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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 155 KB, 602x1567, 1210744441542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1744040 No.1744040 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I initially was going to ask this in /new/ -because they're the ones always talking about it- but I want a serious answer, so I decided to ask here instead. Please forgive my ignorance.

Essentially, they're always saying that all the wealthy, developed countries are wiping themselves out of existence with low birth rates. That once the population starts shrinking, the race is doomed. That Japan, Australia, and all of Europe will eventually no longer have their native population because Hispanics and Muslims are outbreeding them. That in 50-100 years time, whites will simply cease to exist or some shit.

So, if this is true... Why do we even bother with endangered species? Aren't they doomed to cease existing due to their limited gene pool, and shrinking population?

Just, someone explain this shit to me. Please.

>> No.1744062

No. Especially not in 50-100 years' time.

>> No.1744067
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>> No.1744071

You should probably stop reading /new/

No-one consider 500-600 million endangered. Immigrant birth rates after a generation or two tends to normalize anyways. .

>> No.1744075


That's why Hispanics, Arabs, and Niggers will take over the planet.

In a couple million years, only the above will be left, we'll be back in the paleolithic age.

>> No.1744089

Wow, /new/ sounds like a bunch of tea party conspiracy racists.

>> No.1744097

>>tea party

Oh fuck you, don't compare them to /new/, you know nothing about the tea party.

>> No.1744105


tards is tards, man

>> No.1744107


Yea I do. I used to be a libertarian. the tea party is basically a libertarian revolt within the republican party (since that bloc of the big tent got ignored under Dubya) except, that it's been taken over by mainstream republicans with a power-hungry agenda and the inherent nationalism of the movent has filled the ranks with idiotic bigots and ignorant foxnews herp-derp rednecks who don't know what the fuck is really going on in US politics these days.

>> No.1744109
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Yeah, /new/ is much smarter, less racist and generally more well behaved the those tea party fucktards

I would rather elects one of the fags from new to a gov position, then any fucker who claism to be from the "tea party"

>> No.1744119

ITT: People who know nothing about the Tea Party, but hate it on the basis that it doesn't agree with their political ideology, and therefore must be stupid, racist, and worthless. Ignoring the inherent bigotry and ignorance in their own statements to this effect.

>> No.1744136
File: 53 KB, 465x604, 1277966037702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"tea party"

LMAO, those retarded fuckers don't know history at all, and cant spell worth a damm.

They constantly misuse words like "facist" and "socialist". Even there name "tea party", is a historical term that they are using wrong. They really are the scum of America, and make the whole country look bad.

Democrats will end up in power for at least four more years, becuase the "tea party" make the republicans look so bat-shit crazy.

>> No.1744143

Holy shit shut the fuck up about the tea party.

>> No.1744151

>>cant spell worth a damm.
>>Even there name

This is a troll... right? There's just an epic level of stupid in this post. For starters, the Democrats, by their own numbers, are just about to lose the house in the mid-term elections, and Obama can't possibly get relected at this point. His only opponent could be Gary Coleman, and he'd still lose, because he promised everything, and delivered jack shit.

>> No.1744155

republicans ARE bat-shit crazy. And if they aren't bat-shit, then they're Gordon Gecko which is just as bad.

>> No.1744159
File: 26 KB, 300x400, fuckglennbeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Awww.....did we hurt the little "tea babies" feelings? I knew retards came to /sci/, but I didn't know complete fucking racist morons came to /sci/.

How do you even have time to use the internet? Shouldnt you be jacking off to Glen Beck right now?

You are no scientist, and a very narrow minded fuck. Please leave /sci/ and dont come back.

>> No.1744162


No, actually, the Tea Party's politics are laughable by themselves, there aren't any coherent or reasonable points to address. So attention turns to the ignorant/redneck/bigot demographic- while it's not all or even most of them, they're certainly the ones who are shrieking the loudest. Fucking lool.

Anyway, birthrates? It's well known that birthrates fall as standard of living and life expectancy increase. Any population explosion is mostly due to social/cultural factors motivating childbirth lagging slightly behind lower incidence of disease due to modernization of medicine.

People have lots of babbys, lots of babbys dies.

Introduce medicine.

People have lots of babbys, babbys dies less.

O shit too many babbys.

Have less babbys.

The end.

>> No.1744164

This thread went down the shitter quickly.

>> No.1744171

OP, use the de-evolution of this thread as your base model for what will happen to the population.

I'm ashamed of you /sci/.

>> No.1744176

this thread is dildoes

>> No.1744177


And how does that honestly differ from any other president we've ever had?

Either way I'm up in the air on that one, people in 'murica still have a lot of idealism to burn off; Obama may just get himself elected again. If he actually had some balls, it might not be a bad thing, either.

>> No.1744178
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>Obama can't possibly get relected at this point

How fucking reatded are you? Of course he will get re-elected. Are you new to politics? GW had a much much much worse approval rating and still got elected.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but despite what Fox news tells you, most of America is ok with Obama.

>> No.1744181
File: 49 KB, 800x600, 633720421269396410-apocalypsenow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame those who watch Glen Beck and think it is news

>> No.1744182

It's not that America likes Obama, it's that the Republican party will manage to find someone that Americans hate even more to run against him.

>> No.1744183


Like Glenn Beck

>> No.1744185
File: 55 KB, 296x395, 375032384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an anit FAUX thread, post if ya got'em!

>> No.1744197

lol@people in this thread implying politics isn't reactionary sensationalism.

>> No.1744203
File: 200 KB, 750x600, motivator91917899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt say "like", I said was "ok" with.
Yeah, if someone better came along, maybe I woudl give them a chance. But it is not likely the republicans can produce a strong canidate. Plus you forget how "popular" Obama can get. He totally murdered McCain last time. He really knows how to give a good speech and get people on his side when need be. I imagine when election time comes, Obama will win by large numbers once again.

>> No.1744204

What's a facist? I only know fascist from the latin fasces.

>> No.1744205
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>> No.1744216

>osama bin landen
hahaha oh wow

>> No.1744221
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>> No.1744225


Fascist is something you call someone you dislike or disagree with. If your cat pukes a hairball on your rug, he's a fucking fascist Nazi sympathizer. Similarly if he scratches the couch he's a pinko commie socialist illegal immigrant nigger jew.

>> No.1744232

I was commenting his obvious misspelling of the word. I do know what a faScist is.

>> No.1744235

Probably won't be a problem by 2029, with the cure for aging and all.

>> No.1744236


Fascism is a system where authoritarian nationalist rulers control society in a totalitarian manner, whilst usually letting the market system function in some way. HOWEVER, the hallmark of Fascist economics is that the authoritarian government can "hijack" the market economy at any time, and give both incentives and quotas to industry such that the market as we would call it ceases to exist and becomes a tool of the state's will (such as when Hitler went to war).

Leftfags has the mistaken tenancy to believe that Fascist economics = rampant unregulated capitalism such that a plutocratic oligarchy of evil corporations buys the government off. Of course, this is not fascist economics, it is just plutocratic oligarchy. Anyone in their right mind doesn't want that unless you're a Gordon Gecko motherfucker.

In any event, the Tea party people don't know thier ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to either of those definitions.

>> No.1744238

statistically highly unlikely

>> No.1744244
File: 83 KB, 800x600, 633931079580816045-foxnewsisntnews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, seriously, Faux News is like some shit a 12 year old with down syndrome came up with. It really isnt news at all.

Its just entertainment, and it is pretty funny, cause they are so stupid. It kinda reminds me of the old school Bevis and Butthead cartoon. At least Bevis and Butthead showed music videos though.

>> No.1744261

Maybe in herp derp America, but not where I live.

>> No.1744265
File: 37 KB, 480x513, Lolfox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to Faux news and the Tea baggers, you are correct.

I can just use them however I want, and make up the meaning as I see fit.

Its like CNN little retarded brother, who has serious anger issues and cant stop making shit up

>> No.1744309
File: 43 KB, 350x437, yeswecan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what Obama needs to man up and to. Hijack the fucking economy and force us all to make solar panels in the great patriotic war against global warming. Fuck freedoms. All for the state nothing against the state.

We shall call our great leader "Der Negro"

>> No.1744312
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>> No.1744347

When discussing fascism, one must look primarily at Mussolini's government, as this was the canonical implementation. Nazism borrowed much of it, but was different. Fascist economics included certain defining features such as 1) price and wage controls, 2) social welfare and public works programs, 3) nationalization of industries including the petroleum industry, 4) creation of syndicates for each industry -- which according to propaganda were for self-regulation of the industry and cooperation with the government, but in reality were mechanisms for government control over each industry, and 5) the confiscation of profits from industries accused of profiteering, such as arms makers.

I do not care for fascism, personally. I a tea party movement sympathizer.

>> No.1744373


The problem is that Tea party (ist's) use the word facism as a description for anything they don't like rather than a political term.

They do they same thing with socialism and communism. That's why they can describe Obama as a communist facist in all seriousness.

>> No.1744376
File: 24 KB, 400x267, glenn-beck-sold-his-soul-400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I a tea party movement sympathizer

It is nice to sympathize with the mentally retarded, but you really shouldnt encourage there blunder through politics. They are only gonna get laughed at.

>> No.1744400
File: 175 KB, 750x600, motivator4862391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another problem with the scum (tea baggers), is that the movement has little, if no, prinicples.

They are not fighting or representing anything concrete, they are not trying to accomplish anything really. It is just a bunch of red necks that dont like Obama. It is not a political movement is it just a bunch of angry republicans.

>> No.1744409

oh anon you make me lol

>> No.1744505


>> No.1744507

>>Thread that has nothing to do with politics.
>>Butthurt liberal retards immediately turn it into an anti-conservative thread, screeching that any and everything they don't like is insane, retarded, and backwards as if simply spewing insults in a grade-school manner make for arguments.


And holy shit, you're claiming Obama's popularity will get him re-elected? He isn't popular anymore retards, especially not with Liberals. We still have troops in Iraq. Gitmo is still open. He made the war in Afghanistan a much bigger, giant deal. The health care bill was watered down bullshit. He's managed to come down on BOTH wrong sides of every fucking issue he's spoken publically about. "The muslims are within their rights to build the mosque, but I don't approve of it." Great, now the people who don't want it built are upset with you for saying they have the right to -which, yeah of course they do- and the people who do want it built are upset with you for saying you don't approve of it.

And speaking of popularity, Glenn Beck is the second most loved television personality in the country, taking second place only to Oprah. O'Reilly comes in tenth place.

And while I'm at it, 37% of the country idenfities as Conservative, while only 17% identifies as Liberal.


>> No.1744511
File: 14 KB, 325x198, 1221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's more important than birthrates is territorial control.

Once nonwhites become any significant portion of the population the previously White country is essentially doomed.

To answer your question though, liberal morons obsess over microscopic things while purposefully ignoring the obvious.

It's not that White countries couldn't be kept White, it's that liberals do all they can to prevent it.

If I could permanently remove one group it would be liberals, the nonwhites would then be easily dealt with.

Also since we're on the topic of fascism I might as well chime in: I am full supporter of it, assuming it's the right kind ;).

>> No.1744517

I haven't noticed that. I've listened to Glen Beck speak once or twice and I've never noticed a misuse of the word fascism or socialism. (I don't remember for sure if he used either word, but I would have noticed if he misused them.)

>> No.1744518

tea party at its best

>> No.1744524


This thread is a fine example of why /sci/ is shit.

>> No.1744532 [DELETED] 


>> No.1744530


I don't know. I think I hate the tea party, because time and again they've shown themselves to be racist, ignorant, and stupid.

>> No.1744541

butthurt conservatards from /new/


>> No.1744542

quit crying
first off, your stats are fake. all polls are fake. your propaganda about how this is a conservative nation makes me want to find you and kill you so we can up the collective iq of this world by at least 40 points.
now go ahead and source me a fox or other right wing owned media link because we all know how credible fox and all of them are.

>> No.1744547

dude, all of the conservotards are from stormfront. it makes the quality of the board go down.
they also think that its a conservative board. most of them samefag their own threads. its pathetic

>> No.1744548


I post here more then I post on /new/ dimwit.

>> No.1744562


Your posts are shit. They always are. You're one of the most scientifically illiterate tripfags on this board. In addition to that you pawn off your meager knowledge as if you are actually an expert in anything.

Seriously, are you just a troll or are you actually that stupid, vapid, narcissistic, and mentally unstable?

>> No.1744578

Actually, my statistics were wrong. I was recalling the statistics from the last year of Bush's term, when it was 37% to 17% respectively.




Also, Glen Beck:



Again, deal with it you delusional twit.

>> No.1744584


lol you sound mad bro. I don't engage in pseudo-intellectual circle jerking, that doesn't mean my posts are "shit".

You don't like my posts on principle. I think it infuriates you that a racist stormfront poster doesn't fit your stereotypes.

Needless to say I won't be changing :D.

>> No.1744587

Is all you're capable of doing to argue against the other side comparing them to hate groups, and saying they're all the same? If I were to do that with Liberals, I could say you were all clan members who hate homosexuals, kill young girls with your cars, and patronize prostitutes.

I mean, you realize the Westboro Baptist Church are liberals, right? Please dispute this so I have reason to point out all the facts that prove they are.

>> No.1744594
File: 77 KB, 388x296, 1282792578971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking true man, those liberals sure are dumb people.

>> No.1744597
File: 17 KB, 241x230, 1270600322075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw you source phony polls and right wing extremist and just generally right wing only sources.
lol, just fucking lol

>> No.1744599


No, you post non-/sci/ shit on /sci/. I have no problems with your beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs no matter how correct or how ignorant they are.

You just happen to continually post non-scientific threads and posts. You have no clue about how science works and instead you post the evidence that fits your facts instead of looking for the truth.

So, I think you're wrong. You exactly fit what I think a stormfront stereotype would be.

>> No.1744604

So Gallup and Harris are right-wing only you giant fucking retard?

Are all liberals this fucking ignorant?

>> No.1744605


I don't know they sound pretty awesome. I went to their website and found this:


I'm sorry, but I laughed. It was just so over the top, even if it is true.

>> No.1744610

yes, thats why jesus hate them.

>> No.1744621

>>I mean, you realize the Westboro Baptist Church are liberals, right? Please dispute this so I have reason to point out all the facts that prove they are.

1. the first sign of a conservotard is to out right lie and distort as seen in the green text here.
2.Always remember to pretend that you dont do the things you do when you do them publically ALL THE TIME ANYWAYS!
3.play the victim. spend days making anti intellectual,infactual posts and threads about *insert group here*, then get butthurt when *insert group here* says something back, and you fag up the thread with your whining and BAAAAAAAAWWWWWW IM SO OPPRESSED! fucking nonsense.

wbc,religious nut jobs who appear on fox all of the time,protest dead soldiers and rock musicians and other forms of freedom of expression, bad mouth science....somehow,they are liberals...why is it that the right wingers can never take personal responsibility of their parties actions and never own up for their mistakes and then pawn them off as liberalism when they get called on it?
the right wing party is nothing but scum most of the time. its a sad state of affairs.

>> No.1744629

no polls are bullshit because polling,say,a thousand people in a country, and then basing their opinions on that group alone, reflects the mood of the country. no thats bullshit. sorry I prefer the truth rather than lies made up by media outlets whose sole purpose is to manipulate public consent on *insert issue here*. polls,all polls, are bullshit.

>> No.1744637


Now this is funny.

You're butthurt over me occasionally posting about nonscience related topics in a board that is filled with threads on nonscience related topics?

You accuse me of not understanding how "science works" while clearly not understanding it yourself.

Science is not abstract, science is driven by ideology. Facts are used in arguments to support viewpoints, objective truth devoid of opinion does not exist.

You're clearly delusional.

>> No.1744639
File: 17 KB, 255x225, al_gore_fred_phelps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here we go.

1. Fred Phelps, leader of the Westboro Baptist Church ran as a DEMOCRAT for governor of Kansas twice.

2. The Westboro Baptist Church has always voted for, endorsed, campaigned for, and donated money to the DEMOCRATS.

3. They routinely criticize conservatives, Fox News, George Bush, Ronald Reagan, and virtually every Republican there is.

4. They were good friends with Al Gore (see image) in the 80's and routinely held fundraisers for him when he authored anti-gay legislation. When he softened his position in the 90's they cut ties with him, labeling him a "conservative darling" and a "fag pimp".

5. The only form of hate speech they do not condone is racism, they go out of their way to attack that, as their background is as civil rights attorneys.

6. They protest the funerals of dead soldiers, and memorials of astronauts. Things which have nothing to do with homosexuals, but are pro-American symbols, and they have stated in no uncertain terms they hate and despise this country.

They're liberals. Those are the facts. Look it up. You were wrong, like you always are, because you're a fucking idiot, and you've just demonstrated clearly you don't know shit about a god damned thing. Now keep your stupid fucking mouth shut, and don't ever open it again dumbass.

>> No.1744640

actually its MUCH MUCH higher then 17% who are liberals, its just that most liberals are fucking pussies and are afraid to call themselfs that because the Right wing has made it a dirty word.

Case in point, How many right wingers brag about being conservative? All of them.

How many Left winger brag about being really liberal?

Fucking none. Their mostly all like "hurr Im "centrist" or "moderate"


>> No.1744647

hey 10 years ago just called, they want their points relevant to their time back. do you have anything of value for maybe today?

>> No.1744655
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>> No.1744656


And thank you and good night.

>> No.1744658

oh and btw, did you ever think that they would call themselves democrats just to bash them? none of the dems in congress are like that. none of the ones I know are like that in fact, no democrat Ive ever talked to acts anything like that. oh but wait, your a conservative,its just jesus for you. nevermind

>> No.1744662

>>no polls are bullshit because polling,say,a thousand people in a country, and then basing their opinions on that group alone, reflects the mood of the country. no thats bullshit.

That's hilarious, because meanwhile in this thread:


Liberals are making the exact opposite argument, and claiming the poll from MSNBC that 1/3 of the country is against synthetic biology based on a poll of 1,000 people is infallible because of representive sampling.

How do you manage to get more idiotic with each post?

>> No.1744669


I guess they didn't teach you that there are multiple people posting on 4chan.

>> No.1744671

wrong person. ive been here or on new the entire time

>> No.1744674

>>oh and btw, did you ever think that they would call themselves democrats just to bash them?


>>none of the dems in congress are like that.

Yes, because you've met all of them personally, you high-roller you. Like Clinton who said Obama should be getting them their coffee for instance, or Hillary, Obama, and Biden who are all against gay marriage.

>>none of the ones I know are like that in fact, no democrat Ive ever talked to acts anything like that.

Are you twelve years old, or just retarded? That's anecdotal evidence, in other words worthless. I could say "every single Democrat I've ever met has told me he rapes children." It's an anecdote. The fact is: WBC are liberals. DEAL WITH IT BITCH.

>>oh but wait, your a conservative,its just jesus for you. nevermind

I'm an atheist. Are you capable of getting anything right, moron?

>> No.1744676
File: 930 KB, 3809x3090, 1269160775298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks the Tea Party is the "majority"

Im literally LMAO, you are so so so so funny.
Looks like someone has been brainwashed by the FAUX.

Its americans like you that are causing the downfall of our society. You need to stop listening to hate speech, "entertainment news" and actually educate yourself fool!

>> No.1744678

I didn't say same person, I said liberals. Read the post you're quoting kiddo. In that thread, liberals are arguing that any poll with at least a thousand people chosen randomly is accurate due to representative sampling. No matter how you slice it, you're wrong about everything you've said in this thread. I know it stings, but you'll be a better person for realizing you're a fucking idiot, and everything you've ever believed in is wrong.

>> No.1744686

no im right,and your the stupid,poopy face

>> No.1744688

>>Greentext's an obvious strawman fallacy
>>Pretends "conservative" means "tea party"
>>Posts image macro
>>Pretends this is an argument, spouts crappy memes, and then declares the other person an idiot.
>>Has thus become a living definition of irony, and a giant fucking idiot.

>> No.1744692


Yes, and you paste that guys mistakes as all liberals mistakes. I guess I shouldn't expect more from someone such as you.

>> No.1744693

Libfag status: TOLD.

>> No.1744694
File: 132 KB, 500x575, 1267520247365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im glad this thread is still here. I love making fun of FAUX and the scum (tea party)....this will be fun!

I cant believe there are actually tea party people here in my /sci/, WTF? I didnt think they were mentally aware enough to use a computer.

>> No.1744697

OP that is a slippery slope fallacy

>> No.1744700


Butthurt some conservative took his job, married his mom, or went out with the girl he had a crush on in high school.

Demonstrates hilarious lack of intelligence by repeatedly demonstrating he believes "faux" is pronounced the same way as "fox".

>> No.1744702

It's a dam shame liberals had to hijack this thread with their bullshit. Part of the OPs question is one I have wondered myself, why do liberals hurrdurr over keeping animal habitat in order to preserve a species of rat or plant or try to prevent species contamination of a landmass while ignoring the obvious implications of human immigration?

Conservationists appear to be huge hypocrites.

>> No.1744705

I post that his exact words, specifically disagree with the prevailing liberal logic in another thread. I didn't see him storming into that thread to tell them the statistics were wrong because 1,000 people isn't enough.

It was just, fucking hilarious to me that he exactly said "1,000 people isn't enough" and in that other thread every liberal is screeching it's more than enough for an accurate sample to validate *those* poll results.

>> No.1744706


One can be changed by the action of the "victims". The other cannot be changed by the action of the "victims".

I'll let you figure out which is which.

>> No.1744709

>Curious person asks /sci/ a legitamate question
>Four posts relating to OP's post
>One post mentions the tea party
>300 posts of people calling each other "stupid poopy heads"

Well, I guess four posts relating to the subject at hand is a 4chan record, but come on /sci/, you're better than this.

>> No.1744717


There are people who label themselves one thing and yet disagree with the majority of people who label themselves another. How hard is this concept to grasp?

>> No.1744722
File: 58 KB, 565x800, 1271222981613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Glenn Beck is the second most loved television personality in the country

Sounds Like bullshit.....
In anycase people love laughing at retards. Dont you watch TV? You never heard of Snooki before?

Every now and then I watch a few minutes of the show, just to get a really really good laugh. It is fucking highlarious. He takes himself so seriously, and acts like he knows shit, when all he spouts is incohernt gibberish. That guy really needs to take a basic Poly sci or History course, he is a very very ignorant man.

Also, Hitler was the most popular person of his time....LMAO

>> No.1744727


That's not correct.

There is no difference between an environment being created where a nonhuman animal species cannot survive in and an environment being created where a racial/ethnic group cannot survive in.

The direct affect on the groups may be different but the outcome is the same.

>> No.1744729


The reason for this is because Conservatives had demonized the word Liberal to such a great degree that even Liberals themselves try to avoid the word.

Most of the Americans who describe themselves as Centrists or Moderates often hold Liberal views. They view themselves as Moderate because of the negativity associated with the word Liberal.

>> No.1744743
File: 35 KB, 480x480, 1269679845252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look everyone, the tea-bagger is crying again.
You ok little guy? You shouldn't take yourself so seriously. You really need a good education, that is the only way to fight your ignorance. Grow up a little...its not that hard.

Also, wtf are you even on /sci/?
Scienist are supposed to be smart? You are fucking retard. Are you just a pop-science guy?
Or maybe you are just lost?
Is the computer confusing your?
Too many keys?


>> No.1744745


Yes there is. You can fuck and make a shit load of babies. Almost everyone has more than enough money and food to do that. I think I can use an example you'll love: black people. They end up having more children and they're poorer.

There's nothing preventing white or Japanese or any other group from having more children than any other. It's just simple greed.

Animals can't do shit against humans if we go into their habitat. It's one of the immense pleasures and benefits of being human.

>> No.1744758

ITT: People think that claims of political party are more important than action.

You don't get to just throw around labels. Words have definitions, figure out how to properly use them.

>> No.1744761

Way to invoke Godwin's Law.

The point -which you can't in any way refute- was that despite you idiots trying to claim conservatives make up a very small percentages of the country, and Glenn Beck's a nutjob, and blah blah blah, Conservatives actually account for 40% of the country, 35% Moderates, and only 20% liberals. And Glenn Beck is extremely popular.

They're not the fringe, you're the fringe. That's just a fact. No number of insults, no assortment of image macros will ever change those facts. Deal with it, and grow the fuck up.

>> No.1744762
File: 32 KB, 450x300, 1276472400665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The truth is though, regardless of whatever the fuck you call yourself, tradiational "conservatives" are dying out.

Conservatives that get elected now of days have to be more liberal then ever before, just to get elected. Most conservates now are actually "moderate" or have very "liberal" policies. This is a trend that has been seen in the US, as well as the UK and Western Europe.

In 100 years time, what we consider "conservative" will actually be very very liberal by todays standards. Conservatism by definition is always "chipped" away at by society. At its core, Conservatism is associated with the "mindset" of the old, and well the old always die......LOL.

>> No.1744764


>There's nothing preventing white or Japanese or any other group from having more children than any other.

There obviously is as they aren't, which is my point.

As stated above there is no difference between the creation of an environment that leads to the destruction of animal population and one that leads to the destruction of a human population.

The process may be different but both have the same outcome.

In this case the immigration of nonwhites and liberal thought has created such an environment.

Actually it's all liberal thought as nonwhites wouldn't be allowed to immigrate without it.

>> No.1744765

>>empty insults
>>shitty grammar
>>image macro in place of an argument

Are you really this stupid, or are you just a troll trying to make liberals look like giant retards?

>> No.1744772

Jesus fucking christ on a cracker, YOU'RE DELUSIONAL AS SHIT, SON.

40% of the country identifies as conservative, and how do you deal with this FACT? You claim the group that said they weren't liberal, is actually liberal, they're just pretending not to be because liberal is an evil word. And despite being larger now than any other group in the country, conservatives are "dying out".

You're a fucking idiot. You're not making a damn bit of sense. You bring stupid to a whole new level. Holy fuck.

>> No.1744777

oh god. first of all, "muslim" is not a racial group. Arabs only make up 30% of the muslim demographic. 18% of muslims are white.

second of all, white non-muslims, just for you, are not going anywhere. just like blacks never disappeared after the US stopped importing slaves. races don't just "disappear".

race-mixing is still very, very rare on a statistical level. as for low birth rates, thats what happens when people reach a certain level. kids are expensive and require a lot of attention, the developed world on the other hand encourages living for yourself, enjoying life, which is a lot harder to do with 3-5 children.

when whites become poor again, birth rates will shoot up as people will have less things to spend their time on. spirituality or religion are great stimuli for kids, both concepts temper temptation and encourage giving rather than receiving.

>> No.1744780


Look man, there's a little something called free will that humans have that animals don't.

People choose not to have more kids, because kids fucking suck.

>> No.1744784


I'd say it's the complete opposite. Compared to today's standards, many old presidents would be considered very liberal. You get too tied up in bullshit media blanket issues like GLBT rights, pro-life, and gun control. Oh, don't forget immigration, which btw; it's one of the founding tenants of our country.

Do some research. America is getting more and more stupid, politicians (namely Republicans) are getting elected on sensationalism.

>> No.1744789


>> No.1744794

>>Pretending that in the past when gay rights, and abortion were both completely unthinkable and pretty much universally scorned, politicians would have been more likely to be fore them.

>> No.1744808


I don't consider humans having more "free will" then animals.

Actually I look at humans the way I look at other animals.

Create an event and the human population will respond according to their biology and past experiences.

Should the population continue down this path of self destruction then it's clear an environment was created that the population could not appropriately respond to.

It's no different a process then what happened to extinct nonhuman animals.

>> No.1744812
File: 32 KB, 274x400, beck-murder-pav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are so fucking funny. I have not laughed this hard in a long time. You really think the "tea party" is the majority. Dude, where the fuck do you live? I need to go see this shit? How fucking secluded are you from society that you could believe such a bat-shit crazy idea?
Do you live in some really small town in the middle of nowhere?

You really need to get out and travel the country a little bit bro. Take Gleen Becks Dick outta your mouth, and experience life! It may seem scary at first, but you can do it!

The validty of your numbers is probabaly bullshit. Where did you get them from? Let me guess FAUX? You know they have a history of lying about numbers, events, people, altering pictures, and inserting there our narritive and agenda into there programming. Also, by there own admission most of there shows are not news at all. GLENN BECK IS NOT NEWS!

It isnt even funny how lost you are. You really are just way too naive and gullible. Do you have anykind of education at all? Do you know how to think for yourself?

Im am starting to reallly feel bad for you. I guess I shouldnt be making fun of retards.

>> No.1744826


>Pretending that media bullshit blanket issues honestly have anything to do with the state of affairs our country is in.

Oh look I can green text too.

>> No.1744830


I'm pretty sure they're trolling.

>> No.1744834

You're not even trying. The statistics are from Gallup and Harris, two of the most reputable polling outfits in the country. The links were provided further up in the thread.

Simply posting stupid image macros, and even more worthless insults won't change the facts, but if you feel like admitting you've lost this argument, have nothing to add, and feel utterly ashamed of your overwhelming stupidity and worthlessness, by all means, post another reply with an image macro and a slew of meaningless insults. It'll demonstrate clearly the typical intelligence of your ilk, and the worthlessness of your "arguments".

>> No.1744838

/sci/ - Politics and Religion.

I believe that you guys are looking for /new/. Here, let me point you in the proper direction.


>> No.1744840

nice try. unfortunately sensationalist pseudo-intellectual youtube shock videos are generally very shitty sources.

after the collapse of the soviet union russia encountered a complete collapse in birthrates, 0.98 fertility rate between 1993-1999. thats 0.82 points lower than your "unrecoverable" mark.

today? 2.3 fertility rate. so thats bullshit.

>> No.1744847
File: 174 KB, 600x750, motivator19006635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, probabaly.

I dont feel so bad for making fun of the retards now. No one can honestly think that the "tea party" is the majority.....that is just to fucking absurd. He must be Trolling

>> No.1744849
File: 30 KB, 600x400, 1276096406806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hey, if you're not all too busy flaming each other and achieving nothing, could I maybe see some more pics like the one the OP used? I like them curvy.

>> No.1744855
File: 47 KB, 498x415, 003a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1744860
File: 9 KB, 276x265, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1744869

First off, obvious samefag.

Second, he/you have repeated twice now that conservatives = tea party. That's the very definition of a strawman fallacy. The poll says that conservatives outnumber those who identify as moderates, and double those who identify as liberal. The tea party was never mentioned, but again, you don't have an actual argument against the statistics, against the facts.

And the links were already posted, feel free to google if you can't scroll the fuck up to find them. Harris poll and gallup poll. Facts.

>> No.1744882
File: 47 KB, 350x392, 1274756127073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what argument? wtf are you smoking dude?
no one is arguing with you. I am just enjoying calling you a retard. Note I use "retard" and not "faggot", becuase you lack mental capabilities.

Why would I have any sort of arugment or debate, with you? I would be like me arguing a tensor cal proff to a dog. It is just pointless, the dog (you) are just to dumb to understand.

But, you came off as too stupid. Bad move, no one can be that stupid. Nice trolling bro! Better luck next time!

>> No.1744887
File: 18 KB, 564x345, iglnwvn0jeaslencabs5iq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of "reasoning" has the following pattern:

1. Person A has position X.
2. Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).
3. Person B attacks position Y.
4. Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.

This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because attacking a distorted version of a position simply does not constitute an attack on the position itself. One might as well expect an attack on a poor drawing of a person to hurt the person

To repeat:

"According to a gallup poll, 40% of the country identifies as conservative."

Your idiotic, poorly written strawman reply:



>>PRINCETON, NJ -- Conservatives have maintained their leading position among U.S. ideological groups in the first half of 2010. Gallup finds 42% of Americans describing themselves as either very conservative or conservative. This is up slightly from the 40% seen for all of 2009 and contrasts with the 20% calling themselves liberal or very liberal.

>> No.1744895

>>lol i don't have a comeback, so i'll just declare you a retard and post image macros because i'm butthurt i lost an argument on the internet. lol sucks to be you! check out my crudely drawn picture of a political figure as a creature of horror, surely that will prove i am right and you are wrong lolz

>> No.1744898
File: 20 KB, 536x402, fox_end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conservatives = tea party

but thats the assumption you made. I was aruging about the tea party all along. I never euqated them with conservatives, thats is somthing you did. You need to go back and read the thread little man.....lol.

>> No.1744904

>because he promised everything, and delivered jack shit.

The problem isn't that he's delivered nothing, it's that he's delivered the exact same bullshit george bush was. Why if I were cynical, I'd be betting that the only reason he was even put forward as a candidate was because it'd create a spectacle and take everyone's minds off actually doing something about fixing America.


The country is getting dangerously close to the time when the 4th box is needed. There's no difference between the Republican and Democrats when you actually look at what they do. The country is ruled by one corporatist party and is full of scoundrels and crooks.

>> No.1744914

You replied to a poll about conservatives and said "LOL TEA PARTY" a good three times. You've been proven wrong again, and again, and again, and again. Every time you post, you demonstrate for everyone how profoundly stupid liberals are. You demonstrate exactly why no more than 22% have ever identified as being one of you. Because you're immature fucking jokes who think image macros, the word "retard" and "lol" account for arguments.

I honestly can't tell whether you're a troll, or a stupid fourteen year old who got lost on their way to Gaia.

>> No.1744916
File: 14 KB, 221x212, fox_news_sucks-221x212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1744918
File: 141 KB, 600x460, 4253753293_e13dbfc777_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet Jesus, you guys are still arguing?

>> No.1744928

You replied to the OP post, which doesn't even reference politics with an image macro about fox news.

Did Sean Hannity break into your house, and hold you down while Greta Van Susteren raped you with a strap-on, as Geraldo jerked off in the distance holding a camera? You are fucking obsessed man. You're not even trying to make sense anymore. Not that you were to begin with, but I actually thought you were trying.

>> No.1744929
File: 225 KB, 1024x626, CoachDatAss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1744932
File: 17 KB, 260x392, Glenn-beck-asshat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, I did not.

Wow, you have been watching so much Faux you cant even keep your shit straight anymore. Kinda Sad. I think you were arguing with someother dude. I have only been here for a few posts, and it was pretty much just to make fun of you.

>> No.1744945

Yes, some other person posting image macros, with the same shitty, hilariously pathetic grammar, and empty insults towards conservative figures.

Maybe I'm giving liberals too much credit, but I'm pretty sure that level of idiocy is coming from just you in this thread.

>> No.1744948
File: 62 KB, 750x600, demotivational_ignoramus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I am really replying to >>1744185
Sorry. I often just reply to the main.

>> No.1744963

I didn't say I agreed with the video, just that what it says is shocking.

I was actually hoping for reasoning that proves it wrong.

>> No.1744967

So you're replying to a thread hijack post you made.

How sad.

>> No.1744974
File: 24 KB, 502x391, 1270664214909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, just WOW...I thought I had stopped with the laughing, but you sir are good!

Yeah, bad grammer, insults, and image macros......you NEVER SEE THOSE ON /sci/?
Very good deductive skills, are you a detective by chance.....LMAO

R U NEW To 4chan?

Naw, serioulsy, not all those posts were mine.
You were talking to a good 3 people at one time at least.

>> No.1744981
File: 20 KB, 450x536, political-pictures-sarah-palin-pouting-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, just contributing.

>> No.1744984
File: 54 KB, 640x573, rush-limbaugh-rush-limbaugh-big-mouth-demotivational-poster-1256243248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1745006
File: 61 KB, 640x595, spelling-fox-news-faux-noise-spelling-mistake-typographical-demotivational-poster-1261530335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this been posted yet?

>> No.1745024
File: 19 KB, 500x333, 1280066494622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the dumbass left?

>> No.1745037
File: 9 KB, 197x237, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think I made him cry. Or he is too busy jackin off to FAUX.

Also, im outta FAUX Pics! Anyone got anymore?

>> No.1745045
File: 218 KB, 400x546, sexist1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1745050
File: 61 KB, 455x508, dumb_as_a_stump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1745051


I'll bite

Just because people identify with "conservative" more, does not necessarily mean they'll automagically vote Republican.

The old guard of the GOP has been systematically gutted and turned inside-out (look what's happened to McCain), and the more rational-minded intellectual conservatives are considered "too liberal" and thus forced to either conform to the RNC's demands or be ejected from the fold. More and more people are being alienated from the Republican Party, and this includes those who self-identify as "conservative."

Hell, environmentalism used to be a conservative ideal. What could be more conservative than preserving the world for your kids and grandchildren? Now being an environmentalist is mutually exclusive from being a conservative.

In sum, since Republicans are aiming for the votes of the stupidest, least rational demographic in the United States, while shrinking their base of support by defining ever-increasing numbers of conservatives as LIBRULS, there is now a major disconnect between American national interests and the body politic as a whole, and the Republican Party. Your poll numbers, while interesting, provide no indication of the likelihood of Republican success in 2012.

>> No.1745071
File: 66 KB, 800x600, 633790259029407595-falsemediaoutrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1745075

See kids, this is what happens when liberals lose arguments. They bitch and throw a fit and ruin things for everyone.

Also, lol @ "posting these images is valid because it's in response to a troll post to hijack a thread with an unrelated divisive topic".

You're unbelievably fucking pathetic.

>> No.1745088
File: 11 KB, 199x238, fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, I guess I was wrong. The dumbass is still here >>1745075.

WElcome Back retard

>> No.1745093

topics change all the time
R u new?

>> No.1745104


This man, seems to know his shit.

You guys still think this is about some bi-partisianship, and are arguing conservative vs. liberal based on what the media riles everyone up about. Aside from the serious nutjobs that get ostracized from either party like Palin, they're all working for the same basic goal. And whose to say that they aren't put out there so that the other guys don't seem so ridiculous?

>> No.1745113
File: 228 KB, 570x610, gtfo-take-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know whats unbelievably fucking pathetic?
A guy who lurks threads where he is not wanted. This is a good old fashioned Anit-faux thread, nothing more. Contribute or GTFO