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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1702979 No.1702979 [Reply] [Original]

We observe the nigger in his natural habitat.


It's hard to believe such an animal is so genetically similar to us.

>> No.1702986 [DELETED] 

> We observe the nigger in his natural habitat.
You went to KFC? That stuff's way to overpriced.

>> No.1702989

> We observe the nigger in his natural habitat.
But what would a white man be doing at the welfare office?

>> No.1703014
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>> No.1703072

Fucking niggers.

>> No.1703073

There are black men, and then there are niggers.
It's the niggers that make me sick with rage and anger. This also applies for any other low-life stupid would-be tough gang members, you know the type I'm talking about. I don't care about their colour. Unfortunately they do their ethnic group no good as people tend to categorize and generalize races very easily.

In a strange way, I'm hoping for a nigger to go all big and tough on me, so I would have an excuse to go taekwondo on their ass.

>> No.1703088
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>> No.1703091

We observe the racist in his natural habitat.

>> No.1703097
File: 20 KB, 320x450, king_bb_450p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they sure play some great blues.

>> No.1703101

>Implying taekwondo is a useful martial art for street combat

>> No.1703108

Mr tough guy

>> No.1703109


implying it wouldn't cause at least some damage

>> No.1703110


Nah, they're just gonna go "lol yt fink he no kung-foo" and then nigropunch you.

>> No.1703115


which is most likely very easily blocked and countered, given there is only one or two attackers and they have little to no combat training. im not saying i could defeat a 100 furious niggers piling on top of me

>> No.1703123

/sci/ - Niggers & Martial Arts

>> No.1703159

Wow and they stole their shit while he was down.

Fuck this world man

>> No.1703183

>I use big words and overly proper grammar therefore my racism isn't retarded

>> No.1703214

My racism is well founded sir. I do not like niggers because they posses traits I consider undesirable. I value intelligent and settling matters without resorting to violence. I see many people who are outraged by my stances, but most of those people don't even live around niggers.

>> No.1703256


If you were the right kind of white you wouldn't have to worry about niggers trying to be tough.

I'm 6'3", 260 lbs and in good physical condition. Norwegian/German.

I haven't had anyone try to start a fight with me since I was in junior high-school, even nigs have a sense of self preservation.

And that's before we talk about my CC .357 or belt knife.

The people who have problems with subhuman thugs are the fools that have let themselves be 'civilized' by modern, politically correct thinking. If the poor guys in that video weren't restrained by social bullshit, they would've just ran all of those fucking retards down with their 3,600 lb metal death machine the second one of them through a punch through their window.

>> No.1703291


....threw a punch. Fuuuu

>> No.1703323


>I live around a lot of rednecks. I hate white people and my racism is well founded.

You'll find that liberal /sci/ is a much smarter bunch than that retarded conservative circle jerk /new/.

>> No.1703330

>I do not like niggers because they posses traits I consider undesirable.
Unluckily for you, "well-founded" does not have to mean rational.

>I value intelligent and settling matters without resorting to violence.
Intelligent matter?

>I see many people who are outraged by my stances, but most of those people don't even live around niggers.
Do you even understand where your methodology is flawed?

>> No.1703332

liberals have no brain, conservatives have no heart
learn to be human

>> No.1703343


conservative have neither.

>> No.1703356


>> No.1703361

I'm 6"4, 261 lbs and in better physical condition. Russian/Serbian. I'm related to Putin, and I will fuck your shit up.

>> No.1703370

Niggers are the fucking worst.

>> No.1703378

That should be, 6'4", sorry; I'm used to metric.

>> No.1703387

Let's arm wrestle and find out bro. But Russians are also privy to glorious Nordic genes.

>> No.1703396


lol pure american born and bread here. 300sw pounds, can bench press 600, squat 1000 half irish 1/4th scotish one fourth cherokee and I could fucking ring your ass down with1 punch

>> No.1703403

>pure american born
>implying such a thing exists

>> No.1703405


>pure american born and bread

Could have guessed.

>> No.1703412

I'm actually a Britfag, but I'm half Danish so I do have Scandinavian genes.

>> No.1703413


>liberals have no brain

must be why they all believe creationism amirite

>> No.1703423

That's conservatives.

>> No.1703425

under the belt! ouch


>> No.1703429

Africans where the first humans

then why don't they have the most modern civilizations in the world, since they had a headstart?

>> No.1703431


have you ever herped so much your derped?

>> No.1703450


Catching Malaria every other month until you died probably played a part.

>> No.1703464


because africa filled up with people fast. They didn't have the surplus resources to allow the neccesary putting aside of darwinistic tendencies to cooperate with each other that is required for civilisation to form.

Africans invented language, fire, spears, hunting techniques, hut building and lots of other shit we just take for granted that all cultures can do.

>> No.1703495
File: 7 KB, 480x360, 0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing kiddo.

Just listen to this nigger talk and you'll get me. Also listen to Martin Luther Kings nephew. All niggers are religious savages.

>> No.1703567

i dont think you know what conservatism means
[spoiler]hint: it has nothing to do with religion

>> No.1703581
File: 39 KB, 392x392, 1268383018740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm Jewish, 5'3", 130lbs, and my nose CAN UPPERCUT YOU ANY GOD DAMN DAY.
(Sorry for taking the lord's name in vain.)

>> No.1703800

I'm Irish/Viet. I'm 5'8" and 120 pounds, I haven't exercised for years but I don't go outside, so I don't have anything to worry about.

>> No.1703900

sup fellow tiny jew
i'm 5'8" and 117lbs

>> No.1704022


No you can't/don't.

World records

* The heaviest unequipped, drug tested squat is 430kg (948 lbs), held by Mark Henry[5]

* The heaviest unequipped squat record (no squat suit) is 441kg (970 lbs), held by Sergiy Karnaukhov (UK).[6]

* The IPF record (singly ply squat suit only, drug tested) is 457.5kg (1008 lbs), held by Shane Hamman (USA).

* The record with unlimited equipment is 566.9 kg (1250 lbs) held by Vlad Alhazov.[7]

* The world record for sumo squats (with no weights) performed in one hour is 5,135, held by Dr. Thienna Ho (Vietnam).[8]

I really doubt a world champion weight lifter hangs out on 4chan. That... and everyone knows the Irish and Scottish are bitches.

>> No.1704059

Well, if he had just moved his car....

>> No.1704105

>Africans invented language, fire, spears, hunting techniques, hut building

And they never progressed any farther.

>> No.1704117

I don't know why most racist people are so proud of being white. Hell, you didn't do shit.

Fuck man, if you're gonna be racist, fucking go hard or go home. Be a Hitler or shut the fuck up.

>> No.1704128

>Africans invented language, fire, spears, hunting techniques, hut building

Fucking really? You can't invent fire, retard. Africans FOUND fire, and then over a laughably long period of time figured out how to reproduce it, something that other civilizations GREATLY improved over their primitive methods. Hut building? That's Africa's great contribution? Putting leaves and sticks over your head to keep yourself dry? Really impressive. Hunting techniques? Africans have always been amazingly poor as hunter gatherers compared to other parts of the world, which is how they manage to live in a naturally diverse and resource resplendent area and continue to starve to death.

Spears? Pointy fucking stick.

Basically your defense of Africa as a cultural force is that they managed to figure out, across THOUSANDS of years, a number of things that an uneducated child can discover on their own with only very minimal instruction.

Good on you, Africa.

>> No.1704167


You haven't done shit. You're browsing 4chan which means chances are you're an antisocial fuckwit who is probably horrid to look at and thinks he's much smarter than he actually is.

So, until you do shit, you're on the same intellectual and cultural plane as a nigger.

>> No.1704191

Why is any one person proud of their race? Most people in this world don't contribute anything to the betterment of mankind. It's dumb in general to be proud of your melanin content and bone structure that you just so happened to inherit because your dad didn't pull out that one time. Frankly it baffles me when people say things like that.

>> No.1704197


>Most people in this world don't contribute anything to the betterment of mankind

Think about what you said there and you'll find your answer.

>> No.1704212

I love this picture,
>>bitch about niggers
>>go to fourchan to post about it
That guy is too dumb to live.

>> No.1704215

>implying Egyptian, Nubian and Mali civilizations were not African (probably moar but cbf finding them)

>> No.1704225
File: 69 KB, 550x742, Africa_Vs_Rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1704244

"The Nigger is a cohort whose behavior is usually detrimental to the image of other black people which embodies many negative African-American stereotypes. The nigger, glorifies ignorance and sloth, and brags about fulfilling any minor responsibility that normal people would just do." - Chris Rock

>> No.1704275

Nice Cherrypicking leave the real arguments for the adults please

>> No.1704298

Quote for truth.

>> No.1704303
File: 62 KB, 800x943, myfacehee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

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>> No.1704316

I don't blame niggers for their behavior
I blame hicks for bringing them here in the first place

>> No.1704331
File: 80 KB, 750x600, character custumization motivator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just because of ego. People want to feel good about themselves, even if they have to delude themselves to do it. After all, do you question the reality of a good dream?

>> No.1704366
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Define 'do shit'? I'm a computer engineer. I helped launch my own business. I successfully passed the MENSA entry exam in my Junior year of highschool (we all took it as an extra credit event in my AP Psychology class) and then proceeded to decline an invitation to join.

I'm an adequate hobby mechanic, and an extremely good driver with excellent reaction time and good spatial reasoning.

I'm a very good shot with the three firearms I own and have familiarized myself with for self defense.

I take good care of myself. I have an unusual cultural identity that I maintain in the face of the constant pressure towards retarded normalization (here's looking at you, Metalcore kids).

I'm a decent kick boxer and fencer (both Japanese and Italian).

I once knocked a 6'+ black person out in a single punch on accident, chasing another black person around a middle school locker room, and then proceeded to get in a fight with a third black person after accidentally hitting him as well (they all look the same when you're whipping around corners).

I once hit a turtle going about 130 mph on a county highway, and unlike in Mario Kart, I did not spin out.

I defeated the logic of the entire United Pentecostal Preaching foundation at the age of nine.

What does sci consider accomplished, again?

Oh, I also won a full scholarship to one of the best engineering colleges in the Mid West with only a 3.2 gpa because my 99th+ percentile test scores were so high... and then proceeded to throw it away to eat at Pizza Hut with my br/o/ instead of attending classes.

Pic related, its my collegian freshman kissy trollface when I skip out on full scholarships to be a lazy ass and end up successful anyways.

>> No.1704454
File: 127 KB, 584x571, WarholCarCrashRed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way we can find this guy and make his life a living hell?

>> No.1704456

>I once hit a turtle going about 130 mph on a county highway, and unlike in Mario Kart, I did not spin out.

o lawdy

>> No.1704465
File: 27 KB, 600x427, 1283489092828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much mad and jelly

>> No.1704472


It a pretty fucking hilarious sound in my right front tire well too.

>> No.1704474


All day erry day I jelly of anonymous and his plush neckbeard.

>> No.1704558

That's pretty fucked up. The doods in the care should've realized they were way out numbered and not in any position to give the niggs attitude.

They should've backed it up, then came back with a bigger crew or weapons.

>> No.1704582

god how come peeps answer shitty questions like this but serious stuff is ignored, grrrr rage stupid, think there funny dumbasses

>> No.1704613


Sorry man, I was taking you seriously until the turtle bit. Everyone knows you spin the fuck out when you hit a turtle. Only mouthbreathers think otherwise.

>> No.1704853


Turns out they just turn flat and then fly out of your wheel well. 3200 lbs@130 mph is some inertia to overcome or some shit.

>> No.1704919


chris rock is basically a white guy...

>> No.1704940


lol what in the fuck am i reading here.

>> No.1704958


someone proud of his life.

I say good for him. At least he's accomplished thinks that he can look back on with a smile on his face.

>> No.1705094
File: 95 KB, 830x642, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread