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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 47 KB, 424x480, COLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1708321 No.1708321 [Reply] [Original]

Be a scientist and believe that:

1. Up, down, left, right, front and back do not exist.
2. The universe was 'created' by 'nothing'.
3. Life is a bunch of random equations.
4. Humans natural symmetry accounts for nothing.
5. Different species natural symmetry accounts for nothing.
6. The Government is God.
7. Anyone who thinks against you is batshit insane.
8. Follow strict laws which take away most of your freedom of thought. Worse than religion.
9. Produce homosexuality, weapons of mass destruction, man-made diseases and famine.

Be a Jesuit, be Human.

>> No.1708330

This is why mental hospitals shouldn't have broadband.

>> No.1708338

>9. Produce homosexuality
>implying you didn't admit to being bisexual

>> No.1708343

Sounds about right.

>> No.1708340

This is why I support abortion.

>> No.1708345

Currently fapping to shitting dick nipples.

>> No.1708349

>>Be a scientist and believe that:
>>9. Produce homosexuality, weapons of mass destruction, man-made diseases and famine.

I believe that produce homosexuality, weapons of mass destruction, man-made diseases and famine. But I'm not a scientist. I'm a retarded monkey with very little grasp of language or logic.
So I became a Jesuit, yay! And now I understand what believe to see have seen and produce truth. Amen.

>> No.1708351

Yes, I am an openly bisexual male.

>> No.1708354

4. Humans natural symmetry accounts for nothing.
5. Different species natural symmetry accounts for nothing.

No biological organism is symmetrical.

9. Produce homosexuality, weapons of mass destruction, man-made diseases and famine.

The only thing there that doesn't exist naturally is WMDs.

>> No.1708356

I also fucked a mule once, but that was in my youth.

>> No.1708358

While you all prove my 'assertions' correct. I'll start making pics. <3

>> No.1708361

>implying grapes isn't symmetrical

>> No.1708364

1. Up, down, left, right, front and back do not exist.

Not in four dimensions, they don't. They only matter to a single POV system like your clueless ass.

2. The universe was 'created' by 'nothing'.

Not true.

3. Life is a bunch of random equations.

There is no such thing as random.

4. Humans natural symmetry accounts for nothing.

Oops... you're a fucking moron.

5. Different species natural symmetry accounts for nothing.


6. The Government is God.

Oops. This is wrong too.

7. Anyone who thinks against you is batshit insane.

Mostly, they are.

8. Follow strict laws which take away most of your freedom of thought. Worse than religion.

WTF? Citation please.

9. Produce homosexuality, weapons of mass destruction, man-made diseases and famine.

The application of a theory does not bear on the ethics of the theory itself. You'd know all of this is bullshit if you'd actually crack a book.


>> No.1708368

I enjoy cocaine because it is a fun thing to do.
I enjoy the company of prostitutes because it is a fun thing to do.

>> No.1708373
File: 90 KB, 500x595, tumblr_kzqnc5MbyX1qzraz3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a Jesuit and:

Keep repeating the same false and often logically fallacious claims no matter how many times they've been discredited or refuted like an intellectually dishonest waterhead.

>> No.1708374

>science creates the word-virus
>I create the symbol virus

>> No.1708376

Omg why are you guys so mean to me.

I'm going to go back to my christian forum and never come back.

>> No.1708380

sage because maybe, for once in the history of /sci/ a thread will reach the bump limit.
this one deserves it.

>> No.1708392

Some times, I sage my own threads.

>> No.1708398

What do you guys think I should use as the main picture for this meme I'm about to create? The cross? No that's too off-putting to the unknowing.... I'll have a look around.

>> No.1708394
File: 11 KB, 300x223, 1275692461879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop pretending you are me!

>> No.1708393

Ugh. Science isn't a body of knowledge that holds any of these things as true. Science is a means of rational inquiry. People, using rational inquiry, evidence, and falsifiable theories, have come up with explanations for natural events. Nobody asks you to have faith in them, only that you look at the evidence. If you look at the evidence and you know better, then you can provide your own explanation. That is science.

Present your logic and evidence that shows the correctness of Jesuit beliefs, and you will have disproven the more common theories, and scientists and rational people will follow your more logical ways. That, too, is science.

>> No.1708407

>1. Up, down, left, right, front and back do not exist.
>. Life is a bunch of random equations.
Just some tools helping our simple minds to understand life, not to substitute it.
>2. The universe was 'created' by 'nothing'.
noone scientist says that.
>4. Humans natural symmetry accounts for nothing.
>5. Different species natural symmetry accounts for nothing.
2 eyes support stereoscopic vision important for survival.
2 hands support easier grab essential for survival
2 legs for running and walking
2 = required minimum of competent life
>6. The Government is God.
>7. Anyone who thinks against you is batshit insane.
Its just a simple example of basic "survival of the fittest" rule. Which is more scientific
>8. Follow strict laws which take away most of your freedom of thought. Worse than religion.
Well, in religion you don have to think at all. Hail.
>9. Produce homosexuality, weapons of mass destruction, man-made diseases and famine.
Whats wrong with homos?
>10. I are trol, i trol you

>> No.1708409

† † † † † † † † † † † † † †
† † I AM THE BONE† † †
† † OF MY SWORD† † †
† † † † † † † † † † † † †

>> No.1708411

<span class="math">\medskip[\math][/spoiler]

>> No.1708416

Do you really think so?

>> No.1708428

Jesuits = jews

>> No.1708437
File: 16 KB, 640x480, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1708453
File: 87 KB, 1167x409, Ego is Aether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a horrible trollface impression.

>> No.1708458

Ohhhhh and scciii!

I found my new alter ego :P

>> No.1708465

u mad?

>> No.1708475
File: 80 KB, 788x1013, Relax_by_Comic_Ray.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Link was a Jesuit"

>> No.1708500

Be a jesuit and believe that:

1. Up, down, left, right, front and back do exist.
2. The universe was 'created' by a magic pixie.
3. Life is result of a celestial beard wizard magic.
4. Reading and understand science is lost time and it's better guess about the nature and consider it as right.
5. ^the same.
6. The God is goverment.
7. Anyone who thinks against you is batshit insane.
8. Follow strict laws which take away most of your freedom of thought. Worse than communism.
9. Produce discrimination, war, religious presecution, be agaisnt medicine, technology, etc.

Be a human, don't be jesuit.

>> No.1708512

you fags, you should be tortured in hell for eternal life for been agaisnt my religion.

>> No.1708519

Scientists are statists assholes. The best major is economics. It's the most practical and the one with the most intelligent students.

>> No.1708521

I no longer know who the true cross is, and who the trolls are.
sounds like I need to assume that there are no crosses, and that science should be my worldview.

>> No.1708522
File: 106 KB, 665x960, Brawl___Toon_Link_by_Wes2299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Don't let them steal your fairy,"

>> No.1708524

+1 internet

also, the op evidently made only one post.

>> No.1708527

only if you study the gods economy, or you are as bad as the scientists, with they fancy word and hard logic that hurts my brain.

>> No.1708551

Be a Jesuit and believe that:

1. Up, down, left, right, front and back do not exist.
2. The universe was 'created' by 'nothing'.
3. Life is a bunch of random equations.
4. Humans natural symmetry accounts for nothing.
5. Different species natural symmetry accounts for nothing.
6. The Government is God.
7. Anyone who thinks against you is batshit insane.
8. Follow strict laws which take away most of your freedom of thought. Worse than religion.
9. Produce homosexuality, weapons of mass destruction, man-made diseases and famine.

Be a Scientist, be Human.