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1726360 No.1726360 [Reply] [Original]


I go to girl's Facebook and I see groups like:
"Creationism Institute"
"Jesus is the only way"
"Argument that disproves atheism"
"Atheists are idiots"
"Dinosaurs never existed"
"Christian science"
"Sarah Palin"

Yes, these people exist and I'm indeed mad. Is it possible to argue with these people or is it a lost cause?

>> No.1726374

just accept that you're better then them

>> No.1726372

It's always possible to argue someone. It's rarely possible to change their minds.

>> No.1726377

Religious people are some of the most irrational people you will ever find. I suggest you don't get your blood pressure up.

>> No.1726385

"Dinosaurs never existed"?
She just went full on retard

>> No.1726387

Yes its hard to argue with people who have blind faith... in science.

There was a time when science wasn't a religion. When it actually followed its own method.

Jesus is ready for you any time <3

>> No.1726391


Go for the low hanging fruit. You know like people who don't go to church, but are nominally christian or muslim or jewish.

You'll get more bang for your buck essentially.

>> No.1726393

troll detected

>> No.1726398

Yes, Christians are dumb, but they're usually pretty nice and well to do.

All the better to take advantage of.

>> No.1726416

Nice unless you agree with them. Kind of like rednecks are nice to you if you're white, own a gun and listen to country.

>> No.1726425

Actually rednecks are nice to people with confidence. Just don't show any weakness and you can be and like anything you want.

>> No.1726421

Sometimes I wish I was naive enough to be religious, things would be so much simpler.

>> No.1726435

On the upside, she probably does anal, because vaginal sex outside of marriage is a sin.

>> No.1726441

Lol, that combination of groups make me think this girl is actually some kind of theoretical hyper troll from the future.

Don't let it bother you, it's best to not present a reaction, and only to defend your position if provoked directly. Most people who are publicly religious are either trolling for haters, or seeking an edge with the like minded.

>> No.1726450
File: 136 KB, 360x455, 1262384611836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I don't believe in God but still Jesus was a pretty fucking legit guy and some swell ideas.

>> No.1726452

>implying jesus actually existed
[citation needed]

>> No.1726461

It's possible to be religious and not ignore science. The person OP describes needs to work on that. As do a lot of people. Lots.

>> No.1726469


>Implying there isn't a very large amount of evidence that Jesus existed which you can find with Google. Fuck if I'm going to pander to your ignorance.

>> No.1726484


> implying any of the so called sources for Jesus' existence are actually legitimate

>> No.1726479

The "evidence" that jesus exists consists of
2) One, count em, ONE, written document by the roman government that says that a person named jesus did something, but doesn't go into any details

Oh boy I guess I should give in under that windfall of proof. Boy is my face red

>> No.1726478

Don't be like that, he's in the fossil record from that time period.

>> No.1726490


>implying any so-called-historical-accounts can be treated as valid.

>> No.1726506

loling at the hardcore atheists on sci who think absolutely nothing in the bible is true at all. None of it is just exaggerated stories, it's all just 100% fiction. Including some guy named Jesus who said he was the son of God.

Honestly, grow up.

>> No.1726519
File: 73 KB, 453x604, clevergirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dinosaurs existed

>> No.1726525
File: 15 KB, 328x357, 1275298388978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be fun when the cure for aging conflicts with their beliefs on God and his 'allocated time' given to people.

>> No.1726529

Yeah what's with these HARDCORE atheists expecting evidence rather than taking the bible's word at something. That's not like an atheist at all!

>> No.1726535
File: 43 KB, 225x320, YearbookYourself_1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was arguing with this girl once about religon. She made all these arguments that I refuted with simple facts. Her last argument was "Well you can't see air, how do you know it's there?

>> No.1726538

Troll her, you're on 4chan so I think you have the knowledge and ability to do so. Is she really your friend?

I troll "cafeteria creationists" all the time, fucking creationists don't even go to college here, except to eat. It's crazy.

>> No.1726551


i'm guessing that was your face when she said that

>> No.1726555


I go to girl's Facebook page and I see groups like:
"There is no other answer to the big bang other than science"
"I'm a huge niggerdick sucker"

That is all.

>> No.1726558

You are not giving a face

Nice trips btw

>> No.1726561

>PETER was a real person
>PETER wrote a book

When retards like you say Jesus wasn't real? That's when science looks stupid. He obvious was a dude.

Muhammad was a real dude too.

>> No.1726580

Something like that. I was blown over by what she said.... Like really, faith is one thing, but willingly accepting a life of apathy and ignorance just doesn't make sense...

>> No.1726593

>Real person says Jesus was real and the son of God

Oh well I guess that proves atheists wrong.

By the way, I'm Batman. I'm real and I'm saying it so it must be true.

I am the night.

>> No.1726599

grab an empty water bottle and demonstrate it's resistance to compression. Also, it's possible to see air, air refracts light, and one can measure the index of refraction of air. You could also do many chemical tests to show the existance of air.

>> No.1726607


you'll never be able to change someone's opinion through a casual discussion like that. it's a pride thing, when you defend your point of view, admitting you're wrong is admitting defeat, so people usually cling to their opinion no matter what, to save face. the only way to change someone's opinion of something is when they seek to do so themselves, when reading a book about it or something.

>> No.1726621

To quote house

If religious people could be reasoned with, there would be no religious people.

>> No.1726656

Even if you convince them they are wrong. They may never admit it, even to themselves. That's how arrogance a fear of appearing stupid work. They just stick to their guns, even after they don't even believe they have them.