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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1733812 No.1733812 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever tried to believe in God? I have.

>12 of age or something, walking home from school
>"Please God, I swear I will believe in you for the rest of my life if I find an N-Gage on my table at home. Amen."
>no n-gage
>fuck this ridiculous shit

>> No.1733819

Actually, I was a Presbyterian Fundamentalist until I was 18. I didn't even cuss or masturbate before my birthday that year. I lost religion when I finally decided that I just couldn't associate myself with the hypocracy I saw around me any more.

>> No.1733832
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Nope, the first gods i learned about were Zeus and Athena and whatnot. I knew that everyone else knew they were just fairytales.

My face when i learned people actually took the concept of god(s) seriously

>> No.1733857

Good idea! I think I will teach my kids about Zeus, Odin and God in the same fashion... Like tales!

>> No.1733861


Sorta, my parents raised me "religion neutral" they never brought up god. I asked them once, and they gave me the vague answer, "some people believe he exist, some people dont, no one really knows"

>> No.1733883

I think I would reply about how different people believe in different gods. Like Indian people believe in thousands of them, Christians believe in one unique god, etc...

>> No.1733885

I'm an Atheist but I believe in God.

>> No.1733908

>hear about almighty loving god
>heh, this adam and eve story kinda works i guess.
>look at a monkey
>it is similar to us
>look at an ad for donating money to poor people
>"yep, it's bullshit"
>have 5th birthday the next day

Clearly the outcome was never really in doubt.

>> No.1733964

I was brought up religion neutral.

Then I was taught to be a christian in kindergarten and school. In kindergarten the whole thing was too vague for me to understand.
In school, it was just about going to church, which was SUPER DUPER BORING.
Breakthrough came when I refused to go to church because I said I wasn't christian.
And eventually I understood the concept of religion.

Suddenly atheism.

>> No.1733982


You were designed for Hell anyways

>> No.1733989
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>no ngage

I dunno man... sounds like god did you a favour.

>> No.1733994


>> No.1734002

that seems like how it happens. when people fully understand one religion, and are exposed to multiple religions, they become atheists.

we see the flaws in the theological arguments, and frankly, find the whole concept silly.

>> No.1734003

Not really. I was indoctrinated from when I was a little kid. Mostly by my grandmother. I prayed and went to church but I never, not for one second believed it. I though it was something everyone does and I just have tog go with it.

When I was 8 or 9 I decided this was just too ridiculous and refused to pray or go to church. My father is a pretty cool guy. eh argued with my mother and doesnt afraid of anything.

I cannot understand faith. I always though that church is something like theatre.

sage or religion

>> No.1734019

It was the shit at the time, I didn't even own a mobile phone.

>> No.1734026

Almost the same.
I just thought religious people were trolling the living fuck out of me.

>> No.1734042


Seriously? That must have been hilarious... and horrifying at the same time.

>> No.1734048

Religion is the best way we've found
to allow large groups of people to live together
without tearing each other apart

>> No.1734054
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>> No.1734061

This is why I love /sci/
You guys have the best jokes.

>> No.1734062

....................well fuck

>> No.1734063


tl:dr adherance to Islam chains cultures to failure (Like we didn't know that already)

>> No.1734072

>religion is the ...

what the fuck you on nigger? The best thing they invented for people toi live together without tearing each other apart was the MIDDLE CLASS

...it's a simple concept - bribery with shiny toys.

>> No.1734073

>Implying it's just Islam that chains cultures to failure, and not all religions.

>> No.1734076
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how is that even possible?


>> No.1734086


actually that might be an invader from /new/.
they actually believe that sort of thing there.

>> No.1734087

At least Christianity doesn't endorse incest.

>> No.1734089

i raff'd

>> No.1734092
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you are not an atheist

youre just a self-hating kike

pic related in reverse

>> No.1734097

Yes. It does.

>> No.1734100


>implying the christian story of creation of human species isn't a one huge incestfest.

>> No.1734117

It's both for and against. Bible contradiction, shocking.

>> No.1734126

I pretty sure the story of Adam and Eve and their children don't mention any form of incest.

>> No.1734133

after noahs flood.
what happened then?

>> No.1734143

I was pretty religious until I was 16 or so... being christian here is considered to be some sort of tradition, you have no chance of opting out.
Luckily, when I was 15 I went to school quite far from home and well.. it didn't take long to forget all that bullshit.
(btw. I was participating in "Bible Olympiad" - a competition between several schools about who knew the bible best - and I won. That's how brainwashed I was.)

>> No.1734145

well that's different because adam and eve had such robust DNA that many subsequent generations could incest w/o deformed offspring to the point where the population was sufficiently large, during which time the robustness of the original genetic sequence shrank and people could not successfully breed unless their ancestral ties were several nodal levels above, that's why there wasn't a bottleneck effect occurring as a result of the human population starting out at a size of 1

>> No.1734154

that's because when the only people living on earth are a mother, father, and three sons, there is no distinction between incestuous and non-incestuous relations -- incest is kind of a given

>> No.1734157

>Implying that whole argument isn't just you trying to cover your ass after getting called out.

At the time, Adam and Eve and their children WERE the human race. How do you think the human race came from them?

>> No.1734165

Yeah, I hate it when fundies try to use science to back up their backward-ass beliefs. Because they just fuck up the science.

What the hell is "robust" DNA and how could we have "lost" it?

>> No.1734176



educate yourself

>> No.1734182

>use a creationist museum display as evidence in a scientific arguement.

Something tells me that if I could see your face it would be making the troll face right now.

>> No.1734184 [DELETED] 


>> No.1734186

i don't really have the energy or will to troll today so i will come clean and say that i poeing when i posted >>1734145; however, >>1734145 is an accurate representation of what godfags believe is the explanation.

also i didn't post >>1734087 so that person still hasn't defended his claim.

>> No.1734187
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It would seem you are trying to troll.
Do you need some help?

>> No.1734194 [DELETED] 


Is the link. Clearly incest is forbidden. Mohammads modded their religion to be shittier than the one it was based on.

>> No.1734196

i lol'd

>> No.1734201

But those laws are no longer valid due to jesus.

>> No.1734209

AND you posted laws that even if they are valid only apply to Jews and other followers of Judaism. Christians are not considered followers of Judaism.

>> No.1734213
File: 241 KB, 952x751, hermetican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day.

>> No.1734220 [DELETED] 


Well it's a clusterfuck. At least they appear to have had a vague grasp of the harmfulness of incest.

>> No.1734223

Dumbasses, just report the thread and SAGE if you just HAVE to reply. Emydidae

>> No.1734233

Well technically Adam and Eve have the same DNA since god just ripped her out of his chest, and made her grow out of this bone using stem cell. Since they had to have the same DNA, Eve was a male clone of Adam, therefore god probably injected her hormones so she'de become transsexual. That's how retarded the bible is.

>> No.1734240
File: 50 KB, 402x197, crumb_genesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genesis 19

>> No.1734241
File: 18 KB, 150x150, Turtle-kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you like turtles

>> No.1734247

Oh, and source!

>> No.1734258

mo0ar BIBLE porn!

>> No.1734276


>> No.1734338


I read the bible this past summer and when I got to that part, I had to reread it to make sure I understood it right. Legit just fucks her dad. And nothing happens with that later either. It's like someone wanted to throw it in there just for kicks.

>> No.1734344 [DELETED] 


>> No.1734348

There is a lot of fucked shit if you READ the Bible, but most of the "christians" can't read.

>> No.1734394

According to Genesis, the incest led to the Moabite line.
The Israelites didn't like the Moabites, so they put in their holy book that the Moabites came from incest and where therefore inbred retards.

>> No.1734427

Okay, God created Adam and Eve, they had children, and that was not incest too... but and them? All humans in the would would be brothers, sisters father and mother! And this is how hentai incest manga was born!