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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1734456 No.1734456 [Reply] [Original]

So science tells me that if hypothetically a women would have to vaginas and I would have sex with her in the dark and don't look then my penis goes through both vaginas at the same time but when I look it goes only through one?

>> No.1734461


>> No.1734466

if you think that pic is a vagina, you're doing it wrong

>> No.1734468

yes but only because your penis is quantum sized

>> No.1734473 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1734474

Considering your penis is small enough to be governed by quantum mechanics, theres a 22% of that happening.

>> No.1734478

/sci/ is shit tier anyway, so I'm not even mad, but damn, you must be one dumb person.
Dumb, as in, have really low intelligence, wit and creativity, sheesh.

I actually feel sorry for you for this thread.

Even to troll me, this is pretty fucking stupid, it could have been done in a better way.
I hope your parents love you, you probably need the support...

>> No.1734485


Forgive him. He just probably just watched "What the *bleep* do you know?" While I support that everyone should have at least a basic knowledge off all science branches, you surely know most, MOST people are just not interested. Spare him (and us) such comments.

Also, 99% chance of it being a troll.

>> No.1734486
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why did that get through to me? T_T

>> No.1734496

I know...it's troll, it always is trolling, but still, man.
What could someone like that possibly expect from such a thread?
I'm gonna be mad for like half an hour maybe, and with mad I mean feel sorry for this kind of shit, even if it's not really related to me at all.

It's sad because it makes me think that even if this person would, by magic, gain scientific knowledge, like absolute insight about matter and physics and chemistry or even omnipotence, he'd probably produce an autonomous ass which has the ability to control the pitch, modulation, vibrato and decay of it's farts.


>> No.1734505

in other words, sci is a sad pile of shit.
it's not even stimulating in it's stupidity, just sad.

fuck I'm sleepy and grumpy goodnight.

fucking fuckshit ffffucknugget fuck

>> No.1734506
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>> No.1734510

You're aware that he's right, though?

Learn quantum mechanics, faggot.