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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 343 KB, 870x2418, perfect life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1727889 No.1727889 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ want to do with their life, both ambitiously and realistically?

>> No.1727898

Be a lawyer in the american senate, spearhead the reform of public education, advocate science & general reform of the american politics so its not run by corporations.

Law student right now, it'l happen. Just wait

>> No.1727911

work, buy, consume, die.

>> No.1727913

Completing a Bachelor of Applied Science, double-majoring in Chemistry and Forensic Science.

Hopefully get a job with the police force and edge my way into Forensics. Failing that, something with Chemistry until I get into the force.

Looking at majors/PhD in Chemistry in the not too near future, too, even if it's just a completed in a part-time course structure.

>> No.1727915

write one blockbuster film script

>> No.1727916

Education and research. I'd like to get kids into science more, tell those kids that are always asking questions that they can find out the answers through the scientific method.

>> No.1728359
File: 20 KB, 454x104, ubc_forestry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I study trees.

I like trees.


>> No.1728363

I hope to get a job as a groundwater modeler for the USGS and work 8 hours a day for 30 years and retire. Meantime I will find an average looking wife an have 3 kids and a manufactured home in either Oregon, Washington or Northern California.

>> No.1728364
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>> No.1728365

Live forever due to scientific advancements. Become a robot with built in jet packs.

>> No.1728368

Ambitiously, build robots for NASA to explore space/other planets with.

Realistically, something that involves solving problems and doesn't have me behind a desk crunching numbers all day.

>> No.1728371

I wish to bathe in the blood of the weak and crush the skulls of the stupid beneath my mighty toes.

>> No.1728372

Take over the world.

>> No.1728374

Work my way up through University, Eventually get a Ph.D in Physics/Mechanical Engineering.

...Then I want to design space ships and live in the Dune Universe....

*Tear just fell out because I know the latter will never happen in my life time...*

>> No.1728382

I'm studying engineering (inb4 fag) and physics. I want to build robots or something. I don't want to be 100% office rat. I want physically build things as well.
Want to work: ESA
Realistically: 100% office rat somewhere

>> No.1728385
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Ambitiously: Become a political revolutionary in favour of a post-scarcity libertarian communist technocracy and live for thousands of years on my own planet getting sucked by sex bots
Realistically: Grow medical marijuana for a living, be fairly well off financially and live for thousands of years getting my dick sucked by sex bots

>> No.1728414

Ambitiously - Working on high-tech weapons, electronics or software or even some high-adrenaline job like fighter pilot (wishful thinking)

Realistically - Get my comp sci degree and work some shitty, boring job or drop out because of poor academic performance.

>> No.1728491

Finish my masters in Applied Psych and then do a Doctorate for Clinical Psych and specialise in adolescents and children. Thinking of then going on to do further study to get a degree in Clinical Neuropsychology.

On the personal side of things I'll marry my girlfriend and best friend of seven years and we'll do some more travelling. We've already backpacked through Europe, so it will either be Asia or NA next. I've wanted to marry her since practically the day I met her, I've had the ring since we finished our second year at uni, but I decided to wait until we had both finished our masters.

>> No.1728499
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Being the Nikola Tesla of the 21st century would be nice, but I'd be content with a double major in physics and mechanical engineering.

>> No.1728507

ITT everyones realistically is office rat race

>> No.1728647

Institute a libertarian socialist paradise and finally dismantle the global capitalist system, and also it is environmentally sustainable and lacks niggers.

Realistically live in the global capitalist system and eat shit and breathe it while criticizing the fuck out its flaws as a college professor. Also, no niggers.

>> No.1728674

Ambitiously: make enormous contributions to an international effort in transmitting messages to some time in the past to when the machine was first switched on



>> No.1728684

>libertarian socialist paradise
>words you don't understand

>> No.1728699

Ambitiously - Make a positive impact on the world with lasting effect.

Realistically - Make a rich guy more money.