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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1720030 No.1720030 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw my grade 11 bio class has vroc.
>mfw i get a better education than you

>> No.1720040

no i mean 11th

>> No.1720037
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>mfw when you're in regular Biology in 11th grade

Don't you mean 9th?

>> No.1720054


You had better be talking about AP Biology, boy.

>> No.1720071

>11th grade

>> No.1720077
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Nope, up here in canada we take biology as a course in grade 11.
>mfw it's cold up here.

>> No.1720085


So... your education is good even though you're behind the U.S. in science, and the U.S. has terrible education standards?

>> No.1720089

I was just thinking the same thing, the school system here is shit, and even the stupidest people take biology in 9th grade, or atleast 10th grade at the latest

>> No.1720096

in canada we have general "science" for grades 9 and 10
and then physics, chem and bio become three separate courses
and you can take gr. 11 and gr. 12 of all three

>> No.1720097

>behind U.S. in Science

I believe Canada is 3rd in Science, behind Finland and China.

U.S. is at 26th or something.

>> No.1720099

I don't think it matters when you take it.

I took all three sciences this year. Mofos. In grade 9 and 10 we only got "academic" level science or "applied" science, so being the smart mofo i took academic.

>> No.1720111


So you take babby's first science in 9th and 10th grade, and now you're actually getting into the real courses? By U.S. standards you should have done chem and bio by now, and splitting into physics or AP Bio or AP Chem. We like to get down to business and not fuck around doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.1720117

>implying learning all and more of what you learned in 1 class is bad.
>implying we don't do anything.

>> No.1720119

really how much do you remember from grades 9 and 10

>> No.1720122

>getting down to business
>fails to developing nations in test scores, well below the top 25

>> No.1720128

Yeah, half of our population is mentally retarded, but that doesn't mean everyone is

>> No.1720126

getting your science classes in grades 9 and 10 means you can get advanced science classes in grades 11 and 12, its not like you just suddenly forget everything in 9 and 10, because you basically expand upon that in 11 and 12

>> No.1720129

you mean like how we learn chemistry, biology AND physics two years in a row and expand on them in our advanced classes? yeah.

>> No.1720136
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>mfw you acted like Biology was a science

>> No.1720138


You forgot the Earth and Space Science program for grade 11 & 12.

AP is for losers you want IB.

>> No.1720146


Yes, but your advanced science classes are just regular classes. We're taking AP Biology and Ap Chemistry while you're taking Biology and Chemistry. That's not advanced, that's stupid. Of course you'll get high test scores when a U.S. beginning 11th grader is more knowledgeable than your graduating 12th graders, and tests are designed with this in mind.

>> No.1720155

you mean you call what we learn in highschool "AP" and call it college credit where we get an extra year of real university education, without a bunch of stupid general requirements unrelated to our degrees

>> No.1720180
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I guess you suck shit at Science, Math AND Stats.

>> No.1720182

Earth Science is for faggots who get lower than 70% in junior sciences.

Lolol, have fun re-learning plate tectonics and easy shit while I learn about electroweak forces and 2 body diagrams.

>> No.1720185

See the picture in the following post. It's just not called advanced placement here, that doesn't mean it's not as good. Obviously it's better.

>> No.1720187

...have fun not realising we learn the same things in physics?

>> No.1720202
File: 12 KB, 356x496, Laughing clooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw highschoolers itt are arguing about which school system is better while I'm in graduate school doing stem cell research

>> No.1720203

What the fuck are you talking about. I have no idea of what you're saying or implying.

Explain yourself.

>> No.1720209
File: 399 KB, 1040x1416, Richard Feynman (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instant bro

>> No.1720210

I said Canada was 3rd behind Finland and China.

I was correct.

I said U.S. was ranked 26th.

I was wrong. They are ranked 29th.


>> No.1720242


>Post anonymously
>Expect people to know which posts belong to whom
>Ok, bro.

>> No.1720244

I took all four sciences.
My earth/space science class was a lot more than memory work, we learned some of kepler's laws and calculating parallex and shit like that. Learned moh's scale of hardness, how to identify minerals, blah blah. Maybe your school just sucks shit, earth science is legit, I'm going to school for geophysics this year.

And yeah highschool students arguing itt, whatever, Amerifags call their classes advanced and think that means their classes are better than another country's classes, which they know nothing about. It's just kind of symbolic of your overall arrogance, which the rest of the world hates you for.

>> No.1720258

>implying you didn't get told

>> No.1720266
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May be arrogant, but still the best country to live in

>> No.1720276

unless you're poor

>> No.1720302
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>> No.1720306
File: 68 KB, 453x575, richard-dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when you guys don't know i do linear alg and combinatorics in evolutionary biology and didn't know advanced bio is math intensive

>> No.1720320
File: 6 KB, 106x160, georgie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I transfered to teaching myself because american public schools suck so bad

>> No.1720329

Now look at our science ranking in higher education>>1720180

>> No.1720331

>Mfw everyone is this thread is under the age of 18

>> No.1720350

>inb4 your friends enter University at 18, get Bachelors at 22, get Masters at 24, get a great paying job, and start a family
>inb4 you fail horribly to qualify to enter University, finally entering at 22 after you've tried 3 times, struggle, finally get Bachelors at 28, then get Masters at 32, get heavily in debt, then have no-one interested in hiring you

>> No.1720358

>mfw anyone cares about high school classes at all

>> No.1720361

Lol, self education?

Have fun knowing that no top universities or Ivy League universities will accept you.

Also have fun knowing that if you do indeed get accepted in University, you would be MUCH older than the people around you. You will struggle with the materials so damn much it's not even funny.

>> No.1720370

>mfw no university wants you

>> No.1720382


>mfw you actually get into college and then realize that high school classes mean jack shit

>> No.1720401
File: 9 KB, 300x562, 1281780602497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw regular biology In canada may be equal to that of AP biology in the US and you guys are too much of dipshits to realize

>> No.1720414

Well, AP classes are actually taken at colleges in the US, so I'm fairly certain your biology is not equal to AP biology.

>> No.1720424

what college community college

>> No.1720432

Have fun in high school faggot

>> No.1720434


ap bio is intro level bio (bio 101), if that. i TA intro bio and lots of kids roll through with ap bio and do fucking terrible.

>> No.1720437


>> No.1720482

No really why the hell would a university not accept me?

Because When I teach myself I comprehend less?

Well When I take astronomy chapter tests I usually get 88-94% on the test(this is college astronomy mind you)

And I usually only go over the chapter once sure there are some chapters I need to re-read but thats easily solved

You sir misunderstand how shitty the american public schools are

>> No.1720722

Dude my friend dropped out of high school to play tf2 all day and do jack shit.

atleast you're teacher yourself.

>> No.1720956

>derives Newton from graphical methods, avoids calculus
sure is easy shit in their Electroweak-kun

>> No.1721050

The only system thats worth anything is IB
did chem and bio, when i went to Uni i didn't ahve to do shit seeing as i had already done it
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