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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1719374 No.1719374 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it seem like the general population of /sci/ has an aversion towards and/or extreme hate of Philosophy? How about Psychology and Sociology?

I'm a /sci/fag who has a profound interest these topics..I wish to know basically why you do or don't feel that there's any practicality in them.
>inb4 "lol social science is stoopid" and "x is not /sci/"
If it doesn't belong here than I'd be glad if you pointed me elsewhere.
>pic is me everyday after I get home from classes

>> No.1719397


Not aversion, it's just thaht science is science and psy/socio is not.

The only case ok, it's when you talk abour philo OF science or socio OF sicence.

>> No.1719419

Because most of /sci/ thinks philosophy is religion. And since atheists tend to blindly be anti-religion, they cannot help but hate philosophy.

>> No.1719424

Philosophy absolutely isn't science, but at least it doesn't pretend to be. Psychology and sociology could theoretically be a very weak sort of science, I suppose, but in practice they never are, and this is made worse because they like to claim to be.

Anyway, they're none of them science. We have general discussion boards if you want to talk about them somewhere. Try /r9k/.

>> No.1719458

No. I and I expect most other people in /sci/ hate Social Sciences or Philosophy or Psychology or any of those other stupid subjects. They claim to be sciences so that people who are too stupid to do anything intellectually challenging like REAL science can still claim they are "scientists"

>> No.1719491

I agree that Philosophy isn't a science and it saddens me to think that some people really do think philosophy is equivalent to religion.
Are Psychology and Sociology just too subjective to ever be scientific? I think perhaps that's why it doesn't hold up well...it still fascinates me though and I find it engaging.
Also isn't /r9k/ basically /b/ 2.0?

>> No.1719546


You can not repeat an experience in Socio/Philo.

>> No.1719573

your a fucking idiot

>> No.1719578

/sci/ mad that philosophy is necessary for science to exist and therefore hate their creators

>> No.1719612

I'll refrain from pointing out the irony of your statement and just say that there's no need to be rude.

>> No.1719646

Since the to general discussion boards are fucking awful, I think the best place for psych discussion would be /sci/. Past the high-school level bullshit which is weak for every science, I would say it's a challenging subject based on what a few friends have told me. I really don't know about sociology though.

Philosophy seems like it could fit /lit/ or /sci/.

>> No.1719651

Psychology is _not science_. So it doesn't belong here. We have general discussion boards. Take your bullshit there.

>> No.1719652

1) Because this is 4chan and 90% of the posts on any board is trolling
2) Because most people here are science/engineering students (or plan to be) and they need to convince themselves they are ultra-important and useful and will have big successful careers ($200K start/any job I want/etc), and therefore need to look down their noses at other sciences. The reality is the guys over in the business school will be their bosses and will probably make more than they do.

>> No.1719658

I never used to laugh at OP's picture, or many other of the pictures on 4chan. Over the last month I've noticed myself making some of the meme-faces unintentionally, and yes when I finish college my first thought is "Ha Ha! Time for 4chan," this shit is so cash.

>> No.1719659

How about I don't?

>> No.1719674

lol, way to give off a great impression of srs science types. Betting you're a highschool student who thinks he's going to be starting at 300k a year. I don't believe psychology discussion belongs here, but you don't have to automatically be a prick to someone who disagreed in a completely inoffensive way.

>> No.1719721


>> No.1719736
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Those subjects can be learned in the public library.

>> No.1719751
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I always bring my card!

>> No.1719777

/lit/ meme
for those who don't know.

>> No.1719786

As someone mainly interested in astronomy and physics, I find a few of the psychology threads interesting. Either way it's better than the religion vs. science threads.

>> No.1719787

Just like math.

>> No.1719794

You wish.

>> No.1719801

One of the seven victories we unleashed upon those artsy faggots.

>> No.1719806

Explain how not. I can understand how many subjects need to be taught, but languages, math, social sciences, etc can all be entirely self-studied.

>> No.1719809
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If psychology isn't a "real" science, explain the placebo effect.

Checkmate, /sci/entists

>> No.1719811

I don't think your artsy mind can grasp such concepts.

>> No.1719813

Just curious... what subjects can not be self-studied?

>> No.1719819
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Well fuck trying to be reasonable, I feel sorry for the close minded, pretentious assholes in this thread. I'll continue enjoying both natural sciences AND social sciences, thriving in the pursuit of knowledge while you futilely attempt to get your "200k starting"

>> No.1719826

You will never be able to read someones mind. Psychology only works with people who are influenced by you and what you say. Therefore being influential is what makes a Psychologist, nothing more. You can't get inside someones head like inception, you fucking maniac. Everyone can read body language and tell what's up with peoples heads, even dogs.

tl;dr psychology is in the same league as tarrot reading, plate spinning, riding unicycles and other nonsense money making arts.

>> No.1719879

Psychology major here.

Assuming this isn't just trolling I'll clear up a few misconceptions

In most cases Psychology is taught in 2 different faculties: Arts and Science. Arts Psychology leads to the more general degrees and cannot into research. Science Psychology typically specializes in cognitive techniques. This basically means that you are empirically studying the mind/brain relationships (Broca's area and other neuroscience / psychology border areas).

Most introductory courses have large sections detailing the importance of scientific technique and experimental design. This points out the major problems: A). Psychology's results are often difficult to reproduce or inconclusive and B). It is very difficult to isolate the behaviour you want to test.

That all being said even I think psychology is classified as a "weak" science, still a science but weak because of its difficulty is testing.

>> No.1719885


Prisoner's dilemma experiments pretty much always give the same result.

Derp, reproducing results, derp derp. Now go fuck off.

>> No.1719903


>> No.1719914

Unprovable statements. Aversion to admit a theory is wrong and should be altered.
Especially in philosophy: complete unwillingness for the scientific method.

>> No.1719933
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I love philosophy, psychology, sociology, literature, and other things, including religion.

I just don't love them on a /sci/ board.

>> No.1719948

I don't think everything has to propose testable hypotheses to have value. Much of philosophy deals with formal logic. Much of it deals with ethical issues which are relevant to all of us whether or not they refer to anything "absolute". Much of it deals with how one should approach life so as to be responsible, intellectually adventurous, and ultimately fulfilled.

Sociology, well, much of the postmodernist stuff I don't really buy into... but I think it's highly relevant to politics and social issues, i.e. attempting to understand things outside your own experience that you can't comprehend intuitively (that should have some appeal to science-oriented people, shouldn't it?). Psychology's analysis of cognitive bias should be highly valued.

Moreover, I don't understand the tendency here to denigrate people who take interest in different things. Wouldn't we all benefit greatly if we attempted to learn from others' areas of expertise, rather than cling to a partisan preference to our own kind and fear/distrust/ridicule of others?

>> No.1719959

With the understanding of physics and mathematics we now have, philosophy has taken a backseat to those true sciences. Speculation alone serves no purpose, and those born out of philosophy often have no testable base, and as such, do not help our understanding of the universe in any way, shape or form.

>> No.1719975

For those of you who think psychology is not a science, what about string theory? I'm not asking this to make a point. I'm genuinely curious and would like to have someone explain to me why psychology and string theory is not comparable.

>> No.1719987
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I love philosophy OP. It asks the deep questions to the meaning of life. There are certain philosophies the scientific community uses as well. This area is know as the philosophy of science, whether you know it or not.

Philosophy breaks down the fundamentals of what you believe and forces you to draw certain conclusions based on your already existing ideas. For me philosophy gives profound wisdom and understanding and meaning to life. For others philosophy destroys any meaning meaning in life.

>> No.1720002

>do not help our understanding of the universe in any way, shape or form.
>implying that's all that should concern us

Look, humans aren't really a significant part of the universe in the grand scheme of things, but there are issues that affect us and could use some scrutiny.

>> No.1720060

Maybe you should explain what else should concern us.

>> No.1720105
File: 70 KB, 640x600, Universe is fucking huge and does not give a shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You act as if humanity has the entirety of the universe figured out. Anyone who claims that humanity has all the answers is guilty of hubris. There will always be questions about the universe to be answered and as long as there are questions there will be philosophers and scientists out there thinking ahead, attempting to find more answers to more questions, ad nauseum. No matter how much we think we know there is always more that we don't and may never know.
This is what it means to be a scientist and philosopher.

In the scheme of things we are both insignificant and worthless and our existence in this Universe is both ephemeral and pointless yet at the same time we are unique and special. We carry on with our meaningless lives day by day attempting to learn more, the futility of it all encouraging us to find meaning where there is no meaning.
This is what it means to be a scientist and philosopher.

>> No.1720127

You fags don't get it, philosophy is not about asking pointless questions about life
Its a methodical way to approach problems and thinking outside the box

>> No.1720141

We're fine with literature and music and philosophy and whatnot. They just don't belong on this board.

>> No.1720151

I'm fine with philosophy, I just hate philosophy majors. They have the same aura of self entitlement as physics majors, but without the saving grace of studying a difficult discipline.

>> No.1720153

>You act as if humanity has the entirety of the universe figured out.

Wow, did you misread that post.

>> No.1720163
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>> No.1720167

I spent a lot of time discussing philosophy in high school. It's harder for me to do that now, most of my college friends aren't interested. I have a high opinion of informal dissucssion of philosophy. Professional philosophy looks like total bullshit to me. I've seen some examples on /sci/. quoted from texts. sociology and psychology aren't as interesting. Mostly because they can't account for someone who studies it, and knows the expected reaction, and then acts differently. The field is shown to be wrong. Basically because people have free will (or close enough to it) the other two fields cannot be rigorous in the way math and science are.

>> No.1720169

>Pseudointellectual bullshit

You're a special flower. Yes you are.

>> No.1720172


>pretty much always

That is not good enough. Assuming all variable stays the same, the result must always be the same.

My view on psychology is that it is currently too complex of a field for us to effectively study. We must have a perfect grasp of how the brain works first before we start to translate brain activity to behavior.

>> No.1720173


>> No.1720193
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>> No.1720376

But my whole post was about not being special.
no I'm not special, I'm pretty average actually. I'll put it into perspective, I'm on an anonymous message board arguing philosophy and science. Doesn't get anymore "unspecial" than that.
Of course if you mean the name I'm using.. that was just for convenience since I didn't want to keep putting "OP here"

>> No.1720417

You post didn't touch on why philosophy is important at all, or what it can still do for us. Mathematics has made philosophy redundant - Throwing in a bunch of nihilistic viewpoints about our ephemeral lives doesn't change this.

>> No.1720425
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science is a philosophy


>> No.1720451

oh well..I tried

>> No.1720474


Is that a Gay-me Boy?

>> No.1720501

I'm not sure myself. There is something about a chunk (not all) of science and math students where it becomes more about ego and less about knowledge. This is my theory at least. I don't fully understand it myself, but their harsh reactions whenever someone brings up philosophy or anything other than their subject makes me believe this.