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1708945 No.1708945 [Reply] [Original]

If the Roman empire never fell were would we be?

>> No.1708948

in a gay bath house talking about science

>> No.1708947

If the dinosaurs never died where would we be?

>> No.1708951


>> No.1708950

christianity caused the fall of the roman empire

>> No.1708953


>> No.1708957

None of our parents would have met, we wouldn't exist, etc.

>> No.1708958

Roman Empire was not very pro-science, only if it served their political and military goals...so maybe we would have death lasers but no telescopes.

>> No.1708960

Fighting wars in space.

>> No.1708966

Children would ride on tigers to school.

School buildings, in roman architecture fit for space, would be on the moon.

Yes, tigers would walk to the moon carrying children.

....a bridge.

Deal with it.

>> No.1708971
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>> No.1708973

Empire always fail.

>> No.1708975

There would be no America and everyone would speak Italian

>> No.1708984


Latin you fucking moron

>> No.1709002

I believe you mean latin

>> No.1709012


Rome was a relatively organized and intelligent society. It only seems likely that the "times would change". Especially over thousands of years.

>> No.1709014

Latin didn't survive the expansion of its vulgar form into the empire. Italian is the closest form to vulgar Latin, therefore its closest heir. If the Romans were still around their language would have evolved closer to Italian rather than the old Latin.

>> No.1709017

Fuck Rome, where my greekbros at?

>> No.1709018

Enjoying copious amounts of anal sex

>> No.1709019


>> No.1709021

No retards, Rome is in Italy.

>> No.1709028

not sure if serious

>> No.1709025

You're telling me it's not in Latiny?

>> No.1709023


>> No.1709032

Rome was bound to fail, it based its economy on wars and goods they got from the civilizations they destroyed. Once all the land was conquered there was no more money. Greec on the other hand....

>> No.1709036

No, in Italy where they speak Italian.
Not in any Latino country.

>> No.1709037

All countries fail eventually.

>> No.1709039
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>> No.1709045

>Rome was bound to fail, it based its economy on wars and goods they got from the civilizations they destroyed. Once all the land was conquered there was no more money

Sounds strangely familiar.

>> No.1709048

See my comment >>1709014

Romans' language already evolved into vulgar Latin. If the empire were still standing today, the Romans' language would have changed into something closer to Italian.

Romanian is also closer to the old vulgar Latin, but it has lots of Slavic elements too.

So if Romans would still rule today, you woullnd't speak English.

>> No.1709050

they spoke italian. Latin was just the formal language in dealing with other peoples. So it's reasonable to assume Italian would spread in 2000 years of empire. Just look at the whole world speaking english (empire) while esperanto never caught on.

>> No.1709052

well the western roman empire lasted 1000 years(if we include the republic of rome).
we can say that it was the greatest empire of all time,for it's heritage and it's influence.

>> No.1709054



>> No.1709063

I never said it wasn' t, i just said it was bound to fail. Reminds me of USA in some ways

>> No.1709068

We would be in a great world without Christfags and Muslimfags

>> No.1709074

Fuck no.
Dante Alighieri invented modern Italian mixing sicilian dialects with the Florence dialect.

Learn to Divina Commedia

>> No.1709075


You're trying to apply this to the USA?

We may have a strong military and have similar cultural attitudes upon war and patriotism as Rome, but it's a massive leap to try and say our economy is dependent on war, especially as dependent as the Roman economy was.

Your edgy hipster mentality only gets taken seriously by...other hipsters.

>> No.1709079

yeah an empire that was divided in 4 smaller countrys after the death of Gengis Khan,what a great heritage for the world

>> No.1709081

Science wouldn't advance. Why build a motor when you can just have a slave move you from place to place.

>> No.1709083

Oh? cuz I can't reacall any country in particular who base their whole internal affairs on slave economy.

Although, that raises an interesting question:
slavery is what allowed romans to carry on sending people to war, easing burdens back home (slaves can carry stuff, do shopping, laundry etc, etc). Nowdays we have machines that can do pretty much the same things without rebelling - how does this affect long term economics and employment? Cranes do the kind of carrying a hundred dock workers would do and so on, while the population increases. In this respect I see quite interesting similarities with how decadent rome and greece ended up before it all came crumbling.

>> No.1709090

Too many humanities majors in Rome.

Economics is a science.

>> No.1709091

as opposed to an empire that divided into several dozens of smaller countries?

>> No.1709104

Roman economy was dependent on slavery,since they didn't invade every country they conquered,most of them accepted the Romans as their leader without fighting(they actually wanted to be ruled by the romans).like Egypt

>> No.1709107

/sci/ - Saging & magnets.

>> No.1709111

yeah but that empire lasted more than 1000 years,not the lifespan of a man,and the eastern roman empire(byzantine empire) crumbled 1000 years later with the fall of constantinople

>> No.1709130
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If the Roman empire never fell it would be the European Empire all over the world.

>> No.1709134

There was supposed to be an MMO about this. Imperator Online. But faggots cancelled.

>> No.1709148


I would roll a Caesar,slaughtering gauls must be fun

>> No.1709180

Yeah, but there are big differences between the Roman empire and USA

America made three big mistakes: it liberated women, niggers and faggots. This is what will lead to their demise

>> No.1709186

well romans did the same actually....

>> No.1709200

Umm Julius Cesear did invade and conquer Egypt. It is considered to be his most brilliant campaign. He did not include it in his commentaries, only because he died before he wrote it. He was the one who removed cleopatra's brother from power and put her in his place. He did it by force of arms using mostly Jewish soldiers from King Herod the great and half a roman legion. Learn 2 History.

Source: The Jewish War by Josephus circa 80 ad

>> No.1709207

Most brilliant campaign?
what about the Gauls and Pompeus?

>> No.1709220

everything would be the same but we would be wearing helmets with brushes on.

>> No.1709229

Oh seven fucking years with the finest soldiers in the world to conquer a completely divided people half of whom at any given time where fighting for him and supplying his legions with grain and weapons.

Then he faced a man whose armies were not loyal or veterans and nearly lost. Hardly a spectacular victory.

Egyptian campaign was fought using foreign troops inside the city of Alexandria during a single winter, and he was greatly outnumbered by a united resistance. Yeah it was his most brilliant campaign.

>> No.1709267

The US' economy is based, just like the roman empire, upon cheap labor which they get by imposing their policies on developing countries. Why invade and pillage countries when you can have people siphon it from within?

They basically get it their way by gravely exaggerate the potential for economic growth if the country was to improve their infrastructure. So the world bank grants them a loan based on the estimates, making it so that they won't be able to pay it back within a foreseeable future thus they gain leverage. Also they see to it that us-based contractors get the task of getting the job done which ensures that the money is injected into the US.

just my 0.02$

>> No.1709304

Spartacus would be a friggin' common name.

>> No.1709352

People who say the United States is not bound to fall in much the same manner as the Roman Empire are ignorant of history. Will it fall in your lifetime? The next few decades? The next few centuries? No one ones, but if there is one absolute in history is that nothing lasts forever.

There are many correlations between the two civilizations if you're willing to think broadly about the subject. The U.S. was founded based on military might, unified religious views, and strong economic potential. Being on the other side of the world certainly helped matters quite a bit as well. I'm not some right-winged moron who will preach a return to these conditions, it's simply not possible, nor is it ethical.

Over time, the globalization of general economic practices have stripped "developed" countries of their base. For the United States, that base has always been production, yet there are millions of people in other countries who are willing to do the same menial work for a hell of a lot less. This internal difficulty has lead to the rise of two diametrically opposite political regimes, neither of which can work effectively w/o feeling obligated to outdo their opponent. This division, coupled with economic strain has polarized the average American into an emotionally-charged frenzy of irrational voting based on propaganda perpetuated by capitalist news corporations. Coupled with racial, religious, and gender disputes, we see the "great beast" begin to wobble.

>> No.1709360

Meanwhile, everyone else in the world who've been second in line and have busted their asses trying to catch up have little reason not to stir the pot. China, N.K, and the Islamic states are pushing agendas that, while not openly confronting-so as to provoke a military response-hasten the demise of the American "empire."

Given enough time, say a few generations, American will be torn asunder from within, with strongly polarized political groups looking out solely for themselves, helping to further divide Americans. Given the decline of educational funding, the average American will be (if possible) even stupider than currently, and the scene will be set for Paul Atreides to step on the scene.

And the rest is history.

>> No.1709366

>we see the "great beast" begin to wobble

We already had a civil war, guess what, We won.

>> No.1709385
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>Paul Atreides

suddenly I lolled hard

well trolled 9/10

>> No.1709384

> If the Roman empire never fell were would we be?
The Roman Empire.

>> No.1709390
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also, nicely written :)

>> No.1709393
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whoa man nice coolface lemme try

>> No.1709398
File: 11 KB, 240x219, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you're doing it wrong

check it out

>> No.1709400


Seriously, guy?

>> No.1709401

I swear I didn't understand what that guy wrote, he sounds too confused.

>> No.1709408
File: 3 KB, 126x124, HueHueHue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly?

>> No.1709445

not really.

>> No.1709453

History in my /sci/??!

>> No.1709470

relax, it quickly devolved to tolling

>> No.1709530
File: 341 KB, 810x1164, ytut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't we still be on Earth?

>> No.1709544


>implying devolution is a word or scientific phenomena

>> No.1709595

failpost is fail

>> No.1709639


No. Stop that shit.

The fall of the Roman Empire was due to economic collapse (from having too many slaves) and widespread corruption.

>> No.1709702
File: 5 KB, 434x70, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would we be if the Roman Empire never fell? We would be on 4καν

>> No.1709748

> Nowdays we have machines that can do pretty much the same things without rebelling
For now...

>> No.1709753

rome was doomed to fail because its economy was based on military expansion. but then again they failed to assimilate other cultures entirely (discrimination of other races) so they needed enough roman citizens on every territory in order to maintain order and the empire needed to be centralized, all the empire dependant on rome. since roman society and technology was not enough as to support such a gigantic centralized empire, it collapsed. economically because of great expenses on traveling, administration. military because of raids and socially because of stratification and discrimination.

>> No.1711811

imma bump this shiet

>> No.1712131
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I can' believe that this pic hasn't been posted yet.

>> No.1712141
