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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 53 KB, 493x599, 493px-Taco_Bell_logo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1710077 No.1710077 [Reply] [Original]


We have a problem with a group of tripfags who think they know what they are talking about.

I say we shut them up with cold hard science about why transgender people are freaks of nature!

For Science!

>> No.1710083

There is more evidence to support transgenderality than against it you stupid fuck.

>> No.1710088

Fails to provide a source, you fail at science forever.

>> No.1710091

The burden of proof is on you, jackhole.

>> No.1710092

The burden of proof is on everyone, you fucking atheist.

>> No.1710096

Science is on the side of those freaks which proves it to be just as immoral as anything else.

>> No.1710102
File: 126 KB, 340x400, 1-cain-abel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon /sci/lons, you guys know that transsexuality is a curse from God laid on the descendants of Cain, right?

>> No.1710192

I can feel deep down inside that I shouldn't have been born able-bodied. I want a doctor to prescribe paralytics so that I can become the quadriplegic that I'm meant to be.

if that ^ sounds retarded and you also support transgenderism then you are a moron.

>> No.1710195

mormons believe that Cain was the first nigger and the curse was niggertry

>> No.1710197


Sounds reasonable.

>> No.1710215
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>I can feel deep down inside that I shouldn't have been born quadriplegic. I want a doctor to prescribe prosthetic legs so that I can become the person who is relatively able-bodied that I'm meant to be.

>> No.1710221


mormons also believe that if you get into the highest level of heaven you achieve something of a demi-god status and can create your own worlds.

if we ever make alien contact the mormons will just be able to say that some dead mormon made the aliens and there will be no conflict at all with their beliefs, unlike many other religions.

>> No.1710332

um, actually, the ENTIRETY of Creation is cursed with sin and decay. (Romans 8:22). Transgenderism is just one more manifestation of it. But no one is tempted beyond their ability to resist (1 Cor 10:13). sure, homosexuals, transsexuals, pedphiles, etc. struggle with feelings they cannot be rid of. but so is everyone else. it is their duty as well to resist.

>> No.1710341

not if that alien species is older than mormonism

>> No.1710345

Does that mean one of Noah's sons married a niggress? Otherwise, who was nigger?

>> No.1710348

Gif - (^_^)
42k (-_-')

Can you learn to use png for non animooted gifs? You will keep the small file size.

>> No.1710351

Really? What other religion is incompatible with aliens?

>> No.1710364

Christianity is incompatible with the existence of aliens on the basis that our creation is unique. if another sentient race were created, they would be left out of the knowledge of scriptures, salvation, etc. and the worlds would be destroyed without them even knowing what was going on. God would not be so unjust.

>> No.1710395

The Bible never says our creation is unique. It obviously doesn't say what is required for the salvation of people of other worlds, since it doesn't mention them. In fact, Christian 18th century theologian Emanuel Swedenborg suggested that all planets and stars must inhabited by other people (at least at some point in the past present or future), as otherwise God would have had no purpose of creating those places.

>> No.1710396

-Curse of niggotry

What else does this fine religion hold? They sound fuck awesome.

>> No.1710399

why do people think christians disagree with everything?


>> No.1710406

It must say that Christianity is incompatible with aliens in some Dawkins book. LOL, the Dawkinites are sheep.

>> No.1710418

>Emanuel Swedenborg


>> No.1710424

Christians are REQUIRED to believe everything their book says.

Atheists aren't, even if some choose to.

>> No.1710432
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>> No.1710436

This has turned into another religion thread?

Damn you /sci/. Why?

>> No.1710483

Why do the christfags hate us so much for living in the real world instead of Narnia?

>> No.1710502
File: 4 KB, 324x249, this is what atheists actually believe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks atheists are the ones who live in a fantasy world

>> No.1710515

Yes... he did. He actually claimed to communicate with the spirits of aliens. And he's a prominent Christian theologian, who still has following today.

>> No.1710523

It must say that in some Dawkins book too. Anyone with exposure to real life knows that Christians believe all sorts of different things.

>> No.1710526
File: 303 KB, 534x800, 1281535258318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it may as well have been one, did you even read the ops post? You want to know why transgender are legitimate. Freaks of nature they may be, like all prenatal issues that arise, the treatment for this disorder actualy improves the patients lives DESPITE the inherent problems with it. In fact, The transgender movement is another such medical advance, because one of the largest problems with the treatment is the stigma and oppressive reactions taken against it, it would be like if i took meds for being psychotic and some niggers and hicks drove by and beat me on the head with a 2by4 for doing so. This has to be treated like a real side effect because of you people.

un-Stealthed transsexual related.

>> No.1710531

I never disagreed with those parts. they aren't what I take issue with.

the guy was a cult leader who claimed what was essentially prophethood, and espoused works righteousness doctrine.

>> No.1710533

>I can't help the way I was born. I should have my legal status changed to "Female"

Fine, I'll have my legal status changed to "Black" because that's how I feel on the inside. I'm going to become the first transraced person!

>> No.1710539

Hey christfags, if god is real, does that mean that everyone who lived before moses raped and killed each other without restraint?

Because, if morality comes from the 10 commandments...

Actually, it doesnt forbid rape, so I guess if god exists we should be feeling no objection towards rape at all.

>> No.1710542

Transsexualism is not environmental insanity, but it is literally a result of a genetic defect.

>> No.1710547

transsexuality is a fault in the brain, not the body. "transitioning" is like treating a broken arm by saying reassuring words to it.

>> No.1710554

Why do christfags care so much about what other people do in their bedrooms?

You sneaky voyeurs, you.

>> No.1710556

>never heard of Michael Jackson

>> No.1710560
File: 325 KB, 907x822, 1281251221631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, its more like curing cancer you idiot, in that we cant cure it, we can only treat it. you want to cure trans people? become a fucking neuro-engineer and learn how to rebuild brains without killing people.

>> No.1710568

Doesn't sound like you know anything about him. After his scientific career, he never did anything but publish books. He never had any followers, nor sought to have any followers, so how exactly do you see him as a cult leader? He also didn't espouse works righteousness.

>> No.1710571

God was the source of morality both before and after Moses.

>> No.1710576

there are so many logical fallacies here I don't even know where to start.

>> No.1710577

>> immorality
fixed that for you.

>> No.1710578

lol herp derp God is the source of all, including hitler's, morality.


>> No.1710580

truth doesn't have to be logical.

all hail the laboratory

>> No.1710585

honestly, this isn't as bad as transsexuality. people of different races don't need privacy from each other for toileting.

how about transspecieism? if a person feels like they're an animal on the inside, they have to be allowed t get surgery to correct that, right?

>> No.1710590

If god controls everything god must be the cause of transsexuality.

Are you gonna argue with your own sky daddy?

>> No.1710596
File: 209 KB, 406x480, 1283263253622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure if its legitimately diagnosed and studied.

fuck, if its genetic why are you complaining about removing furries from the gene pool?

>> No.1710599

When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. (James 1:13-15)

>> No.1710602

the desire for adultery is genetic too, does that make it right?

the answer is not yes.

>> No.1710613
File: 16 KB, 228x260, 125401608718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /sci/'s second most annoying christfag samefag mentions swedenborg for the over 9000th time

>> No.1710622
File: 85 KB, 680x676, 1281855701244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way to ignore half the argument there stupid.
your like that dumb athiest nigger who told thunderfoot off with "you think because muslims pray they should be ignored?" while convineintly ignoring all qualifiers that made him an ass hat.

anyway, you can go choke on a dick, I'm right and you're wrong. you can masturbate on the philosophical consequences all you want, but I have the laboratory to back me up and in science, thats really all that matters.

>> No.1710628

can we even call him a christian if he follows Swedenborg? that would seem to be a violation of Rev. 20:18.

>> No.1710630

I'm going to keep mentioning Swedenborg until you read his shit.

>> No.1710636


LOL god controls everything, dumbass. Don't you get that? That means when anything happens. Anything. It's his fault, through malice or negligence.

Face it, either he doesn't exist or he's an asshole playing sick games with human lives. Not even Hitler managed to toy with every human being ever.

>> No.1710637

LMAO, what are you talking about?

>> No.1710638

I'm going to keep reporting your posts until you fuck off

>> No.1710651


>> No.1710652

You can get banned for that.

>> No.1710664
File: 48 KB, 365x214, revupthosereportbuttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you could be.

do you feel lucky?

>> No.1710665

I don't even know. God isn't real, he's a fantasy. He certainly has no place in the discussion of science. Your posts are off-topic.

>> No.1710666

science vs. religion debates are against the rules.

>Report submitted! This window will close in five seconds...

>> No.1710670

Not against the rules to report trolls, spammers, and shit posters, lucky for us youre all 3. now fuck off.

>> No.1710671

My posts are always on topic, fool.

>> No.1710678

I'm none of the three. If you repeatedly report posts that are not breaking the rules, you will get banned. Go right ahead. I'm going nowhere.

>> No.1710681

I don't start religion versus science threads. Nor do I think science and religion are opposed to each other.

>> No.1710688
File: 58 KB, 180x241, 180px-Thisisboxxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway back on topic. WTF IS UP WITH THOSE TRANNIES? They're men then they're women, then they're women, then they're men. What's going on with that?

>> No.1710690

So any Christian who writes a book is in violation of Rev. 20:18? I'll let Dr. Dobson know.

>> No.1710696

Spamming religious cult shit in threads that weren't even originally about religion is even worse. You're even more likely to get banned for that.

>> No.1710702
File: 24 KB, 447x362, 12341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you think Rev. 20:18 exists
>also mfw you talk about Dobson as if he isn't a huge fucktard

>> No.1710707

Dr. Dobson is awesome.

>> No.1710708
File: 36 KB, 447x494, sci .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i make a similar face when reporting your swedenborg posts

>> No.1710711

I'd like to talk to you about the Krishna. Have you heard about the Krishna?

>> No.1710712

he's a cunt

>> No.1710714

Swedenborg is awesome.

>> No.1710717

I won't report this, only christfag posts because I have a double standard that way

>> No.1710721

he's a cunt

>> No.1710722

You know in his youth, Swedenborg almost one the race for accurate longitude reckoning, but the lunar tables weren't accurate enough to make his technique work?

>> No.1710727

What do you think Jesus would say about trannies?

>> No.1710733

he's a cunt

>> No.1710745

But what would Moses say about trannies?

>> No.1710751

he's a cunt

he's a cunt

>> No.1710753

>Report submitted! This window will close in five seconds...

>> No.1710770

Have you ever read Swedenborg? He was a fantastic scientist.

>> No.1710778

he's a cunt

>> No.1710793

>Report submitted! This window will close in five seconds...

>> No.1710801

In the christian bible I believe there's a story about an obnoxious and belligerent man by the name of Ham who is (essentially) a troublesome bastard to everyone around him, and as such he was cursed by God and sent into a distant land. As such, all his descendants were cursed as well.

A friend of mine thinks this was the making of the African.

>> No.1710808

>reporting someone for reporting religion posts

enjoy your ban

>> No.1710812

call your friend a fucktard for me

>> No.1710815

Yes, many Christian and Jews think that Africans are the descendents of Ham -- the Bible basically states it outright. Ham was the son of Moses that went into Noah's tent and saw him naked and drunk and told his brothers, who went in and covered him. The Bible says which places descended from which brothers, and the african places descended from Ham.

>> No.1710820

>reporting someone for posting religious content

enjoy your ban

>> No.1710826

white people and asians evolved from neanderthals and niggers evolved from some lower order of monkey

>> No.1710834

>doesn't realize religion on /sci/ is a bannable offense

enjoy your ban

>> No.1710836

>doesn't realize religion on /sci/ is not against the rules, but frivolous reporting is.

enjoy your ban

>> No.1710838

>doesn't realize the religion on /sci/ is against the rules, and that it's okay to report people for it

enjoy your ban

>> No.1710846


enjoy your ban

>> No.1710847


enjoy your ban

>> No.1710852


enjoy your ban

>> No.1710853


>> No.1710857


enjoy your ban

>> No.1710861

enjoy your ban


>> No.1710866

half of those posts were about calling people cunts, not reporting people

>> No.1710867


>> No.1710870


also reported
page will close in 5 seconds, etc.

>> No.1710872


enjoy your ban for failing and religion

>> No.1710875


also reported
page will close in 5 seconds, etc.

>> No.1710883


also enjoy your damnation for failing religion.

>> No.1710884


enjoy your damnation for following christfaggotry and not the one true religion

>> No.1710887


I follow all religions except Dawkinism.

>> No.1710890


you have to only follow the one true religion, if you follow others you're fucked

>> No.1710896


If you can't see God's reflection in all religions, you don't know God.

>> No.1710900


if you think all gods are reflections of one yahweh, one of the many sons of El, you're a fucktard

>> No.1710910

i thought this thread was about trannies, but all i see is faggotry

>> No.1710912


If you think YHWH is one of the many sons of El, your a drone following whatever recent atheist book is make people belch that silliness all over the internet recently.

>> No.1710915


you assume everyone who realizes the history of yahweh worship and sees him for who he is must be an atheist, when I'm not an atheist.

>> No.1710928


You have no clue about the history of YHWH worship.

>> No.1710942


you're a blind slave of yahweh who ignores evidence that shows him to be a minor pagan deity who was worshiped monolatrously by the Hebrews, and replaces it with your god's excrement.

>> No.1710958


You're a drone who laps up as much revisionism and historical cherry-picking as modern atheist authors care to serve up, and believe it unquestioningly without any real understanding of or research into the historical context that your forming beliefs about.

>> No.1710973


you're a slave to a random hebrew deity and blindy believe his supposed claims that he is the one true god and ignore the fact that any of the patrons or matrons of the other Semitic nations could have been said to be making such claims, and you ignore the fact that early Judaism acknowledged the existence of other gods and blindly blame any evidence that suggests so on "atheist authors."

>> No.1710979
File: 62 KB, 623x512, troll rule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rule 93 mofos rule 93

>> No.1710989


Since you've never read the Bible, and have only believe about the Bible and Christians what you read in your atheist books, you don't realize that most the Old Testament is about God punishing the Israelites for worshiping local Canaanite gods and its no secret or scandalous information that they did so.

>> No.1711001


you continue to assume that I get information from "atheist books," and now you're making fresh assumptions that I've never read the bible, despite the fact that I was a devout christfag for several years, and you think I'm implying that it was a secret that your god is an attention whore who punished people for giving attention to other gods.

>> No.1711016


You were a "devout christfag" for "years" meaning your years up to age 13, and now that you're 14 you're questioning, but no, you've never read they bible, and yes you're spouting crap that comes from atheist books that cherry-pick and misdirect, and gets repeated ad nauseum all over my interwebs.

>> No.1711023


All you've done is filled an entire post with failed assumptions about my age, the length of time I was a christfag, and where I get historical information without actually posting anything that supports your shitty yahweh cult.

>> No.1711029


and with that I shall leave you with a



enjoy your ban

>> No.1711031


you just suffered a terrible defeat



enjoy your ban

>> No.1711068

butthurt 14-year-old underage Dawkinite reported.

window closing in 5 seconds...

>> No.1711079

butthurt 14-year-old underage christfag still making failed assumptions that I'm a "Dawkinite" reported.

window closing in 5 seconds...

>> No.1711081

Ya'll cunts.


>> No.1711086

double reported

>> No.1711087

100 reports later...

No-one banned.

>> No.1711091

Reported for faggotry.

>> No.1711097

Reported for niggertry.

>> No.1711098

Triple reported.

>> No.1711108


>> No.1711110

Infinity reported.

>> No.1711118


>> No.1711136


>> No.1711141


>> No.1711145


>> No.1711150


>> No.1711155


>> No.1711166


>> No.1711182


>> No.1711187


>> No.1711193

This is a really good thread.

>> No.1711198

C-c-combo breaker

>> No.1711285


>> No.1711356
File: 8 KB, 220x220, 1747[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, is transsexuality bullshit or not?

>> No.1711369

Get the fuck out of here, Jew.
Use his superpowers to cure them and make them a full woman despite their society thinking women are pets?

>> No.1711370

there's a lot of disagreement on the issue and the only answers you're going to get to that question are opinions you dumb fuck

>> No.1711389

There has got to be some facts in one of the sides.

There are facts in everything, even if it's very little.

Penn Jillette will never ask such stupid questions. He is on a show that he probably does research for and most certainly not on 4chan. It is rumored that the next season of Bullshit will cover Transgenders.

>> No.1711408

I cannot wait until people think they will call transfolk out on their bullshit, but will side with them and bash the haters. So much butthurt will follow.

>> No.1711474


Looks like a TID needs help, someone should swoop in and provide her advice like last time.

>> No.1711484


>> No.1711489

Yes, it's bullshit. Men who want to be women are of two types:
* very effeminate gay men who are fed up with the hardship of being male and just want to quit and become pussies
* hetero men who have a dirty, dark fetish for womanhood which is so strong they basically want to become women to own a female body that makes them aroused in itself

The rest is just political correctness bullshit supported by some brain studies correlations that don't say much other than that adult traps have been abusing hormones so much that they fucked up their hypothalamus. And I don't include the intersexed here, who are just genetic freaks, but at least they are genuine.

>> No.1711515

And I cannot wait until Penn & Teller mock your ass to the point he have to complain about your butthurt on some anonymous message board. If it turns out to be the opposite, it'll still be good. But not like the butthurt from you.

>> No.1711526

It's a mental health issue first and foremost. It's become confused with sexuality and identity issues.

Public health services should only provide counselling. If they want dick surgery, they should pay for it themselves.

>> No.1711562


>> No.1711576
File: 1.00 MB, 2048x1536, FILE0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you even talking bout you stupid worthless peice of shit waste of oxygen burn in hell and get fuck by 6 horses at the same time without lube, bitch

>> No.1711577

What the hell is an "icko"?

>> No.1711583

>If they want dick surgery, they should pay for it themselves.

Well, good thing Hillary Clinton isn't president.