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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1732365 No.1732365 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know what fucks me off?

When i tell my stupid brother some interesting facts about astronomy he replies why the fuck would i need to know that?

I fucking rage. What should i reply to this somewhat rhetorical question.

>> No.1732367


>> No.1732369

Some people down't care about knowing things. We both do OP.

It pisses me off too. noone gives a fucking shit about anything that doesn't instantly and directly effect them.

>> No.1732370


>> No.1732372

Just give up. I know that's not the answer you wanted, but I basically disowned my best friend for this exact reason. He became so angry with society he even started taking his anger out on the scientific community, calling advancements bullshit and the like.

I've always been a science minded person, and was the "intelligent" guy in our group of friends, after so long of basically being told to shut the fuck up when you're bubbling with interest about something, you just kind of give up.

>> No.1732375

Basically, this. There are people that love learning, and enjoy understanding how the world works, and there are people that don't care about anything. They aren't worth your time, even if they are your siblings. Just don't talk to him about such things.

>> No.1732378

take him somewhere where he can see the milky way from the ground at night.

if that doesn't fix him, he's broken.

>> No.1732384

Why the fuck would your brother need to know about astronomy?

>> No.1732480
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>my face when I was driving home at night
>and pulled over in the middle of nowhere for a piss
>and looked up

I just stood there for maybe five minutes. The place I grew up wasn't that big or bright but the difference was incredible.

>> No.1732489

I first got that at my school camp. First time I saw the stars properly. I was going to the bathroom while everyone else was asleep, looked up, and spent ages just staring.

>> No.1732493


its one fo the worst feelings ever when you cant find someone to talk to about this shit beause your friends interests are jacking off and tv. im with you bro.

>> No.1732496

Heh, I don't remember how old I was. But I was camping in Stephen's Pass in Seattle with my father, and watched the Shoemaker-Levy 9 asteroids collide with Jupiter with some binoculars... I've been fucking sold ever since.

>> No.1732501

I told other white people on a tropical island full of (poisonous) snakes how to properly kill, clean, cook, and eat a poisonous snake.

They got weirded out and didn't listen.

I hope the fuckers starve to death / get bitten by a poisonous snake.

>> No.1732538

I think you're just jealous inside because you're an aspie and your brother isn't

>> No.1732547

Oh, man. Nostalgia burst. My father took me and siblings out to back-of-beyond to see a comet years and years ago. Staring at it through the binoculars... I guess it must have been Hale-Bopp but that doesn't sound quite right. Mc-something? Wait, McNaught was only a few years ago. Damn, now I'm confused.

>> No.1732563


jupiters just a white dot through binoculars bro

>> No.1732581


buy better binoculars,bro

>> No.1732593


but binoculars with that kind of zoom are going to be useless to check out women on my block. they'll need both hands which leaves no hands for my penis

>> No.1732599


I just tried my balls off to find terrestrial photos of the collision. In the binoculars the explosions were between dime and nickel sized I'd say. It was the most epic (literally) thing I have ever witnessed, and probably ever will.

>> No.1732872
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i had a 'holy fucking shit' moment the other night, in my gf's spa just looking up then it hit me what im looking at prob doesnt exists anymore just fucking blew my mind


>> No.1732875

why the fuck would we need to know your homoerotic incest love-hate relationship with your, bro?

>> No.1732884


>> No.1732883

If it's visible to the naked eye, it's either close enough or large enough (galaxies) that it probably still exists.

>> No.1732895

agreed suppose u need telescopes to shit far enough away not to exist

>> No.1732896

Your anger completely destroys you from within. You should first question yourself why you want to convince him at all costs, if it will obviously not help him in any way. You might get some seemingly good answer here to "own" him. But you will not defeat him. You will only lose yourself.

>> No.1732905


I think it was pretty much agreed upon that ignorant people will be ignorant. Not that his enjoyment is any less pertinent than ours, but a disinterest in knowledge and understanding doesn't bode well for an individual.

>> No.1732922
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its depressing, is it not?

A few years ago, the group was talking about cern the majority had jumped on the, sensationalist bandwagon, ergo WE ARE ALLGOING TO DIEEE, so obviously with me being the only person with "real" knowledge on the subject i started to refute it. so while i am speaking i get interrupted with
>lol we really don't care that much
>now who saw Xfactor last night


>> No.1732935

who won xfactor that year, was it Shane?

>> No.1732965
File: 6 KB, 259x194, fuckno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw my friend's girlfriend was literally throwing up with anxiety over the whole LHC thing, even though it was only a test run.

I was like are you actually going to take the word of a few crackpots and reporters who should know better over that of THE ENTIRE FUCKING SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY.

>> No.1732966


>when I tell my stupid boyfriend something interesting about my period he replies why the fuck would i need to know that


>> No.1732976


I don't even know how to begin to explain or rationalize people like this. He was up in arms about things like this, and the recent breakthroughs in nuclear fission in England. Saying things like,"Stupid fucking scientists, always fucking with something they shouldn't be fucking with, bunch of dumbasses are just going to kill us all blah blah blah blah herpderp."

>> No.1732981

my big bro is an electronics engineer and he does not "believe" in evolution because "it's just a theory" and "not something we have observed and can reproduce at will in laboratory conditions"

I fucken rage.

We also tells me that I'm full of shit whenever I make a naturalistic guess in friendly conversations about random shit.

But... I'm an underachiever while he's succesful so consequently he's always right, and I'm always full of shit with "my evolution and all those other guesses".

>> No.1732980 [DELETED] 

my big bro is an electronics engineer and he does "believe" in evolution because "it's just a theory" and "not something we have observed and can reproduce at will in laboratory conditions"

I fucken rage.

We also tells me that I'm full of shit whenever I make a naturalistic guess in friendly conversations about random shit.

But... I'm an underachiever while he's succesful so consequently he's always right, and I'm always full of shit with "my evolution and all those other guesses".

>> No.1733000

boring nerd is boring
deal with it

>> No.1733020

Tell him he's being retarded. Evolution can and has been reproduced in the laboratory.

>> No.1733068

did so but he says it's not the same thing because "random beneficial mutations in cultivated bacteria =/= natural ecosystem (that according to him seem to be wisfully "designed")

>> No.1733105

That's like him covering his ears and going " La La La, I can't hear you!"

>> No.1733131


an engineer should understand physics which means evolution should make perfect sense to him

>> No.1733145



Engineers are not scientists. They're essentially trained number monkeys.

>> No.1733158


I couldn't think of a way to say this without coming off as arrogant. You did it anyway, I applaud you. Might not be the right way to put it, but I don't exactly think engineers are known for thinking outside the box.

>> No.1733170


I should rephrase myself: an engineer is to physics as a carpenter is to botany.

>> No.1733178 [DELETED] 

we have a christian background and he's views are probably pantheistic

to him the very mechanics of the universe is a proof of design

and yes his views on evolution stem from relative ignorance on the specific the subject but he does not need to reconsider his views since cool people think evolution is controversial and he has a master's degree and a a career in research to socially back up his opinion

so whenever we are together with friends and some philosophicall/scientific subject for conversation arises I just make a fool of myself because I am the underachieving bitter-atheist nerd

(also my bro is an Alpha+)

>> No.1733194

we have a christian background and his views are probably pantheistic

to him the very mechanics of the universe is a proof of design

and yes his views on evolution stem from relative ignorance on the specific the subject but he does not need to reconsider his views since cool people think evolution is controversial and he has a master's degree and a a career in research to socially back up his opinion

so whenever we are together with friends and some philosophicall/scientific subject for conversation arises I just make a fool of myself because I am the underachieving bitter-atheist nerd

>> No.1733209
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>says the amerifag high school kid

>> No.1733221


Nice try faggot, I'm in college for biology.

>> No.1733222
File: 22 KB, 500x333, iloled-pam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@this nonsensical faggotry

>> No.1733228


Cry harder, you know it's true.

>> No.1733232
File: 3 KB, 104x126, 1283478460224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study biology
>tease engineers
choose one

>> No.1733234

Engineering student speaking: Engineers are fucking idiots. I wish I was a physicist :(

>> No.1733237


Yeah, I'll be over here curing cancer, while you draw pretty pictures of bridges and phallic skyscrapers.

>> No.1733242

not the guy you are replying to, but biologists are closer to the archetypical scientist

engineers are moar like intelligent tools

>> No.1733244

>implying you can't be a biologist AND a homophobe

>> No.1733250

being an engineer does not need to have the bigger picture

just isolate whatever theoritical model you find and try make shit out of it if your boss allows you to spend money on it

>> No.1733251

that's a bunch of bullshit stemming from childish idea that because engineers design things they think all thing must be designed.

Me: BS in Biology
Old Man: BS in Engineering
Me: explaining evolution
Old Man: understanding it just fine

>> No.1733252
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1284005071560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying biology wasn't solved years ago.
>implying civil/structural engineering equates to all forms of engineering.
>implying you're not a butthurt fucktard whose yet to complete their tertiary education.
>implying amerifag engineering and it's apparent flaws can be paralleled to the rest of the world.
>implying you're not a butthurt fucktard whose yet to complete their tertiary education (again to reinforce)

>> No.1733258


>implying implications in green text motherfucker.

And we almost had a good nostalgia thread about what got us into science as kids. Confrontational fuckbags defending their emotional investments ftmfl.

>> No.1733268


>implying that engineers are not above getting worked up over trolls on 4chan

>> No.1733277

What does that mean, "biology was solved"?

>> No.1733279

Anyone who makes fun of biology is a douschebag
Biology is one of the most useful sciences out there

>> No.1733280
File: 31 KB, 380x302, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice retort of argument. The inability to provide sufficient argument generally equates to defeat of argument.

Check and mate amerifag biologist student.

>> No.1733284


I'm not even involved in the argument, but the constant "implication" green texting is for gays. Your reading comprehension is fail.

Btw, engineering is for intelligent people who lack vision. Not my fault you need someone else to define your operational parameters for you.

>> No.1733285


me again...


>> No.1733289
File: 3 KB, 126x121, 1283661106481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The inability to spell the word 'douchebag' correctly generally leans towards you being a faggot,

>> No.1733299
File: 15 KB, 191x214, 1268793805861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biology was solved years ago.

>> No.1733304

>implying all are natural english speakers

>> No.1733303

plural words require apostrophes, in order to reference a multiple of beings who happened to be of homosexual tendency, you would have to announce "gay's" not "gays". Inability to spell is inability.

>> No.1733306

>>1733303plural words require apostrophes

Goddammit you fucking troll, GTFO!

>> No.1733316


During the night I wish /sci/ wasn't so slow. Then the day comes and I realize it's just a troll fuckfest like the rest of 4chan.

>> No.1733319
File: 109 KB, 500x400, 80655217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I applaud your acknowledgment of defeat of argument.


>> No.1733333

he's your brother, this is his way of saying "cool!".

>> No.1733359

Dude, this is a good day for /sci/. There's almost no trolling going on...

>> No.1733594

OP: your brother is an idiot!, ask parents for a new brother

>> No.1733604

Then dont tell him facts.

I say the same kind of shit when people talk about politics, and frankly, politics does effect me, i should be concerned about it, but fuck i just dont care.

>> No.1733826
File: 21 KB, 409x500, 1278034442307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all just butthurt that we know God's an engineer and not some faggot biologist or Physicist