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1687703 No.1687703 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, how come that the average human penis size doesn't equal the average size for optimal pleasure for women?

It doesn't make sense evolutionary.

>> No.1687722

A female's pleasure isn't evolutionarily relevant to anything. Were as a more reasonable penis size makes it easier for men to run, and climb and shit without getting their junk crushed.

>> No.1687731

We didn't acknowledge female orgasms until quite recently. I'm astounded we even managed to evolve a pleasure system in women.

>> No.1687738

There is no optimal pleasure size for women. It depends completely on the woman's body type. A big girl most likely needs a bigger penis than a petite girl.

>> No.1687736

Apparently premature ejaculation was useful in prehistory :D Grab, cum shot, run. Offspring guaranteed.

>> No.1687742

Hey, just be glad we don't have a Gorilla's 2-inch-average penis.

>> No.1687748

whole pleasure for women a conspiracy

overload of nekkid bois on interwebz fale

>> No.1687757
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> The role of man is to please woman

>> No.1687760

>I'm astounded we even managed to evolve a pleasure system in women.
Pleasure for a women = more sex for the man = more babies

>> No.1687766

You've got to be a chick. Cave man club woman, free sex. Woman and young can't survive without protection from male, more sex for male.

>> No.1687774

No women on the internet and males that don't have to rape their woman every time they want to have sex will probably have sex more often. Learn2evolution.

>> No.1687810
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Bullshit. Do you think a squirrel performs an elaborate ritual to convince his potential mate that it's okay for him to stick his dick in her? No, he just runs up to her from behind and fucks her. For prehistoric man, as with the vast majority of the animal kingdom, all sex is "rape". This is one of several reasons women are physically weaker than men, they had to be, evolutionarily, for men to be able to consistently overpower women to fuck them.

Like >>1687722, I find it almost mystifying that women receive any pleasure at all from sex. The female orgasm is an evolutionary accident; remnants of what could have been a penis and testes if a fetus became male instead of female, retain their sensitivity in adulthood. Female sexual pleasure isn't even an evolutionary afterthought, it's complete happenstance.

There are alternative hypotheses, for example the idea that female orgasm "sucks up" deposited semen, increasing the odds of conception, but this seems to me to be extremely far-fetched, for multiple reasons but perhaps first and foremost, why would female orgasm be so extraordinarily difficult to achieve. The clitoris is nigh stimulated at all in normal intercourse, and compared with it, the inside of the vagina is practically void of sensation. If orgasm in females evolved to improve the odds of conception, then males also WOULD have evolved larger, thicker penises, as the OP mentions. The clitoris, especially its vestibular bulbs, can be stimulated by stretching open the vagina and pushing with some force against the interior walls on either side, but it, in honesty, takes a larger-than-average penis for this stretching and pressure to be enough to lead to orgasm in a typical mature female.

>> No.1687817

doesn't bigger penis also mean increased chance for fertilization?

>> No.1687821

here are some ideas:

clothing - women can't see a man's penis before they fuck

love - rarely occurs naturally but when it does size doesn't matter

vanity - women are vain which means they are most often attracted to themselves, men with estrogen look feminine and in turn have small penises

>> No.1687826
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Well since a woman can only conceive once every 9 or 10 months, having sex "more often" seems not all that important evolutionarily.

On the contrary, rather than earning the trust of a single woman and "settling down" with her and earning the right to fuck her whenever, it makes much more evolutionary sense for males to go from woman to woman, fucking and impregnating them. In 9 months time you could produce 100 children, versus one or two.

>> No.1687822

Buckets of wrong. "Rape" in the sense of "forced sex" is rare in the animal kingdom, most sex is done through mating ritual that either party can stop at any time.

>> No.1687827

Women can achieve orgasm without penetration (clitoral). Besides, if women enjoy it they are more likely to want it. Back in the day when contraception didn't exist this increased the population.

>> No.1687829

tl;dr: chauvinistic bullshit by some insecure misogynous white guy

btw I'm white and "pro"-rape
but the mentioned anon is just sad

>> No.1687831

and have none of them survive to adulthood? Makes no sense at all.

>> No.1687832

>This is one of several reasons women are physically weaker than men, they had to be, evolutionarily, for men to be able to consistently overpower women to fuck them.
well, that's bullshit
it's evolutionary favorable for a women to be able to pick her mate
therefore women, in no way, have evolutionary pressure to be "weaker" than men
man may have pressure to be stronger, but so have women

>> No.1687838


>Do you think a squirrel performs an elaborate ritual to convince his potential mate that it's okay for him to stick his dick in her? No, he just runs up to her from behind and fucks her.
Squires have a courting ritual as do virtually all animals. The womans consent is needed because she needs to posture in order for the male to be able to fuck her.

Women don't always get pregnant instantly you know.

>> No.1687840

>man may have pressure to be stronger

to rape stronger women

>> No.1687841
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That depends. If males beating the shit out of each other or otherwise competing for the right between them to fuck the completely passive female counts as a "mating ritual", then yes. If a male convincing a female it's "okay" to stick his dick in her is what you mean, then this is comparatively uncommon, but for what it's worth, does occur in more birds and mammals than other animal groups.

>> No.1687844

>The womans consent is needed because she needs to posture in order for the male to be able to fuck her.

so after dancing with you they are obligated to let you fuck them, right?

>> No.1687847

>it's evolutionary favorable for a women to be able to pick her mate

ahahahaha, WOW. What species are YOU descended from?

>> No.1687856
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mfw you know absolutely nothing about evolution

>> No.1687864
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>mfw you have no argument

>> No.1687862

No, actually, the female orgasm serves several purposes.

One is to stengthen the pair-bond between the male and female.
Another is to keep her horizontal after being inseminated (hence why humans usually copulate horizontally). The human vaginal tract is almost vertical; if she stands up alot of the semen will be lost. [Morris, 1968]

>> No.1687870
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>mfw when you think women haven't been raped for all of humanity's existence

>> No.1687879

>>1687862 here
Wrong. Human children take ages to grow, so it is important for human parents to form a pair bond so that the child actually survives to adulthood. It's not so important now due to welfare and things, but it used to be.

>> No.1687890


>> No.1687891

that doesn't change the fact that there's a evolutionary pressure on women to not be raped. when a women can choose her mate, she can choose the one with the best gene, so her offspring, who will carry her genes also, will have better change of survival

it's evolutionary favorable for people to not die
they do anyway

>> No.1687894


>> No.1687896


>Be alpha or top-tier man of tribe.
>Your pick of women
>Rape them
>Make them take care of children
>Kill anyone that tries to rape your property
>Repeat for millenia

>> No.1687899

female conspiracy -women pretend sex is pleasurable to control men through their egos

it's the best way to attack male dominated society.

think about it - it's only since they invented female orgasm that anyone gave a shit about treating them better than slaves..

>> No.1687902

refer to the following posts:

>> No.1687906

expect that your tribe will fall apart, because you are a dick.

>> No.1687910

I'll wager my life on the fact that you're a virgin.

>> No.1687911
File: 41 KB, 670x869, 1ber[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, worked for my tribe all this time.

>> No.1687912

>Implying humans are lions

>> No.1687914

>implying lions rape each other

>> No.1687916

>Impying that's what I meant

>> No.1687917

what sense does it make for other men to stay in your tribe, if they can't reproduce?
either their "being a pussy"-genes will die out, or they will leave the tribe.
so either you have a harem with a single male (have fun being killed by the tribe the next hill over), or all the offspring of the alpha male will kill each other.

that's not a stable society

>> No.1687919

Because, OP, men will never 100% effectively pleasure women.

>> No.1687922

protip: natural selection doesn't favour solely one sex

>> No.1687924

Any possible feature -- or lack of feature -- can be force-fit into the natural selection hypothesis for why features evolve. That's what makes it unfalsifiable, and pointless.

>> No.1687927

>what sense does it make for other men to stay in your tribe, if they can't reproduce?
see wolves

>> No.1687933

>That's what makes it unfalsifiable, and pointless.
troll harder

>> No.1687932

>"Rape" in the sense of "forced sex" is rare in the animal kingdom, most sex is done through mating ritual that either party can stop at any time.
The majority of animal kingdom is insects.

>> No.1687942

>implying it's the majority of species that count as a comperable model and not the majority of our closest species

>> No.1687944

Rape requires no female pleasure.
Rape makes sense from an evolutionary point of view.
i.e. there are other factors than female pleasure contributing to male penis size selection.
Also mutations.
That's my hypothesis

>> No.1687938

>Any possible feature -- or lack of feature -- can be force-fit into the natural selection hypothesis for why features evolve.
That's because any possible feature that exists today is a result of natural selection, therefore any feature that exists is necessarily explainable by natural selection.
We don't ask "why do humans always die before being able to reproduce?", because if they would, they wouldn't exits, and then the feature wouldn't exist.

>> No.1687947

1. That wasn't the argument I replied to.
2. Quit typing like a retard.

>> No.1687955
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 1282427563707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OH THAT'S RIGHT, BECAUSE OF SEXUAL SELECTION (which is also why you are stiil a virgin)

>> No.1687959

discussing this mythological 'female pleasure' simply falls into their trap.

>> No.1687968

Also an evolutionary advantage to kill children of partners if they're not your children.
Oh wait, you're trolling

>> No.1687976

>Also an evolutionary advantage to kill children of partners if they're not your children.
Which is why step children die more often.

>> No.1687979

Rape makes no sense, evolutionarily. Just because you inseminate a female doesn't mean she'll have the child. Remember, females are basically helpless for the last few months of their pregnancy, and children with two parents have a much greater rate of survival than those with one. The most sense for males is to mate for life, ensuring that 100% of your offspring survive to reproductive age.

whoops, did I debunk an entire thread?

>> No.1687987

>Oh wait, you're trolling
I'm dead serious. Answer the question.

>> No.1687993
File: 31 KB, 433x360, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 14 rapes in this thread, needs moar rape

>I'm white and "pro"-rape

>> No.1688002

1. Man and woman into sex
2. Pleasure for woman
3. Lubrication of her vagina
4. Easier for man to penetrate
5. ????

>> No.1688004

God, I feel like I'm reading 4chan's /sci/ page with all the ignorant half truths being thrown around in here.

>> No.1688012
File: 28 KB, 360x360, Car_Battery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that anything like pro rate, where you can return it if it sucks for part of your money back?

>> No.1688032

you are, bro, this isn't /v/, but I don't blame you, I get confused sometimes, as well.

>> No.1688036

I wasn't aware human evolution could be discussed as a lump argument spanning millenia, without any reference to chronology.

-Did the most prehistoric tribes of men (talking fucking cavemen) rape their partners? Probably, they didn't know better.
-Did other males (perhaps less physically strong, yet more mentally capable) still have sex and produce offspring? Yes
-Is it possible that those males (who were less likely to be able to establish a "harem" situation) have a tendency to stay with that same, mated female? Yes
-Is it more likely that this mated pair's offspring would survive than the male who left his defenseless partner burdened with child without protection? Yes
-Is it possible that, over time, the development of consenting, long-term relationships would become the norm? Yes
-Has society continued to evolve along these same principles ever since? Yes
-Do we see evidence of the same process occurring in the animal kingdom today? Yes

Is it really that hard? No

>> No.1688061


Is it possible that the "homely male" strategy of survival developed prior to the appeance of Homo sapiens sapiens? Definitely.

Mammal babies are not insect or fish babies. They cannot survive on their own or under the care of a single parent.

An insect can lay millions of eggs in 1 go, so a "fuck and forget" strategy works best for them. An ape can give birth to 1 or 2 babies at a time, so having both parents staying together and caring for their child works best for apes.

Considering we evolved from apes, I would say that the "homely male" strategy was developed long before the first "cave man" came to be.

>> No.1688067

I disagree with you. Therefore, your mom is a whore.

>> No.1688076

>>I'm white and "pro"-rape
never heard of bitting beaver have you?

>> No.1688087

It actually is about right for optimal pleasure. A little too small is better than a little too big, as well.

If you can just tap the cervix while you're ramming me, that's just right.

>> No.1688093

>implying cave-women had biting beavers

>> No.1688094

Makes no difference if the women has 'optimal pleasure' or not. In fact if it was too pleasurable for early human women they would be after sex all the time which would have directed there energies away from survival activities. As long as women have a sex drive OR are raped it works out evolutionarily

>> No.1688099


>> No.1688101

Consider alternative evolutionary pressures on penis length.

E.g. increased distance from the anus = less urinary infections. Less UI = increased survival.

>> No.1688102

women want sex - desire to reproduce

they only get to reproduce max 1 time every 9 months (if they not slacker) so no time for fuckups.

men can get with a different gal every day, 365 days a year if he horny and got the gals, so it don't matter about genes he always got another chance

so bitch wants to reproduce, but only wants to do it with a genebro.

so genebro don't need no rape, only genefags

>> No.1688107

The point at which 'homo sapiens' first appeared, and how far along the evolutionary ladder they were is outside my area of expertise, but I think you are agreeing with the general context of what I'm trying to say?

>> No.1688117
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>> No.1688118
File: 8 KB, 304x63, Apparently Science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting fact: At some point we evolved in such a way that our heads grew massive. This meant women had to give birth to us prematurely so they could fit our huge heads out of their vaginas, and hence we were defenceless as babies. This marked the point in time where males switched from having a huge harem of women, to having maybe 2 or 3 mates- presumably as it made more evolutionary sense to help look after the defenceless young.

Also, human females are the only animal that are NOT fertile while on their period. This is so that males had no way of telling when the women were fertile, so had to stay with them constantly to ensure fertilisation. This could also explain why womens periods sync up when they live together.

>>check the captcha

>> No.1688270


you are wrong

>> No.1689388


>> No.1689398

How is a woman's pleasure evolutionary beneficial?

>> No.1689411


Orgasm makes woman more capable of conceiving a child.

>> No.1689419

It isn't, it's just a direct result of women being dirty whores and sinners.

>> No.1689425

Lots of fail in this thread. No wonder you people always put biology in mid tier, you guys don't understand it at all.

>> No.1689439

>For prehistoric man, as with the vast majority of the animal kingdom, all sex is "rape".

God you are so retired. Other apes don't (normally) rape each other and we know modern hunter-gatherers don't (normally) rape each other. God you are so lack of oxygen.

>> No.1689472

Societies where men are submissive to women tend to have bigger penis, while in societies that women is submissive to men, men tend to have smaller penis.

>> No.1689474



Niggers have huge dicks and they are fucking domination machines.

>> No.1689481

Is it opposite day?

>> No.1689506

Modern times are unique compared to the rest of human history, as men tend to want to have larger penises. In most of human history, such is the ancient Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians, depicting someone with a large penis was a way of mocking them or making them look ridiculous.

If we were to extrapolate to prehistoric societies, we should take the attitudes of these earlier historical societies, rather than our own, as the pattern. If applied to earlier cultures where clothing was less likely to conceal the penis, men with smaller penises would be more likely to gain higher respect and social standing, and so would be more likely to become leaders of clans or tribes.

We can also extrapolate both from human history and from other primates that the leaders of clans and tribes will tend to by far have the most offspring, and leader-selection in humans will as a result tend to be the most driving force in human evolution.

>> No.1689514

I blame the big penis of niggers due to laziness or stupidity I mean they didn't had any need to have smaller one and some how it evolves into a way of status.

>> No.1689515

First time on /sci/. It's clear that only a few people in here have graduated from highschool. I am dissapoint.

>> No.1689543
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Average penis girth: c.4 inches
Average vaginal width when aroused - ~4 inches

Seems like evolutionarily the penis is suitable for pleasuring a woman.