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1719443 No.1719443 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else think that "circumcision to help prevent HIV" is a questionable practice? When an HIV vaccine is created there will be no reason to circumcise, how ever I am sure that a study will find a new reason for circumcision. Circumcision is a cash cow procedure, making anywhere from $150 to 400 per operation (which are extremely short).

>> No.1719466

It works, because being cirsumcised destroys any hope of ever getting laid.

>> No.1719489

>Does anyone else think that "circumcision to help prevent HIV" is a questionable practice?

No, because it is supported by evidence.

I say this as a person who is generally opposed to circumcision, and can't bear to look at a cut dick without cringing.

>> No.1719494



>> No.1719509

>When an HIV vaccine is created there will be no reason to circumcise
>We should let some people catch HIV unnecessarily, even though there is no guarantee at all that such a thing will ever exist and those who catch it will need to pay for antiviral drugs that totally aren't themselves a cash-cow

>> No.1719525

When my son's pediatrician talked to us about circumcision before the birth, he brought up how studies in Africa showed it dropped the rate by like 5%. I asked what the point was if safe sex dropped it down to 100%. He didn't like that question very much.

I know these threads always boil down to RAWR JEWS but in reality, circumcision is pushed by pediatricians for the exact reason you said, its quick/easy and makes them a lot of money.

>> No.1719541



i think you mean the exact opposite of that.

>> No.1719554

In the US, the rate of HIV is like, five percent or less. Probably way less. Unless youre a slut, you probably get better protection from being discriminating about your partners, than from being circumcized.

>> No.1719556

If you were circumsized, would you feel comfortable fucking someone who has HIV/AIDS without a condom? Didn't think so.

The only people it would help are people who are have careless sex with strangers.

>> No.1719566


>dropped it down to 100%
>now, only everyone in Africa has AIDS

>> No.1719574

>would you feel comfortable fucking someone who has HIV/AIDS without a condom?

no but shit happens when your drunk bro.

>> No.1719583

You know what kind of man worries about other men's dicks?
The kind that watch Oz for the sex scenes.
Seriously, circumcision is a minor, tiny, unimportant thing. Chicks don't care either way, as long as your shit is clean. Do what you want with your son's cock. And let others be.

>> No.1719596 [DELETED] 
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>let others be
>perform unnecessary cosmetic surgery an infant

>> No.1719600
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>let others be
>perform unnecessary cosmetic surgery on an infant

>> No.1719602

>I asked what the point was if safe sex dropped it down to 100%

Yes but these are dumb niggers we are talking about.

>> No.1719609

Yes. It's not your infant, so butt the fuck out. Until the law makes it illegal, it's none of your fucking business.

>> No.1719638
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>implying violations of rights are okay as long as it isn't illegal

>> No.1719644


>Describes children as property.
They're people too you know, even if they're in your care. You're taking a very major decision about their physiology that may affect the rest of their lives.

>> No.1719669


>it's none of your fucking business.
>When my son's pediatrician talked to us about circumcision before the birth

lol you shouldn't have mentioned it then should you, child mutilator

>> No.1719670

Wait... is that some Golden Sun... I FUCKING LOVED THAT GAME

>> No.1719679

>a very major decision about their physiology that may affect the rest of their lives

Yeah... but no. It really isn't a big deal. The only place that gets hung up on cut vs uncut dicks is /b/, and any good parent won't let their child turn into a /b/tard.

>> No.1719683

It doesn't affect shit.
My cut cock hasn't affected me at all. It still gets hard, and it still spits nut like any other dick. It just looks different, and takes 2 seconds less to clean, which isn't a big deal. I wouldn't care whether I was cut or uncut, but I DO care that you care. Fuck off you faggot. Worry about pussy, and MAYBE you'll lose your virginity.

>> No.1719684

How would circumcision prevent HIV infection?

>> No.1719711


The first line isn't me. Guess I should have tripfagged

>> No.1719714

My mother was a nurse, and she chose not to do circumcision on my brothers, she said it's not necessary, and painful to the babies, not to mention cases of penile deformation for the rest of their lives.

Honestly, you really shouldn't listen to the doctor performing the surgery.. in the case of cosmetic surgery, they have a vested interest in telling you to get it done.

>> No.1719738

It prevents the exchange of bodily fluids.

>> No.1719774

you have a guardian troll lol

>> No.1719782

Is dat sum ceramic knife?

>> No.1719860

>mfw after he finishes chopping the rabbi sucks on your dick for a little while and swallows your blood

>> No.1720253 [DELETED] 

The US has once of the highest HIV rates for a developed country.

>> No.1720261

The US has one of the highest HIV rates for a developed country.

>> No.1720269

It's total bullshit.

I mean, it will reduce transmission by a miniscule % by thickening the skin on the head of the penis, but if someone thinks "Oh, I'm circumcised so I won't get HIV!" you've just immensely INCREASED their chances to contract the virus in the long term.

>> No.1720274

>Protest circumcision; you can't do whatever you want to your child
>Support stem cell abortions; you can do whatever you want to your child

>> No.1720299
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>> No.1720303

>stem cell abortions


>> No.1720341

Why are you so much worried about circumcision. It's by far not the most serious issue around here.

Abortion for example. Forget the right to have a non-cut penis. There are babies who are forbidden of the right to live.

>> No.1720347
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, haruhi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we cut off the foreskin of UNDER ONE YEAR OLD BOYS, so they don't get HIV when they have sex?
Whatever parent uses this excuse is a pedophile anda rapist, adn you ALL know it.
When the guy feels it's time for sex, he can choose to be circumcised himself, for fucks sake.

What the FUCK man?

Good GOD, I'm glad my family isn't religious.

>> No.1720348 [DELETED] 

That's what you get with atheists and evolution faggots.

>> No.1720369


>implying not having a life is worse than being cut

>> No.1720380

Circumcision will always remain a parent's choice just like they choose what what you belly button will be and a lot of other shit throughout your life.

>> No.1720397



>> No.1720399


Implying that's not subjective. Implying 100% of the people won't still choose to be alive, because it's highly instinctive.

>> No.1720412


The inner face of the mucous membrane of the foreskin is more fragile and more permeable for the HIV.

>> No.1720413
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Fuck yeah, more Golden Sun image macros!

>> No.1720415

I would agree, except that it costs next-to-nothing to have it done right after birth, and costs a crap-ton (and isn't covered by insurance unless there is a medical reason) if it's done when an adult.

Fix that, and I'd agree whole-heartily, but as it is right now, you're just screwing the guy over by not giving him a circumcision if he would want one later on in life, because it will cost him much much more.

>> No.1720420

Every time you see a nearby female and DON'T rape her, you are denying the life of a potential person. Potential people have a right to live!

>> No.1720422

Although, it can't necessarily be argued that life is better than non-life, making that part of the anti-choice argument moot.

>> No.1720427
File: 96 KB, 479x319, Kraden_is_A_SCIENTIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm outraged! This is a board about SCIENCE!

>> No.1720435
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Using condoms is bad!
The pill is murder!
Not raping people 24/7 is genocide!

>> No.1720447


yeah, but they can't choose to live, because they were dead before they ever had any kind of sense of awareness..

>> No.1720455


You're also screwing him over if he would like to to not be cut later in life.

>> No.1720479
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When a sperm is wasted god gets quite irate.

>> No.1720517


We don't no what not living is like. True. But we know that living is not that bad after all so.


That's subjective depending only on at what stage you value human life is worth protecting.


Then you are deny them the chance to choose for themselves.

>> No.1720519

>most liberals hate circumcision because it hurts the baby
>very same liberals have made abortion legal into the third trimester in many places
>they want you to be able to kill your babby but not make life decisions for it

I fucking love the world we live in.

>> No.1720527

Beat me to it.
captcha: adopt grieving.

>> No.1720543
File: 33 KB, 580x446, 1283723078982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that circumcision only protects the male in heterosexual vaginal intercourse. Circumcision actually INCREASES a female's chance of being infected by HIV. And for sex acts other than consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, circumcision isn't going to do shit, again it may actually make it worse.

>> No.1720579

>Circumcision actually INCREASES a female's chance of being infected by HIV.

unless you value other peoples offspring more than your own this is irrelevant unless you have a daughter as well and are going to allow incest or something.

>> No.1720580

Surely the man would be better protected either way, since the point is to remove delicate skin that is more likely to have microtears allowing the virus to enter the body?

I think there's been a guy found with HIV antibodies, which is a good sign.

>> No.1720600

That sounds implausible anyway, and to give someone HIV you have to have it in the first place.

uncut here, I just use a condom except when in exclusive relationships with people who had STD checks between now and when they last had sex with someone else.

>> No.1720612

luls at anti-abortion trolls implying fetuses are babies

also this thread is dildos.

>> No.1720645
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What I'm trying to get at is that circumcision doesn't have any real effect. It just shifts the risk from men to women. Also, if circumcision was in fact so effective at reducing HIV infection rates, why does the US have such a high HIV infection rate compared to Europe?

>> No.1720666


>> No.1720734


because of everybody's favorite oxymoron: "black people"

>> No.1720805

@ this thread

[citation needed]

>> No.1720839

here you go

>> No.1720925

There will probably be an HIV vaccine out with in the next 5 years.

>> No.1720945

>Circumcision actually INCREASES a female's chance of being infected by HIV


>> No.1720950

Medfag here.

The lack of foreskin does two things : lost of sensibility and loss in female stimulation. Just look at how cut men rub their dick when they masturbate, If I were to this with my natural dick I would cry in pain. Also, the foreskin is known to rub against the clitoris during intercourse, which produces stimulation for the female partner. American woman are known to be the less satisfied sexually in the Western world and all evidence point to the circumcision parameter. Oh and the HIV thing? Please, it's 5%, in Africa and it could be linked to any other causes (religion, culture, etc). Also in America the HIV rate is very low and mostly held by niggers. Just don't fuck niggers, nigger lovers and whores and this should do the trick. And yes, circumcision does bring a lot of easy money.

>> No.1720965
File: 34 KB, 486x334, mi13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so fucking tired of seeing this thread today

>> No.1721040


>> No.1721396

maybe insurance companies should drop circumcision coverage? It would save them a lot of money.

>> No.1723062


"17 (18%) women in the intervention group and eight (12%) women in the control group acquired HIV"

So, in other words the chicks that banged the cut HIV infected guys got more AIDS than the ones that banged the uncut HIV infected guys.
Study was then stopped early because the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that was funding it didn't like the results so far... er I mean because of it's "futility"

>> No.1724067

bill gates was giving people aids?

>> No.1724078

well I think AIDS is transmitted through blood more than semen
So if the dick has less protective shielding(cut) it makes sense that it'll get a few microscopic gashes, I think

>> No.1724084

my parents are liberal and im circumcised.

seriously, i think you people just put "liberal" and "conservative" in front of words that you don't like or words that sound bad and scary, even if there's no real basis for it at all.

>> No.1724098

Ya think?

>> No.1724156


Ok morons of the world, here's the proof. Time to stop mutilating your children because you're a superficial faggot.

>> No.1724166

Inexcusable. Cutfag here.

>> No.1724182

Bill Gates is also funding a multi-million dollar circumcision project in Africa now.
Basically he's the worst thing that happened to peoples genitals since John Harvey Kellogg.

>> No.1724203

I think cutfags' penises grow thicker skin.

My opinion on the matter is the same as the Finnish government's - not until 18.

>> No.1724225

has bill gates lost his mind?

>> No.1724231

Geez was an injustice, growing up without a few more millimeters of foreskin! Never mind all the people who are dieing of hunger in 3rd countries!

>> No.1724271

circumcision == religiousfags bullshit
circumcision != anything to do with medical benfits
circumcision == fucked up dick that has less feeling == crappy sex life

>> No.1724275

Strawman is strawman

Geez was an injustice, having my car stolen! Never mind all the people who are dieing of hunger in 3rd countries!

There are about 100+ deaths related to circumcision complications annually in the US.

>> No.1724376

if foreskin caused as many problems as claimed wouldn't natural selection "remove" foreskin?

>> No.1725200

Yes, yes he has.
>Bill Gates releases mosquitoes into audience

>> No.1725226

Just an FYI... when you actually get laid often your foreskin is very likely to rip during rough sex. Which means lots of pain and no sex for a few weeks. Then when that skin heals it will just be more prone to rip again and again until your circumcised. The only way to cure this ripping problem is a circumcision.


>> No.1725240
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>> No.1725254


>Just an FYI... when you actually get laid often your foreskin is very likely to rip during rough sex. Which means lots of pain and no sex for a few weeks.

>no sex for a few weeks.

That's really not much of a deterrent to scientists.

>> No.1725255


Got the info from Dr. Drew Pinsky, MY NICCA

>> No.1725265
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>> No.1725360

Can you provide evidence he said this?

>> No.1725410


Go to http://www.lovelineshow.com/.. You need to register, but you can browse their archives of their show.

Happy hunting....

>> No.1725438

How about you just do it to fit in better, and dont worry so much about the biological benefits. You dont want some chick looking askance at your pecker.