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File: 8 KB, 467x300, gay-vilnius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1747402 No.1747402 [Reply] [Original]

when you took 7th grade biology, you made up reasons in your head for why people hated gays

reason one

gay people are hated because we love them and we want them to be strait and have babies so we can mix our genes to make them stronger

>> No.1747410

I took physical science in 7th grade

>> No.1747413

Gay people are ultimately hated due to a deeply rooted disdain for irregular sexual preference and acts stemming from the all-pervasive High Church inspired prudishness stemming from medieval Europe.

More practically, many parents are afraid that if homosexuality is commonly accepted and homosexual couples display their affection for each other publicly and physically, their kids will come to experiment with other kids of the same gender intimately.

>> No.1747414

reason two

natural selection, people dont hate gays, gays hate us, and they do things that we dont like on purpose

natural selection

>> No.1747419
File: 15 KB, 345x270, fundies and freethinkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The churches of wherever are generally voyeuristic, ultra-concerned with the sex lives of their members. All churches tend to make sex evil to guilt trip their members and make them come back to be forgiven.

Gays deviate from the norm, so they're treated even worse.

Fuck, I hate religion.

>> No.1747425

By the seventh grade I had already figured out that 95% of all people are idiots. Idiots don't need reasons for what they do; they're idiots.

>> No.1747427

people hate fags because people hate people that are different from them. always has been and will always be this way.

>> No.1747428


david likes this post

>> No.1747434


religous mentality

has always and will always

thats why the greeks widely accepted homosexuality right?

>> No.1747475

When I was in 7th grade, I wondered why people hated me because I was gay. When I was in 9th grade, straight boys wondered why I got all the girls.

>> No.1747506

What /sci/ence do you do, fellow homo?

>> No.1747519

gays spread disease and dont propagate their own genes

makes perfect sense

>> No.1747521


you aren't getting my point. yes, they accepted teh gay while they hated on the persians every chance they got. every culture so far has hated someone.