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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 25 KB, 260x260, koko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1734611 No.1734611 [Reply] [Original]

" Koko has a tested IQ of between 70 and 95 on a human scale, where 100 is considered "normal." "

Do you know what this means /sci/? It means there's (or was) probably a gorilla out there with an IQ of 120+.

That would be awesome, a gorilla professor or accountant in everyday America.

>> No.1734620

Incoming swarm of buthurt people who don't think IQ tests scores are a measure of intelligence.

>> No.1734626

oh fuck I forgot /sci/ was so butthurt about that.

well I think it at least gives a somewhat good indication of overall factual knowledge.

It was probably just some basic math questions and what not

>> No.1734637

>Carl Sagan's essay The Abstraction of Beasts

>> No.1734648

Interesting. Perhaps he is smart enough to learn basic mathematics? For the most part, primates aren't able to understand higher math, save for humans. If you could somehow teach a primate higher math (arithmetic, even, maybe algebra) then you would win the Nobel Prize for sure.
inb4 butthurt faggots with low IQs complaining that IQs dont matter, even though they are just butthurt that a gorilla is almost as smart as them.

>> No.1734650

Hmm I'll check that out sometime. What's it about?

>> No.1734665

Wow a gorilla that could breeze through business school sweet.

>> No.1734676

They don't test how intelligent you are, they test how knowledgeable you are.

Someone who's never even heard of Pythagoras or his theory is going to have a lower IQ score than someone who has taken 6 years of math. They could both be equally capable, but one is more knowledgeable than the other due to his experiences.

IQ scores are supposed to be immutable, but they're not, you can alter it with education. Which means it's not an effective measure of intelligence, just knowledge.

Not that you even care about any of this. All an IQ score is to people like you, is a reason to brag about yourself to others. "Hey check me out, I've got an IQ of 190, man don't you guys wish you were as smart and intelligent as I?"

Personally, I find that mostly it's the relatively unintelligent and immature people who go around boasting about how much smarter they are than everyone else because of this online IQ test they took [of the thirty or so they've taken] that says they're super smart, even smarter than Richard Feynman and Einstein.

Which is why I even bother pointing this shit. I'm tired of jackoffs coming to threads like this boosting their own ego's over a number, and insulting and belittling everyone else who's "less intelligent" than they are.

>> No.1734684

I call bullshit on this. Several groups of humans have tested below 70 on IQ tests. No way a gorilla is smarter than them, the difference in brain size and complexity is overwhelming.

>> No.1734686

basically he argues that animals are capable of abstract thought. he gives examples of chimps who were taught sign language and expressed emotions like sadness.

>> No.1734691

Wait, so everyone I know is less intelligent than a gorilla?

>> No.1734694

>>1734676They could both be equally capable, but one is more knowledgeable than the other due to his experiences.

Is it really possible to isolate pure processing ability from our experiences given that we refer to our past experiences whenever we evaluate a problem? Face it, your brain is like a muscle. If you exercise it you'll get smarter.

>> No.1734697
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Not really that surprising is it?

>> No.1734700

>Koko has a tested IQ of between 70 and 95 on a human scale

Wow, he's smart enough to be a professor teaching art, liberal arts, philosophy, or psychology!

>> No.1734701

Buthurt much?

No one in this thread has even stated their IQ scores; its about a fucking gorilla, so why are you getting defensive?

Also. IQ tests never have pythagorus, or other math questions on them. Its just logic puzzles and short term memory tests.

>> No.1734706

I always suspected as much, but this is conclusive proof

>> No.1734708

On average, she is smarter then the average nigger.

Wow, that is fascinating.

>> No.1734714

At least we now know that calling niggers apes is an insult... to the apes.

>> No.1734724
File: 79 KB, 819x563, 1263510406383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean the gorilla is smarter than the entirety of America's bible belt?

>> No.1734731

and the entire uk and most of eastern and southern europe!

>> No.1734734

Not the entire bible belt, just MOST people in the bible belt. Unless you're talking about cumulative intelligence in which case most plants are more intelligent.

>> No.1734736

The bible belt still has an average of 100. Considering there are people like Isaac Newton who were deeply religious, I don't know how a person's beliefs can make them less intelligent in many ways while only dumber in some ways.

>> No.1734737

Fucking this.

>> No.1734756
File: 35 KB, 400x599, 1270391319806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hahha, I lol'd.

>> No.1734797

>Three former female employees have claimed that they were pressured into showing their breasts to Koko. They alleged that Patterson encouraged the behavior, often interpreted Koko's signs as requests for nipple display, and let them know that their job would be in danger if they "did not indulge Koko's nipple fetish."[13] All claims of harassment have been permanently dropped as of November 21, 2005 after the foundation and the parties involved reached a settlement.[14] Patterson claims that Koko uses the word "nipple" to refer to humans because it sounds like "people".[15] Jody Weiner, Koko's lawyer, writes about Koko and sexual harassment in the book Kinship With Animals.[16]


>> No.1734814


I saw that on wikipedia also.

I almost didn't believe it, it's so ridiculous

>> No.1734820

If she could communicate easier, she would perform better in the real world than most people.

>> No.1734885
File: 27 KB, 800x457, IQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1734736 The bible belt still has an average of 100.

Actually No. Pic related.

Considering there are people like Isaac

>>Newton who were deeply religious, I don't know how a person's beliefs can make them less intelligent.

Newton lived in a time before evolution and a billion other pieces of scientific information was discovered. In the present day you've got to be pretty fucking dumb to believe [insert any silly biblical claim here], over its factually demonstrated counter explanation.

>> No.1734897
File: 133 KB, 288x499, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, thanks for somehow warping this thread into a discussion about religion. Real fucking neato.

>> No.1734924

I don't think you realize how religious Newton was.

>> No.1734942

So basically Koko has the average IQ of a nigger...
This explains alot

>> No.1734954

>New Jersey 111

I'm sure this is accurate

>> No.1734974


All the least religious states in the entire country are actually lower in IQ.

That tells me a hell of a lot. Like religion doesn't affect your iq.

>> No.1734978

What I find interesting is how Koko refers to other gorillas. She calls them Animal-Persons. Not Animals. Not Persons. She sees herself as unique from Animals.

>> No.1734983

Look again. The less religious ones are higher. And religion doesn't affect IQ. Higher intelligence makes you less religious.

>> No.1734985

It's fake anyways

>> No.1734995

>higher IQ makes you less religious

Christopher Langan.jpg

>> No.1734999


also apparantly koko is full of shit.

my linguistics professor said that people that use sign language as a primary means of communication cannot understand anything koko tries to communicate. and basically anything that they translate koko as saying requires the gorilla to know a lot more than it can possibly know.

so yeah koko is full of shit, which makes that harrasment thing even more funny. just some perv doctor wanting to see his coworkers titaysss.

>> No.1735001

For the most part it does. Obviously I don't mean there aren't any exceptions to this, you fucking moron.

>> No.1735013

The map is fake and you didn't say anything before. It's obvious that your iq isn't higher than 100.

>> No.1735024


>> No.1735025

>The south
>Less religious

No Luigi.

How religious he was is largely irrelevant, the question is would he ignore all scientific advancement in favor of religion.

>> No.1735039

That makes no sense whatsoever. What does that mean -- ignore scientific advancement in favor of religion? Since when do you have to pick one or the other? Newton was the master of both worlds, and he would be today as well.

>> No.1735062

Someone get credible sources and whether or not religion affects IQ.

>> No.1735072
File: 19 KB, 500x341, 102206_ss_stateIQmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL bullshit map is bullshit and old, and was bullshit then. Try this one. It does have some states being having a 113 IQ average, lol. 113 average, I can't believe you actually thought that was true, that Connecticut had an average IQ of 6-7 points higher than any country in the world. Also, California at 102? They have the worst public education in the country.

>> No.1735091

Science and religion are contradictory, in order to accept any existing western religion as fact you must disregard science.

>> No.1735099

LMAO. You are full of shit.

>> No.1735109
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>> No.1735110

>a gorilla professor or accountant in everyday America.
Fuck that! I want president gorilla! 120 has got to be smarter than some of our presidents.

>> No.1735116
File: 24 KB, 229x300, 1281436003129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1735126

If he said "scientific method" instead of "science" he'd be dead right. The idea that beliefs can be changed through new evidence and that it is impossible to ever have absolute knowledge of what's going on is incompatible with the idea that God made a magic book that's completely true.

>> No.1735132

Apple: The computer company for smart gorillas and dumb people

>> No.1735166

You seem to be conferring all sorts of meaning to "scientific method" beyond what it means. Someone like Isaac Newton used the scientific method to analyze and investigate nature, and 1) used his analysis of nature to form ideas concerning God, and 2) systematically analyzed scripture to investigate and analyze what was contained there in a very similar way.

The belief in some particular scripture that is from God is scarcely any different from the belief in nature, which is from God. Either way, you must apply a systematic method of investigation from either source. Newton in particular didn't make much differentiation between his methods of investigation of the physical and the metaphysical. In both cases he had disdain for any conclusions in the absence of evidence (evidence from nature and/or evidence from scripture).

>> No.1735201

>I want a black president, that would be awesome!
>well that didn't work as planned...

>I want a gorilla president, that would be awesome!
>did not go as expected.

>> No.1735562

Yeah, the obviously choice is Manbearpig.