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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1694858 No.1694858 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, so there's lots of commotion over Stephen Hawking's proclamation that God did not create the universe. As a former mathematical engineering major, I have a deep appreciation for logic and science. I still tutor other Pi Phi girls in mathematics.

Nevertheless, I feel sorry for Hawking. It just breaks my heart. He is a well meaning person who has done much for science. There isn't much of a chance he will be saved, but I have faith that if I and other members of my church could speak with him, we could help him feel the presence of God. Hawking is a genius, but he is so stubborn in his beliefs that he does not see the beauty of the Lord.

My job is helping people like him, and people like you. I got into a car accident two years ago after a party and realized that had I died, I'd have gone to hell. I surrendered my soul to Christ, and in his grace, I was given a second chance. Though I wanted to pursue my degree, I was no longer in control of my life. I am a vehicle through which Jesus spreads his word, and every day I give a two question survey to people on campus (U of AZ). The two questions on it: Do you believe you will go to heaven when you die? If so, how come?

Many deluded fools fail to notice God reaching out to them and reject him because his existence is not supported by science. Little do they know all epistemological systems are axiomatic, and there can never be definitive proof for all the scientific "truths" they hold so dear.

Please my friends, think about what I said.

>> No.1694870

Good to see I'm not the only christian here lol.

>> No.1694869

>babbys first troll

>> No.1694877

Pi Phi rules. Agree with you by the way.

>> No.1694878
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>> No.1694881

>deluded fools fail

>> No.1694882
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>> No.1694897

Did you not notice the several /sci/ demographic threads with relative arsetons of religious folk?

>> No.1694905


>> No.1694908


they are trolls trolling trolls. No religious people are on 4chan obviously.

>> No.1694918

speaking of Arizona, there is this hot 23 year old blond that just got hired at my workplace.

She just graduated from Arizona State. Has the most amazing body I have ever seen.

If she told me to eat her shit I would do it.

>> No.1694926

go to U of A and there are some of the most insanely attractive girls there for some reason, and at ASU. Dunno why but I can't complain, and due to the hot weather some of them practically wear nothing. Got any pics of the girl?

>> No.1694927
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>> No.1694944

Let's just go with the fact that no matter how many times Christians try, now matter how many times they fail, they'll keep on trying to find when the Rapture comes.

>> No.1694949
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No, but she looks exactly like Scarlett Johansson.

But hotter, and younger.

>> No.1695029

In your analysis you're no different than Hawking. You think you're right, he's wrong and he feels the same for you. Why can't you respect his intelligence and accept that he's come to a conclusion that he feels best suits his understanding of the world? It's very arrogant and improper to imply your view of the world is right and that he needs 'help'. Furthermore, you really damage your credibility and moral standing when you spew insults like "Many deluded fools". Perhaps you should refrain from judgement and leave the chastising up to God. In other words, step down a peg or two, realize you don't know everyone and everything; why they think the things they think; and that a lesson in humility might serve you well.

>> No.1695087

i take it you're the one in the middle

>> No.1695102


not that hard to pull off

>> No.1695106



>> No.1695151

Well said. I had a near death experience a few years ago and I'm very thankful that I met someone who showed me the light.

>> No.1695197

Has the book been released?If not,why do you people criticize it BEFORE ACTUALLY READING it?
No seriously.I'm not telling you to not believe:that's up to you.But what you are doing is not very smart either.

>> No.1695230
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I had a near death experience recently. Do you know what it made me realize? If I had died then, I would have experienced almost nothing at all. I would have never known what it's like to kill a man, what all the different drugs do to the body & mind, what it's like to live your life without the scrutiny of arbitrary law holding me back. So I decided that I had to soak up every experience possible in life before I lost my chance. So short is our existence that we must make ever second of it count. There was nothing before this life, and there will be nothing after, so by god it's about time to subscribe to hedonism.