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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 48 KB, 640x480, aquanaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1751192 No.1751192 [Reply] [Original]

...From a rich uncle you had no idea was part of your family. It has sixteen modules like this one, interconnected via utilidors. Provided you devote one of them to science fulltime, taxpayer dollars will continue to support the upkeep.

His will states that he wants to to build a micro-nation under the sea. With any combination of political, economic and even religious models. You can also design a flag and describe what sort of social systems you'd experiment with.

Challenge level: No Rapture.

>> No.1751198

> /sci/ - Science Fiction from Video Games

>> No.1751197

two words: Bioshock

>> No.1751202

Okay, this looks like fun. Not science, but I'll bite.

I'd get heaps of engineers, scientists, mathematicians to work and live in perhaps half of them. I'd get them to work on making us self-sustainable not because of ecotard bullshit, but for economic strength and independence. After doing that (not my job to come up with the ideas) I'd get them working on expanding our nation on the sea floor, building more modules. As a government I'd have a democratic state, but without political campaigning. As a replacement, there would be a booklet released, free of any branding and party names, filled with the policies of various parties identified by numbers. For economics, I'd continue with a fairly standard model with less copyright and patent restrictions, replacing them with large amounts of scientific funding from the state. As we expanded, I would hire people from developing nations as manual labour and provide them with education. The scientific devoted modules would become the top university in the world, probably eventually expanding to the arts. After we've guaranteed automated food production, solar energy, and manufacturing a basic sustenance income would be introduced to everyone, but creative endeavors would be strongly encouraged.

>> No.1751209
File: 70 KB, 451x468, lachalupa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Interesting. Hydroponics or Aeroponics? Both use water but keep in mind Aero requires less, which means more fresh water for the crew, but it's also pricier.

And what about wind power? Lots of high speed winds out at sea. Will you produce your own solar panels or buy them? How will trade with the shore be handled?

>> No.1751225

Probably would have to buy the solar panels, trade with the shore would probably involve ships stopping at our "ports." I'm not very experienced at this, but I think I'd go for aeroponics initially, as more desalination technology would be around as expensive as the additional costs over hydroponics. Wind wasn't something I'd thought about, perhaps some VAWTs would be good.

>> No.1751229
File: 2.85 MB, 2427x1630, [gasp] silver fox kit__mattknoth__Flickr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so, does anyone here realize that this actually happened?


OK, so he didn't give it to his grandson, but he did go back to the station years later. Some of it was even still watertight.

>> No.1751230
File: 209 KB, 300x805, underseaspa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna dump more undersea structure porn as I enjoy this thread.

I'd relocate it over a deep sea thermal vent, convert the power into hydrogen, and sell that as our main export.

>> No.1751237
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>>Ok, so, does anyone here realize that this actually happened?

That was the inspiration for the thread. And the habitat was deliberately flooded when it was abandoned to discourage divers from visiting it, as they could not guarantee their safety. That should be outlawed. If anyone abandons a habitat it should be free to anyone willing to maintain it.

>> No.1751248
File: 39 KB, 500x375, Red-Sea-Star-Restaurant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a dream of mine to live someplace like this. Converted into an apartment I guess.

>> No.1751252

We're wanking over the future we'll never get to have again, aren't we?

>> No.1751268
File: 275 KB, 415x479, colonistswanted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>We're wanking over the future we'll never get to have again, aren't we?

Not this time.


The first civilian undersea colony begins construction in 2011.

Also, you can see from other posts that undersea resorts/hotels do exist throughout the world.

>> No.1751272

Oh, alright. I remain skeptical, but cautiously optimistic.

>> No.1751279


Me too. Of the promised six modules, two have been completed. I don't think he's gonna make the 2011 deadline.

>> No.1751293

Damn this looks good. Right, let me try.

First, I would dedicate myself to making this habitat fully self-sufficient. I want to be able to cut myself from the rest of world at a moments notice, should some hollywood apocalyptic scenario occur. Therefore, i would have hydroponics or aeropnics for food, though most likely hydro so that I may raise fish.

Next, I would dedicate my scientific module to basically "expanding&improving human habitation underwater", so that I way I get paid and the research helps me. I would expand this module continuously.

My micro nation's economy will mostly come from various sources. Example, information technology: I'll establish a data haven in my habitat, kinda like Sealand's HavenCo. Another source of revenue would be tourism. I mean, people are will pay money to sleep in ice hotels or go to space. Might as well open up a small, yet luxurious undersea hotel. An idea i'm toying is to open an art studio. Surely, underwater habitats could inspire artists to create some masterful work.

My government will be constitutional monarchy. It combines the most natural elements of humankind: the need for a leader with democratic rights. The king (me) wields great power, but is held in check by a council made up of various elected representatives: a businessman rep, a scientific rep, a security (need to defend this micro nation after all) rep, an artistic rep, and a laborer rep. The divided opinions should prevent them from fully unifying and threatening the balance of power.

>> No.1751295

despite the fact that this is ridciouslously impractical, I am 100% in support of this.

Because sometimes people need to do things just because they are fucking awesome and not give a shit about economics or reason.

>> No.1751301

>not because of ecotard bullshit
Then fuck you.

>> No.1751306

I am such a person. I just lack bottomless funds.

>> No.1751308

Agreed. The world needs more mad scientists.

>> No.1751309

that sounds good, you get the best of all worlds.

>> No.1751313


I agree. Look at the greatest human advancements, from the wheel to nuclear bombs.

Sane men do NOT produce work like this,

>> No.1751314

The end result is the same, I just don't want to be lumped in with crazy hippie communes.

>> No.1751321

I'd love to see the massive Poseidon undersea resort become a colony at some point.

>> No.1751323
File: 45 KB, 395x395, poseidon4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1751326
File: 35 KB, 520x342, poseidon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1751331


damn thats awesome.

>> No.1751343
File: 29 KB, 420x279, poseidon5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They had legal trouble in 2007 but it's been under construction since 09. If you can find the spot in Fiji where it's being built on Google Earth you can see it.

Too bad it's $15,000 for a one week stay, and only two nights of that are spent underwater.

>> No.1751377

Things required for survival:
As far as power goes, you have currents, tides, waves, solar, wind and Nuclear. If you really need to, you could have a backup diesel generator( Submarines have them, can't remember how long they can run them for).
That power has to be enough to pump air down/extract oxygen from water, unless you have a plant system providing air. It's also going to have to power hydro/aeroponics, and all the systems running in the habitat.
Vegetables are one part of the diet, but you're gonna need to keep bringing in fertilizer for them, and probably take dietary supplements. Fish is fine, but you're going to want some variety.
Ideally, you'd want some kind of submersible platform for providing surface access for fresh air/sun, and if you kept any livestock (chickens etc), getting them fresh air too.

You'd have to be constantly bringing in materials for maintenance, as well as dietary supplements, and food supplies you can't grow yourself. Total self-sufficiency is nigh impossible, but you could probably make it fairly cheap.

As far as exports go, there's no incentive for any research groups to do anything they can't do already, with the exception of projects which are likely to result in the habitat having 'accidents'. Tourism is your best bit, but adds a whole bunch of costs (most people don't want to live without basic amenities), unless you market it as adventure tourism, which mite b cool.

I think it's a fantastic idea, and I'd love to do it, but I just can't see it working. That being said, if I ever got the opportunity to give it a go, I'd jump on in.

>> No.1751380


>> No.1751391

>if I ever got the opportunity to give it a go, I'd jump on in.
There's the incentives for your researchers.

>> No.1751400

i read your title and proceeded to skip the rest of your text.

i decide to blow it up.

>> No.1751406

You haven't inherited any explosives, but that aside
>You get charged with intentionally littering the ocean floor with debris, and jailed.

>> No.1751429

i already owned the explosives. and escaped to my space station on mars before i was caught.

>> No.1751514

Bump for futurewank.