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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 360x273, proofofcreation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1753634 No.1753634 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1753639


>> No.1753642

typical disproved evolutionist. can't even speak a cohererent sentence.

>> No.1753644

is that o'Reilly because if it is my respect is on the floor being licked by my dog

>> No.1753651
File: 718 KB, 640x800, sagebomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO my /sci/

>> No.1753654 [DELETED] 

Sometimes I wish serious creationists came here instead of atheists trolling atheists.

>> No.1753659

Go to Youtube.

>> No.1753670
File: 23 KB, 235x154, evostickreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1753672

OP's position: There is no scientific evidence to support OP not loving horse cock.

All "evidence" shown to /sci/ by OP has been proven correct. Horse cock in OP's ass, horse cock in OP's mouth, etc.

/sci/ is not being lied to. OP loves the horse cock.

>> No.1753679

Where the fuck did you find this?

>> No.1753707

Serious creationists just make me sad. At least I can rage a little at trolls.

>> No.1753754

science textbooks in Georgia

>> No.1753765

how can u bleiveve in evouiltaion if it is just a guess?im so smart i contradict science lol u sientists r evil and make God sad :(

>> No.1753769

But you terrified gOD with your spelling

>> No.1753771

I don't know what makes me more mad. The fact that that sticker is on text books or that people think evolution is about the origion of life.

>> No.1753772

inb4 abiogenesis

>> No.1753779

and whats the alternative? telling kids God created humans 6,000 years ago and that the jews are gods chosen and we should therefore bow down to the jews? No thanks i'll take science over jewish mysticism

>> No.1753780

The only thing that make bullshit like this bearable is that right now Kent hovnid is probably chocking on the cocks of his cellmates.

>> No.1753789
File: 242 KB, 1625x602, evolution argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1753810

Is it OK for me to die laughing at that image? If so, im doing it right now. By far the most awesome argumentation I ever heard from a Creationist, and it did not even make sense...

>> No.1753816
File: 48 KB, 800x533, 1282406298408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1753826

ah the good 14 year mind
200 years ago it wasn't much different
i doubt it would be 200 years from now either

>> No.1753831
File: 125 KB, 410x500, furious bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1753834

To be fair, when I was 14, I was smarter than that.

But actually, I feel sorry for him. He's been indoctrinated into lies and ignorance, and it will be incredibly difficult for him to see the truth.

>> No.1753836
File: 107 KB, 300x1063, evolution2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1753837
File: 181 KB, 600x744, 1250509804927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholic here. Used to be nondenominational protestant. These guys are part of why I switched.

Natural selection is a fact. Long-term evolution is a theory, but a very well supported theory. I don't believe in abiogenesis or the idea that anything in this world is unguided chance and happenstance. But you can still be religious and have a healthy respect for science.

Science deals with the mechanics of the natural world. It can neither prove nor disprove the supernatural.

>> No.1753838

>>bearebleim not 100 percent positive that Jesus wrote the bible , but I'm 99.9999999 percent sure


>> No.1753844

Dead guy here (yeah i died of laughter earlier in the thread) I just have to do it again.
Peace brother. Maybe, just maybe, there is a chance for religion and science to walk hand in hand (or something similar) one day.

>> No.1753845
File: 77 KB, 800x640, evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1753849

Why haven't we enforced sterilization for retards like this yet?

>> No.1753850

True, tolerance is the key to understanding.
We can only feel sympathetic and hope for the best.

>> No.1753852

>instead of agnostics trolling atheists
Fix'd for accuracy.

>> No.1753858

The best kind of theist is one like you; that is, one who accepts scientific evidence and knowledge. My personal opinion is that there was and is no god, but I accept that, as it's unproven, there could have been a creator of some kind. I think that if there was a creator god, it would be a deistic, not a theistic, one, though.

So I call myself an agnostic atheist.

>> No.1753879

> Science deals with the mechanics of the natural world. It can neither prove nor disprove the supernatural.
But it can disprove claims made in a book. And, that same book claims that it is infallible. So, that fact and that book can be disproved.

>> No.1753884

then unicorns, cthulhu, leprechauns, xenu, and spaghetti monsters must have a chance of existing too since they are unproven.

the "you can't prove he doesn't exist!" argument is for retards/creationists.

>> No.1753896


A cross-cultural brofist for you.


As for you, you've at least proven that trolls exist. Good job. That gives us religious folks some hope.

>> No.1753899

Sorry, what? I didn't say "You can't prove he doesn't exist, therefore he must exist." I merely said that as I don't know there isn't a god, I'm willing to accept that some people think there is one. I'm pretty sure they're wrong, but I can't say for sure, can I?

Nice straw man btw.

>> No.1753910

way to reply seriously to trolls and troll threads.
and yet again /sci/ proves that just because they know about science doesn't mean they aren't still idiots. the amount of trolling on this board puts /mu/ to shame.

>> No.1753919

if you believe that, do you also believe that jews are gods chosen and we should all bow down and worship them? in the bible god commanded the jews commit genocide against any race that was in their way.

>> No.1754002


Meh, it's not idiotic to seek understanding and respect in the face of intolerance. Besides, it's my first time here and I wanted to see if I'd meet people like >>1753844

'Tis a serious hurdle for both religion AND science that was overcome so simply.


For the sake of education I'll answer this. Yes, I believe the Jews were God's chosen. No, we aren't supposed to bow down and worship them. Even if the Jews hadn't denied Christ we wouldn't have had to bow down to them. The nitty gritty is that they had a special covenant which you can read the details of yourself, which has both privileges and restrictions that your average Christian doesn't have to follow. Your anti-semitism is galling, and that's something coming from a Catholic.

>> No.1754698

You do realize that jesus calls the jews the children of the devil right? He says they will burn in hell forever

>> No.1756021

bumping this excellent science thjread

>> No.1756088

You have that backwards. Long term evolution is a fact, natural selection has some problems that need to be worked out but is otherwise a good theory.

>> No.1756110

i don't have kids

also if i did, i would lie to them anyway i'd just trust them to not be retards.