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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1694528 No.1694528 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that computer nerds and scientists are comically misogynist
>Success in Silicon Valley, most would agree, is more merit driven than almost any other place in the world.
>The problem isn't that Silicon Valley is keeping women down, or not doing enough to encourage female entrepreneurs. The opposite is true. No, the problem is that not enough women want to become entrepreneurs.
>The next time you women want to start pointing the finger at me when discussing the problem of too few women in tech, just stop. Look in the mirror.

fuck the entire tech industry

>> No.1694531

reminder that engineers and programmers should not have the right to vote

>> No.1694540
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>> No.1694543

and here i was thinking computer geeks were thoughtful and progressive

>> No.1694550
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>> No.1694560

Well, I don't want bitches and whores changing my field. Every time women get involved in something that they weren't initially allowed to do, it goes down hill. Now women in politics? It was gentlemanly and civil. Add women? It's a mudslinging clusterfuck.
*too lazy to search for image so use your imaginiation

>> No.1694563

consequently i notice that a lot of girls at mit seem to have internalised misogyny and look down on other girl's abilities. i guess they think mit beat the girl out of them

>> No.1694566


All girls hate other girls. Haven't you seen high school students?

>> No.1694568

... How is this a reminder that computer people are misogynist?

>> No.1694570

sucks that there are so many mysogynist aspie faggots in tech. they are what drive women away.

there are some normal people in tech, OP. don't let the dipshits turn you away.

>> No.1694572

women everywhere internalise misogyny, buddy

>> No.1694580

can this thread be about how disgusting nerd culture is and not about misogyny? thanks in advance

>> No.1694585

i'm a computer science majro and yeah most of us are fucking terrible

i once got called a fag for writing about how to get women interested in computer science and programming (one of the things i mentioned was for the people in computer science to stop leering at them which they don't do because they're NICE GUYS)

and suggestions i've made about computer science specific feminism classes have been met with science

we're all filthy degenerates, just hook our linux boxes up to bombs

>> No.1694586

>how disgusting nerd culture is

You're on 4chan. We're constantly portraying nerd culture.

>> No.1694587

the fact that men fill the roll of entrepreneurs/CEOs (it's not just a tech thing) is both evidence and cause of patriarchy but hte solution isn't "more women programmers and ceos" its "kill all ceos especially the male ones"

>> No.1694591

I highly doubt that it's misogynist aspie fags that are driving girls away, just aspie fags.

The only thing keeping girls away from silicon valley is a lack of interest in the field from women. Girls that want to get in are just as able to as boys.

>> No.1694595

here in america you can be whatever you want to be and if you fail obviously because you are incompetent, lazy, or too busy whining about being "oppressed"

>> No.1694597

even though i consider myself a huge nerd (science major, have nerdy hobbies,etc), i can't fucking stand hanging out with other nerds.

>> No.1694599

if teh wimmenz don't want to go into science and math majors, then fine, who cares? As long as the option is open to them I don't see why it's a big deal.

>> No.1694600

Before someone mentions innate talents or anything, let me remind everyone that the world's first programmer and the author of the world's first compiler were both women: Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper respectively.

There might well be a gender-based genetic predisposition for or away from technical fields, but there's definitely not a similar predisposition to technical talent.

>> No.1694602

true story: the first class all engineers have to take after all the weed-out classes is misogyny 101, you have to break up with any girlfriend you have before you can pass.

>> No.1694609

>Notice there aren't a lot of women in science and technology fields
>Hypothesize that maybe women aren't interested in science or technology
>Get called a misogynist

>> No.1694606

do they still make engineering/cs majors take communication 101: how to convince others you aren't autistic?

>> No.1694608

i wouldn't say it is the only thing. i've known a number of females that were interested in a tech career but left because the culture and attitude that is prevalent.

>> No.1694610

Actually yes. Its one of the easiest and funniest classes because all the smart, funny and socially connected people have a good time making tongue-in-cheek comments during their speeches. Whereas the other ~50% of the class gets up there and fidgets and stutters and basically fulfills the engineer stereotype.

>> No.1694617

Exactly what I said. It's because aspie fags are in the field. I doubt seriously that these aspies were really sexist, but just their regular socially-retarded selves that drive away non-aspies, including women.

>> No.1694619

Limiting the potential pool of scientific and mathematical talent is a Bad Thing. Come on, this is /sci/, this should be instantly recognizable. If there's a social bias against women in tech, it should be overcome.

>> No.1694622

As a dude, I don't blame her at all.

>> No.1694623

If you have culture, you're not a nerd, you're a Liberal Arts student.
>computer science specific feminism classes
Hey man, I love Grace Hopper and Ada Byron as much as the next CS student, but I don't know that you could build an entire course around them.

>> No.1694626

Why should they "encourage" female entrepeneurs? What a crock.. If you want to do the job, then do the bloody work.

If your born into a certain group, it doesn't change the fact you have to do your own fucking work in life.. People in power being unfair?
They don't have to change to accomodate anyone who does not match them on their own terms.

GTFO if you think being female means you are entitled to reverse discrimination due to that 2nd X chromosome and its social implications.. Work in spite of the implications and make something of yourself.

Same goes for all groups with their identity issues.. Normality is just a statistical range.

>> No.1694627

computer nerds are computer nerds are a consequence of rejection and the lonely.

did you expect them to welcome their oppressor coopting their culture?

>> No.1694628

Who cares, he's right. Women are instinctively passive. The psychological structure of the two genders in humanity and most mammals are not synonymous. I don't see why you fucking think they are. He's not being a misogynist, he's just being open about his own observation. Quit inflating his desired message. Also, women have much gifted level and retarded among them. This is due to their resilience to genetic abnormalities.

Quit pretending that every single fucking person is born equal. This is a science board, not /r9k/. Know what the hell you're talking about, please. Women are given ample opportunities in male dominated fields due to the shortage of them. Employers always love to pretend everyone is equal. it makes them seem "unbiased" when they already aren't.

>> No.1694631
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>> No.1694632

>much gifted and retarded

I meant to say "much less".

They have many more at the median.

>> No.1694630

Socialization that exists on what women "can do" and "should do" goes much deeper than "america" or "computer nerds."

All I'm saying is that its like there are an equal number of women applying to college as Engineering Majors and then the scary misogynistic "IT Guy" comes out of the mist and scares them off.

It could be a hundred small somethings like not letting/wanting little girls to play in the mud with the boys because "its dirty." Or giving them Dolls instead of legos growing up, or something more insidious, but no matter what it is, it is not that "the tech industry" is caring off delicare flower female engineers right as the graduate college. As the reality is women don't go to college for engineering to begin with

>> No.1694629

im not seeing it either.
unless it's taking some retarded subtlety like "girls may or may not play with dolls when they're little, making them not want to grow up and be engineers" and acting like it's a completely obvious attack straight from the scientific community.

>implying women made politics about mudslinging

you are very very wrong

>> No.1694636

isn't there an inherent intimidation factor built in for women in any field that's heavily male-saturated and hwere the professional and cultural materials are by and large designed and created by men? it's sometimes called a "boys' club".

>> No.1694641

im a programmer and im socialist, as are all my coworkers

but yea most cs/engineering people are horrible, especially if they're from north america

>> No.1694647

Fuck you, that's not what this thread is about. If you're going to be spiteful, at least keep it within the bounds of "why women don't become nerds."

>> No.1694667

Medics - the many I have come accross are nerdy as hell.. P.S. I am a medical student

>> No.1694675

Blaming the target for one's own shortcomings does not address whether a woman could do it or not.. And generalising doesn't mean squat.

>> No.1694679

Short summary: Women have a smaller standard deviation than men. This means that the extremes of the field will dominated by men. Shock.

I think you mean "many fewer", actually, unless we're counting fractional people now. I know, grammar nazi on /sci/, but still.

>> No.1694776


man, if I were her husband I'd just go an hero just to fuck her shit even more.

fuck this shit, women in court get shit very easy. Come on bitch already made that guys life miserable and then she gets the news he is getting happy without her and then she wants fuck his life and then the other one decides to fuck things even further.

But damn I hope me and my GF never reach something like this.

>> No.1694822

has anyone ever considered that maybe women are just worse at everything? that appears to be what the evidence suggests

>> No.1694839

why would a woman want to enter into the programming field anyway considering that it is an ill-paying field full of gross nerds

>> No.1694874

lol butthurt women are butthurt