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File: 102 KB, 631x743, 1284070877462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1729729 No.1729729 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who disagrees with the included picture, let him speak now - or forever hold his peace.

>> No.1729737

I'm pretty much okay with this.
Except maybe for the sandwich part you obese motherfucker.

>> No.1729736

But I don't disagree with the included picture.

>> No.1729747

To be fair, there have been scientists that happened to be women, that just happened to make major discoveries.

>> No.1729748

I meant from the point of 404ing until the end of time.

>> No.1729740

the dream of sexual dimorfism produces monsters

>> No.1729755

Name 5.
Name 10.
Name 50.
They'd still be vastly outnumbered.

>> No.1729771

As far as I am aware, there is not a single theorem/law in the name of a woman

>> No.1729804

That's true, Marie Currie isn't the only person to have ever won two Nobel prizes in two different science related fields.

Wait....she has....Physics and chemistry.

The only man to have won two Nobel prizes in two different fields got it in chemistry and peace.

Come on, guys, peace doesn't even count. Try to keep up.

>> No.1729833
File: 90 KB, 504x1005, 20100516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The two sexes are completely equal in terms of aspirations and intelligence at a genetic level. Society is at fault for the difference.

Pic related...

>> No.1729834
File: 28 KB, 497x402, 1283263466684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So women can multitask.. Doing a half-assed job at two things rather than a good job at a minimum of 1 thing.

>> No.1729838
File: 285 KB, 864x594, 1282666604566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supporting evidence required.

>> No.1729853


Troll harder, faggot. There's no fucking way two Nobel prizes could be half-assed.

>> No.1729851

It's a well documented fact that Women were created by the Gods as a punishment on Mankind for Prometheus' theft of fire.

>> No.1729864


sure thing, are they equal at sports and other physical things too but we just "keep them down?" are they really not shorter than men, we just make them think they are?

the liberals hate it but the sexes aren't equal bro.

>> No.1729867

>implying she didn't have a man behind her discoveries anyways

>> No.1729874


didn't you see obamas? they give those things away for no reason sometimes

>> No.1729887

OP has never invented anything of note, discovered anything of note, or lead an army, or ruled even a small nation. But OP has made sandwiches. OP is therefore a woman.

>> No.1729902

Just look for it yourself, I'm tired and can't be arsed searching medline for papers. Development of aspiration is entirely nurture. Unfortunately, we're in a vicious circle now. No female role models leading to lower aspirations in females.

Look how far we have come to equality over a few decades, now both sexes are complete and utter wankers. Give it a little longer and maybe these arguments will be a thing of the past.

>> No.1729910

Intelligence and aspiration =/= physical strength and stature

>> No.1729916

Different human beings have different natural levels of ability, but all human beings have essentially the same potential for contribution to society. For some, meeting their potential is difficult, and for others, it's piss-easy.

End of every thread ever about racism, sexism, and IQ bullshit.

>> No.1729927 [DELETED] 

>Electricity was invented by men

further proof that the dude that made it was a retard

>> No.1729926

women have it much easier when it comes to getting into colleges and getting hired for jobs, so they deserve to be paid less

>> No.1729937

we may not totally agree on whether or not women are equal to men, but atleast we can all agree that canada is the best country in the world

>> No.1729939

Godwin's law my friend,

>> No.1729973
File: 33 KB, 682x400, sexy scientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Currie bears the cross of womanhood and has redeemed our sex from its fail.

>> No.1729976

>implying chauvinism is not nazi-related

>> No.1729994

is that suppossed to explain why engineers are gay?

>> No.1729996

You get the fucking idea you Nazi

>> No.1730043
File: 4 KB, 191x196, 1272664522665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah back then they were just handing them out to anyone.

>> No.1730478
File: 48 KB, 300x375, obama8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whereas now...

>> No.1730487

I don't. I think both raping and beating of women should be legalized.

>> No.1730852
File: 55 KB, 490x590, women live in the kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1730865


OP and the picture have much in common.

>> No.1730866


Those were out of sympathy/PR spin because the ignorant cunt fucking rad-poisoned herself.

>> No.1730870


Obama got one just for being a nigger. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.1730891


Prime minister of Germany.

Secretary of State. A bitch ran for vice president. Another one almost ran for president.

They doin' better in that area as of the past decade.

>> No.1730905

If Native American culture, the woman is superior to the man, including the cheif, which whom she chooses

>> No.1730918

men are better at masturbating then women are. some women can't even climax when masturbating.

>> No.1730921

Damn i feel bad for them

>> No.1730937

OP, If your opinion were even partially valid, you'd out yourself and tell everyone instead of hiding as Anon. But you don't, because you're just trolling and you know you'll never get laid again if you do. You're a sad slave to women, afraid to speak your mind in public.

>> No.1730945

Women are better care takers then men

also they live longer

>> No.1730944

I'm a guy and I've never died in a war, conquered the world or created or invented anything.

Stop taking credit for things other people did just because you both have a dick.

>> No.1730949

There you have it folks, Scia is a faggot.

>> No.1730950
File: 176 KB, 504x991, engineering toys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1730954

how can you live with yourself?

>> No.1730959 [DELETED] 

" Average duration of orgasm (male): 3-5 seconds.
" Average duration of orgasm (female): 5-8 seconds
" Average number of orgasmic contractions (male): 4-6
" Average number of orgasmic contractions (female): 6-10

" The record for most orgasms enjoyed by a woman in 1 hour: 134

" The record for most ejaculatory orgasms in 1 hour for a man: 16"

Proof that women are superior to men

>> No.1730955

I want to be a aerospace engineer

Why does that have to do with anything

>> No.1730962

Well to be fair,women were never socially allowed to do many things men were. For instance, around the time of Aristotle (who founded the basis for many hard sciences) women were still housebound and couldn't do shit.

>> No.1730988

>most ejaculatory orgasms in 1 hour for a man: 16"

you know you are a badass motherfucker when your orgasms are recorded not by counting but in inches of accumulated semen on the floor. and 16" is a fuck ton.

>> No.1731037 [DELETED] 


Yeah, you probably need a ton of fucking to get 16 inches of semen on the floor

>> No.1731062


>Women are better care takers then men

Hahaha total bullshit. I suppose you'll say they have special "intuition" aswell.

At the end of the day, the differences between the sexes can be explained by two things.

1. Women are of lower social rank than men. As long as men are bigger than women this will always be the case. (unless we can completely rise above our animal nature-the more we do the better, but i can't imagine 100% success). Coupled in with our monogamous (or at least serial-monogamous) tendencies, this creates an interesting situation where a woman's social rank in the group is determined by the status of her man. This has loads of spin-off effects such as women being petty and bitchy amongst each other and going behind each other's backs, as challenging a fellow female out in the open would have no effect, even if the other female was completely humiliated, she'd still hold her high position amongst the group as a whole (due to the status of her man).
Another effect of women's low physical/social dominance is that they are prone to feelings of insecurity which hallmark a lot of typical "female behaviour". Women are NOT less rational than men, rather because they're not lucky enough to feel as secure as men, they can often get worked up over things to a level most men would see as excessive.

>> No.1731068

2. Because of our monogamous tendencies, sexual selection works not only in males, but in females too. Males select females based on their lack of bad genes, whereas females select males based on their possesion of good genes.
Thus talent and achievement are valued more in men (on a sexual level) and beauty is valued more in women. When men take part in an activity they always like to be one of the best at it, otherwise they give up and try and "prove themselves" in another field. Females don't have this as strongly as males. This is why men are over-represented in both high and low iq, and why the vast majority brilliant minds have been male.
Not because women CAN'T achieve the same things, just that up till now they've tended not to.

>> No.1731099


For her (and based on your statistics) 1/3 of that hour was spent cumming


>> No.1732592

That's just women using an extortionist mentality for not being able to compensate or disprove the above stated.
"Oh so we're inferior in many ways? I'll show you!.....Well.....well..........NO SEX FOR YOU!".

>> No.1732602

Rarity of IQ of 145 in males: 1 in 502
Rarity of IQ of 145 in females: 1 in 5820

Pretty much why no female scientists.

>> No.1732607

Lol @ determinism.

>> No.1732616

What does determinism have anything to do with my post?

>> No.1732625

The physics one is in collaberation with two other men, one of wich discovered radiation but didint realize it until the three of them studied the phenomena.

the chemist one... well "Eight years later, she would receive the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, "in recognition of her services to the advancement of chemistry by the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this remarkable element."

Its a huge achievement yes, but somehow that just leaves a hollow taste in my mouth since its basically "here have this free nobel prize for something you already got one".

>> No.1732641

OP will never get laid.


>> No.1732642
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1280729077560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl-F "Ada Lovelace"
>Ctrl-F "lovelace"
>still nothing

>> No.1732733

6-marcaptopurine-Gertrude Belle Elion

Battery Container Nancy Perkins
Car Heater
Margaret Wilcox
Circular Saw
Tabitha Babbit


>> No.1732738

Stephanie Kwolek

Florence Parpart

>> No.1732745

Alphabet blocks by Adeline D. T. Whitney in 1882
Apgar tests, which evaluate a baby’s health upon birth by Virginia Apgar in 1952
Chocolate-chip cookies by Ruth Wakefield in 1930
Dishwasher by Josephine Cochran in 1872

>> No.1732751

ever use whiteout?

Liquid Paper®, a quick-drying liquid used to correct mistakes printed on paper by Bessie Nesmith in 1951

>> No.1732750

>peace prize

your argument is invalid

>> No.1732748

Medical syringe in Letitia Geer by 1899
Paper-bag-making machine by Margaret Knight in 1871
Rolling pin by Catherine Deiner in 1891
Rotary engine by Margaret Knight in 1904
Scotchgard™ fabric protector by Patsy O. Sherman in 1956
Snugli® baby carrier by Ann Moore in 1965
Street-cleaning machine by Florence Parpart in 1900
Submarine lamp and telescope by Sarah Mather in 1845
Windshield wiper by Mary Anderson in 1903

>> No.1732756


>Florence Parpart
>breakthrough innovation in sammitch making
>knows her place
sounds like a pretty smart and wise woman

>> No.1732771

>implying that's the point
>implying not most of us ain't faggots and served in the army with or without our consent
>implying it's not extremely difficult for the average professor Joe to make some breakthrough discovery/invention
>implying it is not next to impossible for the average professor Jane do the same

>> No.1732780

>implying you would know the risks of nuclear radiation if you lived in her time

>> No.1732789

>Well to be fair,women were never socially allowed to do many things men were
that's fucking stupid to claim it for ourdays

I agree it is (as always) society to blame, but it's related to the bimbofying gender role that has given them

NOT WITH FUCKING LIBERTIES women have it better socially than we do

>> No.1732804
File: 50 KB, 501x600, sexualdimorphisim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1732815

I disagree with points 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (where 9 is the sandwhich).

wtf captcha Timbuctoo, mcasqued

>> No.1732820
File: 152 KB, 900x599, Gladiator Spider close up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW Barbara McClintock

If you fuckers don't know who she is, get the fuck out of /sci/ you ignorant shit.

>> No.1732836

OP will never be 30 years ahead of the scientific mainstream.