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File: 8 KB, 225x225, Stephen Hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1736077 No.1736077 [Reply] [Original]

This is probably the worst interview ever. It makes me want to cringe. Hawking is going batshit insane as well, he's not even answering the questions directly.

>> No.1736086

On The Mummy? Dah! I mean Larry King?

>> No.1736095

Oh god, this is just taking advantage of the controversy he's stirred recently, I'm cringing by just how dramatic they're making it.

>> No.1736096

Why would there be an interview at midnight on CNN?

Unless it's in Cali or something...

>> No.1736102

Yes I live in Cali

>> No.1736104

i'm not watching / didn't watch. could you provide details please?

>> No.1736106

yeah typical CNN they are asking loaded and stupid questions to get the fat americans eating their dinners at home all stirred up

>> No.1736108

look up at the stars, not at your feet

>> No.1736110

>cable news
>they've been talking all day today about how a woman got hit in the face with a watermelon

>> No.1736115

it's called a rerun dumbass

>> No.1736124

Why would CNN even bother? They know they can't out-FOXNews FOXNews on this one, so why try?

>> No.1736126
File: 287 KB, 469x428, 1283023493311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one interesting thing about stephen hawking is that if he lived in britain, the socialized national health service would basically death panel him without thinking twice.

>> No.1736137

yeah, it takes him SUPER long to answer a question in real time.

literally like 5 minutes to type that shit up, even for a very short response.

I saw him at a lecture at the KITP at UCSB and some fucking chink post doc asked him a seriously stupid question.

he asked him about some random ass conference or paper he wrote from the 1970s...

hawking spent 5 minutes before his grad/post doc helper dude said he couldnt answer the question and had to end it.

>> No.1736135

/new/ ===========>

>> No.1736148

Were it a re-run, the OP would not have worded the post in the present tense. Dumbass.

>> No.1736155


>> No.1736160

FOX would just use the same voice program he does, mute Hawking's mic and make him say whatever they wanted to. What's he going to do, roll away in a huff?

>> No.1736171

He can roll his eyes in tired irritation.

>> No.1736178
File: 35 KB, 599x606, 1279443176903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1736202

link plz?

>> No.1736210


wait...he has to type everything out? I thought the computer was directly wired to his brain to interpret his thoughts? (That's why he has to push the button, so he controls which thoughts are translated)

>> No.1736227

>I thought the computer was directly wired to his brain to interpret his thoughts?
Nope, we have yet to master such technology successfully. I was always told that his machine was directed at his throat (because you can wiggle it to produce certain audio phonemes [words and misc. vocalization] without actually moving your mouth) and it reads what sounds he utters from there.

>> No.1736231

I am pretty sure that is not the case. That would require crazy amounts of technology in a perfect, godless world

>> No.1736257


>> No.1736270
File: 87 KB, 755x1255, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1736271

the religious panel member says that hawking, like anyone, is "capable of oversights, as we all are, particularly the oversight about nothingness giving rise to something"


as if that was a careless error and not the central thesis of the whole fucking book.

>> No.1736288

: )

>> No.1736291

sigh you are looking at formerly good man, but now broken and bullied by peers to leave his God.

>> No.1736299
File: 17 KB, 400x124, neuronbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We ARE to the point where a person's focus on a word can be translated directly into a picture, but the picture sucks ass at this point.


I know, it's Cracked, but it's a good read nonetheless.

Pic related.

>> No.1736314


definitely not connected to the brain. honestly, to connect even extremely basic and limited electronics to the brain requires significant brain surgery and will result in exposed wires coming out of the skull

there are at least a handful of deaf/blind people with various degrees of brain/electronic interfaces.

in all cases, however, the interface is suuuper basic (like a blind person being able to see like 10 pixels, while a fucking fist full of wires are coming out of the back of their skull).

not a chance of interpereting words with current technology.
I honestly dont know what he used to control shit at the lecture I went to.

All I know is that he did the lecture in the synthesized voice, and every slide required 5-10 minutes because he had to stop, type (or possibly choose from prepared audio files) the next round of words, then repeat.

it was like

1 minute of words
1 minute of silence
1 minute of words
1 minute of silence

for like 2 hours.

>> No.1736329
File: 53 KB, 468x674, mmmmhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will he go the way of Dawkins?

I hope so. Maybe it will help atheists realize how dumb they are.

>> No.1736515


Slow clap for you, sir.

>> No.1736591

yes, the smartest man in the world is a dumb atheist.
god told me to type this btw

>> No.1736634
File: 143 KB, 453x575, 1279028664591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1736666
File: 120 KB, 544x652, jesusaddict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1736730


Jesus is a neckbeard?

>> No.1736743

look at that motherfucking number bitch!

>> No.1736760


what an asshole

paid good money for those drugs

>> No.1736761

wow, look at jesus's face, he really loves that heroin.

>> No.1736768


could be coke too. or both.

>> No.1736772

Satan get!

>> No.1736793
File: 11 KB, 464x272, chris-langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the smartest man in the world is Christopher Langan, who has used math to prove God and the existence of souls.

>> No.1736807


>> No.1736829


Teddy is just mad he couldn't compete with Rupert.

>> No.1736848

He may have the highest IQ, but he is not the smartest man in the world.