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File: 173 KB, 404x296, stephen-hawking1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1746752 No.1746752 [Reply] [Original]

The man knows he will die soon. And holds to the power of his mind and does not succumb to feel-good mysticism.

I honor him.

>> No.1746758

inb4 deathbed conversion

>> No.1746767

We're all going to die relatively soon.

>> No.1746769

you are now aware that stephen hawking has not fapped in over 20 years


>> No.1746771

if god is real, he would have revealed himself to humanity in no uncertain terms. Not play silly fucking mind games and tell parables.

Hawkins knows there is no god. He knows that when his body fails he will sleep forever. He will be gone.

>> No.1746780


Why'd you put the sad face? He hasn't fapped because he's been getting babes to do that for him, like any real scientist would.

>> No.1746781
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>and nothing of value was lost

>> No.1746788

doubt it, he'd lose his super powers if he fapped

>> No.1746789

>implying human life has no value

either just plain evil or troll or evil troll

>> No.1746791

>The man knows he will die soon

he might be around for another 5 to 10 year yet. I will dedicate tonights fapping to him.

>> No.1746811

>I will dedicate tonights fapping to him.

there you go. a true sport. I'm sure Hawking would be honored by your tribute.

>> No.1746814

I believe that "Stephen Hawking" hasn't actually existed for a good long while. When the ALS really set it, he functionally 'died' and someone shady took over his voice software and has been moving him around and trolling people.

>> No.1746815

Value is subjective.

>> No.1746817
File: 58 KB, 657x374, 1265444847251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is happy hawking

>> No.1746841

>implying human life has value simply for being human life.

No. Hawking has value because he has actually done something with what little life/body he has. Not because he is a mere human.

>> No.1746846

His death is long overdue. I hope it happens soon.

>> No.1747088

>Value is subjective.

No. Objective values exist.

>> No.1747106

I'm going to cry like a baby when he's gone. No manly tears here, just pitiful sobbing as I rock in a corner with snot hanging down my nose. Probably clutching his picture.

>> No.1747116

VALUES in reference to quantifiable variables exist.

VALUE as a qualitative concept is subjective. Even while being so, this subjectivity is based on mass consensus, dependent on human necessity and preference, and thus being the closest damn thing we have to interpersonal objectivity.

>> No.1747498

You talk too much. You should study the philosophy of Ayn Rand. It will help simplify and distill things for you. Read that and Nathaniel Brandon

>> No.1747537

How dare you dishonor this Hawking thread

>> No.1747559

>implying Hawking is not an Objectivist

>> No.1747616
File: 25 KB, 460x288, stephen-hawking_1387959c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So apparently this guy has ALS but I've got another theory.

I think he got like that because he divided by zero.

>> No.1747629


Sonja: Boris, Let me show you how absurd your position is. Let's say there is no God, and each man is free to do exactly as he chooses. What prevents you from murdering somebody?

Boris: Murder's immoral.

Sonja: Immorality is subjective.

Boris: Yes, but subjectivity is objective.

Sonja: Not in a rational scheme of perception.

Boris: Perception is irrational. It implies immanence.

Sonja: But judgment of any system or a priori relation of phenomena exists in any rational or metaphysical or at least epistemological contradiction to an abstracted empirical concept such as being or to be or to occur in the thing itself or of the thing itself.

Boris: Yeah, I've said that many times.

>> No.1747630


I agree with you.

>> No.1747648

On his deathbed, Charles Darwin said: "How I wish I had not expressed my theory of evolution as I have done." He went on to say that he would like her to gather a congregation since he "would like to speak to them of Christ Jesus and His salvation, being in a state where he was eagerly savoring the heavenly anticipation of bliss." Lady Hope's story was printed in the Boston Watchman Examiner. The story spread, and the claims were republished as late as October 1955 in the Reformation Review and in the Monthly Record of the Free Church of Scotland in February 1957.

Religion: 1
Atheists: 0

>> No.1747655
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cool story

>> No.1747659


>> No.1747671

Well since he was a good Christian to begin with anyway, and predated the popular Christian-Evolution divide (which Huxley started) it's not really that big a deal.

It wouldn't have been a big deal anyway

>> No.1747684

if stephen hawking lived in the UK he would be dead with their socialist health care

>> No.1747687
File: 19 KB, 454x387, 1264260010432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if stephen hawking lived in the UK he would be dead with their socialist health care
>socialist health care
This is generally the reason people have a really bad picture of Americans.

>> No.1747702

this is generally the reason why /sci/ is considered the easiest board to troll

>> No.1747708

Who do so many people call him this? Hawkins, Hawkings, etc
I don't see how it's hard is it to remember someone so famous.

>> No.1747712
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Nah I'm pretty sure that's /new/.

>> No.1747719

Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking are the same people. Some people know this, and so they combine the last names to let them know they know that they know they know.


>> No.1747725
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>> No.1747726

I think in this case a variant of Poes law can be called.
It being impossible to tell a troll from your average americans pollitical view.

>> No.1747733
File: 27 KB, 360x359, 1279421273002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leonard Susskind > Hawkings.
>On every issue in quantum physics.
(+) Susskind is still in good health.
Suck its England

>> No.1747736

Who is that man OP? He seems familar?

>> No.1747739

Stephen Hawkins, author of The God Delusion

>> No.1747741

What did he do that was so great? Without the stupid responses please

>> No.1747757

I'm kinda dumbstruck that I can't think of things. He's done a lot for our understanding of black holes, including hawking radiation (black holes can eventually evaporate).

He also figured out stuff involving the state of energy/matter in the first moments of the big bang.

I don't remember if he was the one that figured out the surface area of a black hole is proportional to its entropy and that black holes have a temperature.

Check the wiki I guess

>> No.1747758

epic troll of lulz

>> No.1747764

Well Susskind was right about information in a black hole right?

>> No.1747771

Nah, he just wanted some money so, he wrote some books and was all jelly of Hawkings epic brain. If you get your physics from discovery channel then sucks for you.

tl;dr: Susskind jelly

>> No.1747800

Also, consider he can't even write. His 'speaking' takes forever, everything he does takes so long, and yet he is(was?) still able to do calculations and theories at the edges of known physics and be correct about it.

Imagine how much more quickly he could work if new stem cell research could give him mobility back, even if it was just his hands.

>> No.1747813

itt this is an ignorant fucking troll thread. Just remember ignorant trolls - jesus doesn't love the retarded, so you lot are screwed.

>> No.1747818


I don't think it was meant to be a troll, that is something Sarah Palin (I believe) actually said, along with some shit about how he was 'American'. Hawking was pretty pissed off and went over to the States to tell her to eat shit and that he would be dead without the NHS. While he was there Obama just gave him the presidential medal of honour because Hawking was just stylin' so hard.

That's how I remember it happening.

>> No.1748761
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In 1981 there was a meeting of physicists to try and decode some of the mysteries about how particles of particular elemental compounds function. During this discussion Stephen Hawking stated that the information inside a black hole is lost forever as the black hole evaporates. It took 28 years for Leonard Susskind to formulate his theory that would prove Hawking wrong.

Hawking is a successful troll.