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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 319x360, global-warming[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1708115 No.1708115 [Reply] [Original]

Global Warming is bullshit, there is no proof to support it. People say, oh, well It's the co2 and the green house gases, No! there is not enough emitions to cause that kind of damage to the atmosphere. Earth started warming up 12,000 to 10,000 years ago, and I doubt there was Minivans or SUV's then.(Fun fact, Volcanoes erupting helped contribute, if not the main cause of earth coming out of the ice age.) Earth has been though stages of warming and cooling.

Done with my rant /sci/ what's your view on Global Warming? Science or pseudoscience?

>> No.1708118

there is not enough emissions* to cause that kind of damage to the atmosphere.

>> No.1708119

a single volcano releases more Co2 than all of humanity EVER. that being said yes global warming is happening but is most likely a natural occurrence.

>> No.1708142

actually, volcanoes are more likely to CAUSE ice ages since CO2 is balanced by the anti-greenhouse gas sulfur dioxide and by light blocked from reaching the earth by plumes


>> No.1708147

I read in a magazine a few days ago that the Egyptian society went down the crapper because of global warming.
I have given up all hope of reading anything credible about the subject in a non-scientific magazine.

My view:
The earth goes through a natural cycle of heating and cooling.
Is the man-made effect catastrophic enough to have a significant impact? No

inb4 misconceptions which non-scientific people describe as the butterfly effect, which is something completely different but they'll never know because they refuse to do any reading, yes I'm bitter

>> No.1708150
File: 27 KB, 349x245, AZMLic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets say it is only volcanoes. Are you saying you WANT even more poisonous gases pumped into the atmosphere? It shouldn't matter if were heating or cooling the planet, getting off fossil fuels makes sense from an economic and national security stand point.

Also, tits or gtfo.

>> No.1708155

humanity IS increasing the rate (and overall level of heat?) at which the natural warming/cooling cycle occurs. i the same way an ant increases the weight of a international slate shipment.

>> No.1708168

Nobody says it's only volcanoes. Forests store large quantities of carbon too, which gets released into the atmosphere when fires occur.
Nobody questions we pump carbon into the air too, the question is if the amount is significant enough to cause an effect on the natural process.

>> No.1708199


It's tricky, since we can't accuracy say how much co2 is emitted from natural occurrences I.E Volcanoes,Forest Fires; but different respected scientific community post contradicted study s saying that Humans emit more then Naturally occurring elements and vice versa.

>> No.1708212
File: 96 KB, 660x417, co2-levels-over-time1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global warming alarmists never look at the big picture. Yes, CO2 levels are the highest they've been in the last 800,000 years... but 800,000 years is nothing.

>> No.1708220

I agree with you, yes.
And I was merely responding to the "let's say it's only volcanoes" bit.

>> No.1708333

Dumping tonnes and tonnes of Carbon into the atmosphere will have no adverse effect on the world at all. Not at all. It won't alter the biosphere and atmospheric conditions of the world which make it preferable to us as humans at all. I am entitled little baby who thinks that because he is allowed to 'believe' in scientifically backed up data. If I don't chose to acknowledge it, it doesn't exist. I am infantile and my opinion should be dismissed as the ravings of a lunatic.

>> No.1708352

Hi, i'm just here to tell you that you're looking at old data and that the new data correlates heat and CO2 much more than your graph does.

Have a nice day.

>> No.1708353

More CO2 is preferable to plants, especially trees, and those things are preferable to humans.

>> No.1708355


>> No.1708408
File: 119 KB, 772x826, 1282872342796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the grand scheme of life? No, of course not. But we don't care about that. We care about the climate being optimal for HUMAN CIVILIZATION. Fuck the natural order, I intend to live.

>> No.1708455

What I'd like to know is what the scientific community thinks about global warming
Because besides Algore there hasn't been many scientists coming forward about it

>> No.1708472

hey, OP.

your fucking stupid.

>> No.1708480



>> No.1708485


>> No.1708486

Goddamn it
I'm tired of this passive aggressive bullshit

>> No.1708496


Historically Earth's carbon cycle was a balance between emissions and what was recaptured by forests, the ocean, etc with an occasional volcanic eruption cooling things down for a few years.

When you cut down forests and burn a few billion tons of fossil fuels every year you slowly but surely push it out of whack. This is supported by a substantial body of observational evidence.

>> No.1708504

Yes, we are. The evidence is pretty obvious and easy to find.
Thinking that all the pollution humanity generates has no effect on the planet is just plain retarded

>> No.1708529

I've met some people that are majoring in meteorology and they all claim that they doubt that global warming is caused by humans and that climate fluctuations just happen every tens of thousands of years naturally.
Also global warming seems to have died down from the media.
All of this divisions are just confusing to the public.
Especially me. I'd think that a meteorologist would be more qualified to make an opinion on the subject than other branches of science like biology.

>> No.1708531

The temperatures before 1850 in that graph are all bullshit. If you want idea for humans; if you want to live; you should be interested in doing whatever is possible to avoid the next ice age. The worst case from warming is going to be the need for building levees. During an ice age, the earth can't support more than a few million people.

>> No.1708533
File: 173 KB, 2000x1250, 1278972394019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's arguement is irrelevent. Whether humans activity is the root cause of climate change doesn't matter. What matters is the proponets of climate change theory request that people change their lifestyles in order to stop pollution, natural resources exploitation, and promote sustainable living. Whether climate change is a potential hazard to civilization or not we are running low on petroleum products and will have to switch to an alternative form of energy VERY soon or they're will be hell to pay.

>> No.1708541


assuming that anything we can do necessarily will have an effect on systems such as the earths climate that deal with amounts of energy we can barely comprehend, much less control, is retarded.

>> No.1708544

I refuse to believe anything regarding global warming simply because Al Gore, a man w/ no scientific credentials and obvious ego issues after losing to W threw some shit together to troll the fuck out of people. Backdoor democratic party bullshit; come on people-don't pretend like your elected officials are ignorant of the positions they're in

>> No.1708552


>> No.1708556
File: 191 KB, 1440x810, 1202520398839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Global Warming is bullshit, there is no proof to support it.
ITT we start by lying.

probable detection of a TROLL

>> No.1708558

>majoring in meteorology

Geologyfag here. Meteorology has practically no relevance to global warming, people just think "ooh, it seems hotter this year" and look to the weatherman to explain it. Meteorology only looks at short term processes in the atmosphere.

Global warming is real, even though the Earth has been through many stages of warming and cooling naturally the concern at the moment is the RATE at which it is currently warming.

>> No.1708581

I heard that global temperature rose significantly from 1970 to 2000 but has been stagnant since then.

Now that is a very short period to make definitive statements, so make out of that what you wish. But it leaves doubts whether anthropogenic global warming is real.

>> No.1708590

>Anecdotal evidence is solid evidence

>> No.1708598

Fuck, all we need to do to solve global warming is build shitloads of THORIUM reactors to power the world.

We'll have enough power from Thorium to last until fusion is perfected and that will give us enough power to last far beyond the destruction of our solar system and the universe's eventual heat death, assuming our race even survives that long.

Of course, China will still keep fucking us over with CO2 emissions no matter what, so really we should be focusing on how to use technology to survive changing climate, IE, self contained, climate controlled dwellings, hydroponic indoor farming, underwater cities, etc.

>> No.1708607

>I heard wrong

>> No.1708609

Fact: humans are pumping out carbon dioxide

The question is not whether it's causing climate change, but HOW QUICKLY. A species of gnat that farts twice as often will change the climate tremendously, assuming it does so consistently for two billion years. We are having an affect, and we have to determine the magnitude of that effect.

>> No.1708610

True, and I personally prefer the "play safe" strategy. But it still isn't the case that AGW is a proven fact like, say, gravity.

>> No.1708618

Goddamn it, I will not stop farting!
Lets just take a giant vacuum and suck that shit out of the atmosphere or something, instead of pushing fear into people

>> No.1708625
File: 8 KB, 200x200, untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when the Himalayas just existing contributes to global warming

>> No.1708669


>> No.1708680
File: 1.00 MB, 3312x4416, 25452518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my sodding glacier gone??

>> No.1708683
File: 16 KB, 400x261, volcanicco2smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol wat


Or if you're still in fifth grade

>> No.1708689


glaciers come and go all the time, the fact is there has been a net INCREASE in ice mass over the last couple decades.

>> No.1708721



Citation: http://www.skepticalscience.com/himalayan-glaciers-growing.htm

>> No.1708722
File: 1.37 MB, 3000x2250, arctic_sea_ice_extent5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Saying it doesn't make it true. You have to provide sources if you're going to say something that is obviously false.

The mass balance of the Arctic sea ice is decreasing

>> No.1708726
File: 12 KB, 400x326, Antarctica_Ice_Mass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The mass balance of Antarctica is decreasing

>> No.1708731
File: 10 KB, 400x316, Greenland_Ice_Mass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet is decreasing

>> No.1708732
File: 33 KB, 383x386, ncar_permafrost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The permafrost is melting

>> No.1708738 [DELETED] 


Winter snow cover is decreasing. And as the previous anon mentioned, worldwide glacier mass balance is decreasing.

Here are a few dozen separate datasets showing how 10 different indicators are consistent with global warming.



>> No.1708741

read this it explains everything

>> No.1708740
File: 28 KB, 550x419, climate_consensus_550_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CO2 is a greenhouse gas- FACT
We are releasing large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere- FACT.

Put 2 + 2 together retards. Even if we're not sure of the specifics, we shouldn't go around dicking with the atmosphere. Better safe than sorry surely?

Global warming deniers are like the "smoking doesn't cause cancer" brigade of yore. The ffact that so many people lap it up is testiment to our human capacity to ignore facts and believe what we WANT to believe.

>> No.1708745

>the Himalayas just existing contributes to global warming

Indeed, they're made of limestone (CaCO3) and when it erodes it releases CO2.

>> No.1708743
File: 501 KB, 972x1117, noaa sotc 2009 s26 fig 2.5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Winter snow cover is decreasing. And as the previous anon mentioned, worldwide glacier mass balance is decreasing.

Here are a few dozen separate datasets showing how 10 different indicators are consistent with global warming.


>> No.1708748



You think the Himalayas are eroding fast enough to emit gigatonnes of CO2 on an decadal timescale?

Sauce for your outlandish statement?

>> No.1708754


>> No.1708757
File: 55 KB, 664x480, july2010runningmean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>stagnant since then

Stagnant since the year 2000? You can't really extrapolate a global climate trend from only 10 years of data. There have been no decreasing 15-year temperature trends since the 1960s.

In any case, thanks to the record heat of 2010, the trend is still positive. Global warming is not "stagnant."

>> No.1708758

I didn't quantify it, I just said that when limestone breaks down it releases CO2.

>> No.1708759


Oh, okay.

>> No.1708763
File: 189 KB, 1600x1092, Vostok_420ky_4curves_insolation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


According to our current position in the Milankovitch cycles, we should be experiencing long-term cooling

Thanks for playing

>> No.1708770

Fun fact: over the last 800,000 years, natural causes have released about 30ppm of CO2 every 1000 years. We did the same in the last 17 years.

And volcanoes have more consequences than just releasing CO2. They also release sulfur and giant plumes of ash that completely negate the warming effect of the CO2 they release. Potential volcanic activity from places like the Yellowstone National Park are one of the biggest threats of a future ice age.

But surely creationist politicians and kids on 4chan know more about this stuff than NASA, the ESA, the IPCC, and pretty much every other organization with any background knowledge on geology and climate science.

>> No.1708775

>Implying correlation is causation

>> No.1708787

I don't care how ridiculously "skeptic" you think you are (the correct phrase is "denial"), if there's a correlation going as far back as we can even measure, chances are they have something to do with each other, wouldn't you say?

>> No.1708789

also u mad bro

>> No.1708795
File: 43 KB, 695x507, cooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1708800


We don't know nearly as much about climate as we think we do.

>> No.1708811

Completely irrelevant. Life today isn't fit to live in the type of climates from millions of years ago. This really should be obvious. You'd better hope for some ridiculously fast evolution of crops and livestock needed to be farmed on a global scale if you'd like tomorrow to have a Triassic-era climate

>> No.1708814
File: 50 KB, 477x535, phanerozoic_temp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hmmmm, let's see....


>line looks like it was drawn in MS Paint

Don't be a pussy, this looks legit

Meanwhile in actualfuckingscienceland, CO2 has been found to correlate with temperature even on a Mya timescales.

>the big picture

Because massive changes happening in decades is the exact same thing as massive changes happening over hundreds of millions of years amirite

That's why evolution is bullshit and creationism is commonly accepted scientific paradigm on how God gave form to our Earthly bodies.

>> No.1708820 [DELETED] 


>no x-axis labels

>no source provided

>single geographic location

Intriguing analysis brobediah

>> No.1708840

>Implying being skeptical of something not even a truly formulated scientific theory is closed minded

It doesn't correlate well enough to be extremely useful.

>> No.1708841

OMYGOD, winter is cooler than summer ? That's new.

>> No.1708847
File: 11 KB, 466x290, _45146192_ice_extent_466.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




lol okay

Question though: if models are reliable, why can't things turn out WORSE than projected? Why are the models (according to "skeptics") invariably wrong in one direction only?


>> No.1708849

i dont get your point

>> No.1708865
File: 27 KB, 324x400, jointheclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AGW deniers confirmed for absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.1708872
File: 14 KB, 608x400, picard-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Whatever you say. You're clearly too "skeptic" for NASA, the ESA, the IPCC and countless other professional organizations to sway your opinion, so that obviously isn't changing on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.1708873

The stuff that really makes me question global warming is those UN idjits making predictions of global temperature increases 50 years into the future. Either these guys are some kind of alien super genius Will Hunting mathemagicians or they're full of shit. Now, using occam's razor...

>> No.1708887

They could be a lot worse, of course, but the doom and gloom predictions constantly end up being proven false so by observing the trends of accuracy we can deem that climate models overestimate our changing climate.

>> No.1708890

People seem to get really tripped up over the numbers in this climate change thing, Instead of the facts.
Does it really matter if it takes 100,000 tons or 1,000,000,000 tons of C02 to cause climate change? We can tell that climate change is happening, and that it will be disastrous for the 7 bil people on the planet. Why not take all precautions?

>> No.1708894


Using Occam's Razor, it's apparent that you're one of those idiots who think they know better than thousands of people who've spent decades of their lives specializing in their given fields. You are also one of those fucktards who doesn't even bother to learn the basic difference between those who work directly for the UN and the scientists who write the IPCC report, or that the IPCC itself does no original research.

This is you:


>> No.1708909
File: 74 KB, 635x441, actual-vs-IPCC-emissions-fig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>but the doom and gloom predictions constantly end up being proven false

Do you have a source for that statement, or are you just making shit up?

Meanwhile, in the actual scientific literature....

Many recent indicators are matching or even exceeding IPCC projections.


>> No.1708912

Why are you guys so worried? We can just pump sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere and cool the earth. If you think this is idiotic and wouldn't work, go read superfreakonomics or google "hose to the sky"


>> No.1708915
File: 58 KB, 650x365, dddddeeerrrrrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is you (pic related)

>> No.1708926

look at venus.

that's what we're doing to our planet.

>> No.1708937


Sulfur dioxide is poisonous though, isn't it?

By the way, I believe that global warming is a natural process that man is speeding up, volcanoes only release 1/10 of the emissions of CO2 that man makes.

>> No.1708939
File: 68 KB, 800x533, Smog_Moscow_August_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could have saved face by not posting in this thread again, yet you chose to continue posting anyway. Curious.


>doom and gloom predictions constantly end up being proven false

That's right, those damn scientists making shit up about how three one-in-one thousand year events could happen in a single year as 17 national heat records are broken and hundreds of thousands die in 2010, far earlier than anyone expected to see serious climate change impacts.

Oh wait.


>> No.1708943


ya but the amount you need is far, far less than what gets emitted anyways by industrial processes. The key is getting it way up high in the atmosphere. If you were attach a hose to a chimney from a coal plant, it would be enough. But unfortunately, sulfur dioxide doesn't hold well with the public.

>> No.1708952


Superfreakonomics was critically flawed


As an aside, so was the earlier non-super Freakonomics:


To the point, solar radiation management is going to be an extremely messy, last-ditch measure if we end up using it:


>> No.1708956


smog, fog, what's the difference?

you ain't one o them librals, are ya?

>> No.1708961
File: 1.26 MB, 2539x1728, forest_fires_MoscowMER_FR_20100729_43977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you a fucking moron?

>> No.1708964


let me guess, you're an atheist?

>> No.1708968


I don't need to guess to know that you're a retard.

>> No.1708997

I dun need ta be a re-tard ta know that your an moran

>> No.1709010

i won't post anymore btw

i've declared victory

>> No.1709024

Why don't you envirnomental science fags do the real scientists and economists a favor and get your library card and go to /lit/?

>> No.1709963
File: 70 KB, 448x640, JohnTyndall(1820-1893),Engraving,SIL14-T003-09a_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>real scientists and economists

lol what do economists have to do with /sci/

And lemme guess, atmospheric physicists aren't real scientists, so surely a moron like you knows better

Anyway, bump to spite the retards

>> No.1710005

I think Global warming is real.
I just think it'll be the best thing to happen to our planet.

Now I'm a dumb asshole, but wouldn't a warmer planet stop us from having another one of those mini ice ages?
And Like open up new resources us Canadians and I guess you Americans up in the north?
I mean sure, the world is gonna fucking flood a few couple miles and desimate a few brazillion people, but I dunno.
Can't have everything I guess.
Besides global warming would make everything interesting.
If there's a global catastrophie happening mabye we'd be too busy with our own shit to fight each other.
I doubt it, but an Anon can hope can't he?