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File: 36 KB, 475x447, time_machine2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1720411 No.1720411 [Reply] [Original]


My laptop got stolen along with all my personal information from the past 3 years. ;.;

In the future would I be able to use a time machine to get the laptop back. (and beat the fuck out of the guy that stole it, face smashan)

Or at least some sort of quantum computer to retrieve the data?

>> No.1720449

bump for answers please. I'm not a troll.

>> No.1720536
File: 90 KB, 604x840, Aubrey_de_Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping again

It's a legit question.

You people must know something about this.

inb4 delorean.

>> No.1720539

try /x

>> No.1720547

Some sort of super-advanced computer might be able to calculate the exact state of the universe, and therefore the contents of your laptop, yes.

As far as I know, all serious physicists think that backwards time travel is impossible. Sorry dude.

>> No.1720553

>As far as I know, all serious physicists think that backwards time travel is impossible.

What a load of crap.


>> No.1720558

Who are these "serious" physicists you're talking about?

There's no law of physics preventing backwards time travel. In fact it's entirely possible.

>> No.1720559

my netbook automatically starts up the webcam at turn-on and starts uploading to one of my ftp servers using 3g, while showing absolutely no signs that it is doing so because I disconnected the webcam LED. also it attempts to get a wireless dhcp lease from any unsecured networks and logs keystrokes and will upload that info too.

i almost want someone to steal it because it would be pretty fun to track them down.

>> No.1720565

entropy might just be one of those things.

>> No.1720585


>> No.1720597

Alright, denizen of /sci/, condescendingly prove me wrong; go right ahead.

HEY OP, YOU'RE NOT GETTING YOUR LAPTOP BACK. Stop trying to grasp for straws and move on with your life. You should really be over in /adv/, not this silly board.

>> No.1720611



Time travel is a legitimate physics discussion.

Let us discuss.

>> No.1720633

in after you stole your own laptop

>> No.1720675
File: 29 KB, 350x346, 1281769500878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping because im also interested

>> No.1720683



>> No.1720730
File: 19 KB, 400x400, LOL3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time machine
>breaking laws of physics

LOL /sci/fags are just like religious fundamentalists

>> No.1720748


no. you're gay. time machines are impossible.

>> No.1720788

Simple time machines that transport photons back/forward in time have already been developed.

>> No.1720803

install spy software on your laptop next time. It will let you take over the computer to watch the webcam and your screen copy your files out and see what the ip is of the thief. stalk the thief for years then make him dissapear some random night

>> No.1720846

Don't do it man, if you kill your future self you're doomed to a life of horror, since you know exactly how you die, that you'll be unable to stop it, and you'll have a niggling feeling that everything "you" do between then and now will recur infinitely.

>> No.1720862

*steals laptop and reformats it*

>> No.1720871


>> No.1720892

It is bull fucking shit. However you can send microwaves through lead faster than the speed of light in lead. Now explain that one.

>> No.1720921
File: 15 KB, 262x228, 1280347796458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time travel and kill the thief
>find out the thief is yourself from farther in the future
>the rest of your entire life you know that at some point your past self is going to pop out of nowhere and kill you

>> No.1720949

There's actually a sci-fi story about a guy inventing a gun which sends you back in time 24 hours and uses it on Hitler multiple times. Eventually there are over 3652 Hitlers, and original Hitler shoots one before realising what he's just done.

>> No.1721027

>delicious tears at the facts

>> No.1721047

Time travel doesn't work like that.

>> No.1721056

Wait, why can't stable time loops work?

>> No.1721062

That sounds interesting. Sauce please.

>> No.1721065

does that work after i take out your hdd and toss it in the trash and get new hdd from tiger direct?

>> No.1721109

I would, but I don't see why it matters. The speed light travels anywhere but in a vacuum is irrelevant when it comes to relativity and time travel. You might as well be talking about the speed of sound in lead.

>> No.1721145

Sorry man, just know the synopsis. I'd do no better looking for it than you.

>> No.1721163

No. Microwaves never travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. You are probably thinking of experiments where they make the light/microwaves go through a material such that the phase velocity is greater than c. But the phase velocity doesn't mean anything. The phase velocity could be negative. It's the group velocity that is the velocity of the photons -- the thing that can't be greater than c.

Also, the phase velocity of matter waves is ALWAYS greater than c. The group velocity is the velocity of the actual matter.

>> No.1721170

yeah actually it does. its embedded in the bios.

>> No.1721250

bump for more time travel discussion.

does quantum physics have anything to do with this?

>> No.1721263

learn to reading comprehension

experimentally you can send microwaves through lead at a speed closer to c than they should be able to as defined by our current understanding.

>> No.1721279

learn to grammar
also [citation needed]
also, so fucking what?

>> No.1721345

First heard about this about 6 years ago with a us team but here is more recent one.

>> No.1721410

Like all claims at FTL thus far, it is ultimately just another instance of this:
Here is a more detailed discussion:

>> No.1721430
File: 140 KB, 720x732, 2010-08-17-Pony-Tales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1721047 Time travel doesn't work like that.

...and space ponies don't behave that way.

>> No.1721467


>> No.1721773

Unless time travel works like Dragonball Z's
we should never use it, AT FUCKING ALL

>> No.1722117

Op here bump for tiem travel


>> No.1722137

Wouldn't you need to calculate the exact position of Earth? And seen as everything is hurtling through space, I presume the Sun would have moved about in the galaxy spiral. I also assume the galaxy is nowhere near where it was in say, 1978.
In closing; Wouldn't you need a scale model of the universe before even DARING a timejump?

>> No.1722200

no just wormholes, quantum mechanics and complex math models rite?

>> No.1722211


I stole this guys laptop about 3 years ago :)

In the future would I be able to use a time
machine to go and steal the laptop again. (that way I could have two laptops, shit was cash)

Or at least some sort of quantum computer to retrieve the money?

>> No.1722216

>the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe, then all of space as it expands, perfectly calculated to put you on the same spot on the planet needs to be calculated first.
Also, time travel backwards in time is impossible, at the moment, theoretically, if a time machine is made, you could travel through time in it to other points where it is, holding you in a stasis-like superposition until you arrive in your time.