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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 45 KB, 288x290, cern-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1741312 No.1741312 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, /g/eneral /sci/entist here, and we need some help.

If your not informed, wikileaks leaked a 1.4gb encrypted file named "insurance". We plan to brute force it. But were gonna need atleast 5,000Ghz to do it... so we figured we'd ask CERN.

Theres a problem with that though, as we don't speak french. Any french/swiss/german fags in here wanna call cern and ax em if we can use their computers for a little while?

>> No.1741329

just so you know, once that insurance file is decrypted, it's no longer insurance and wikileaks/julian assange are essentially dead.

>> No.1741332

>he wants to brute force a 116bit encryption
>using cern
actually, that would work..

>> No.1741334

No, they will not let you use there computers.
Stop being a faggot!

>> No.1741344

We at /g/ figured if we asked nicely they might let us

>> No.1741353
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>Using CERN to decrypt files


>> No.1741355

>already knows all about it


>> No.1741364

No, they wont even give you the time of day to ask. Stop being a faggot

>> No.1741365

thats /g/ for ya

>> No.1741369

cool project, but if the insturance file held anything awesome in it, Assange would have already released it

>> No.1741389

hes using it as blackmale for the united states gov't. They just dumped 70,000 illegal documents containing important information about the afgan war.

Thats technically a war crime and can get you in Guantanamo, or just killed. hundreds of thousands of people have downloaded insurance.date by now, and if wikileaks gets closed down because of their warcrimes, he gives out the encryption key by a third party and the worst of the worst shit hits the fan.

Its speculated that its a video of school children being air raided by soldiers in Afghanistan

>> No.1741402

... that would have to be like 1080p...

>> No.1741404

Aren't there English speakers at CERN? Why can't you ask in English?

>> No.1741415
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>mfw schoolchildren being bombed in 1080p

>> No.1741423

I doubt that would be the ONLY thing in the file.

Point is, Wikileaks goes down, that file is opened, and hundreds of thousands of people will know what's inside, followed by millions if the media picks up on it.

I hope it's something big enough that the US will shut down its military operations overseas. This "war" has gone on long enough, goddamit.

>> No.1741425

Well, the answering machine was in French. We just kinda thats it.

Also, that they would be nicer to a European than a american, asking to use their 10billion€ equipment to crack a encryption

>> No.1741462

I'm a frenchfag, and it says they don't open for a few more hours.

also, it goes to english half way thru you fuckers

>> No.1741474

Use an accent from the UK or Ireland? Unless they don't consider them real Europeans or some faggot shit like that.

>> No.1741484

I'd really like to see that

>> No.1741528

imagine if it was actually a no-CD version of GTA III

>> No.1741531

ok, so things we may have established so far...

file has a .AES256 extention, so it probably is AES256
file is salted, so to speak, so it would be impossible to brute force within our lifetime

>captcha twelar sciences

>> No.1741542
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>answering machine was in French

Your a faggot. They will not help you! Take your faggotry outta /sci/

>> No.1741544


It's widely believed that AES encryption has a backdoor for the NSA, so it's probably not actually AES.

>> No.1741548


uh, they put salt on it?

>> No.1741558

Well then it could just be teasing at the NSA, so they'll end up seeing what it is and relaying the fear.

>> No.1741561

Yeah, it tastes delicious now.

>> No.1741562

Except that it doesn't matter if the US government knows what's in the file or not, if it really IS some earth-shattering info.

>> No.1741564
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>file has a .AES256 extention, so it probably is AES256

>> No.1741565

hey guies
we all know the amuricunts are lying fags amirite? Wanna crack some supposed top secret shit that can reveal a LOT of truth on Afghanistan?
>hang up

i think it would work

>> No.1741571



>> No.1741584

CERN just opened, anyone wanna make the call?

>> No.1741590

100 years from now no one will remember or know what wikileaks is :'(

>> No.1741593

don't bother them. There is not enough entropy in the universe to crack 256bit AES

>> No.1741596

Its actually 116

>> No.1741597

Hi ciscofag here
they r trollan saying its aes256 theyd never do that they hate americunts remember
and yes apparently aes does have backdoor they arent rtards
it'll be 3des you muppets

>> No.1741605

the folding@home cluster couldn't even crack that shit anytime soon. and cern is a little pink tricycle compared to that.

>> No.1741609

Okay, I have an idea. Let's network all the computers of 4chan users. We will create a networked computing power equal to CERN's. Any questions? the plan is infallible.

>> No.1741612

If you crack one bit per year, it'll only be two and a half centuries.

>> No.1741619

>make a botnet of 4chan user's comptuters

go ask /g/ why thats a bad idea

>> No.1741623
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>> No.1741630

they just told me to reformat and reinstall windows. That's all they ever say on /g/.

>> No.1741634

>Its speculated that its a video of school children being air raided by soldiers in Afghanistan

and this can just be swept under the carpet how?
this isn't vietnam you asswipe. If this happened the perpetrators would be SEVERELY punished. the armed forces fucking hates civilian casualties, and if you aren't aware of that you're just as dumb and ignorant as the flag waving hillbillies

>> No.1741640
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>> No.1741645

>doesn't know wikileaks already leaked two videos of soldiers killing civilians that were just "swept under the rug"

>> No.1741656 [DELETED] 

you're stupid.

they have killed 100,000's of people, you think they have 100% precision?

>> No.1741659


There have been over 1000 (or maybe it's 500) times as many civilian deaths as "terrorist" deaths because of the US in Afghanistan/Iraq over the past 9 years.

>> No.1741664


>A huge cache of secret US military files today provides a devastating portrait of the failing war in Afghanistan, revealing how coalition forces have killed hundreds of civilians in unreported incidents, Taliban attacks have soared and Nato commanders fear neighbouring Pakistan and Iran are fuelling the insurgency.
>revealing how coalition forces have killed hundreds of civilians in unreported incidents
>killed hundreds of civilians in unreported incidents

hurr durr?

>> No.1741673

Who gives a fuck if US soldiers kill a bunch of sand niggers

alpha as fuck

>> No.1741678

hey guys I opened the file
it's got a lot of interesting stuff
what do i do now?

>> No.1741682
File: 138 KB, 600x522, u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trolled hard

>> No.1741696

>i said something retarded
>oh guys jokes on you i was only pretending

>> No.1741700
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>> No.1741701
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>> No.1741708

because they are a bunch of redneck fuck-ups who try to act like they are helping society.

also, if you think a police-state where the military can do no wrong is cool then see russia:


>> No.1741709
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>> No.1741713


Thanks for the video, really gave me some laughs

>> No.1741718
File: 128 KB, 434x314, error182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1741726

>implying russia isn't awesome
I love russia

>> No.1741729

Fuck Wikileaks. You bastards say your leaks will not harm US troops, yet in 5 minutes of checking said documents I found the names and locations of several soldiers and allied civilians. So go to hell.

>> No.1741731
File: 29 KB, 300x221, trollpads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post eight lines of caps with multiple insults
>implying you aren't mad

>> No.1741737

>implying we couldn't find them anyway

>> No.1741743
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>> No.1741746

why you mad though?

>> No.1741750

>have fun getting almost killed, just because you drive a lexus:

>RFE reported on a 2007 study by the Russian Academy of Sciences that "every 25th person in Russia is tortured, beaten, or harassed by law enforcement officials each year."

>> No.1741756
File: 138 KB, 500x473, tumblr_l40t99PqQb1qzaxefo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1741761

Wait killing Iraqi civilians is bad why?

>> No.1741766

Just build a distributed computing initiative like the Folding@Home initiative.

>> No.1741771

Its a waste of bullets. they're suppose to be used to kill people who are a direct threat, not random shit. Might as well have everyone use all of their ammo to the shoot the ground or something

>> No.1741776

Yeah, and they love it. Russia is hardcore. They love misery and domination. if you don't like it you're a pussy. Russia forever

>> No.1741782

They DO waste lots of bullets on the ground when they get bored.

>> No.1741794

That shits expensive, they need to stop that

>> No.1741803

It'd be helpful if we had a link to the wikileak and had an idea of what "insurance" mean
That way we will not waste our time trying to decrypt one of your files

>> No.1741812


Most bullets are wasted on the ground or inanimate objects anyway even if you're trying to hit a threat.

>> No.1741816

It'd be like LOIC but for bruteforce...
Now if only someone on this site actually knew how to program...

>> No.1741818

noone knows what it is, and check the /g/ thread

>> No.1741819


>> No.1741834

Infantry munitions are cheap to the point of almost being a non-cost under the total budget. The price of a box of ammo may sound expensive to you but that's because you're poor.

>> No.1741865

Its just lead faggot
Its the same crap they use to paint the cheap plastic toys the Chinese make

>> No.1741868

>Wait killing Iraqi civilians is bad why?
Because that's Iran's job

>> No.1741903

>Now if only someone on this site actually knew how to program

>> No.1741925

>Killing people is bad because of wasting ammunition and money
>Implying that killing people isn't fucking bad in general

>> No.1741930

>implying you haven't killed anyone

>> No.1741932


>> No.1741939


>> No.1741945

so how is wikileaks getting all this classified information again?

>> No.1741957



>> No.1741983

people submit it to them

>> No.1741985

Goddamn it
I went to the damn twitter link and all I found was a bunch of news articles
Where is the file?

>> No.1741990

but do does people get it by hacking or are they actually working for the army?

>> No.1741991


>> No.1741994

post pic or it didn't happen

>> No.1742001

I think...
My download is still going, due to shitty university internet, so I'm not able to try.

>> No.1742010


Yeah bros, I was trolling, but I didn't post the key either.

but I know that person is trolling, and i am not going to wait 4 hours to download that shit to find out.

>> No.1742015
File: 33 KB, 111x106, niggers-nignogging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me how to do it and ill attempt to, just finished

>> No.1742016

They're actually working for the army.

Okay it works like this: You're in the army/CIA/NSA/insert-government-branch and you come across information that you morally object to, and think it is reprehensible that it is being censored. So you send that data to wikileaks, hopefully without being caught, and wikileaks publishes the data.

The guy who leaked a lot of the material on the afghan war has been caught, I'm not sure if he's been courts-martialed yet.

>> No.1742017

you're wasting your time downloading it
Its not like you'll magically find the bruteforce combination of a 116bit salt encryption

>> No.1742022

>The guy who leaked a lot of the material on the afghan war has been caught, I'm not sure if he's been courts-martialed yet.
Well that guy's fucked

>> No.1742026


I posted the key, but I have no idea if it works or not. I found it on the twitter link.

Only 37 minutes until I can be disappoint.

>> No.1742023

If the US government makes a move against wikileaks, a 3rd party will release the decryption key to the insurance file.

>> No.1742038

It would be easier to kidnap Assange and waterboard him until he gives up the password; that's what will happen to him if he loses his insurance anyway

>> No.1742037

Tell us if it works bros

>> No.1742118

It doesn't matter if the government knows what's in the file or not. What matters is that what is in it doesn't reach the general public.

Personally, I'd be betting money that he's already given the key to the government so they could download the file themselves to see if it's legit.

>> No.1742121

That'd be a fantastic "fuck you."

"Here you go, US. Here's what I have. Yeah. You best make sure I don't have any 'accidents' anytime soon, or else this baby gets leaked everywhere."

I really hope it's something ridiculously unexpected, like that the 9-11 truthers were right, or something along those lines.

>> No.1742129

you guys realize that you have to decrypt it, right? and I assume that requires a special program. I don't think it's just like you click it and it asks to enter the key and then it decrypts it.

>> No.1742146

You guys are underestimating how hard this will be to decrypt this
I wonder if the person who leaked it had the password
look this up so you can get an idea
we're dealing with a 116 bit salt here

>> No.1742160

yes, it would basically be impossible to find the key brute force, using current technology.

but according to this guy
he found the key >>1741939

now you just need to find a program which takes the key and decrypts the file.

>> No.1742165


>> No.1742190


I used TrueCrypt.

It didn't work.