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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1725394 No.1725394 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, imagine the world if It wasn't for the religion. Imo, we will be exploring the galaxy by now,
pic related: If it wasn't for religion.

>> No.1725414

You know that there are catholic astronauts, right?

>> No.1725417

"What if"'s set on the past are useless.

Anything is possible if _______ had not happened or ____ had drank the tea or _____ had pushed him out of the window into the angry mob on the streets below. All of these "if it wasn't fur christians we would be colonizing the galaxy" posts are entirely based on one's own biases, if it hadn't been christianity, how do you know someone else wouldn't have accelerated the collapse of the Roman empire? How can you know history is linnear?

Polite sage.

>> No.1725424


I agree. If religion didn't interfere with human technological advancement, we would be conquering the universe by now.

>> No.1725445

The only thing that I like to point out held us back is the Dark Ages.
Shit sucked hard.

I leave everyone else to argue about everything else. I hate religious arguments.
Sure, I'm a christian, but I don't give a fuck about your hatred for us, and don't care to argue it.

>> No.1725446

what would the uniting sociological factor be then? How do you think history would have progressed? No really I'm curious to see how you justify your troll. Religion might be irrelevant nowadays but back then?

>> No.1725455


>> No.1725465

Astronauts do not build space vehicles, dumbfuck.

>> No.1725473

Did they fucking build the rocket ships they pilot? No. I doubt there are many religious rocket scientists.

>> No.1725492


the towel head united all the warring tribes into a peaceful brotherhood of sorts where civilisation could develop and bonus the savages had to (and still do) wash themselves 5 times a day before praying. I'd say that's a positive.

Same thing can be applied to other religions...
You cannot develop science without morality

Who comes up with morality? Science itself? that would be a circular argument

Give me a different way to spread public order laws to tribespeople other than to make them believe in an imaginary being that will punish them in the afterlife

>> No.1725498
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Yep, a bunch of religous folk are the ones stopping technological advancement, just go to the basement of any church and you'll find a wealth of technology that those churchy bastards are hiding from you. It's not the fact that mankind hasn't worked out how to build spaceships capable of interspace travel, it's a bunch of religous folk which have caused this dilemma.

>> No.1725501
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Disease has done far worse damage than religion ever could, so really if it wasn't for scientists...

...wait, scientists have to be educated in schools first...

... and religious nuts always stifle scientific education...

...it really is religion's fault!!!

>> No.1725509

I'm a atheist but I don't hate you. Faith is a personal matter, and when we're all cool then we're all cool. Faith and science aren't incompatible.

I only hate creationists trolls on their hypocritical ego trips.

>> No.1725517

stop bumping this assholes

>> No.1725524

Nope. Religion was a vital part of establishing early civiization. It started being a problem with things like the Dark Ages, and now it is almost completely unnecessary.

>> No.1725532
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>Who comes up with morality?

Reality. Good contributes to life. Evil detracts from it. That's real fucking morality. The only reason you think morality comes from the sky fairy is that you've been telling yourself that fuckin' without having gone through a ritual is evil for so long you actually think it has anything to do with morality.

>> No.1725539


no religion --> scientists not living in fear of being killed by religious madmen --> no dark ages --> science unites humanity --> by 2010 we rule our solar system with fucking battleships and have a life expectancy of 200-300 years

>> No.1725541

If we manage to get pass religion and we turn fully atheist we will create the perfect utopia.

>> No.1725575

You wouldn't have science without civilization.

We never would've had the extent of civilization that we do without religion.

>> No.1725590

So what's it like being 13?

>> No.1725605

You'll have to wait and see.

Check and mate.

>> No.1725616


>> No.1725629


well of course it's religion's fault

even today, religious retards pray to some imaginary guy in the clouds to cure their children instead of going to the doctor

not joking, there was a case where the parents refused to do anything but pray when their daughter was having a seizure and was drooling on the fucking floor

>> No.1725639

Imagine a world with no truth, no hope, no morality. This is the reality without God. Don't by into the lies you are fed every single day on tv, school, and the culture.

There is only one lasting satisfaction and that is to accept the love of Jesus. This world is but a moment, stop clinging to the wicked desires of your heart. Rely on God to make strait your path to him.

>> No.1725644
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He thinks I believe in god

>> No.1725653

If religion is such a problem, why haven't atheist scientists created interspace travel? Sounds like someone's just looking for an excuse.

>> No.1725664


die away please

if christians actually read their of-so-precious bible and took it seriously, they would be stoning women to death for various batshit insane reasons. fuck yeah moral!

>> No.1725682

Alright. How does religion hinder space travel now?

>> No.1725683
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>>this thread
>>implying religion is the only cause of ignorance, stupidity, miseducation and laziness


>> No.1725690



religious lowlifes always manage to make me rage

>> No.1725693

>>using a single instance as the rule

im sure there's a specific word for this but i like to call it 'fucking retarded'

>> No.1725702

10 points

>> No.1725700

Implying that there's only a single incident of faith healing.

>> No.1725706


>> No.1725707

im not implying that, its just thats all anon gave. one instance. it's a fail argument

>> No.1725718


notice how much we progressed in the last few decades? as science advances, our rate of progress increases significantly

now imagine what would the present look like if we had today's technological advancements only a few decades ago. how does the cure for cancer sound like for example, huh?

fucking dark ages

>> No.1725722

The bible is a coherent message. The old testament shows just how destructive and evil sin is to God. The Jews were kept apart from the rest of the world to show the benefits from keeping from sin .

The new testament replaces the failed righteous of man to heaven with a guaranteed path to salvation. Instead of carrying out judgment while on the Earth, we are instructed to love and not repay evil for evil, but evil for good. We leave the judgment to Jesus and depend on his redeeming and perfect expression of love as our hope. Jesus did not come to bring peace on Earth. Peace will be found in heaven through him.

>> No.1725740

seems a pretty good message to uncivilised savages who killed eachother daily...

we moved on now - mass media and the education system run by the illuminati government tell us what is wrong and right.

>> No.1725742

Do you know what is dark ages? Pretty sure nobody gave a shit about technology back then, but good work blaming today's inability to develop technology on something that happened so long ago. Those fucking dinosaurs, if they didn't die sooner we'd all have cars like the jetsons on tv by now.

>> No.1725749

If everything didn't happen as it did, you wouldn't exist. For you to be you, all that is, must be. Be thankful to God.

>> No.1725762

without the christian dark ages we would have been on the moon in the 1700s or earlier. it would be impossible to guess what humanity would be doing in 2010.

>> No.1725765

What is the point of life? Can we not live happy without technology? Love is the ultimate happiness, and love is not a material thing. Jesus is a satisfying love without end. The sufferings of this world are suddenly nothing compared to being with him.

>> No.1725767


i really hope you're trolling

if you're even a little bit serious about what you're saying, you should commit suicide ASAP

oh wait.. suicide is a sin! oh noes!

then find a bunch of rabid niggers/gypsies and tell them the same exact things you just told us. would that work as a loophole? go find out!

>> No.1725781
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1700's? nice try <0/10

>> No.1725795

I am 100% serious. To die is gain to me. I don't take my own life because of the selfishness that entails. I instead offer myself as a living sacrifice for Jesus, and for the people who have not found the way, the truth, and the light through him. May the blind man see.

>> No.1725802


I guess you're planning to defeat our alien overlords with pure love when they come and we have NO FUCKING BATTLESHIPS!

>> No.1725808

Saying religion is what held us back is a serious logical flaw. Religion is a symptom of a people who are gullible, and who don't employ logical/reasonable strategies, and not the reason for it.

>> No.1725807 [DELETED] 
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>He thinks traveling faster than the speed of light is possible.

>> No.1725813

The Lord will come and defeat all the armies of Earth with just a word, for unto him is given all authority, he holds the title deed to the universe.

It is not too late to commit yourself and realize the love Jesus has for us.

>> No.1725822

it is scientifically possible to be "happy" and "in love" for more than a few months at a time. Eventually the receptors in your brain develop a tolerance for dopamine and endorphins and you stop feeling the love.

Jesus only makes you happy because you keep re-enforcing that idea. If he really made you happy you wouldn't need to go to church.

CAPTCHA: Salvation relate

>> No.1725823 [DELETED] 

Sounds like we need to build more space battleships to defeat this "Lord" fellow.

>> No.1725829 [DELETED] 


>> No.1725838

don't feed the troll who was probably bored enough to actually read the bible and now acts as a religious nutjob just to make /sci/ rage

>> No.1725840

Always basing your arguments on emotion. That only works on the weak.

>> No.1725849

and pastors.

The bible says that those who work on the sabbath must be stoned by the assembly (everyone in town) while being held down by the personal witnesses. Conducting a sermon you are given board and food for on a sabbath day violates this biblical law, ergo you must be stoned to death if you are professionally religious.

>> No.1725853 [DELETED] 
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>implying he isn't a troll

>> No.1725865

>implying anyone isn't a troll

>> No.1725871

if you were standing on a bridge and saw a train moving along a track towards a bus full of orphans, and the only way to divert the train was by pushing someone fat off of the bridge, onto the lever, changing the track the train would travel along, would you do it?
What Would Jesus Do?

>> No.1725884

lol addiction to church

>> No.1725891

we lost AT LEAST a few hundred years, probably more like a thousand.

>> No.1725912

>What Would Jesus Do?
perform a fucking miracle, retard

>> No.1725922

feeling a sharp pain in your leg is a symptom of having a broken bone, and NOT the cause of the problem. Likewise, religion is a symptom of stupidity, not the cause of it.

Learn to cause and effect, underage fags

>> No.1725923
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>> No.1725933

I always read "tsunami" "tuh-soon-army" then realise that's really annoying

>> No.1725935
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>> No.1725941
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>> No.1725947
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>> No.1725969
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>train VS bus full of orphans

In my country, 99% of the orphans are probably gypsies. (gyplets?)

So, I would say no, let the fat guy on the bridge live.

How is this in any way related to this thread btw? Oh yeah, "What Would Jesus Do?"... OH JUST SHUT UP!

WAIT! My captcha is: "collimon occured" (seriously, not bullshitting)

Collimon must be the collision pokemon! He would occur and prevent the collision! Everyone's happy!

>> No.1725970
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Well holy shit! A bit of truth from the clergy!

>> No.1725982

Reread it, carefully.

>> No.1725995


I'd go to church at these places

>> No.1726006
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>> No.1726011
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>> No.1726019
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>> No.1726040
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A chart to let you see what happened because of the Dark Age and religion once it had out lived its usefulness.

>> No.1726028
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>> No.1726045
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>> No.1726210

amazing how you fucking geniuses in /sci/ dont know what the "dark ages" are.

it has nothing to do with advancements in science or christians holding it back. it has to do with the period of time after the collapse of the roman empire.

think before you wiki before you speak


>> No.1726264


No, the dark ages were not the fault of religion. However, in this time religion propped up the feudal system that kept millions in virtual slavery, and gave tyrants their 'divine right' to rule. Furthermore, emphasis on learning was drawn away from sciences and mathematics to religion. The islamic world on the other hand put a lot of emphasis on the sciences - until the fundies took over around 1100 CE.

Poor bastards.

>> No.1726286

You've forgotten to mention that it was only thanks to hundreds of abbeys and churches in Europe that a significant number of books and documents persisted to this day.

They may have been religious, but they weren't utterly ignorant and stupid. Information was saved.

>> No.1726320

Without religion, we'd still be in the stone age. We wouldn't even have science.