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File: 17 KB, 300x300, Why_the_sad_face__by_H_M_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1726182 No.1726182 [Reply] [Original]

My face when you realize you will not be able to be among the best and learn the best at a good college because of fuck ups you made earlier in your life.

For those of you that didn't fuck up, I really envy you, I wish I could have had that kind of maturity and self control so early on.

>> No.1726195

PROTIP: you don't need maturity to get ahead in life.

>> No.1726205

i'm with you op the easy lesson for the rest of you /sci/clops is don't fuck up

>> No.1726206

they didnt have maturity and self control,they had no experience of having a good time and parents on their back,you learned from your mistakes,they have yet to make a mistake,so when they come crashing down,they will most likely not get back up,you have made more progress than them really by comming to this point of realisation,keep working and you can get to where you need to be

my cousin failed most of his gcses,then fucked up his a-levels,got to 24,decided to turn his shit upside down,in 5 years he had graduated from oxford with a double honors in polotics and journalism,you really can do it,just carry the impetus of your realisation into actual progress towards a goal

>> No.1726215

Yeah, maybe not for everyone, I think I meant not caring, like I didn't care about school or my future when I was young, I only cared about that moment.

>> No.1726219
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>mfw i go to a top 100 school with an 80% acceptance rate
>also has a 20% dropout rate after first year, don't know if that's high or not

>> No.1726224

College doesnt really ensure success anyway. It helps, but you still arent going to be making millions without building something important. College wont help with that.

>> No.1726228

This made me feel better, thanks anon.

Do you mean they have a 20% acceptance? Meaning they reject 80% of applicants? Because 80% acceptance is really high.

>> No.1726235

"To do what is necessary is never wrong."

- Spock to himself

>> No.1726246
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who let you out of the kitchen?

also, THE BEST

>> No.1726250
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>> No.1726254
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I've been discovered.

>> No.1726297
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>learn the best

Learn the best what? You can go to the highest ranked "college" in the world and still learn less then a hard worker at the worst ranked.

Anyway, stop being a whiny bitch. You can go to any school you want whenever you want, it just requires more work.

But if you are too stupid to realize this, you are too stupid to achieve what you think is so great.

>> No.1726315

I missed a word, learn from the best. I don't have so much fucking time.

>> No.1726324


>implying the knowledge of a teacher has any reflection on how much you learn
>implying you can't just Google 99.9% of shit you don't know for an undergraduate or graduate degree.

>> No.1726356

If you don't know this, you will when you actually get to a real class with a good teacher.

Having a teacher to be there is different than just reading it and learning it. If there is a problem, the teacher will be able to be there and explain.

However, I understand what you are saying. How hard you work is most important. But, lost opportunity, although some can be recovered, it will never be fully restored.

>> No.1726369

It doesn't matter what mistakes you have made in the past. Jesus can forgive you even still.

>> No.1726400

Sorry, but what's preventing you from getting into a top 25 school?

>> No.1726403

Early fuckup here, I studied chem at college then law. Do not give up, anon, you are probably smarter than your competition.

>> No.1726404

Going to bed anyway

>> No.1726417

Sup faggot.

You realize you can transfer to a top 20 school after 2 years at a top 100 or 90 university?

Some schools will financially cover transfers more than others.

>> No.1726419

I'd really like to go to West Point, but I really fucked up my Freshman and Sophomore year, then did a bit better than average in my Junior year.

Now at the dawn of my Senior year, I'm left wondering if there is any way that I could possibly attain entry.

>> No.1726424

This is why you guys sometimes give me hope.


>> No.1726447


Hey, faggot OP.

Poster of this here.

You could seriously transfer to Cornell or something after 2 years at an "ok" university. By "ok" I meant fucking top 80 or so in the United States.

>> No.1726451

Let me tell you a story about the Scorpion and the Crane.

Once there was a Crane and a Scorpion sitting by the edge of the river. The Crane said, "Is it not amusing how the Fortunes distributed their blessings among the creatures?"

The Scorpion eyed the Crane suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

The Crane smiled and said, "Look at me. Look at my beautiful wings and feathers. I can fly and I can swim. Look at my perfect neck and my shining eyes. I am the envy of all the creatures in the world."

Then the Crane looked down at the Scorpion and said, "look at you. All you have is your Tail."

"Ah," said the Scorpion, "but all that means is that you have nothing to gain, and I have nothing to lose. And when you are old and have lost your feathers, you will no longer be able to fly. And when you are fat and half-blind, you will no longer be able to swim. Then, when you are counting everything that you have lost, I will be counting everything I have gained."

And the Crane had nothing more to say.

>> No.1726462
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>mfw I made great grades, made national merit and had lots of work experience and extra curricular activities to look good for colleges and don't get into a good school because I missed all the deadlines worry about the aforementioned shit.

At least you had the fun part of being young and reckless.

>> No.1726467


You could do it from a fucking community college, I got accepted to Brown from a CC (Went to Berkeley for cost reasons though).

>> No.1726474
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>> No.1726480


This is also true. From what i understand, university level education in your first two years simply makes it easier to transfer.

>> No.1726481
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>> No.1726516
File: 274 KB, 500x500, 1245265215511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say something pretty obvious, friend calls me dumb

friend says something pretty dumb,i tell him that its pretty obvious

i continue to state the obvious,he stays dumb

win win