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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 216x231, Untitled3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1732564 No.1732564 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /sci/, I'm sick of being bombarded by atheist bullshit.

Want to know the difference between my Lord and your Richard Dawkins?

Richard Dawkins will die and go to hell. Who's the fool here, really?

>> No.1732573

0/10, fail.

>> No.1732578

or maybe jesus was just schizophrenic and when he died he was reincarnated as a turtle because hinduism is the true religion. seems just as likely.

>> No.1732594

if OP doesn't like an atheirst pov then why is OP on a /sci board?

Because OP is a fag who secretly loves being butthurt with 12" atheist truths.


>> No.1732650

all so true XD
OP is tard. Get off /sci/ so there may be relevant posts on the first page. Oh. And we can prove Richard Dawkins exists. You has can prove Lord?

>> No.1732679

Hey, if you want to science, you have to methodological naturalism. Otherwise you'll look retarded when you propose that fairies account for the decay of protons.

>> No.1732680
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Target hit. Over.

>> No.1732684 [DELETED] 

Richard Dawkins exists, god doesn't.

>> No.1732691
File: 220 KB, 658x353, 1270989389021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firing second round

>> No.1732690

"Richard Dawkins will die and go to hell. Who's the fool here, really?"

^ Feel that christian love. Powered by the soul of a screaming child.

>> No.1732689

>implying fairies aren't responsible for protton decay

>> No.1732688

sage it you like-minded motherfuckers

>> No.1732695
File: 65 KB, 785x681, 1270991514785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firing last round.

>> No.1732702

Fall of trollfire shells observed. We're waiting to see if there are any survivors

>> No.1732707


>> No.1732708
File: 77 KB, 1024x768, THEREISNOGODYOUFAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X-Base this is Vector Two-zero-Niner, All trolling missiles launcher, target destroyed we are returning to base over.

>> No.1732800

Bible is not a word of God, Bible was inspired by God and written by humans that had their way of understanding, not always accurate. You are mistaking Bible with Koran.
Stop being ignorant, I can't even call this a proper fight.

Also, OP is a pretending strawchristan and one of yours. It's sad that one atheist must pretend to be retarded so rest of atheists could show how they are smart.

Written out of boredom.

>> No.1732812

The ones who replied to this troll thread

>> No.1732819


0/10, try harder nigger

>> No.1732832


I have 10 bucks here that says it was 'inspired' by some hash. Really good hash. I mean 'burning bush' - how much more obvious can you get?

Basically, moses got high and had a 'revelation', jesus got built up into a superman by the gospels written decades after his death, after there were no more eyewitnesses to dispute them

>> No.1732840

If Kenshiro is your lord then he surely would kill Richard Dawkins
lol quran/koran is for niggers and retarded simpletons