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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1705317 No.1705317 [Reply] [Original]

When I was a kid I was being forced to go to church, and being the rebellious hardcore teen I was, I told them that god had no proof. Some christfag started arguing with me and eventually he said nothing is absolute certain. I said I agreed, except for math, and he asked me to prove math exists.

Share your stories.

>> No.1705325
File: 23 KB, 320x240, 1270438983426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Dad, what's that big rock thing in the sky?
>It's the moon, retard
>How'd it get up there?
>God did it

>> No.1705328

You never would have gotten me to admit that.

>> No.1705334
File: 71 KB, 300x387, cat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that religious people were trolling ever since I was four.
Or rather, I thought they were testing me, to see if I had any intelligence whatsoever.

I miss my childhood ignorance.

>> No.1705340

>in speech class
> professor: "if i told you i pressed a button every morning that made the sun come up would you believe me?"
>"why not?"
>because you're not god.

>> No.1705333

I didn't understand the process of natural selection until I was like. Eighteen? In my defence they never really taught it in high school. They were just like, evolution happens.

>> No.1705342
File: 191 KB, 435x435, 1282737601421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to make smug comment about how christfag was being deep and physical existence of numbers is a philosophical question
>find this

>> No.1705347

This seemed too cliche to be true, but this really happened:
>if god doesn't exist, then why does the bible say he's real?
because the bible is wrong
>how can it be wrong, it's god's word!
how do you know it's god's word?
>because god himself said so!
where does he say that?
>in the bible!
Christians are the most ignorant people I've ever met. I try usually not to debate religion because whenever I say I am studying physics at a university, they jump on my ass and try to argue with me, but sometimes I entertain them when I'm bored.

>> No.1705358


>Rashad Khalifa


>> No.1705363

>>1705317Some christfag started ... said nothing is absolute certain

Sounds like that Christfag is on the way to accepting agnosticism as well. Good show.

>> No.1705364

People are the most ignorant people you've ever met. You got blinders on son. And those Christians were only so called. Do you believe the 13 year old punk in your neighborhood with the skateboard is an actual anarchist?

>> No.1705367
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Illustrated, too bad people actually think it's a good argument and it's not just mocking them

>> No.1705376

It just really tends to be christians. The way I see it, there are intelligent christians in denial, intelligent or dumb christians who just don't pay attention to their religion, or really fucking dumb christians that just don't get it.

I met the last one.

Also, is there really an argument for what OP said? It's very obvious math exists, but how would you put that argument into words?

>> No.1705378

I once had a guy tell me that the theory of evolution was more than just a theory. So I asked him why it wasn't called the law of evolution. He was silent.

God - 1
Faggot Atheists - -2

>> No.1705386

human theories of maths exist in the same way that the theory of relativity exist - codified knowledge.

the shit it describes, the natural maths as it were, is anywhere from periodic table shit, qm, planetary orbits...

>> No.1705388


I once met a guy who never got sick of pretending to believe in fallacious creationist arguments on the internet. I wonder about him sometimes.

>> No.1705394

>I wonder about him sometimes.

>> No.1705399


Checkmate, Atheists.

>> No.1705416

>Creations need a creator. God is the creator, end of argument.
I was absolutely disgusted at this point. I went on to show him why that was a retarded statement, and, as usual, he began preaching about random shit/insulting me so I left.

Also, this thread will mostly involve arguments with religious people...

>> No.1705429

This girl in my history class thought Japan was the capital of china, I didn't know what to do. She also thought that atoms didn't exist because you couldn't see them.

This was in 7th grade so we were still young, but damn, that's no excuse.

>> No.1705431

You're not alone, bro.

I still believe this now and then.
I think it's a defence mechanism, as I don't want humanity to be stupid

>> No.1705443


Just about everyone in my intermediate believed Asia was a country. It make sense, I suppose, as does all children's logic. Australians come from Australia, Americans come from America, so where do Asians come from? But of course.

>> No.1705910

A creationist once argued that praying proves god existed, because you can't pray to something that doesn't exist. I said so praying to unicorns proves they exist, and they shut up and fucked off.
We were 20.

>> No.1705970 [DELETED] 

mfw when ignorant people get all ignant well called ignorant

>> No.1705993

hater = critical
troll = need citations
ignorance = Christians

according to this thread

>> No.1706001

there was a kid in my high school who thought stars were just points of light i explained to him that stars were like our sun just really far away

>> No.1706013

I grew up as a fundamental christian in the midwest. I still look back and can't believe how stupid I was. I was just talking earlier today about how glad I am that I got over the fear that satan was tempting me everytime I questioned the bible.

/atheist now

>> No.1706026

i grew up in a gifted program with the top 2% smartest kids from the district. there were 12 or 13 of us my same age, and only 2 that I know of ever went to church.

i didn't realize until my late teens just how dumb and religious most people are. it sucked.

>> No.1706383

I had more than one Sunday School teacher tell me that there was no evidence that dinosaurs actually ever existed, and that the "theory" of dinosaurs was just the atheist scientists attempts to try and disprove the bible.

>> No.1706385

I was in one of those groups. We had one religious guy, a Mormon. He had issues.

>> No.1706410

I was 14 years old back then, my parents sent me to a Catholic school. I was the only atheist there, and at the end of church:
Me: I fucking hate church, the priests are absolute dumbasses.
Classmate 1: They're not dumb, they're preaching the word of God.
Me: Exactly, and the Bible is full of contradictions.
Classmate 2: Well, just don't take the Bible literally.
Me: So the Bible is a joke?
Classmate 1: No, the stories are true, just don't take the stories literally and it will make sense.

Then we got cut off because our teacher had an announcement.

>> No.1706411

>implying the greatest minds have been none religious

>> No.1706416


If evolution is true, why isn't it called the law of evolution?

Much like the laws of gravity? The laws of physics?

>> No.1706428

there's a lot of evidence to back up evolution though. doesn't mean it's completely false.....

>> No.1706430

this happened yesterday, and i wondered what /sci/ would make of it...

>be in field trip bus full of fellow science students. Mostly american exchange students
>someone mentions they're an atheist
>everyone says they're also an atheist
>mockery of christians ensues
>'and they complain about us atheists too, but they don't know anything. They're all atheists too because they don't beleive in all the other religions gods'
>they all agree with this

>> No.1706453

Most of the christian kids I know believe that atheism is satanism.

Wait what the fuck, not just the kids. Almost every christian I know believes this.

>> No.1706457

How's this for ignorance?

My mother is conversing with her lover. He tells her that he is having trouble checking his voicemails. She tells him it is because of Jupiter. Some astrology bullshit.

>> No.1706455

Because the laws of Physics are constant and Evolution is variable with parallels and tangents across different species.

>> No.1706474

Punch her in the mouth.

My mother doesn't believe in Astrology anymore.

>> No.1706475

In Europe religion is a joke we take no notice of them but there is proper scientists that are theists but its like announcing you're gay if you play NFL .

>> No.1708165


>> No.1708189

Except christians don't claim the bible is infallible. Jesus himself rejected parts of the bible.