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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 400x280, obama_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1701292 No.1701292 [Reply] [Original]

Sigh... the stupidity...
I thought you can see this only in America

Just use google translate and go through the comments below.
This is what people think about science over at Israel..

>> No.1701301

Wait wait wait

You mean Israel, the country of people who are only there because the Bible tells them to be, is full of bible thumping religious zealots?


>> No.1701318

Now that you mention it there isn't really any other reason to go to that asshole of the world.

>> No.1701320

>only there because the Bible tells them to
hmm...I think it might be a *little* bit more complex than that

>> No.1701330

No, you think?
I can't help but LOL at morons who have not spent one second of their life studying history trying to vomit up the most pop-culturey, least informed nonsense that first comes to their mind.

"Durp durp bible tells htem durp to durp". You're right, and Italians centered their civilization on the Tiber River because a human suckling wolf told them to.


>> No.1701338 [DELETED] 

They are there because the bible said it is the promised land that belonged to the Jews. Self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.1701336

I don't need google translator OP if I want to hear stupid people misconstrue science all I have to do is lurk on /sci/.

>> No.1701343

>I know absolutely nothing about history beyond the lone Freshman survey course I am currently in.

>> No.1701349

The tiber river is a comfortable location for humans. The desert is not.

>> No.1701355

>Why did people in Egypt
>I don't even know
>What's a fertile crescent? Is it like a yummy phase of the moon?

Seriously, just stop. It's PAAAAAAAAAAAAINFULLY obvious you are not historically educated, at least insofar as ancient Mediterranean history is concerned.

>> No.1701371


You have no business in Israel and if your people didn't insist on claiming that land as their DIVINE GOD-GIVEN RIGHT you'd be saving a lot of people a lot of trouble.

>> No.1701378

Actually sir we do have a right to be here.
Balfour declaration google it.

>> No.1701395

sure is /stormfront/ in this thread

Protip, numbnuts, I'm someone who is working on hist Master's in...you guessed it....ancient Mediterranean history.

I reiterate: You have absolutely no concept of what you're talking about. You may as well be arguing that superconductivity can occur at temps higher than 90 kelvin.

>> No.1701408

Unrelated but, you're really majoring in Mediterranean History?

Could you have picked a more useless thing to do with your life?

Even if you were a construction worker you'd be contributing more to society.

>> No.1701412

That land is not british land you know.
Its like me telling a homeless person that he has the right to take over my nieghbours house.

>> No.1701417

So Millions of Jews immigrated to Palestine in the late 1800s and early 1900s because what, they liked the view?

No, it was because the Bible said that was their land, so they chopped out a chunk of Arab territory and said "This is ours now", and act all surprised when the Arabs get pissed.

Oh sorry, the British are the ones that said they could have the Arab land. Yeah that's a lot better.

>> No.1701422

Palestinian here, fucking sucks living in a place so damn religious. Thankfully i do not live there anymore. Muslims make everything worse.

>> No.1701428

I spent 6 1/2 years operating a nuclear reactor on the USS Pennsylvania, SSBN 735, Gold Crew.

I had a degree in nuclear engineering before I was 21.

I ENJOY history. Unlike children, like you, I have spent enough time in the real world to be fully aware that doing something for money or because it's "prestigious" is the surest way to suicidal depression.

If you want to be happy, study what you love, not what's "useful".

>> No.1701435

So you "love" not contributing anything useful to society. You feel proud of that?

>> No.1701439


I'm gonna have to disagree with that. I'm an artist going back to school for Computer Science. I have holes in my teeth that I can't afford to fix, I drive a '93 Cutlass Ciera, I live in a crappy apartment. There's a lot to be said for having a job that makes money and buys you better health and a decent roof over your head.

>> No.1701443

Wow you worked on a Navy ship! Protecting those poor little Israelis from the big bad Arabs were you? Yeah real useful contribution that was.

>> No.1701448

Oh please. Your disgusting lack of hygiene is hardly the fault of what random degree you had. A degree is one of the most meaningless little pieces of paper you could ever waste money on if your sole goal is to be "well off".

Teach yourself finances and you could be rich within a year.

If happiness means nothing to you, and only money, then by all means go to law school.

You, like very other little boy who has yet to experience the real world, thinks this magical piece of paper will magically make you more money. It won't. It won't make you happy, it won't make you wealthy, it won't make you anything except in debt.

If you are in college for any reason other than you enjoy what you are learning, you are wasting your time, you are wasting your money, and you are setting yourself up for middle-management hell.

>> No.1701450

I couldn't care less about society or what my contribution to it is. The evil and depravity that humanity commits on a daily basis is so vast it's staggering. I'll enjoy my short stint on this planet, and I really don't give a rat's ass what the rest of you do to one another in the interim.

>> No.1701456


First off, you're a small person.

Secondly, my internship starts Wednesday, it pays better than my current job, and it's in CS. An internship.. that pays better than my current JOB as an artist. I couldn't believe it. Starting pay for grads in CS is $60 grand, 3 times what I earn now. As a self-employed artist, I also lose 28% of my income to Uncle Sam... can you imagine, as a college art grad, I NET $15,000 a year? Half of that goes to rent! Trust me buddy, I know how to do math and finance, I don't drive a '93 Ciera because it looks fly.

I can't WAIT to go blow my first real paycheck on a root canal. This m'fucking molar is killing me.

>> No.1701459

Israeli's are hypocrites

Seriously, I've got nothing against Jewish people, but every Israeli I've ever talked to has been an exceptionally bigoted and self-righteous person, advocating for outright genocide against arabs, particularly Palestinians, but more than a few admitted that Iran should be pre-emptively nuked.

>> No.1701467

>I can't WAIT to go blow my first real paycheck on a root canal. This m'fucking molar is killing me.

HAHAHAH! You're so full of shit. You could afford dental insurance, or just pay out of your pocket, EASILY, at $15,000 a year.

You have rotting teeth...yet you can afford a computer and internet? You realize you could buy dental insurance four times over for the price of a broadband connection?

Your life is fucking pathetic, pal. Whatever you've been wasting your life doing, it's all on you. Anyone with a modicum of self respect, or intellect, wouldn't have a rotting mouth when they made enough money to afford to fix it.

>> No.1701470

Says the douche whose mommy pays for everything.

>> No.1701471

>I NET $15,000 a year?
So what? If you want to make more, make more, what the shit does that have to do with me or my degree?

I don't give a fuck what you want to study, brosef, and I don't really give a fuck what you do "for society". But you should probably buy a toothbrush.

>> No.1701475

>mommy pays for everything.
Maybe you missed the part where
>Nuclear reactor operator
>nuclear engineering degree by 21

I work full time, go to school full time, and all my college is paid for by the grants I earn through my GPA.

I haven't worked less than a 75 hour week since I was 18.

But sure, pal, you're right, I'm soooooooooo lazy.

>> No.1701479
File: 7 KB, 125x125, box of butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be frustrated because you work at Denny's. Seriously, where do you work that you make less than minimum wage?

>> No.1701480

>75 hour week
yeah, not that I'm really taking you seriously, but I'd rather be middle class with plenty of free time, than waste my life at work for money i won't have time to splurge with anyway.

>> No.1701483

>not that I'm really taking you seriousl
I could break it down for you, if you like, or do you think the work hours on a submarine, operating a nuclear reactor, are light and easy? Keep in mind, we do this job for less than minimum wage. By a lot.

I didn't do it for money. I'm the one railing AGAINST doing a job for money, you dumbass. That's why I'm in school for history right now, because it's what I enjoy, not what little turds like you think its "prestigious".

>> No.1701511


You there, lowlife! Yes you, shine my shoes! Turds, all of you.

>> No.1701516
File: 46 KB, 580x341, yeahrightkidy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I haven't worked less than a 75 hour week since I was 18.

>> No.1701536

I hate jews 2 op.

>> No.1701678

I lol'd

>> No.1701749


Jews everywhere.

>> No.1701765
File: 37 KB, 636x422, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do hmden hbriti bars huking fsr the mysteries of creation? Book new "hsukhnis big, do hfisiki hnude that Gd not created the world, and not caused lmfts great. School, said to light soon, written bshisuf with mden amriki name lord mludinu, ukteim him fursmu b"t Ice "hlunduni.
Funny how google translate manages to capture the very essence of how religious people sound like.
"hsukhnis big, do hfisiki hnude" indeed

>> No.1701783

Gurgle durble Bible God herp durp ma flurp light hurr create durr the world.


Sounds like /sci/ to me.

>> No.1701831

Israeli physicist here.
My country is a shithole.
Which of your fine countries'll welcome me?