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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 69 KB, 964x484, Biology Major.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1730821 No.1730821 [Reply] [Original]

Post your degrees/careers.

>> No.1730831

computer science
computer science
computer crossed out science crossed out

>> No.1730837

coz computer science isnt about the science of computersz

>> No.1730874
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>> No.1730882
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>> No.1730894

1st degree: Fine Art/Painting
2nd Degree: Computer Science

>> No.1730939
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sup sup sup

>> No.1730942
File: 64 KB, 964x594, WHEREWHATWHAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1730972
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>> No.1730984
File: 400 KB, 962x485, whatIgot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is absolutely fucking amazing, the capacity one has to be utterly depraved in my field.

>> No.1730994


Are you doing your part to contribute to transhumanism?

>> No.1730995
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>> No.1731008
File: 575 KB, 900x1218, 2007-04-07-rule_110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking with the head of the department of intellectual property at my university tomorrow at 3PM to see about getting a patent.

Nondestructive, nontoxic, long-term, highly specific measurement of action potential activity on a neuron by neuron basis.
Transhumanism starts with humans, and if this goes as I plan, it's a potential big step forward. So, you bet your ass I am.

I'm nervous as fuck, too. Hold me, /sci/,

>> No.1731023
File: 240 KB, 904x533, 1281139358291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1731025


Manchester Uni Physics graduate?


>> No.1731027

fuckin lol'd

CAPTCHA: University afthoott

>> No.1731032

what degree is that

>> No.1731033

Bitch, weld those doors faster!

>> No.1731057

the fuck is this shit

>> No.1731150

The fuck is your shit?

>> No.1731187

It's a really shitty webcomic by some faggot posted by some faggot with shitty taste in webcomics

>> No.1731205
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>> No.1731237
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>> No.1731246

Is it real time?

>> No.1731255

any science degree get 8 hours infront of matlab or any mathematical software.

>> No.1731260
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>> No.1731270


>> No.1731289

And it's compact, as in, the scale of the things in contact with the neurons are on the .01uM scale, compared to the 1.1uM diameter of an average neuron. That means you can do a lot of them together, on adjacent neurons. Like in the spinal cord.

Potentially a complete real time modeling of spinal cord activity with individual neuron resolution.

>> No.1731295
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>> No.1731296
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Turned out better than expected. I never thought I would get to use knowledge from every single class I took.

>> No.1731303

did you at least bang them nuns?

>> No.1731317

i lold

>> No.1731335


and you have a working prototype?

>> No.1731339
File: 35 KB, 500x384, 1279011611888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any keywords/people I should keep a look-out for?
For an update on this sometime in the future that is, it sounds badass.

>> No.1731393

Yes, in a mouse. I monitored twenty adjacent neurons in a mouse spine for proof of concept, and my method worked perfectly without a huge amount of interference from neighbors. Because of the physics behind it, the quantity you measure falls off very fast with increasing distance. You end up seeing around an 8th of the intensity for nearest neighbors, and nothing (that I cared about, far too small to measure) for second-nearest.

I'll post it on here once I get everything straightened around patent-wise. Kinda loath to post keywords because the method behind it is so simple, a person of average intelligence would probably be able to make the connection with a series of like four nouns.

>> No.1731437

Fair enough, you wouldn't want someone to steal your thunder (but I'm selfish and want advancements ASAP)


>> No.1731441

>>Because of the physics behind it, the quantity you measure falls off very fast with increasing distance. You end up seeing around an 8th of the intensity for nearest neighbors, and nothing (that I cared about, far too small to measure) for second-nearest.

The implication being, you can iterate this for as many neurons as you want, so proof of concept in 20 is essentially proof of concept in an entire system.

Forgot to include that part.

>> No.1731443

Do you understand that your image is the inverse of clever. If you do and are only trying to fit in with literary device impaired morons, then ok, otherwise fack you dumb fack

>> No.1731454

mite b cool

>> No.1731460

>High school diploma
>running a company that sells Lamborghinis on the grey market
>100k+ a year starting

>> No.1731465

I came up with this in the shower about two weeks ago, went the lab I work in (lolgradstudent saying "my lab") and got preliminary positive results (in a mouse) within four hours of having the idea.

The aforementioned prototype I started the following day. She's healing nicely. Two weeks later I'm initiating the patent process and pushing ahead.

I am going as fast as I possibly can, lol

>> No.1731474



>> No.1731471

How expensive is the process? How long do the sensors last in vivo? Do you have a flashcool method of representing the data yet?

>> No.1731493

Have you heard of "optiogenetics"

I don't really get it, but it seems like it might do a similar thing as what you are talking about, except better.

>> No.1731513

The sensors are incredibly stable in vivo (and anywhere else, for that matter). The sensing molecule is shown by a number of papers to be stable at biological conditions, and we (read: no organism) has a mechanism to degrade it.

It costs almost nothing. It requires a reusable catalytic surface and consumes only a very cheap reagent.

Proof of concept experiment cost probably less than $50.

>> No.1731525
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only one class obviously

>> No.1731529

not useful for in-organism use. It has been suggested that the technique, involving fluorescent proteins, alters function...and can also be toxic. It's also not feasible for long term.

>> No.1731535
File: 45 KB, 361x277, 1270408917640 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when you could do the same thing by laying neurons against unshielded SDRAM and monitoring disruptions

>> No.1731540
File: 18 KB, 500x330, political-pictures-do-not-want-surprised-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when you suggested putting unshielded sdram into a person's spine.

>> No.1731543

"my face when when"

>> No.1731554
File: 5 KB, 200x338, Spinal_Stimulator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when they already put much worse things in human spines

>> No.1731559

Plz do keep /sci/ informed. I'll keep an eye out, and this really does deserve its own thread (lol, OC coming out of a lulzy pic thread).

Also what sort of data visualization are you thinking of using?

>> No.1731571

I think I just figured it out. I'll let you take the credit, though, as I've had my thunder stolen a few times by copypastas. If this works, then you've achieved something that I personally think is pretty incredible.

As for me, I'm a high school and college drop-out, self-educated, who planned to be a youth pastor but instead ended up with a teaching job at a Christian college teaching a course on the Trinity based on several papers I've written.

>> No.1731573
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I was thinking about mapping the db variations directly to a pair of jiggling virtual breasts. For science.

>> No.1731744
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>> No.1731758
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goddamnit /sci/