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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 200 KB, 400x300, DragonCapsule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1704986 No.1704986 [Reply] [Original]

> You will live to see commercial spaceflight become affordable.

>> No.1704991

>you will live to see a proper babblefish translation algorithm for most languages, as well as vocaloids for them, allowing you to speak your normal language inmost countries and a small speaker would translate and speak into the native language.

>in fact, that's probably only 10 years away

>> No.1704992

This is now my thread

>> No.1704993
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> There will be off-world colonies within 50 years.

>> No.1705005

I will upload my mind to the Internet in future!

>> No.1705013

>you might live until you're 150.

>> No.1705017

lol OP is a poorfag. It already is affordable.

>> No.1705019

>Sexbots will render female obselete by 2040

>> No.1705021
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> A means of translating human thoughts from an organic to digital format will be developed before 2030.

>> No.1705025

>We will have cheep electricity and electric powered cars in 2040.
>Fusion reactors will provide power to the entire developed word in 2040.
>Your grandchildren will live to see humans rise up to a Class 1 society, when they build a power ring around the sun inside mercury's orbit.

>> No.1705028

>we find THAT extra-terrestrial radio transmission

>> No.1705029

>Implying you wouldn't get sued because of the CP contained.

>> No.1705046
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>There will be general-public off-world orbitals and lunar colonies in this century
>By the end of the century there will be eight hundred million humans living off-world
>Some nutjob will make a race of genetically-engineered super-furries
>So one night in 2069, in the Asimov Orbital, I will get to sleep next to a gigantic window showing the Magellanic Clouds and the Sun hiding behind Earth, holding my genetically-engineered super-furry half-leopard girlfriend and falling asleep in her fur hearing the beating of a colossal cat and while she purrs in her sleep with a magnificent bass considering her size


>> No.1705047
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> We will find indisputable evidence of existing or past life on another body in our solar system.

>> No.1705051

> A man-made virus will wipe out all furries in the late 2050s.

>> No.1705052

Man YOU are pathetic.

>> No.1705053


>colossal cat

colossal heart*

>> No.1705055

>Turns out Mormons are right, metaphorically, and we will become gods.

>> No.1705056

>By 2020 we'll have demonstrated that furfaggotry was just a fad

>> No.1705060
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Well if I made you laugh at my patheticity I'm happy.

>> No.1705061

>You will go to this website and help spread the word about ACTA
Just leave the window/tab open and itll reload on Google and Yahoo

>> No.1705068

>We will secretly publish open source plans for mech-suits over freenet, and we will take control of our governments to set up a technocratic society.

>> No.1705069
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Yeah I wish.

Otherwise, brb kidnapping Craig Venter.

Oh and pic related, we bring Isaac Asimov back from the dead.

>> No.1705070

Is that even a word?

>> No.1705072


Who gives a fuck.

>> No.1705076

Intelligent people that know how2english.

>> No.1705083

>If you're below 50 years old today and care to, you'll probably live to see humankind achieve immortality

>> No.1705088
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Well okay.

Oh, and we build the Discovery, check it out in Cislunar space, then go around the solar system looking for life on Titan and under Europa's ice shell and fucking bitches.

>> No.1705096

You made my day guys.
Unless I die due to a car accident.

>> No.1705097
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I prefer philip k. dick.

>> No.1705102


So we bring Asimov and Dick back from the dead.

It's not like they are going to kill each other.

>> No.1705106
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> By 2050, at least 1 in 20 people in first world nations will have voluntarily had a limb or organ cybernetically augmented or replaced entirely.

>> No.1705108

>cryo-sleep will be utilized for long space journeys, much like in the Halo series.

>> No.1705110
File: 55 KB, 426x639, 1274317034095 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2060: Molecular assemblers have dissociated all the Carbon Dioxide in Earth's atmosphere, turning it into harmless Oxygen and useful Carbon, and utility foglets float in the sky above cities reflecting light back to the ground and preventing them from outshining the stars.

>> No.1705111

Do not revive writers only. What about Tesla and Sagan, Colonel?

>> No.1705114

>A big comet hits one of mars' poles in 2012.

>> No.1705116

Yes, then we can finally shut those fucking new agers the hell up.

>> No.1705118

Asimov's characters weren't the best, and his dialogue was terrible.

His ability to explain things, his futurist speculation, and many of the ideas explored in his novels, were brilliant.

>> No.1705119

>Recent research by Israeli scientists will cure HIV (the virus that causes aids).


>> No.1705122
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I thought that was a given. If we're going to clone people, we will obviously begin by cloning Carl Sagan!

The other science-fiction writers are next on the list.

Maybe we can clone Jesus and see how that goes.

>> No.1705123

Sagan was a writer, but we know what you mean.

>> No.1705125

Scientists usually tend to lose it as they get old. Undead scientists would not be of much use.

>> No.1705127

Yeah, HIV and cancer won't be shit in some years IMO.

>> No.1705130

lol he sure did write like a high school chemistry teacher

in one word though: multi-fucking-vac

>> No.1705132

Francoise sagan ?

>> No.1705133

Well, fiction writer I meant :P

Captcha: selec poplorep

>> No.1705135
File: 38 KB, 800x488, Emerald_Sunset_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

Imagine being able to stand there on some hill on Titan surrounded by the oceans of methane, watching Saturn against an emerald sky and all.

>> No.1705136

But we have no genetic material or anything from jesus D:

>> No.1705138

>you will live to see a proper babblefish translation algorithm for most languages

Until it comes in the form of a little fish I stick in my ear I don't want it.

>Humans will discover D-D fusion and begin turning water into energy and helium before our current energy sources run out and result in a Malthusian catastrophe.

>> No.1705140

Sagan wrote fiction too.

See: Contact

>> No.1705142


What about that blanket thingee?


>Shroud of Turin

Yeah, that.

If we can't clone Jesus, we still have Buddha's teeth in some random-ass temple.

>> No.1705146

>Shroud of Turin

Obvious fake is obvious.

>> No.1705147

Plus, he did enough damage once.

>> No.1705150
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I haven't read Contact, but the movie was the shit.

12/10, I'm easily entertained.

>> No.1705151

Clone Carl Sagan?
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Why the fuck would you want another Carl Sagan? What has he ever apported to the scientific community other than a few books, popsci documentaries, technological help for movies?

If you are going to clone someone, clone a genius. Clone someone who will help be able to keep helping the humanity.

>> No.1705157

So like Feynman?

>> No.1705163

*Pretty sure Feynman did a good enough job spreading his genes around without science's help...

>> No.1705164
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>Is again the cloning of Carl Sagan

>> No.1705165

I agree. With getting science popular, he was brilliant, but by the time we have the technology to clone him I doubt that will be a problem.

>> No.1705169 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 152x196, Clipboard08as34y62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw no-one mentioned world poverty, peace, hunger or any disease besides the fag controller

>> No.1705173

These are just assumed.

>> No.1705175

>>1705169world poverty, peace, hunger or any disease besides the fag controller

What about them? Given the choice between the tech for a manned Mars mission and a cure for AIDS I'd choose the former every time.

>> No.1705179

... because shit like that is boring.

And because in all likelihood shit like poverty and hunger will always exist in shitty parts of the planet.

>> No.1705185

AIDS isn't even one of the main problems.

World poverty can't be helped unless the capitalism is changed.
That's just how it works. Some get awfully rich, and others get awfully poor.

>> No.1705194
File: 107 KB, 640x461, oikumene dyson4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your face when you get to live forever thanks to SCIENCE and in a few thousands of years you live in a small Earth-like habitat, one of the billions of Dysons that form a gigantic Dyson sphere around Procyon, eleven light years from home.

>Home is now called Eden by the posthumans that live there.

>> No.1705197

If it wasn't for poverty and hunger the shitty parts of the world wouldn't be shitty would they?

>>1705185World poverty can't be helped unless the capitalism is changed. That's just how it works. Some get awfully rich, and others get awfully poor.

...and if you give Africans enough food to keep breeding guess what they'll do?

>> No.1705204

>What about them? Given the choice between the tech for a manned Mars mission and a cure for AIDS I'd choose the former every time

We already have technology for a manned mission to mars and have had it for some time.

The only thing that is lacking is political will and money.

>> No.1705207

I agree.
Not getting AIDS is as easy as not fucking the first person you see.

>> No.1705208

Don't give them food, give them education. That's the only way they are going to progress.

>> No.1705211
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>> No.1705215

oh fuck yeah i'd love my own micro planetoid with surface area about the size of a college campus. With artificial gravity, and atmosphere making it earthlike of course.

I'd grow a huge ass oak tree on the poles and such

>> No.1705216

>Implying that the average nigger is capable of benefiting from education.

Because that works so well for blacks in the US amirite?

>> No.1705218

>2060: Molecular assemblers have dissociated all the Carbon Dioxide in Earth's atmosphere
>2061: Eveyone on Eath suffocates to death because all of the oxygen-bearing plants have been starved of their CO2

>> No.1705221

Anotherfag here, I agree with you. I'd even support shipping brighter African children to get educated in other parts of the world, before sending them back to fix things.

>> No.1705224

>>1705215I'd grow a huge ass oak tree on the poles and such

You could call it Yggdrasil.

>> No.1705226


Oh right. I meant the excess CO2, not all of it.

Bit of a herpderp there from my side.

>> No.1705228 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 284x178, 436468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw /sci gets upset being told it'll never get to mars, then gives up immediately it's confronted by capitalism

/sci might bomb out the need or even the ability to hoard resources and surplus production... but shit, who even cares? fuck the niggers, right?

(I ain't doing no trolling! I being amused lol)

>> No.1705232


They probably would want to stay on wherever they have been educated.

>> No.1705235

Have them sign a contract at the start.

>> No.1705236

Those are political problems. We already have the technology to provide food for everyone, and the capacity to produce cures for the paludism and the other stuff that kills most.
Hoping to solve it by non-political means is naive.

>> No.1705237

>>1705221 I'd even support shipping brighter African children to get educated in other parts of the world, before sending them back to fix things.

They already do that. Some stay in the nations that educated them, some go back and try to fix things but the problem is that there's so much corruption in Africa that they can't really do anything.

>> No.1705245

The ones that come to the US for education don't always get US citizenship...

>> No.1705247


How hard would it be to send three hundred thousand well-trained and well-equipped men to Africa to slaughter and completely turn every warlord into his compounding atoms?

Without the UN getting in the way with their precious little human rights. This is for the greater good.

The Greater Good.


>> No.1705249

Except rapes and infidelity.

>> No.1705254

Fine, ship all the children out and castrate/kill the adults.
I'm no believer in white guilt, I'll be damned if I have double standards and let children suffer for the actions of their parents.

>> No.1705256

What makes you think they would go back?
When they get even just a little smart they understand their country is a shithole and don't want to go back.

>> No.1705264

Wow, you are in highschool aren't you?

>> No.1705274

Only one solution.
International social revolution.

>> No.1705275


omg how did u guess

I'm kidding, Jesus.

>> No.1705277

Stop talking about niggers, I want my spaceships and colonies!

>> No.1705293

They employ 12 year olds in their armies. What now? Aparteid was the right idea, it WORKED.

>> No.1705296
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>2101 will be like 2001 was supposed to be.

>> No.1705300

Are there any good futurist RTS games? I haven't been into gaming for years.

>> No.1705305

The problem is people assume that resources will be spent on awesomeness, not consumer items.

>> No.1705537

2100 - Same as 2010.

You guys actually think that immortality will be available in 2040, when immortality was thought of by sheep hearders thousands of years ago and thus remains unsuccessful.

Also no intergalactic travel either. Think about what we have to work with. Fusion powered fuel sources? Lololol.

>> No.1705573

so glad i checked out /sci/ today

>> No.1705760
File: 216 KB, 576x432, greatsuckses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>world atheism reaches 50% of the global population by 2040 if current trends continue. Sooner if they accelerate.

>> No.1705785
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>> No.1705814
File: 18 KB, 328x310, 1262624690521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2000+ years to the human life by 2050 (Cure for aging)
>Space elevator is built in 2025
>Transition to AI-ruling post-scarcity leisure economy before 2070
>Plans to terraform mars in a few centuries before this century is out

>> No.1705855

fusion is on its way. we do all kinds of fusion already, some of which are almost energy neutral.

Yes, i know i'm just hoping for the best. But I mean, come on. Look at 1910. we were running on coal, no wind to electricity. no nuke power. We can make progress, even if it is slow.

>> No.1705911
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>2000+ years to the human life by 2050 (Cure for aging)

Doubtful without fully mature nanotech which won't happen until 2100 most likely.

>Space elevator is built in 2025


>Transition to AI-ruling post-scarcity leisure economy before 2070

Implying most of the world population will be happy with being ruled by a non-jeezus/allah/yaweh worshippin' compooter.

>Plans to terraform mars in a few centuries before this century is out

Plans already available. All rejected. Colonisation of venus is more likely http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonisation_of_Venus#Aerostat_habitats_and_floating_cities

>> No.1705941
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>> No.1705945
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>> No.1705959

1933: Legendary physicist, Nobel prize winner Ernest Rutherford: “Anyone who expects a source of power from the transformation of the atom is talking moonshine”
1951: First bulbs lit by nuclear-generated electricity.

>> No.1705968


>> No.1705972

You don't think we'll figure something out to keep us alive until nanotech is a reality?

>> No.1705983


>implying AI couldn't be coded to "believe in god" to make christfags happy.

>> No.1706000

>You will die, but due to the National Galactic Revival Act of 8764, you will come back and eventually witness the heat death of the universe

>> No.1706011

>implying AI couldn't be coded to "believe in god" to make christfags happy.

well it would hardly be ai then, more just a

>> No.1706012

We'll probably all die but then Saint Tipler will descend from the heavens surrounded by galaxies full of Dyson Spheres and revive us in the GLORIOUS OMEGA POINT.

>> No.1706025

>Atlantis will suddenly burst forth from the ocean bed.

>> No.1706149

>wifi everywhere

>> No.1706154

In 2 more months every square mile of Japan will have wireless 3G broadband.

Not even a joke. Their fucking on the cutting edge.
3G in Japanese forrest? Because fuck u thats why

>> No.1706168


lol 3G

LTE is the next cool thing. Fuck 3g.

>> No.1706184

yeah enjoy your ever decreasing sperm count at the same moment.

>> No.1706188


for over a year now in japan if you want to buy a new phone you have to make sure it even has 3g backward capability, as most of the new stuff is 4g and better and 3g is dead except in rural areas.

>> No.1706223

Achron, but that's only in alpha at the moment
Supreme Commander
Starcraft 1 & 2
Homeworld 1 & 2

>> No.1706459

oh lawdy
put a huge bounty on the head of every fucked up warlord in africa, encourage paramilitary organizations to go after them for profit

it'll be fucked up for a few years but africa will be a hell of a place afterwards

>> No.1707369

this is cool

>> No.1707409

I now love you.

>> No.1707695

In vitro meat.