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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 41 KB, 637x343, hurr_durr_god_said_it_i_believe_it_that_settles_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1712609 No.1712609 [Reply] [Original]

I just raged hard:

Had to share the pain, sorry.

Why do we let these people live, /sci/? Why!?

( damn, even my fucking captcha is: Lord's condire )

>> No.1712616

>mfw in the related video section, there were three videos about Spore
Anyways, stop raging. Real scientists don't get mad at it. They aren't really harmful to science, just to themselves. I'm a physicist, and I could care less about them.

>> No.1712619

>They aren't really harmful to science, just to themselves
>just to themselves
>targeting children

I think you missed the point.

>> No.1712621

Kids face at 0:49

my face throughout the whole thing...

>> No.1712622

The ignorant will always be with us. Get over it.

>> No.1712624
File: 235 KB, 642x363, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just makes sense hurr durp

>> No.1712627

$50 says that guy is a closet pedo

at 0:34 when he's saying we didn't come from apes they show a kid picking his nose who looked just like an ape. I lol'd.

This makes me more sad than angry. Reminds me of my childhood

>> No.1712630

god i hate that lady

>> No.1712631
File: 128 KB, 301x302, imtrippingballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good reaction image

>> No.1712634

I'd hit it

>> No.1712635

>some dumb cunt with her kids running around
>"I believe in the Bible because, it's just, I can understand it! It's so much easier to explain than evolution, so, you know, it has to be real!"

>> No.1712638

I'd hit it with my copy of University Physics (Young and Freedom)

>> No.1712639

>Why do we let these people live, /sci/? Why!?
Because we're not in a position of sufficient power to destroy them. Also, killing all idiots (IQ<120) would destabilize global society to the extent of the termination of our species.

>> No.1712640
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irony detected

>> No.1712641


>> No.1712642

>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.1712644


>> No.1712654

I don't think you can pick it up

>> No.1712660

>Can I look in the bible and find the words "jet airplane"?
>Using a source's shortcomings to prove its validity in other cases

>> No.1712671

>who you should trust ? god or science ?
>all Kids : GOD!
I fucking raged.

>> No.1712677

And then the picture that is in OP's post. I actually thought he was taking the piss, but it was there all right. And apparently the kids are just eating that shit up.

>> No.1712678


You obviously haven't been to church in the last 200 years

>> No.1712681

These kids could become scientists ( or just decent human beings ) one day if they didn't have to listen to these assholes or to their braindead parents. It's really sad..

>> No.1712684

Stopped going when I was 10. Was the word "jet airplane" found in there only recently?

>> No.1712687

creationist != people with iq<120 moron

>> No.1712714


no, I'm just saying they've been...
>Using a source's shortcomings to prove its validity in other cases
for awhile now. I say also say wut every time.

I'm sure they could put a jetplane in the bible if they try hard enough, kind of like they did with that damn sauropod

>> No.1712717
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"Because I believe in creation."

Captcha: motherfucker bollet

>> No.1712721
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>> No.1712728

Don't worry brah, the whole Behemoth=Dinosaur thing has already been debunked.

>> No.1712743
File: 44 KB, 637x343, 1283789254310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a girl at my school in 8th grade or so had a binder that said the same thing as OP pic.

pic related, fukkin sharpie when nobody was looking caused a whole lot of butthurt

>> No.1712749

you have to admit that the song was catchy

all together now...

behemoth is a DINOSAUR, a dinosaur is heeeeee

>> No.1712750


I want to save the poor kids soul, damnit!

>> No.1712758

..they make the world interesting

>> No.1712759
File: 44 KB, 477x341, dynuhsoors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't find the word jet airplane in the bible
>can't find the word dinosaur in the bible
>can't find the word computer in the bible

hurr durr GOD must have created planes and computars too (not science, nah!), but they are brand new words and were called something else back then durp hurp

>> No.1712762



I raged harder.

>> No.1712787

Creationist detected.

>> No.1712804
File: 211 KB, 722x722, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw im 12 and what is this

>> No.1712808

Without religion interrupting the advancement of technology in the past, we would be conquering the fucking universe by now.

These ignorant idiots ARE harmful to science and humankind.

>> No.1712809
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Same poor kid, his life is but a miracle.

>> No.1712817
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>> No.1712822
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>> No.1712880

Why do you guys even start threads like this? I'm a Christian but not a creationist. The bible is just a different way of finding an answer to why we are here. Religion and science should not, in any way interfere.

>> No.1712933
File: 248 KB, 600x800, 1273440855387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my entire childhood

>> No.1712937

Man, one has to be a really bad father to take your kids there.

>> No.1712938
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>> No.1712946

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

>> No.1712959

>it's easier to explain to children
i let loose a mental 'FUCK'.

>> No.1712964

"Most Christians are viewed as ignorant because we believe in the bible..."

Damn right you stupid bitch

>> No.1712974
File: 314 KB, 1024x1024, 1283250413802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Religion and science should not, in any way interfere.

I agree.

Religious people should have been separated from the rest of society a long time ago.

>> No.1712975
File: 170 KB, 444x347, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'd be a christian if i could have a cute wife like this who wouldn't cheat on me because she's afraid of hell

>> No.1712984

She'd also be afraid to take it up the ass So yeah think about that.

>> No.1713038


plus going to church every sunday or permaban is a bit too much

>> No.1713084



NO ORAL SEX BECAUSE OF SPILT SPERM (not used for fertilization)


>> No.1713246
File: 588 KB, 400x283, 707f9c104ae06bb0ffbb0029d27f556b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1713258


>Christian wife cheats
>"forgive me, lord"
>no remorse

>> No.1713303



How easy is this to explain to your children, stupid bitch?
Does this "make sense" to you?

>> No.1713320


lol, animooted

anon sure got bored

>> No.1713336

I'm in full support of the Bible for its moral lessons (which require some actual study) and science.

Saying the Bible is all about bloody war is the same stupid think as saying science is all about saying evolution teaches humans are monkeys.

>> No.1713348

this stuff should be illegal.

>> No.1713350
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>> No.1713368


If christians actually read the bible (!) and listened to its "moral lessons", they would stone their women to death for batshit crazy reasons, for example.

I don't think that's a good idea.

>> No.1713396

If christians actually read the new testament and listened to jesus' teachings they would all give away their earthly possessions and leave their families.

>> No.1713407


wiktionary it. i dare you.

>> No.1713605
File: 21 KB, 475x365, TJI_SHOCKED-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




1. To flavour or season food
2. To dress a salad


>> No.1713619
File: 670 KB, 400x283, cdedb75562fe1009cb574f8aa4297ba6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


new, improved version

>> No.1713632

athiests are just a bit of flavor God added in

Lord's condire, if you will.

>> No.1713684

You clearly don't understand the parables.

Matthew 13:10-17
10The disciples came to him and asked, "Why do you speak to the people in parables?"

11He replied, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 12Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. 13This is why I speak to them in parables:
"Though seeing, they do not see;
though hearing, they do not hear or understand. 14In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:
" 'You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.
15For this people's heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their ears,
and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.' 16But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

>> No.1713689


What that passage you are referring to means; is, all our earthly possessions are temporal and insignificant. Whether we have much or nothing, there is no difference in mind set for the true believer. When you own things, the believer will acknowledge the things came from God, and the owner does not actually 'own' it. Everything is Gods and nothing should be viewed as though you own it. You must be willing to sell all your possessions and follow Jesus, because after death, which is life for all those who believe, we will not own those things and they will be as if nothing to us. I do not take for granted or boast in the things I have, nor do I hold onto them. If a robber or beggar comes and asks I will gladly give that which I have to him, etc. Does not God own all things? Does not God provide all that which you have?

>> No.1713696

so you believe that your God put atheists here to liven or "flavour" the world, what a tard. and i suppose he put fossils here to test your faith.

>> No.1713700

What a coincidence, I love changing interpretations to suit my agenda too!

>> No.1713724
File: 40 KB, 514x514, Flying_Spaghetti_Monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure. The universe he populated with only religious zealots must have tasted like shit.

Yes, he licked all of them with his omnipotent all-tasting tongue while they were asleep.

And if this was written in the Bible, some people would actually believe it.

>> No.1713727

>i suppose he put fossils here to test your faith.

That's exactly what they say, word for word.

I just can't figure how they get the idea that an omniscient entity would need to test anything when it would already know.

>> No.1713746

Interesting thought... How can we give that which we have not? How can we take collection as the bible commands with nothing to collect? How can we pay taxes while nothing to pay? How can we clothe others without clothes? How can we eat without food? The Lord will provide and HAS provided for those who can see. In your heart you must disown all that you have. You must be willing to give it all to the Lord. You must not cling to this material existence.

>> No.1713747

>uses scientific name for dinosaur
>telling kids science is bullshit

>> No.1713764

Fossils are fossils. It is the liar who gives meaning to it that we deny. It has an explanation, but that explanation is lost. Science consists of an observable, testable, repeatable nature. "Scientists" that speculate then call it fact are only trying to justify their humanist religion, it doesn't obtain to science.

>> No.1713765

>implying an omnipotent being has any need or desire for my material shit

>> No.1713770

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

>> No.1713775

He doesn't want what you have, he want YOU. His kingdom is not of this world. You will not be able to take "things" with you.

>> No.1713797

Do you not know that of which you speak?

To say there is evil is to say there is good. There must be a moral law to distinguish the two. Therefore a moral law giver.

You must deny the existence of good and evil, "God is malevolent" means NOTHING. Or you must say morality is relative. What one person 'feels' is right is to love thy neighbor, another may 'feel' it is right to eat thy neighbor. Do YOU have a preference? Because without God you are lost on your own in a world of chaos, with not moral rule.

To know Jesus you must know LOVE. Love is the answer to morality.
36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
-Matthew 22:36-40

“Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of them all is love.” - Corinthians 13:4

>> No.1713799

Enjoy your 2500-year-old reasoning from a guy who thought the world was flat.

>> No.1713800

>implying an omnipotent being has any need or desire for human beings

>> No.1713806

how can you guys seriously believe in evolution.
everything is explained here.


>Children repeatedly told dinosaurs lived millions of years ago

>From kindergarten on we are repeatedly told that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. If you are told something repeatedly year after year - you will begin to believe it. Even if it is not true.

>The amazing thing is there is no evidence to support the belief that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. In fact, the physical evidence contradicts this very idea (contrary to what you may have been told, dinosaur bones are NOT carbon dated. They are "assigned" an age based on how old someone thinks they are, based upon the geologic column).

>Did you know that dinosaur bones that are carbon dated give dates of only a few thousand years old? - Not millions like evolutionists claim

all evidences tend to disprove evolution wake up!

>> No.1713809

>implying you know the desires of omnipotent beings

>> No.1713811

Religion is a very useful tool in keeping the labourers of this world under control. Imagine the rioting and anti-intellectual action that would occur if these same idiots realized that their only spin on this world is being wasted cleaning wal-marts and mixing cement?

>> No.1713818


An omnipotent being by the very definition of omnipotence could never want for anything.

>> No.1713824

Seriously, /sci/?

Arguing with religious madmen on the internet? You guys know it well that you can't reason with religious people.

They just won't listen to whatever facts or explanations you throw at them. Unless they threaten your way of life, just leave them be.

They will live their meaningless miserable lives in their own way and will die with a false sense of peace and satisfaction in the end.

You guys just do your /sci/ence and make this shithole-of-a-planet a better place!

>> No.1713826


i live by this

>> No.1713832

The being of God was self-sufficient within the Godhead. We were created by the vary essence of free-will. The will of God chose to create this world, not out of need, but choice. Do you wish you didn't exist?

>> No.1713851
File: 122 KB, 1021x706, BBC-TOS7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could care less

I think you mean, you COULDN'T care less. Because if you could care less, that means you are in fact caring.

>> No.1713863

>We were created by the vary essence of free-will.

I'm made mostly of water, actually.

>Do you wish you didn't exist?

If I didn't, would I care?

>> No.1713870

Evolution is also disproved if Noah's flood did take place. That is why they refuse it in light of the facts left behind.

There is an abundance of good information on the flood on places like youtube. Noah's ark has been claim to be found on Mt. Arafat in Turkey. If one wanted they could go and SEE it.

>> No.1713878
File: 61 KB, 500x281, hajj5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If one wanted they could go and SEE it.

They did. Nothing there but dirt and rocks.

>> No.1713880

>Noah's ark has been claim to be found on Mt. Arafat in Turkey.

as well as half the other mountains in the world near areas populated by christians. there are claims in china, yurp, and the americas too as well as literally dozens in the middle east.

>> No.1713882

>I'm made mostly of water, actually.

n Genesis 1:20, we read of the first mention of life, and this life comes from water, "...Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life...". This thought is again repeated in the New Testament in John 3 when Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews is asking questions of Jesus.

>> No.1713890


If Genesis is real, then how come I never see a lake turn into a person?

>> No.1713892
File: 53 KB, 486x485, stickwtfamireading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses youtube as reliable source of information

I bet you miss the unicorns...

>> No.1713894

>Why do we let these people live, /sci/? Why!?

Honestly have no idea, OP. The purge will come one day. In the meantime, just ignore them.

>> No.1713896
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>> No.1713897

My grandfather doesn't look like an ape

>> No.1713902

fuking saved.

>> No.1713904


>Evolution is also disproved if Noah's flood did take place.

Are you...fucking retarded? That makes literally no sense whatsoever.

Also, evolution has recently been proven, so...there you go.

>> No.1713915

This video convinces me that America will rot from within and fall from power.

>> No.1713916


ITT : atheist pretending to be christian, trolling himself and other atheists

>> No.1713917

Mount Ararat was not so called until relatively recent times. The Bible talks about the mountains in the land of Ararat, but we have no idea where the land of Ararat is. It almost certainly has nothing to do with the modern Mount Ararat, though. Actual history doesn't seem to deter ark hunters, but they're barking up the wrong tree.

>> No.1713918

I would like to take the time to point out that not ALL christians believe this bullshit. The Pope (Catholicism) decreed that evolution was acceptable.

Its retarded bread-basket, fly-over state denominations of christianity that pull this shit. This of course doesnt mean that Catholics haven't done their share of dumb shit too.

>> No.1713929


Water isn't enough. That other ~20% of stuff I'm made from and the way it's arranged is just as important. That whole Krebs cycle thing especially.

gonna watchies

>> No.1713934

If the flood happened.. All the creatures of earth died. They would have to have all evolved again in less then 5 thousand years. Unless the Ark is also true. Meaning 2 or 6 of each kind of animal were on the Ark, depending on the type of animal as the bible says.

As for evolution being science.. no. Science is testable, observable, and repeatable. Evolution uses "science" as its foundation to promote its humanist religion. I refuse to call evolution a theory, it is nothing but an untestable hypothesis to me.

>> No.1713938


well thats just an act, if the Pope had his way we'd be having inquisitions 24/7

every catholic wants to go back to the good ol days

>> No.1713951

im "catholic". I wrote that. I dont want to go back to the good ol days...I raged just as hard as every athiest did in this thread. I consider myself scientist first.

>> No.1713954

There are tails of a world wide flood occurring in many areas and different cultures in the world. What they say cannot just be dismissed. It is certainly possible they are telling the truth.

>> No.1713955


the man in the video is clearly AUSTRALIAN

>> No.1713959



>> No.1713967

possible south african.
doesnt mean he didn't come to the states or learn from some weird bullshit artist from the states

>> No.1713969


why the fuck are you catholic?

jesus christ, is practicing a tradition and being part of a superstitious group that important to you

>> No.1713980

well to be honest, its very self serving. I question it all the time, but i'd be kidding if I didn't say it's easier

>> No.1713986

and by easier I mean to just tell myself at certain times that theres a God.

>> No.1713995


fair enough,

i hope you get well soon :(

>> No.1713998
File: 31 KB, 250x232, littea2[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey christians , if the bible is true , why isnt the earth like this ?
ok bible disproved

>> No.1714005

catholics: accept evolution and big bang theory
protestants: earth is 6000 years old, jesus rode on a dinosaur, lol

>> No.1714008

Science is a systematic knowledge that is capable of resulting in a correct prediction or reliable outcome.

Evolution have successfully predicted the existence of several animals.


>> No.1714011

Hmmm, We should design get well soon cards for christfags.

>> No.1714024

>implying catholic arent retarded just like other stupid christians

>> No.1714025


An ark that big would be hard to miss even millenia later. It would also take about that long to build in the first place.

Also learn the difference between evolution as an observed phenomena and the (yes, tested) theories such as natural selection used to explain it. The phenomena isn't really disputable at this point under the mountain of existing evidence unless you can dig up a veritable treasure trove of contradictory evidence. The theories are accurate enough to make predictions reliably. Even gravity is in the same situation because that's the way science works. Nothing is taken on faith. Everything questioned, checked and tested.


Even scientists don't accept the big bang theory that easily. It's not nearly complete enough yet.

>> No.1714031

>Even scientists don't accept the big bang theory that easily. It's not nearly complete enough yet.
you are in the wrong board

>> No.1714048



Instead of arguing with them, we should just ignore christfags and discuss what measures could be taken to stop the kind of brainwashing seen in OP's video. Our children mustn't be confused with this creationist retardation.

>> No.1714097


Hardly. Faith has no place in science, and we have much work yet to do on that one just to get it on the ground floor.

>> No.1714108


well, we could always ban religion and sentence believers to death

too bad it's easier said than done

>> No.1714126


Faith has no place in science, and yet so many of you fags are placing all of your faith in science

Science becomes your faith. Much like your dick becomes your best friend.

God could help you out with both of those problems.

>> No.1714127


We should encourage all the religious folk to move to Africa and spread their Lord's glorious teachings to the locals. Most of them would be raped and killed (not necessarily in this order) by niggers and most of the niggers would get bored to death by listening to all the bullshit.

>> No.1714194
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>We were created by the vary essence of free-will.

>I'm made mostly of water, actually

thread should have ended here, religiousfags lose once again

>> No.1714209


Does water not have free will to move about as it does?

>> No.1714222

Just ignore them /sci/, there is no fucking reasoning with these people.

just hide your atheist power level until the great purge.

>> No.1714236

They already go there by the thousands to run missionaries, orphanages, and hospitals, you retard.

>> No.1714242
File: 89 KB, 600x429, gaston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are all christians really this fucking stupid?

go back to your cave geico commercial man

>> No.1714248

pretty sure that was just sarcasm.

>> No.1714265


Not only that, but they have been doing this for hundreds of years when Africa was a much scarier place and when you heard about how scary it was much less as well (no television)

>> No.1714284


everybody knows that. I think he meant that we should send pretty much all them to Africa.
not thousands if christfags, millions of them.

>> No.1714336
File: 83 KB, 490x538, pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pope should call all believers to arms and conquer Africa. And there you go, christians have their own continent and don't bother us anymore. Unlike african apemen, they could build a decent civilization there.

>> No.1714422


i actually support this

>> No.1714995
File: 17 KB, 300x100, ohgodadoublegradientwhatdoesitmean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>To say there is evil is to say there is good.

You seem to be under the impression that deeds and disposition are binary: good or evil, nothing in between. E.g., when asked how you're doing, you say, "Great," or, "Bad," but you're not capable of saying or feeling, "Fine." Let alone anything which may lay outside the 1 dimensional axis such as, "Sleepy."

Goodness and evilness are their own gradients with neutrality in the middle. If a person has never known negative, that does not mean that they wouldn't understand the difference between normal and excellent. The opposite is also true if someone has never experienced excellence; they would still be able to distinguish normal from negative.

>There must be a moral law to distinguish the two.

It's easy to make an absolute statement of "must," but you need to be able to provide reason that the absolute is so. I can just as easily state, "There is no moral law. Therefore each person must have their own sense of relative morality." Although my statement of relative morality likely has the findings of the social and neurological sciences to back it up.

>Therefore a moral law giver.

I assume this is where you insert god, but you could just as easily insert natural moral mechanisms that inherently exist within humans via both our social mammal heritage and what we have evolved as humans specifically. Empathy and basic senses of morality and fairness are hard wired in to us.

I recommend browsing some moral dilemmas to see how quickly following rigid "laws" collapse under their weight:


And finally, the fact that within Christianity itself morality has changed over time shows that morality is not the reflection of the absolute and unchanging.

>> No.1715185

At least, using science, we have evidence to support our hypotheses. The bible is merely a text written by people over generations. No person is infaliable, and all are capable of telling a lie. Would you take the word of a journal article written today to be that of truth? Of course not. Why do it now with a text even far older, whose authors can no longer be questioned.

Additionally, let us assume, the original, was written as you read it. With the many given changes and no record in existance of all the variations, how can one believe that what is written today is the original text? Considering the chruches past history of killing off all opposition, you would easily come to the conclusion that they are hiding something. The church could easily change the text as it sees fit, for example to require 1/10th of your wealth, for the mere purpose of supporting their own gains. Who knows what other alterations are in existance. Surely, the history is accurate in the bible, but that doesn't mean it's true. Look at Animal Farm by Goerge Orwell. Have there been any farms overrun by the livestock lately?

Universal morals do not have to be explicity derived from your bible, all cultures, regardless of faith believe in the same wrongs, with little to no variance.

>> No.1715215

I'm gonna be loling@you all in hell from Heaven.

>> No.1715251

Besides their inability to provide any basis for objective moral standards, atheists are incapable of providing any basis for objective laws of logic. Based on that fact, every single argument from every single atheist in this thread is completely baseless and can be taken as mere opinion.

In the end, theists always win.

>> No.1715271


A fine example of Christian morality: reveling in the suffering of others.

>> No.1715274


I can't believe you people are still posting on this thread! You people are pathetic! More pathetic than any Bible thumping Christian can ever be.

>> No.1715333


What are the objective laws of logic?

>> No.1715352

ya know, I'm a strong believer of God. Physical evidence of occurrences in the Bible exist. Noah's Ark, Garden of Eden, etc. You "scientists, atheists and, theorists all look for that type of evidence. Why disprove parts of one thing when most of it is proven and still working on being proven. Most people are afraid of some demon or creature of the night coming to get them or whatever. If you'll believe in an evil force then why not belive what in the bible is true? I personally think that looking in the mirror is enough proof that God exists. Look at most scriptures on any subject. Most seem to be forgotten as the years go by. But you know one hasn't fallen yet. That's the Bible. I'm a devout christian (not mormon not catholic, or any other name. I don't think any other name for christianity IS christianity.The Bible doesn't promote using different names. Mormons are bastards if you didn't know someone was a mormon and you ask them, "Is that a Bible" they say that it's the book mormon. The bible specifically tells us not to alter His word. Mormon is basically what star wars would be without yoda. -_- one shitty movie.)I'm a devout christian but I also will stand to prove scientific explanations and the Bible is choc-full of them.

>> No.1715506

> ya know, I'm a strong believer of God.
Please stay away from my kids.
> Physical evidence of occurrences in the Bible exist.
Yes. Yahweh is a volcano.
> Noah's Ark, Garden of Eden, etc.
You picked the ones not only lacking in evidence, but contradicted by reality.
> You "scientists, atheists and, theorists all look for that type of evidence.
You mean facts? Yeah, we like things that actually are true.
> Why disprove parts of one thing when most of it is proven and still working on being proven.
It isn't.
> Most people are afraid of some demon or creature of the night coming to get them or whatever.
Most people are ignorant religitards.
> If you'll believe in an evil force then why not belive what in the bible is true?
Well, even asusming you believe in an evil force, it would obviously mean the Odyssey was true, not the Bible.
> I personally think that looking in the mirror is enough proof that God exists.
Then you're retarded.
> Look at most scriptures on any subject. Most seem to be forgotten as the years go by.
> But you know one hasn't fallen yet. That's the Bible.
And the Koran. And the Torah. And the Odyssey. And Harry Potter.
> I'm a devout christian (not mormon not catholic, or any other name.
Devout: dedicated to a lie.
> I don't think any other name for christianity IS christianity.
Then you're retarded.
> The Bible doesn't promote using different names.
God has many names, it says.
> Mormons are bastards if you didn't know someone was a mormon and you ask them, "Is that a Bible" they say that it's the book mormon.
Honesty and telling the truth? Those bastards!
> The bible specifically tells us not to alter His word.
Better throw out the New Testament then. I bet yours is in English, too.
> I'm a devout christian but I also will stand to prove scientific explanations
> and the Bible is choc-full of them.
Oh. Okay then, according to the Bible, how do you treat leprosy?

>> No.1715530

i died a little inside

>> No.1715535


Ok, I believe that God exists now. Someone like you wouldn't be smart enough to breathe without God's intervention.

>> No.1715555

I was raised in a Christian home and have attended probably at least a Dozen of these conferences. In fact the guy in the video spoke at one of them. I think his name s Ken Ham.

They make perfect sense if you don't know anything about science.

>> No.1715643 [DELETED] 

Believe what you want. I'll laugh at you when I'm in heaven looking down at your sorry ass. Do you have any Idea how many people I know that are complete smart-asses (I used to be that way) and believe every word of God. The whole Mormon Idea is bulshit because a mormon will tell you there is parts of the bible in it but yet they call it something else. Any alteration is Blasphemy in God's eyes and Until you decide to see the truth then you'll be rotting in Hell. God wants us to live but not live in pain and misery. THAT, of course only will apply to someone who has accepted the Lord as their saviour. I'm not implying that God punishes people for anything or not following him. He lets what happens happen. A result of eating to much (gluttony) is stomch pains. Bible teaches us to not be glutenous. There you freaking go. Look at sin in the bible do it in today's world and see your result. Bible mentions result there's your God damned link. That's only ONE example. I really despise bastards like you. "Don't come near my kids." Or after I said it's enough proof to look in a mirror, "You're retarded." My IQ is 139+ I wouldn't consider that retarded. Considering that the test I took considers that above the charts. Evolution: I big space rock collided with another and the chunks lost were formed in earth, BLAH BLAH BLAH. There's no proof of that shit. A sin in the Bible acted out by anyone will have a consequence. Linked. Wow! holy shit. I'm not the ignorant one.

>> No.1715667


Believe what you want. I'll laugh at you when I'm in heaven looking down at your sorry ass. Do you have any Idea how many people I know that are complete smart-asses (I used to be that way) and believe every word of God. The whole Mormon Idea is bulshit because a mormon will tell you there is parts of the bible in it but yet they call it something else. Any alteration is Blasphemy in God's eyes and Until you decide to see the truth then you'll be rotting in Hell. God wants us to live but not live in pain and misery. THAT, of course only will apply to someone who has accepted the Lord as their saviour. I'm not implying that God punishes people for anything or not following him. He lets what happens happen. A result of eating to much (gluttony) is stomch pains. Bible teaches us to not be glutenous. There you freaking go. Look at sin in the bible do it in today's world and see your result. Bible mentions result there's your God damned link. That's only ONE example. I really despise bastards like you. "Don't come near my kids." Or after I said it's enough proof to look in a mirror, "You're retarded." My IQ is 139+ I wouldn't consider that retarded. Considering that the test I took considers that above the charts. Evolution: I big space rock collided with another and the chunks lost were formed in earth, BLAH BLAH BLAH. There's no proof of that shit. A sin in the Bible acted out by anyone will have a consequence. Linked. Wow! holy shit. I'm not the ignorant one.

>> No.1715678

go read

>> No.1715694

>I'll laugh at you when I'm in heaven looking down at your sorry ass.

You think your getting into heaven with an attitude like that? Seriously?


>> No.1715698
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>> No.1715724

If you knew anything about the bible then you'd know it has nothing to do with your attitude for admittance to heaven

>> No.1715730

man at 10:00 = Gay Retarded Johnny Depp

>> No.1715731

>implying pride isn't a sin

at the risk of you being a troll...

you're going to hell because you have selfishly devoted your life to god instead of being genuinely good intentioned. you fear a god and selfishly wish to go to heaven, and try to live your life accordingly. you are not worthy of heaven.

anyway if he didn't want us to live in pain and misery your god would have destroyed any evidence of his existence, and all other god's existences, thus removing major causes for war, hate, and general mistrust.

now because that is logical you'll probably struggle to understand so here's the easy version

i don't like you.

>> No.1715757
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MAHAHAHAHA! oh man! My belly!

>> No.1715832

Not selfish just can't stand non-believers. So far I've managed to convert 3 people in my life. Hard work that is. Just like what has been on this thread, you cannot perceive the word given to us.
I certainly wouldn't kill my mother for wearing two different types of threads. Sure, it was written in the Bible to do so but was contradicted by Jesus, himself in the New Testament. I usually AM good intentioned but I'm also human so irritability can sometimes get the best of me. The only thing that is need to be done for admittance to heaven is accepting the Lord as our Saviour. Sure, there are rules I have to follow but one day I'm going to have to face God about it. Heck, I could do it in prayer and have it done with. As long as my sins don't repeat themselves deliberately after I have asked, I will be forgiven. Thus, not being judged for it on the day I see my Lord.

>> No.1715840

You are not worthy of Judging my well being.

>> No.1715845

It's half meant for the other guy.

>> No.1715850

You're right, we aren't. But you're still not going to heaven.

>> No.1715856


Don't worry, dear Spiral. The truth will win out in the public mind, even if it takes decades more.

Until then, the scientists can continue above the christfag tumult. We'll see how the creatards, cdesign proponentists and IDiots react once we've simulated abiogenesis!

Go team Venter!

>> No.1715862

You're sinning right now by posting on a science board. Quick, REPENT BEFORE GOD DAMNS YOU TO HELL FOR ETERNITY. PRAY FOR HIS FORGIVENESS AND DON'T COME BACK!

>> No.1715863
File: 20 KB, 445x454, 1282951551152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>my face when christians cite BRShT (genesis for you goyim) literally without understanding the true kabbalistic significance of the book as well as its inner meaning, which is of course impossible to understand without a thorough knowledge of hebrew, the talmud and mishnah.

>> No.1715865


Become a human, please. Shed your mental shackles, lift the anxiety from your mind. Hell does not exist. You have no need to fear death.

>> No.1715866

you just jelly you didn't get superior education like that when you were growing up.

>> No.1715869

i'm worthy of doing whatever i please, your correct response should have been 'you shouldn't judge people'

and i was afraid logic would skip past you, which it did.

so i'll be on my merry way, no point talking to an antiquated brick wall.

>> No.1715872

Mind telling me why? exactly. You have no proof, so go on. Tell me... why am I not worthy of God's love? why am I not worthy of eternal happiness?

>> No.1715877

Because you're on a science board. Leave or god hates you forever.

>> No.1715878

>>1715667 I'll laugh at you when I'm in heaven looking down at your sorry ass.

And they'll know we are christians by our love, by our love!

Yes they'll know that we are christians by our love!

Seriously man. Get some respect for your fellow man already, you ignorant, sadistic, bigoted, chauvinistic, anti-spiral na'vi fucker.

>> No.1715879

apparently you should be murdered, too.
seeing as how you used the WRONG FUCKING RADICAL

>>IQ >120
i place your iq around 100.
you die first.

>> No.1715883

inequality symbol ≠ radical

i guess i'm next :/

>> No.1715885

I don't get the indignant Christians in this thread.

Is it impossible to just admit you were wrong about something?

>> No.1715911
File: 61 KB, 366x445, 090210-praise-r-cise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, that sure is a good find, OP. I'll rejoice when mind uploading is invented so that we'll be able to do away with these types of poisonous ideologies quickly.

>> No.1715918

>It's easier to explain to the children

AGH. What this person means to say is that it's easier to believe, in general, for every person. Even adults. Even intelligent people. Children deserve more credit than they are given. Unfortunately, children happen to be more naive, which is why it's easy to press such views on them. I'm sure many of these children will refute their beliefs in their teens, but many will also be scarred since they're being blasted like this at such a young age.

We need to teach children the scientific mindset in school. Not the "scientific method" they currently learn, which is memorizing "hypothesis, experiment, conclusion." They memorize these steps but don't understand the underlying reason for their existence: DISCOVERING NEW IDEAS FROM EVIDENCE. If we could somehow teach them the only way to gain reliable knowledge is through justification by evidence, I'm sure many of them would turn atheist/non-creationist.

>> No.1715923

So what? Unless you have a huge desire for anal sex (faggot) you can still have sex whenever you want, you just have to be wealthy enough to support many children.

>> No.1715926

you're on 4chan
you're selfish
you're judgmental
you're arrogant
you're ignorant (although this of course is a requirement for your current belief)

oh, and you don't understand where the burden of proof lies whilst posting on a board intentioned for science and math.

good enough for you faggot?

>> No.1715934

I would seriously like to know why christians totally ignore the rabbinical understanding of Genesis. Why wouldn't you feel like the people who wrote the book might possibly have a bit of insight about it? It's not like it was written in english and yet that's the only language in which you people have ever read it.

It boggles the mind.

>> No.1715938


Plz to be sharing magic Jew secrets?

>> No.1715948


I believe we have encountered a troll

>> No.1715964

well for starters it's a fucking allegory. if you don't know that word you should probably be in elementary school. and secondly, it is impossible to understand without the talmud, mishnah and a general knowledge of kabbalah: none of which are generally at the disposal of your average kingdom.

The six days detail the stages of development of life on the planet earth, from the "creation" (this is understood to have taken place via scientific means) to Invertebrate and eventually higher creatures right up until the evolution of man. Adam means "man" in hebrew. It doesn't refer to one person.

You evangelical pastor doesn't know shit from shinola. He probably hates jews. WELL GUESS WHAT? WE WROTE THE BOOK SO WHY DON'T YOU SIT DOWN AND LISTEN TO THE RABBI INSTEAD

go in peace, my friends.

>> No.1715975

>Shed your mental shackles, lift the anxiety from your mind.

>> No.1715980

kingdom ≠ christian
that was a weird slip up :/