your suit). you would suffocate long before your body heat failed.

>> No.1756069

Ever hear of length contraction?

>> No.1756141


Considering that the Universe is very old (compared to our civilization) so it would be logical that other older civilizations would have been traveling through the Universe much before life appeared in our planet.

>> No.1756169

I think 4 billion years is plenty of time to solve these problems, and you're pretty close-minded to think otherwise. Look at what we've accomplished in the last HUNDRED for crying out loud.

>> No.1756179

>implying humans will last another 100 years

>> No.1756187

The human body wouldn't explode. You would die though - it'd be retarded to argue about that - and eventually you would freeze as your corpse radiated its heat away. But you wouldn't look like much of an icicle either.

>> No.1756202


Well, if EVERY single human was exterminated, that would put a kink in the plans. But even if just two people survived, they could get the world back into shape, in a mere 10,000 years ago.

>> No.1756211

Two wouldn't be enough, unless they both had PhDs in genetic engineering. Or perhaps if they were both female and all the male corpses were lying in a freezer so sperm samples could be taken in time.

>> No.1756248

>lrn2 genetic diversity
oh genetic disease.